everything is created intelligently by a god convince me otherwise

Debate Information

why i believe in Christianity

evolution vs creationism

for many years people have wondered why animals have traits that make it easier to survive in there environment for
example the owl roams at night so to see it has night vision. jungle creatures are cameo because the live in the forest and needs to hide. carnivorous have big teeth because they hunt and need to eat flesh. herbivores have small teeth because they only eat plants. the beaver has massive teeth because it needs to chew through trees to so they can get wood for there dams. humans that live in deserts like Africa  Afghanistan and places that are hot are black so they do not get sun burn as easily meanwhile white people live in colder climates like Europe china Asia japan they are white because they do not need protection from sun because they live in colder climate.

examples of what me as a christian believes happened and what an evolutionist believes. which is more logical

owl and night vision

evolution says  the owl roams at night so over millions of years it evolved and gained night vision so that it can see better at night

christian say
is it not more likely that the owl has night vision because god created it to roam at night so he designed the owl with night vision

the owl having night vision because it lives during the night is proof of intelligent design not evolution. because the creator weather you believe that's chemicals or god would have to know that the owl lives at night in order to give it night vision. chemicals can not create something to complement another thing. you have to be intelligent to do that.
Night vision of the owl by mataleonerj on deviantart

meat eaters

evolution says
predators like t Rex saber tooth tigers bears wolfs have really big teeth evolution say that these creatures needed to to hunt and attack other animals so over millions of years they got some really big teeth by adapting to there nature and evolving.

christian says

is it not more likely that god designed these animals to hunt and kill so to do so he designed them with really big teeth

how would you chemicals that you believe created the universe know that big teeth would be better for hunting

plant eaters
evolution says

plant eaters like the zebras deer giraffe horses have really small teeth because they do not need to hunt because they eat plants herbs evolution says this is because they over millions of years adapted to there environment

christian says
is it not more likely that that these herbivores have small teeth because god designed them to eat only plants.

how would your chemicals that you believe created the universe know that small teeth would be best suited for those who eat plants.

deer teeth

evolution says

that the lizard develop a defense mechanism were if an animal like a bird grabs him by the tail and trys to eat him it can make his tail fall off so it can get away and later grows it back

christian says

is it not more likely that god designed the lizard with a tail that falls off it if it grabbed so that it can get away 

how would you chemicals that created the universe know that the lizard would be grabbed by the tail. and then create it so ts tail falls off


black skin people live easier to heat while white skin people have hard time in the heat and live in cooler places. evolution says they changed skin color by adapting to there surrounding while i as a christian say god designed them with there skin color according to were he stuck them after the tower of babble


evolution says
beavers have really big teeth beavers need to chomp on trees to build dams evolution says over millions of years the beavers grew big teeth so that they can chew down trees.

christian saysis it not more likely that god designed the beaver with large teeth so that it can chew down trees

how did your chemicals that you believe created the universe know that the beaver would need big teeth then design him with big teeth

evolution says
the clown fish lives in a anemone. its predator get stung by the anemone when they try to get the clown fish. evolutionist say that the clown fish evolved and developed a mutation that allows it to not get stung by the anemone.

is it not more likely that god created the clown fish to live in the anemone so that it can hide from its predators

evolution says that the angler fish grew a light bulb because it lived deep in the ocean were you cannot see so over millions of years it grew a light bulb. because it needed to see and needed a way to lure fish 

christian say

is it not more likely that god created it with a light bulb so that it see in the deep ocean were there is no light 

it took took Tomas Edison 1000 try to invent the light bulb he could not have done so if he did not have the ability to think and was just a bunch of chemicals floating in the air.

so why do you believe a bunch of chemicals invented the angler fish.

evolution says

evolution says

chipmunks have balloons for mouths that they use to carry nuts. evolution says that over millions of years the chipmunks mouths turned relastic because it could only carry a single nut with its paws and needed a better way to carry nuts so over millions of years it adapted to the nature and grew balloon cheeks 

christian say

is it not more realistic to say that god designed the chipmunk with elastic cheeks so it can carry more nuts

how does your chemicals know that elastic cheeks would be a good way to hold nuts and that the chipmunk eats nuts and need expendable cheeks

kangaroos have these little pouches that they keep there babies in. without these pouches the babies would probably be eaten by other animals the babies kangaroo can not hop that fast let alone walk so if it had to follow its mom. the mom would be miles ahead of the joey and would technically abandon it. this is if they did not have a pouch. but god must have known this so he gave them a little pouch to hold there babies in. this is intelligence design. if the creator was a bunch of chemicals how would you make the case that the kangaroo pouch was designed for the babies kangaroo. since chemicals can not design something to complement another thing because they can not think that like saying my stuff animal dragon did it.

what makes jeans intelligent created but not the kangaroo

the kangaroo having a belly pouch to hold a joey is intelligent created by god

my jeans having pockets to fit a pen is intelligent created by humans at jean factory

god designed the belly pouch on the kangaroo so that it can hold babies

the jeans company designed my pants with pocket so that i can put a pen in there.

again how would your chemicals be aware and know that a kangaroo would need a pouch to carry its babies. i can see a human putting pockets in pants so that you can carry thing is that not the same thing here but with god and a kangaroo.

the people who created the movie genesis is history make a good point

dna has a a repairing system that helps prevent mutations

so it would be impossible for animals or humans to change over time like Charles Darwin described

a monkey turning into a human is like saying a turtle turning into a humanoid turtle that talks and knows kungfu


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