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everything is created intelligently by a god convince me otherwise

Debate Information

why i believe in Christianity

evolution vs creationism

for many years people have wondered why animals have traits that make it easier to survive in there environment for
example the owl roams at night so to see it has night vision. jungle creatures are cameo because the live in the forest and needs to hide. carnivorous have big teeth because they hunt and need to eat flesh. herbivores have small teeth because they only eat plants. the beaver has massive teeth because it needs to chew through trees to so they can get wood for there dams. humans that live in deserts like Africa  Afghanistan and places that are hot are black so they do not get sun burn as easily meanwhile white people live in colder climates like Europe china Asia japan they are white because they do not need protection from sun because they live in colder climate.

examples of what me as a christian believes happened and what an evolutionist believes. which is more logical

owl and night vision

evolution says  the owl roams at night so over millions of years it evolved and gained night vision so that it can see better at night

christian say
is it not more likely that the owl has night vision because god created it to roam at night so he designed the owl with night vision

the owl having night vision because it lives during the night is proof of intelligent design not evolution. because the creator weather you believe that's chemicals or god would have to know that the owl lives at night in order to give it night vision. chemicals can not create something to complement another thing. you have to be intelligent to do that.
Night vision of the owl by mataleonerj on deviantart

meat eaters

evolution says
predators like t Rex saber tooth tigers bears wolfs have really big teeth evolution say that these creatures needed to to hunt and attack other animals so over millions of years they got some really big teeth by adapting to there nature and evolving.

christian says

is it not more likely that god designed these animals to hunt and kill so to do so he designed them with really big teeth

how would you chemicals that you believe created the universe know that big teeth would be better for hunting

plant eaters
evolution says

plant eaters like the zebras deer giraffe horses have really small teeth because they do not need to hunt because they eat plants herbs evolution says this is because they over millions of years adapted to there environment

christian says
is it not more likely that that these herbivores have small teeth because god designed them to eat only plants.

how would your chemicals that you believe created the universe know that small teeth would be best suited for those who eat plants.

deer teeth

evolution says

that the lizard develop a defense mechanism were if an animal like a bird grabs him by the tail and trys to eat him it can make his tail fall off so it can get away and later grows it back

christian says

is it not more likely that god designed the lizard with a tail that falls off it if it grabbed so that it can get away 

how would you chemicals that created the universe know that the lizard would be grabbed by the tail. and then create it so ts tail falls off


black skin people live easier to heat while white skin people have hard time in the heat and live in cooler places. evolution says they changed skin color by adapting to there surrounding while i as a christian say god designed them with there skin color according to were he stuck them after the tower of babble


evolution says
beavers have really big teeth beavers need to chomp on trees to build dams evolution says over millions of years the beavers grew big teeth so that they can chew down trees.

christian saysis it not more likely that god designed the beaver with large teeth so that it can chew down trees

how did your chemicals that you believe created the universe know that the beaver would need big teeth then design him with big teeth

evolution says
the clown fish lives in a anemone. its predator get stung by the anemone when they try to get the clown fish. evolutionist say that the clown fish evolved and developed a mutation that allows it to not get stung by the anemone.

is it not more likely that god created the clown fish to live in the anemone so that it can hide from its predators

evolution says that the angler fish grew a light bulb because it lived deep in the ocean were you cannot see so over millions of years it grew a light bulb. because it needed to see and needed a way to lure fish 

christian say

is it not more likely that god created it with a light bulb so that it see in the deep ocean were there is no light 

it took took Tomas Edison 1000 try to invent the light bulb he could not have done so if he did not have the ability to think and was just a bunch of chemicals floating in the air.

so why do you believe a bunch of chemicals invented the angler fish.

evolution says

evolution says

chipmunks have balloons for mouths that they use to carry nuts. evolution says that over millions of years the chipmunks mouths turned relastic because it could only carry a single nut with its paws and needed a better way to carry nuts so over millions of years it adapted to the nature and grew balloon cheeks 

christian say

is it not more realistic to say that god designed the chipmunk with elastic cheeks so it can carry more nuts

how does your chemicals know that elastic cheeks would be a good way to hold nuts and that the chipmunk eats nuts and need expendable cheeks

kangaroos have these little pouches that they keep there babies in. without these pouches the babies would probably be eaten by other animals the babies kangaroo can not hop that fast let alone walk so if it had to follow its mom. the mom would be miles ahead of the joey and would technically abandon it. this is if they did not have a pouch. but god must have known this so he gave them a little pouch to hold there babies in. this is intelligence design. if the creator was a bunch of chemicals how would you make the case that the kangaroo pouch was designed for the babies kangaroo. since chemicals can not design something to complement another thing because they can not think that like saying my stuff animal dragon did it.

what makes jeans intelligent created but not the kangaroo

the kangaroo having a belly pouch to hold a joey is intelligent created by god

my jeans having pockets to fit a pen is intelligent created by humans at jean factory

god designed the belly pouch on the kangaroo so that it can hold babies

the jeans company designed my pants with pocket so that i can put a pen in there.

again how would your chemicals be aware and know that a kangaroo would need a pouch to carry its babies. i can see a human putting pockets in pants so that you can carry thing is that not the same thing here but with god and a kangaroo.

the people who created the movie genesis is history make a good point

dna has a a repairing system that helps prevent mutations

so it would be impossible for animals or humans to change over time like Charles Darwin described

a monkey turning into a human is like saying a turtle turning into a humanoid turtle that talks and knows kungfu


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  • searsear 109 Pts   -  

    everything is created intelegently by a god

    George Burns addressed that in his title role in the movie OH GOD.
    He said the problem with avocados is he made the pits too big.

  • JoesephJoeseph 781 Pts   -  
    You say .......

    everything is created intelegently by a god convince me otherwise

    My reply .......well obviously he neglected to include you in his grand plan as you cannot even spell the word intelligently ....... 
  • crossedcrossed 58 Pts   -   edited March 2019
    thanks for letting me know of that spelling error
  • crossedcrossed 58 Pts   -   edited March 2019
    sears well i guess i would have to watch that movie
  • CYDdhartaCYDdharta 1833 Pts   -   edited March 2019
    crossed said:

    what makes jeans intelligent created but not the kangaroo

    the kangaroo having a belly pouch to hold a joey is intelligent created by god

    my jeans having pockets to fit a pen is intelligent created by humans at jean factory

    god designed the belly pouch on the kangaroo so that it can hold babies

    the jeans company designed my pants with pocket so that i can put a pen in there.

    again how would your chemicals be aware and know that a kangaroo would need a pouch to carry its babies. i can see a human putting pockets in pants so that you can carry thing is that not the same thing here but with god and a kangaroo.

    Pants weren't originally designed with pockets. 

    The word pocket is derived from the Old Northern French word “poque,” which meant bag. And up through the 19th century, if you looked up “pocket” in a dictionary, you would see it defined as “a small pouch or bag attached to or inserted in a garment.”

    This is because the original pockets weren’t like the sewn-in pockets we know today, but rather separate bags detached from clothing. From the 15th until the mid-16th century, men and women carried essential items and currency in a pouch that was typically tied around the waist or hung from a belt. As thieves and “cutpurses” became more of a problem in the 17th century, people began to cut slits in their shirts, skirts, and pants, and tuck their pouches inside their clothing for safekeeping. This practice necessitated making the bags flatter and easier to reach into, so they would be more accessible and not create a significant bulge.

    The names of the various things men carried in these tucked-away pouches were hyphenated with “pocket” to create a moniker that described their small size and portable nature. For example:

    Pocket-handkerchief, Pocket-knife, Pocket-brandy (flask), Pocket-pistol (Often a single-shot derringer-type gun. Also used to mean flask.), Pocket-money, Pocket-book (While today “pocketbooks” mean lady’s handbags, a man’s pocket-book at this time was a small leather notebook-like case used for carrying papers, diary entries, notes, etc.)

    As men’s garments became more form-fitting, it became harder to fit a pocket purse between clothing and body. The next obvious step then was to attach the pouches to the clothing itself, and tailors began to sew pocket bags into the seams of men’s breeches, and then into their coats. In the 18th century, pockets were added to vests, and in the 1900s, many kinds of men’s garments began to include a wide range of pockets: inside/outside breast pocket, watch pocket, side/hip pants pocket, ticket pocket, etc.

    Pockets are an illustration of evolution, not intelligent design.  They came about as a response to a growing need and their utility has virtually eliminated pants without pockets.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  
    I would guess an intelligent designer would come up with better designs than these. While most animals have adapted really well to their environment, every single species has a lot of redundant organs, body weaknesses, nutrition issues and extremely inefficient energy consumption... A simple bow with arrows puts a human at a significant advantage over any other animal in existence. Turns out our barbarian hunters-ancestors were much better designers than someone who allegedly has created everything around us, right? Seems unlikely. 

    Regarding the question of how the nature knew to evolve the teeth, for example - it was not a spontaneous occasion. It was developing very gradually. Due to random mutations, a significant minority of animals would develop some tiny sharp edges below their eyes. Those edges turned out very advantageous in survival and hunting, so the animals having them lived for longer and bred more than other animals. As that happened, eventually the entire species would have those edges. And the genes would multiply exponentially, so to speak, so those edges would slowly grow into efficient sharp teeth.
    Yet that was only one of the possible effective evolution modes. Other animals, rather than developing sharp teeth, developed natural armor to defend from those teeth. Other animals still developed agility and speed to better run away from the animals with sharp teeth.
    This is how natural selection works: more advantageous traits remain and persist, while less advantageous ones are lost in the competition for survival. It can take hundreds millions years for certain traits to fully blossom; there are no miracles in nature, and these processes take enormous amounts of time.
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -   edited March 2019

    I couldn’t resist and it was a bit cruel so apologies, it’s all good.

    I keep telling Christians Evolution is fact and accepted as such by most except the religious. If Evolution were somehow proved to be wrong it still does not make a case for a creator god.

     You give a link a site that promotes bible study as an argument? This site is a supporter of nonsense as in I D which is pseudoscience, it’s remarkable the amount of Christians who call Evolution unscientific and yet put forward nonsense as in I D as a challenge.

    As a Christian you assume your Christian god is the designer if that’s the case how did you rule out other possible gods as the designer?

    When you have a peer reviewed paper disproving Evolution that’s when people will listen until then you have nothing only your opinion based on nonsense 

    You state.........a monkey turning into a human is like saying a turtle turning into a humanoid turtle that talks and knows kungfu

    My reply .....Don’t say it then as it demonstrates why you shouldn’t listen to a preacher talk about Evolution go to a science class instead.

    Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but we didn't evolve from apes, either. Humans share a common ancestor with modern African apes, like gorillas and chimpanzees. Scientists believe this common ancestor existed 

    5 to 8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids. 

  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  
    All  those pictures, to me, prove nothing but evolution. 

    I would also like to address someone's remark about George Burns (My favorite God). When he said "I made the pits too big". What would he have said about his "creation" Dolly Parton???????? :p
  • crossedcrossed 58 Pts   -  
    wow i got a lot of comments to rebuttal may take some time i debate on lots of  forum. but first i just want to explain why I'm doing this hell is a terrible place because it is forever and i do not want anyone to go there so i have come her to show how life is created intelligently to anyone who would listen

    this is the definition of intelligence 



    The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. 

    ‘an eminent man of great intelligence’ 


    lets start with an easy one to understand the night owl and night vision on how it shows intelegence by apply knowledge

    in order for the creator to create the owl it would require intelligence. the creator would have to have knowledge that the owl would live at night and it is dark and hard to see so he  applied that knowledge and gave the owl   night vision

    Night vision of the owl by mataleonerj on deviantart

    the creator must have had knowledge that night time is dark and you can not see well during the night so he applied this knowledge and gave the bat echo location so it can roam at night easier and made it black so that it  can hide better

    CYDHarta has pointed out that jeans did not originally have pockets. this is true but i was thinking about when i said that about the pants i have on right now. plus the first pants were  leaves. i was comparing jeans with pocket to kangaroos to pouches.

    but the same thing here. the creator must have had knowledge that the kangaroo joey would have trouble following its mom so he applied that knowledge and gave the kangaroo a pouch to hold the joey

    the mammoth  lives in the snow so it has very long and warm fur the creator must have had knowledge that the snow is cold so he applied this knowledge and gave it fur

    the elephant lives in the desert so it has no fur and lives in the desert the creator must have had knowledge that the desert is hot so he applied that knowledge and gave it no  fur

    evolution rant if evolution were true we would have billions of fossil of animals that had failed to evolve a bunny has always been a bunny. sure there different types of bunny for example the white rabbit is white because it is designed by god to live in the snow. the brown rabbit is designed to live in holes dirt or tree stump. but if you place this brown rabbit in the snow it would not suddenly turn white

    Dee Rebuttal

    monkey and the man

    When you have a peer reviewed paper disproving Evolution that’s when people will listen until then you have nothing only your opinion based on nonsense 

    You state.........a monkey turning into a human is like saying a turtle turning into a humanoid turtle that talks and knows kungfu

    My reply .....Don’t say it then as it demonstrates why you shouldn’t listen to a preacher talk about Evolution go to a science class instead.

    Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but we didn't evolve from apes, either. Humans share a common ancestor with modern African apes, like gorillas and chimpanzees. Scientists believe this common ancestor existed 

    5 to 8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids.

    so why did all these scientist mix together  human and monkey bones and try to pass it out as a pre evolved species

    dee said
    As a Christian you assume your Christian god is the designer if that’s the case how did you rule out other possible gods as the designer?

    the other gods are demons who disobeyed the lord and in defiance set themselves up as gods to man and force men to worship them.

    the biggest one being Islam and the Jehovah witness Mormons black Hebrew Israelite Buddhism

    unreliable sources

    dee said

    I keep telling Christians Evolution is fact and accepted as such by most except the religious. If Evolution were somehow proved to be wrong it still does not make a case for a creator god.

     You give a link a site that promotes bible study as an argument? This site is a supporter of nonsense as in I D which is pseudoscience, it’s remarkable the amount of Christians who call Evolution unscientific and yet put forward nonsense as in I D as a challenge.

    well its your opinion that a bible study site is unreliable.

    MayCaesar  rebuttal

    Regarding the question of how the nature knew to evolve the teeth, for example - it was not a spontaneous occasion. It was developing very gradually. Due to random mutations, a significant minority of animals would develop some tiny sharp edges below their eyes. Those edges turned out very advantageous in survival and hunting, so the animals having them lived for longer and bred more than other animals. As that happened, eventually the entire species would have those edges. And the genes would multiply exponentially, so to speak, so those edges would slowly grow into efficient sharp teeth.
    Yet that was only one of the possible effective evolution modes. Other animals, rather than developing sharp teeth, developed natural armor to defend from those teeth. Other animals still developed agility and speed to better run away from the animals with sharp teeth.
    This is how natural selection works: more advantageous traits remain and persist, while less advantageous ones are lost in the competition for survival. It can take hundreds millions years for certain traits to fully blossom; there are no miracles in nature, and these processes take enormous amounts of time

    were are the bones of the tiger that had small teeth and could not survive so it died. were are the bones of all the animals that have not evolve

    I would guess an intelligent designer would come up with better designs than these. While most animals have adapted really well to their environment, every single species has a lot of redundant organs, body weaknesses, nutrition issues and extremely inefficient energy consumption... A simple bow with arrows puts a human at a significant advantage over any other animal in existence. Turns out our barbarian hunters-ancestors were much better designers than someone who allegedly has created everything around us, right? Seems unlikely.

    many of our flaws today are caused by our lifestyles animals to not have any body weakness nutrition  issues that is only a human thing because of how we eat its not the designs fault but are own. you may have nutrition issues if your on the American diet but i don't have any issues because i eat how god intended us to eat plants and meat plus bread. yes the bow and arrow does put us at an advantage. but that is only humans you see how nature is perfectly balanced if there to many deer more wolfs appear and eat them less dear more wolfs starve and there less wolfs. humans are the only creature that brakes this cycle but we are the only species that has intelligence not to  over hunt a species to extinction. but many of us don't care which is why we are in this situation and he gave us free will god

    we do not have any extra organs we use to believe that the appendix did not have a function but that is proven untrue

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Your evidence ......

    java man fraud

    My reply ....... This has been debunked so many times even creationists rarely use it anymore ......

    Your evidence .....

    Lucy fraud 

    My reply .....Again more creationist nonsense here is a video destroying this claim but I bet you won’t watch it as the truth seems to really upset you guys .....

    You say ......the other gods are demons who disobeyed the lord and in defiance set themselves up as gods to man and force men to worship them.

    My reply ....Prove there are other gods and demons and then prove they disobeyed your god? 

    You say ......the biggest one being Islam and the Jehovah witness Mormons black Hebrew Israelite Buddhism

    My reply ......Wow! It’s amazing how one religion hates the other and of course tell each other they are the wrong

    You say .....well its your opinion that a bible study site is unreliable.

    My reply .....Fortunately it’s also the opinion of scientists and rationalists , there is not one piece of valuable information in the entire Bible I can think off that’s in anyway useful to mankind 

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  
    crossed said:

    were are the bones of the tiger that had small teeth and could not survive so it died. were are the bones of all the animals that have not evolve
    You should think a few steps further than this. There are no "bones of the tiger that had small teeth and could not survive so it died", because at that point it was not a tiger yet. It was a tiger's ancestors. Who died in the competition and, hence, did not exist for long, and hence statistically uncovering its fossils is very unlikely.

    That said, there are countless extinct animals we have discovered that had very small teeth. We ourselves, humans, have pretty small teeth, compared to most other carnivorous/omnivorous animals. It is not a stretch to assume that among our ancestors could very well be that extinct species, and we share it with tigers as an ancestor.

    many of our flaws today are caused by our lifestyles animals to not have any body weakness nutrition  issues that is only a human thing because of how we eat its not the designs fault but are own. you may have nutrition issues if your on the American diet but i don't have any issues because i eat how god intended us to eat plants and meat plus bread. yes the bow and arrow does put us at an advantage. but that is only humans you see how nature is perfectly balanced if there to many deer more wolfs appear and eat them less dear more wolfs starve and there less wolfs. humans are the only creature that brakes this cycle but we are the only species that has intelligence not to  over hunt a species to extinction. but many of us don't care which is why we are in this situation and he gave us free will god
    It is hard to read your writings because you barely use any grammar and punctuation, but you seem to have claimed that animals do not have any nutrition issues? How come? Getting enough nutrition of all the necessary kinds is pretty much the biggest struggle in the life of every animal, and a lot of animals lose that struggle and die to starvation at some point of their lives. Humans are the only species advanced enough to have harnessed nutrition and, for the most part, eliminated deaths to starvation.

    "God" did not intend you to eat plants and meat plus bread that you eat now. The meat you eat nowadays is strongly processed, very different from what your distant ancestors ate. Bread is a human invention entirely, it did not even exist a few millennia ago. As for plants, almost all plants you eat nowadays are cultivated by countless generations of humans; you do not want to eat, say, wild bananas that did not participate in that cultivation, as you are likely to experience extreme food poisoning if you do.

    If the "god" planned our nutrition, then he seriously messed up at some point, because almost everything he created seems to be completely inedible.
  • K_MichaelK_Michael 114 Pts   -  
    CYDdharta said:
    crossed said:

    what makes jeans intelligent created but not the kangaroo

    the kangaroo having a belly pouch to hold a joey is intelligent created by god

    my jeans having pockets to fit a pen is intelligent created by humans at jean factory

    god designed the belly pouch on the kangaroo so that it can hold babies

    the jeans company designed my pants with pocket so that i can put a pen in there.

    again how would your chemicals be aware and know that a kangaroo would need a pouch to carry its babies. i can see a human putting pockets in pants so that you can carry thing is that not the same thing here but with god and a kangaroo.

    Pants weren't originally designed with pockets. 

    The word pocket is derived from the Old Northern French word “poque,” which meant bag. And up through the 19th century, if you looked up “pocket” in a dictionary, you would see it defined as “a small pouch or bag attached to or inserted in a garment.”

    This is because the original pockets weren’t like the sewn-in pockets we know today, but rather separate bags detached from clothing. From the 15th until the mid-16th century, men and women carried essential items and currency in a pouch that was typically tied around the waist or hung from a belt. As thieves and “cutpurses” became more of a problem in the 17th century, people began to cut slits in their shirts, skirts, and pants, and tuck their pouches inside their clothing for safekeeping. This practice necessitated making the bags flatter and easier to reach into, so they would be more accessible and not create a significant bulge.

    The names of the various things men carried in these tucked-away pouches were hyphenated with “pocket” to create a moniker that described their small size and portable nature. For example:

    Pocket-handkerchief, Pocket-knife, Pocket-brandy (flask), Pocket-pistol (Often a single-shot derringer-type gun. Also used to mean flask.), Pocket-money, Pocket-book (While today “pocketbooks” mean lady’s handbags, a man’s pocket-book at this time was a small leather notebook-like case used for carrying papers, diary entries, notes, etc.)

    As men’s garments became more form-fitting, it became harder to fit a pocket purse between clothing and body. The next obvious step then was to attach the pouches to the clothing itself, and tailors began to sew pocket bags into the seams of men’s breeches, and then into their coats. In the 18th century, pockets were added to vests, and in the 1900s, many kinds of men’s garments began to include a wide range of pockets: inside/outside breast pocket, watch pocket, side/hip pants pocket, ticket pocket, etc.

    Pockets are an illustration of evolution, not intelligent design.  They came about as a response to a growing need and their utility has virtually eliminated pants without pockets.
    Pockets ARE an intelligent design. Anything developed by humans with a preconceived function in mind is a result of intelligent. That's why selective breeding isn't considered evolution.
    "We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." 
  • crossedcrossed 58 Pts   -   edited March 2019

    alright you got me with java man but Lucy is a no. and my point still stands

    dee in your video the guy admits that they had an ape bone mixed in with Lucy. he then goes on about about how its a mistake and we mean creationist are just waiting to jump on them but when they do it more than once it makes it harder to call it an accident and it becomes more of a fraud. you can say its  not a fraud because it claim was an accident. but i tell you this how do you know that it was an accident when it has happened more than once. and about the medical mistakes I'm going to make a post about pharmakeai

    the time does not save if i put it on post

    you can not be series here so the lucy part that they found did not match a evolved ape that can walk straight because the part would be hunched. so they say people must have trampled over the bones we need to make it how it how it  originally was so the took a saw and sawed it and put it together so that it fit in the way the wanted it to or if you believe there terrible excuse it was trampled on and became deformed so we had to modified it to it from an ape to a human with a saw because it was totally originally human like


    the mixed with ape and animal at 439

    642 cutting Lucy bones and changing it to make it more ape like.

    i don't agree that he did not show all the ape parts mainly the skulls that was decptive.

    lucy has failed missing link test

    plus your sourcing is out dating Lucy has been re-debunked recently 2016

    here a debunked lucy video i don't know if you will watch it but here if you do its here for you.

    Evolution fraud. Haeckels drawings

    Evolution fraud Haeckels drawings

    so  haeckles in the late 1800 drew some pictures of some embryos the embryo did not fit his agenda so he changed them so they would fit better into evolution. year later 1900 we know that there are wrong we know what an embryo looks like but this is still in our high school textbooks

    pitfall man
    Lucy i guess you can make the claim that this was a accident. but you can not make any case for the pitfall man his bones were dumped in chemicals to make him look older than he was.

    even the history channel mocks the plltdown man evolutionist can not deny the fraud
     pitfall man also is a mixture of ape and human bones.

    god exist

    You say ......the other gods are demons who disobeyed the lord and in defiance set themselves up as gods to man and force men to worship them.

    My reply ....Prove there are other gods and demons and then prove they disobeyed your god?

    alright you got me here but. even if there were solid evidence that demons exist neither one of us would believe it so

    alright i;m not going to be able to prove this exactly how you want it but i think i got a good argument here.

    i proved that god exist via my evolution intelligent design thing

    and we can see in our culture that demons probably exist

    satan makes people rich than haunts
    you  know on how almost all the haunted houses are big mansions. why is it  always rich people and not poor people. i believe that this is because  these houses once belonged to people who had sold there souls to Satan  in exchange for wealth. but the wealth had a cost the demons hunt there houses

    get it the wealth had a cost.

    the demon making people worship you thing. well were i use to live almost everyone was in the occult. though i can not prove that they made people worship them. people worship them. i don't expect you to watch all these videos im just simply showing you that people worship this stuff. if your were too you would have one fun weekend.

    here a call for an uprising talking about one of the occult

    ipet goat

    here a video explaining what you watched if you watched

    dee said

    My reply .....Fortunately it’s also the opinion of scientists and rationalists , there is not one piece of valuable information in the entire Bible I can think off that’s in anyway useful to mankind

    scientist in the 1950 prescribed alcohol  as medicine to treat morning sickness in the 1950s we found it was bad for pregnant people to drink in the 1970

    and an angle told samuel mother not to drink strong drinks in bc era

    "The  angel of the LORD appeared to her and said, “You are barren and  childless, but you are going to become pregnant and give birth to a son.  4 Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and  that you do not eat anything unclean"

    "Then  the woman went to her husband and told him, “A man of God came to me.  He looked like an angel of God, very awesome. I didn’t ask him where he  came from, and he didn’t tell me his name. 7 But he said to me, ‘You  will become pregnant and have a son. Now then, drink no wine or other  fermented drink and do not eat anything unclean, because the boy will be  a Nazirite of God from the womb "

    alright  so when the angel told samson mother that she was going to be pregnant  with him. she said do not drink any wine or strong drinks it was the  1970s when we found out that that drinking while pregnant was bad


    article says
    "It wasn’t until the 1970s that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome was defined and
    fully recognized. Work to educate pregnant women of the dangers of
    alcohol in pregnancy"

    plus i found this article that talks about how we prescribed wine to as medicine to pregnant females in the 50s

    alcohol as medicine to treat morning sickness
    "Alcohol was often medicine
    – whisky for colds or laryngitis, hot brandy punch for cholera,
    rum-soaked cherries for a cold. Doctors prescribed champagne as a
    treatment for morning sickness. Pregnant women in labor would take a
    shot or two of liquor to ease their discomfort. Wine was often
    recommended during pregnancy to help pregnant women relax.
    "The  angel of the LORD appeared to her and said, “You are barren and  childless, but you are going to become pregnant and give birth to a son.  4 Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and  that you do not eat anything unclean"

    "Then  the woman went to her husband and told him, “A man of God came to me.  He looked like an angel of God, very awesome. I didn’t ask him where he  came from, and he didn’t tell me his name. 7 But he said to me, ‘You  will become pregnant and have a son. Now then, drink no wine or other  fermented drink and do not eat anything unclean, because the boy will be  a Nazirite of God from the womb "

    alright  so when the angel told Samson mother that she was going to be pregnant  with him. she said do not drink any wine or strong drinks it was the  1970s when we found out that that drinking while pregnant was bad


    article says
    "It wasn’t until the 1970s that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome was defined and
    fully recognized. Work to educate pregnant women of the dangers of
    alcohol in pregnancy"

    plus i found this article that talks about how we prescribed wine to as medicine to pregnant females in the 50s

    alcohol as medicine to treat morning sickness
    "Alcohol was often medicine
    – whisky for colds or laryngitis, hot brandy punch for cholera,
    rum-soaked cherries for a cold. Doctors prescribed champagne as a
    treatment for morning sickness. Pregnant women in labor would take a
    shot or two of liquor to ease their discomfort. Wine was often
    recommended during pregnancy to help pregnant women relax.

  • crossedcrossed 58 Pts   -   edited March 2019
    how do you delete a comment
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    My reply to your claims...........

    The fallacy of those using Piltdown Man to disprove evolution can be summed up thusly:

    • A single forgery does not overturn the actual evidence that does exist and isn't a forgery. If you're inclined to think otherwise, consider that the Paluxy River tracks incident doesn't (by itself) disprove human-dinosaur coexistence.
    • A single forgery does not prove that all evidence is forged (this would be confirmation bias at its very worst, a non sequitur at the very least).
    • Science actually spotted the fraud and corrected the mistake. Meanwhile, Christians still insist that the Shroud of Turin was Jesus' burial cloth, even though it has been proven to be forgery made in medieval Europe based on radiocarbon dating.
    • Piltdown Man wasn't universally accepted by the scientific establishment because of its conflict with other pieces of evidence — it takes a lot more than that to fool practicing scientists.
    • The techniques that were used to definitively prove that Piltdown Man was fake are the exact same techniques as those used to date real fossils.

    Number 2.......

    Did Ernst Haeckel admit that the embryo illustrations submitted as evidence of evolution were hoaxes?

    Although some were said to be fabricated, they were fabricated only in the sense that they were reconstructed from partial data; see the Wikipedia entry for further information. But otherwise, see above that individual forgeries and hoaxes have no bearing on the validity of evolution as a theory, and that creationists are fooling no one by repeatedly concentrating selectively on them.

    Number 3.....

    Is it true that the fossil known as Lucy belonged to an extinct type of ape and has been removed from the fictitious tree of human evolution?

    Regarding Lucy , the video you failed to comprehend and you send me on two links to biblical sites as “evidence “ come on!

    Lucy is classed as Australopithecus afarensis, a common ancestor of both the Australopithecus and Homo genera. No major renaming or reassignment of Lucy ever occurred; however, some evidence suggests that Australopithecus afarensis may not have been direct ancestor to humans, but a very close relative of a direct ancestor. Au. afarensis is best known for its relatively small brain size, suggesting that upright walking—rather than increase in brain volume—occurred first in human evolution. Plenty of other fossil examples of Au. afarensis are known; Lucy just happens to be one of the most famous, so what is known of this species doesn't hinge on a single fossil.

    Again, though, the question appears to be clawing at the fact that science "changes its mind". It does. It changes to be closer to reality. Evidence suggests that Au. afarensis might not be a direct modern human ancestor, but this just allows us to refine the model of human ancestry. The simple fact is that science is not dogma, and part of its function is to change to accommodate facts—if it did not do so it would be more like religion—and almost useless, since (like anything else) it can't improve if it doesn't change, and science is all about improving our understanding of the world

    Even if Evolution was somehow demonstrated to be false it still does not prove a god exists something so far you’ve produced zero evidence for 

    You say ...

    alright you got me here but. even if there were solid evidence that demons exist neither one of us would believe it so

    My reply .....Of course I would believe it if there was solid evidence you wouldn’t wow! So you don’t accept solid evidence ?

    You say ......I proved that god exist via my evolution intelligent design thing

    My reply .....You’ve “proved “ nothing , not one creationist living has had a peer reviewed paper published that topples Evolution as what accepted as fact , appeals to the Bible are ridiculous to say the least.

    You still don’t get it do you? If Evolution was demonstrated to be false how would it prove a god?

    You say ....and we can see in our culture that demons probably exist

    My reply ....I don’t believe in nonsense 

    satan makes people rich than haunts 

    you  know on how almost all the haunted houses are big mansions. why is it  always rich people and not poor people. i believe that this is because  these houses once belonged to people who had sold there souls to Satan  in exchange for wealth. but the wealth had a cost the demons hunt there houses**

    Haunted houses! You believe in that nonsense? Also what about rich Christians do demons hunt them?

    You say ......get it the wealth had a cost.

    My reply .....Tell your wealthy preachers maybe?

    You say .....the demon making people worship you thing. well were i use to live almost everyone was in the occult. though i can not prove that they made people worship them. people worship them. i don't expect you to watch all these videos im just simply showing you that people worship this stuff. if your were too you would have one fun weekend.

    My reply ....I don’t watch nonsense 

    You say ....

    scientist in the 1950 prescribed alcohol  as medicine to treat morning sickness in the 1950s we found it was bad for pregnant people to drink in the 1970

    My reply ....some scientists may have so what?

    Christian plantation owners approved of slavery and used the Bible as justification so your point is?

  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    crossed @Dee
    HOW does disproving evolution get you to jesus...?
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  
    @mickyg ;

    why are you asking me ?
  • crossedcrossed 58 Pts   -  

    because animals having features  that makes it easier to live in the environment is proof of intelligent design not evolution

    this is the definition of intelligence

    The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

    ‘an eminent man of great intelligence’

    how god apply s knowledge

    lets start with an easy one to understand the night owl and night vision this how it shows intelligence by apply knowledge

     the creator would have had to have knowledge that the owl would live at night  and would have trouble seeing so he applied that knowledge to the owl and gave the owl night vision.

    Night vision of the owl by mataleonerj on deviantart

    the creator must have had knowledge that dogs would be hot in the summer and that having less fur would cool it down. so when creating the dog he applied this knowledge  and gave the dog the ability to shed its fur to cool down during the summer.
    Fed up with excessive summer shedding try adding this nutrient to your dogs food bowl

    god must have had knowledge that it is cold during the winter so god applied this knowledge and gave the dog a way to grow a winter coat for the winter so it can stay warm


    cats have scratchy tongues this proves that the creator is intelligent because he must have had knowledge  that it would be hard for the cats to lick off all the crud off its fur  so that it can have a shiny coat. if its tongue was soft it could not  get all the junk out of its fur it is like a brush. so the creator applied this knowledge and gave cats scratchy tongues so that it can groom its self

    dee i see we are not going anywhere with this lets agree to disagree. you admit that lucy was human bones with monkey bones but you believe scientist did this on  accident ok i believe it was on purpose. you say pitfall man was a one time thing and you believe it does not reflect evolution OK. i believe that is does reflect evolution. you say dr Jeckles embryo drawing do not reflect the evolution. i say it does and the fact that they still have them in our text books almost a hundred years after proven false is proof that it was on purpose.

    dee then goes on about how my intelligent design proves nothing i hope that the way i have it above makes it easier to understand

    lets agree to disagree. i debate on a bunch of forums and all i really wanted you to know is that these scandals happened and i really don't care if you believe they were an accident or not. can agree to disagree plus its farming season.

    and i do not have a rich pastor.  our founding fathers had slaved. our politicians nowadays murder babies what is worst. this is something my dad said.

    You should think a few steps further than this. There are no "bones of the tiger that had small teeth and could not survive so it died", because at that point it was not a tiger yet. It was a tiger's ancestors. Who died in the competition and, hence, did not exist for long, and hence statistically uncovering its fossils is very unlikely.

    alright were are the bones of the thing that was to become a tiger. there should be billions of different  pr-evolved tigers. and i'm guessing one of those pr-evolved tigers would have a bone.that would be fossilized.

    maycasesar said

    "God" did not intend you to eat plants and meat plus bread that you eat now. The meat you eat nowadays is strongly processed, very different from what your distant ancestors ate. Bread is a human invention entirely, it did not even exist a few millennia ago. As for plants, almost all plants you eat nowadays are cultivated by countless generations of humans; you do not want to eat, say, wild bananas that did not participate in that cultivation, as you are likely to experience extreme food poisoning if you do.

    If the "god" planned our nutrition, then he seriously messed up at some point, because almost everything he created seems to be completely inedible.

    the meat nowadays is mostly processed hot dogs lunch meat but i am talking about a freshly killed cow. are diets are terrible Europe did a study and over 13 million IQ points have been lost because of pesticides on fruits and vegetables this is only Europe.

    you believe that over millions of years that carnivores have large teeth because they hunt and kill other animals and rip at there flesh and plant eaters have small teeth because they only eat plants they developed these teeth over millions of years. i say that a carnivore having large teeth is proof of intelligent design because it proves that the creator knew that these animals needed to hunt then supplied them with large teeth to do so.

    but we have teeth that fits the role of the omnivore we can chew meat pretty effectively and we can eat vegetables fine to but we do not have teeth like the saber tooth because we do not need hunt other animals with our teeth. so i say it is pretty clear that god designed us to eat bread meat and vegetables.

    and bananas have been selective breed a lot. and are far from what they use to be.

    there are poisiond plants because god cursed the ground

    Genesis 3:17 ESV / 8 helpful votes

    And to Adam he said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, ‘You shall not eat of it,’ cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life;

  • crossedcrossed 58 Pts   -   edited March 2019
    computer probs
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    What time frame are you using.Six thousand years or 3 billion years.@crossed
  • AmericanFurryBoyAmericanFurryBoy 531 Pts   -  
    This boys name is crossed but he’s basically crossed himself
    Not every quote you read on the internet is true- Abraham Lincoln
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    A human baby has evolved so much that its brain is too big at birth.Twenty percent of women die in childbirth with todays medicine.Yes its true we are evolved mammals.Yes as mammals our only purpose is procreation.As evolved beings we have found that we can do more for preservation of our species by using our evolved brains .By far the best thing we are capable of is debunking the absurdity of religion..@crossed
  • crossedcrossed 58 Pts   -  
    mickeyg i'm sorry my responses take so long. i have been busy

    i honestly do not know how old the earth is i do not believe its a couple million years.

    and the 20 percent is a huge problem. but a lot of the mothers today are extremely underaged

  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    How can women be "underage" if god designed them to be fertile at 10-12 years old.@crossed
  • crossedcrossed 58 Pts   -  
    he did not design them to have babies at around 10-12 there body is barley developed.
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    What happens to the god given soul when man made alcohol is consumed.The holy ghost is the weakest of your three gods.@crossed
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    Why did the great design start developing girls  at ten years old,If they dev eloped at 10 then your gods perfect design made it that way.GOOD GRIEF. @crossed
  • crossedcrossed 58 Pts   -  
    mickyg a 10 or 12 year old can get pregnant and you believe this means god designed them to have babies at that age which is sickening. but a 4 your old can get pregnant to so does that mean by your logic they are designed to have babies at that age the answer is no. a female is suppose to have babies at 18 years we now this because there parts all all developed by that time. a 5 year old is  not developed a 10 year old is not developed. your pedophilia is sickeing

    the holy spirit try to convict you of your sins but if you ignore it it will eventually stop trying

  • crossedcrossed 58 Pts   -  
    a meme i just made

    there will be more


  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  

    You can make whatever memes you want, but the laws of physics are not dependent on your sarcasm. Scientists do not "believe", we instead examine the evidence and develop theories that best fit that evidence.

    It took Edison many years to develop a light bulb. The nature, however, did not have many years; it had many hundreds millions years to perfect its designs. It does not matter how much of a genius inventor you are; you are going to be hopelessly outnumbered on this one.

    You also might want to, at least, use proper spelling of Edison's first name, if you really are going to pursue the meme-making career.
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    A four year old can get pregnant?And you think that supports your case that god made everything intelligently???GOOD GRIEF!! @crossed
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    Thomas Edison was an atheist.If he was a christian he would have died in the dark praying for a better candle.@crossed
  • billbatardbillbatard 133 Pts   -  
    if you see a design in nature the burden is on you to prove it... Evolution is pretty much evident there is proof and how it works isn't random its organism adapting to their environment, you see a pattern because you want to because evolution taught our brains patterns to survive better.. the burden of proof is on you to prove there is a god and saying how else did this happen isnt proof.. google god of the gaps God of the gaps" is a theological perspective in which gaps in scientific knowledge are taken to be evidence or proof of God's existence. The "gaps" usage was made by Christian theologians not to discredit theism but rather to point out the fallacy of relying on teleological arguments for God's existence.[1][2] Some use the phrase as a criticism of theological positions, to mean that God is used as a spurious explanation for anything not currently explained by science.
    The passion for destruction is also a creative passion. Mikhail Bakunin

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  
    crossed said:

    alright were are the bones of the thing that was to become a tiger. there should be billions of different  pr-evolved tigers. and i'm guessing one of those pr-evolved tigers would have a bone.that would be fossilized.
    What do you mean "where are the bones"? They are long gone. We do have a lot of fossils indicating the existence of "proto-tigers", however. Here is a paper from 5 years ago describing a likely distant common ancestor of multiple modern mammals, including tigers:

    the meat nowadays is mostly processed hot dogs lunch meat but i am talking about a freshly killed cow. are diets are terrible Europe did a study and over 13 million IQ points have been lost because of pesticides on fruits and vegetables this is only Europe.

    you believe that over millions of years that carnivores have large teeth because they hunt and kill other animals and rip at there flesh and plant eaters have small teeth because they only eat plants they developed these teeth over millions of years. i say that a carnivore having large teeth is proof of intelligent design because it proves that the creator knew that these animals needed to hunt then supplied them with large teeth to do so.

    but we have teeth that fits the role of the omnivore we can chew meat pretty effectively and we can eat vegetables fine to but we do not have teeth like the saber tooth because we do not need hunt other animals with our teeth. so i say it is pretty clear that god designed us to eat bread meat and vegetables.

    and bananas have been selective breed a lot. and are far from what they use to be.

    there are poisiond plants because god cursed the ground

    Genesis 3:17 ESV / 8 helpful votes

    And to Adam he said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, ‘You shall not eat of it,’ cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life;
    A freshly killed cow is a cow resulting from millennia of cultivation of cows. In addition to the selective breeding, various chemicals are used nowadays for the cows to grow in a way that makes their meat more suitable for humans. And that is a good thing; that is the reason we no longer die to random diseases after eating a slab of meat, unlike our ancestors.

    First, you should learn what a "proof" is. Something seeming reasonable to you is not a proof of anything. I can come up with a million random explanations of the observed phenomena. The question is: which explanations are supported by evidence, and which are a product of random guessing? And it so happens that your version belongs to the latter category, while the evolution theory belongs to the former one.

    Something being effective does not indicate an intelligent design behind it; it is a preposterous notion. Sharp rocks are very effective at killing people who jump into them from the height of 5 kilometers, yet there is no reason to believe that someone intentionally placed those rocks there. 
  • billbatardbillbatard 133 Pts   -  
    @crossed ;  the burden of proof is always on the person making the claim if you claim there is a god you have to prove his existence  Image result for hitchens razor
    The passion for destruction is also a creative passion. Mikhail Bakunin

  • billbatardbillbatard 133 Pts   -  

    Religion is all bunk.

    Religion is all bunk. I have never seen the slightest scientific proof of the religious ideas of heaven and hell, of future life for individuals, or of a personal God.

    The passion for destruction is also a creative passion. Mikhail Bakunin

  • billbatardbillbatard 133 Pts   -  
    @crossed why cant you just accept over BILLIONS of year happened
    The passion for destruction is also a creative passion. Mikhail Bakunin

  • AlexOlandAlexOland 313 Pts   -  
    God is a thing. God is not intelligently created by god. Haha! Checkmate!
  • crossedcrossed 58 Pts   -  
    i don't have time to do these rebuttals right now but here is some stuff for you to chew on.

    definition of intelligence

    • n.
      The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.
    • n.
      The faculty of thought and reason.
    • n.
      Superior powers of mind. See Synonyms at mind.

    what do all these examples have in common

    the creator must have had knowledge that the dog would be hot during the summer so he applied this knowledge and made it so the creature to shed its fur during the summer.

    smart humans have knowledge that building a house on a beach is not smart because of flooding so they applied this knowledge and build a house away from the water.

    humans in fire country have knowledge that wood houses are flammable so they applied this knowledge and made there houses out of metals

    the creator  of the rabbit must have had knowledge that white fur makes it easier to hide in the snow so he designed the rabbits fur to change from brown to white during the winter time and brown during the summer time.

     the creator of the mountain goat gave the goat special feet that make it easier to mountain climb..because he knew it would need them because they live in the mountains

    the creator of the car gave the car round wheels because he had knowledge that square wheels do not roll.

    the creator of the predators gave these animals big sharp teeth because it needs to kill others. 

    the murder made his knife sharp because he needs it to kill others

    the butter knife is dull because the creator of the butter knife knew it would not need to cut threw anything thick

    the creator of herbivores gave them dull teeth because the creator knew that they did not need them to eat flesh so he made it dull.

    all these examples are example   of things that are intelligently created. some by man and some by god. god is real thus hell is real repent.


  • AlexOlandAlexOland 313 Pts   -  
    @crossed One word: Evolution. 
  • shenanigansshenanigans 18 Pts   -  
    I will never look at anything in nature with such wonderment to think with absolute certainty God exists.

    To believe in God i must see God, common sense.

    We are completely ignorant on such matters, thats why the word Faith is used, to believe completely without evidence.

    Faith equals ignorance.
  • billbatardbillbatard 133 Pts   -  
    @crossed we dont need to convince you youn need to convince us.. end of transmission
    The passion for destruction is also a creative passion. Mikhail Bakunin

  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    you said as definition..Superior powers of mind

    HOW SUPERIOR MIND JESUS did not know when the end would come?

  • SandSand 307 Pts   -  
    Faith is based on evidence. When you are given money do you believe in the money? It is just a piece of paper, but it represents currency. If seeing is believing, then you would need to see the gold that backs the currency.
  • SandSand 307 Pts   -  
    The reason why you cannot see God because he is in a totally different Relm. A place where our physics are not used. There is no width, depth, or height. So when you want to see God you are refering with your eyes. God would need create something that depicts him in the Physical Relm, but he has no physical form so everything he depicts would be inaccurate. The best way for you to understand is for you to explain how you would decribe yourself to someone who was born blind.
  • SandSand 307 Pts   -  
    You should look at nature and conclude God exists. The idea of evolution proves God's existence. Man cannot evolve another man from nothing. He still doesn't know how. It will take more intellience. The person with higher intellience who did evolve man from nothing is God.
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    you should read a book or two...@Sand
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    faith is NOT based on evidence.If you had EVIDENCE you would never use the word faith.

  • SandSand 307 Pts   -  
    That is your defintion of faith is not based on evidence.

    Read your Bible.....

    Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." - KJV

    The Bible definition is clear - Faith has substance and evidence.
    Without it, there is no basis for faith.

    It is common for most people (like yourself) to assume what the Bible says, and then make sweeping statements without evidence.

  • crossedcrossed 58 Pts   -  
    i got depressed for a while it was really wicked of me to not respond to this for a while but i needed to stop an addiction that's been a thorn to  me for the longest time. I just came to realize that god created all life that is all.


    Weasels are grey and or brown during the summer time but are white during the winter time

    Examples so you can see my logic.

    God created the weasel to turn white so that it can go with the white winter.

    this is like if wearing a red shirt and decide to wear red pants to go with it

     or if a race car driver drives a green car so he decides to were green cloths  so it goes with the green car.

    or if I paint my house blue but i decide to also paint my mailbox blue to go with the blue house

    or if God created the rabbits to turn brown to white during the winter so that it can go with the white snow

    Or i have a white house so i color the fence around it white to go with the white house

    the coloring is  an intelligent choice and not an accident

    god created the trees green to go with the green grass

    just like if i wear a green shirt so i decide to wear green pants to go with it

    Or  i colored the lettering green to go with the subject about green

    or if i wear red pants so i decide to wear a red shirt to go with it.

    or how god created seasonal animals to turn white during the winter to go with the white snow.

    or if a race car driver drives a red car so he wears a red uniform to go with it.

    god created animals that live in the snow white to go with the white snow. that is an intelligent choice

    god created almost all the animals that live in the desert yellow because the desert is yellow. that is an intelligent choice

    god created almost all the animals that live in the forest green because the forest is green that is an intelligent choice.

    sloppy rebuttal

    @mickyg you were the one who brought up pedophilia

    @mickyg said
    How can women be "underage" if god designed them to be fertile at 10-12 years old.@crossed

    then @mickeyg said
    A four year old can get pregnant?And you think that supports your case that god made everything intelligently???GOOD GRIEF!! @crossed

    no I'm saying a 4 year old being pregnant does not mean that god designed them to get pregnant. if you say anything else creepy i might have to report you     

    You can make whatever memes you want, but the laws of physics are not dependent on your sarcasm. Scientists do not "believe", we instead examine the evidence and develop theories that best fit that evidence.

    It took Edison many years to develop a light bulb. The nature, however, did not have many years; it had many hundreds millions years to perfect its designs. It does not matter how much of a genius inventor you are; you are going to be hopelessly outnumbered on this one.

    if a i kept throwing rocks lets say 40 years straight would it eventually turn out like this

    if i kept throwing rocks at nothing for a couple million years would it turn out like that

    A freshly killed cow is a cow resulting from millennia of cultivation of cows. In addition to the selective breeding, various chemicals are used nowadays for the cows to grow in a way that makes their meat more suitable for humans. And that is a good thing; that is the reason we no longer die to random diseases after eating a slab of meat, unlike our ancestors.

    i am not saying that that is good i am saying that all these thing

    I will never look at anything in nature with such wonderment to think with absolute certainty God exists.

    To believe in God i must see God, common sense.

    We are completely ignorant on such matters, thats why the word Faith is used, to believe completely without evidence.

    Faith equals ignorance.

    thank you so much

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