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  • Who's more authoritarian, liberals, or conservatives?


    Your going to use an example of 1 person on 1 issue to make that conclusion?

    Also little ironic when the left stance on this issue was essentially to authoritatively force people to take the vaccine.
  • Does lenient law enforcement foment crime? Does harsh enforcement reduce crime?

    @jack ; No, the Bill of Rights grants your the rights granted you by our Creator....if you were not lawless and narcissistic, you would not have to worry about me or other officers.
    Unless a bad cop like you comes along who violates their rights and railroaded lots of people just because they didn't believe in your dumb childish fairytales or evil god whore.
  • Is Religion a Mental Illness?


    Spoken like a true ignorant christian.

    Catherine Nixey Quote It wasnt just the fact that Christians were  ignorant about philosophical theories that annoyed Celsus it was that  Chri
  • Is Religion a Mental Illness?


    You said once before that there are people you care about and value right? Does that rest only on the predication of their being a deity? 
  • Is Religion a Mental Illness?


    Well, atheism is not a formally recognized religion, though SCOTUS did claim humanism can be considered one 

    Just saying demonstrates how ignorant most Christians are ......


    the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or go

    .  The Church of Satan has atheism as a principal belief, so it is indeed an atheistic religion - with a 503C classification.

    " Atheistic religion"  , its hilarious the way you know how negatively the term religion is seen that you're determined to call atheists such.

    While atheism is not a religion unto itself, it does require a lot of extraordinary beliefs. 

    It only requires obvious one regards  belief in a god.

     You have to believe that everything can from nothing. 

    You don't.

    PThat order came from chaos.

    You don't.

      That life came from non-life. 

    You don't. 

     That consciousness came from non-consciousness,

    You don't. 

    and that morals came from matter. 

    You don't. 

    At least when a magician pulls a rabbit out of his hat, he has a hat

    Jesus turned water into wine hats involved .......wait you believe that one......seriously?

    .  Many atheists assert that the universe came from zero space. 

    Go argue with them.

     How much stuff can you fit in zero space.

    Do tell, does a god fit?

      If you have the faith of an atheist, you can fit a whole universe.

    You have no problem fitting a god

      I just don't have enough faith to be an atheist.

    But you do to believe in an entity you cannot see , hear or touch ......yout're suffering from a delusion which is defined as a mental illness.

  • Is Religion a Mental Illness?


    Christians are spiritual thugs...they're li-ars, deceivers, the lower rung of any society, no respect.

    Adolf Hitler  Biography Rise to Power
  • Does Morality Mean "Obeying Gods"?


    Neither of you like to admit it, but you both know I'm right
    The day you're right about anything your whole village will celebrate.

      Atheism does not offer an objective source of what is good and evil. 

    Atheism is a postion on one question alone , you didn't know this seriously?

     Good and evil is just your personal opinion, or the opinion of a group. 

    I asked you to list of a number of these objective facts you keep talking about , you fled.

    Either of which can be subjugated by a more powerful person or group.  You can't say that something is objectively good or evil, only that it is your preference

    Your god says owning people as property is fine thats his preference  , I disagree , I think that makes me morally superior.

    .  Atheism is a substandard system of morality, because it really isn't about justice or defending the weak, but defending the interests of the most POWERFUL

    You really  need to educate yourself on what the term Atheist means

    l.  And we all know I'm right - and it angers you that it is true.

    The only one displaying anger is you as you've fled the slavery debate 5 times now because  you're angry that  atheists hold themselves to a higher moral standard than your god.
  • Does Morality Mean "Obeying Gods"?


    If a god does exist I say it would be Aphrodite and I'd happily obey her every command!  B) 
  • Does Morality Mean "Obeying Gods"?

    just_sayin said:

    Neither of you like to admit it, but you both know I'm right.  Atheism does not offer an objective source of what is good and evil.  Good and evil is just your personal opinion, or the opinion of a group.  Either of which can be subjugated by a more powerful person or group.  You can't say that something is objectively good or evil, only that it is your preference.  Atheism is a substandard system of morality, because it really isn't about justice or defending the weak, but defending the interests of the most powerful.  And we all know I'm right - and it angers you that it is true.
    It is a pretty funny idea that making up a fantasy creature and deriving morality from it leads to objective morality. :D I will from now on derive my morality from Orcs. Specifically from the Blackrock clan. Lok'tar Ogar!
  • Does Morality Mean "Obeying Gods"?


    Its not that atheists can't be moral people - its that atheism offers no basis for an objective morality

    Kudos on your preaching abilities but as you know this is a debate site of which you've lost this debate numerous times already. No matter how many times you preach fallacy, it remains false. 

    Where your illogic always fails you is claiming an imaginary god derived from 66 fictious myth books combined into one, somehow dispenses morals when the violence contained within the writings are subject to human oversight and correction through the canonization process. In other words humans condoned acts of violence on behalf of their god as it is written and that just signifies human approval based in fantasy. Subjective. Open to interpretation. Far from objective.   
    The debate isn't about your hate of God.  My point is that there can not be objective morals within an atheistic framework - either morals are what an individual says they are, or what a group says they are.  Both individuals and groups are flawed and subject to personal prejudices.  Within atheism there is no objective source of morality to appeal to.  Your morals are no better than the morals of a pedophiles - both of you do what you think is best for yourself.  You may not like how I frankly frame the discussion, but it is the truth.
    It's not about you proclaiming a strawman to knock down that's for sure. I do not hate god, I don't believe it exist so how can I? 

    This debate asked the question is obeying gods the defining principle behind morals? For that to be true we must first establish if there are gods. So far no evidence of one.

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