Four States now require Schools to teach LGBT history!

Debate Information

Here is an exerpt  from this article...

"Starting next school year, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender history will be part of the curriculum in Illinois public schools.

Democratic Governor J. B. Pritzker signed House Bill 246 into law Aug. 9, making Illinois the fourth state to mandate teaching LGBT history, after California, New Jersey, and Colorado. The Illinois legislation takes effect in July 2020.

The law mandates that history classes in public schools "include a study of the roles and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the history of this country and this State." Any textbooks bought with state funding must cover "the roles and contributions" of LGBT people, and can't include content that is discriminatory to any particular gender or sexual orientation."

For any person trying to claim that parents and their children are not under a propaganda assault by this extreme LGBT political movement, then open your eyes!
Since when did our history books speak to a person's sexual preferences during a historical moment? I guess our children should be taught Paul Revere's sexual preferences during his famous ride. I wonder if General Robert E. Lee had feelings of being a woman?

Has the Left gone completely insane? 

Can you imagine this Big Brother take over of our public schools and our children's minds? These activists have the backing of the Democrat Party and using that power to change our history books in public schools!
They keep pushing this political correct hysteria under the guise of tolerance and anti discrimination, and will now use our tax payer funded public schools to indoctrinate our children to believe that these unnatrual sexual orientations are perfectly natural and something to be embraced as normal.

There are Transgenders talking to our impressionable kindergartners about issues of sexuality!!!!!!! If this does not bother you, then I can not believe it!

Can you imagine a 5 year old having any clue to what these people are talking about? A safe place is a great idea if it does not condition our impressionable children to embrace these unnatural sexual orientations. A safe place should include ALL CHILDREN who are bullied and made fun of for a myriad of reasons. Fat kids, skinny kids, Black kids, nerdy kids, Christian kids, Jehovah Witness kids, Special Need's kids, etc. etc. etc. should all be protected from bullies.

NO NEED TO PUT IDENTITY POLITICS INTO OUR SCHOOLS! Kids should be taught to love each other, and never bully another person for the way he looks or sounds.

This is your new Democrat Party that can't give a speech without pandering to LGBT activist groups. They are indoctrinating our children to embrace sexual disorders as being perfectly normal, all for votes, and millions of you will still vote for them! UNBELIEVABLE!

What's it say about people who would vote for Politicians who would force all public schools to allow boys who think they are girls into girl's sports? What happened to parent's rights? You would be screaming if a Big Federal Government were forcing your schools to teach your children the Christian salvation message. Schools should be teaching our children the basics and never used to push political or religious agendas. SPEAK OUT and vote these Big Brother politicians out of office. They are allowing LGBT activist groups to condition your child, all for money and votes!


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