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What do you say to your 7 year old daughter when LGBT groups target her on commercials?

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When watching a nice family movie with your daughter, and a pro LGBT commercial showing two women kissing and planning their marriage, comes on. What are you suppose to do? LGBT groups are trying to force you to accept their unnatural sexual orientations as normal and force you to teach your child that Gay sex is normal! We as parents who do not agree with this LGBT hysteria are suppose to ignore our own beliefs and allow these activist groups to condition our impressionable children. Can you even imagine their arrogance and Big brother tactics?

What do you do when your innocent impressonable child sees this and asks what are they doing? The Hallmark channel had a policy of not showing such controversial adult topics for this very reason, but were targeted by activist LGBT groups threatening them with loss of sponsorships.

This is where America is at. Our way of life, our children's innocent minds are under attack by activist LGBT groups. These groups have their bully pulpit in the Democrat Party, and if you do not fall in line with their LGBT activism, you will  be forced to bow to their authoritarian will. It's Big Brother at it's worse!

So answer this simple question... would you want your child targeted by some Westboro Church anti Gay commercial while watching a nice family movie?

No? I don't blame you, Christians would never try to force movie channels to show evangelical salvation commercials against their will. Christians do not try to force themselves onto your children. Why do you say nothing when these LGBT groups keep pushing their agendas onto our impressionable children? We never see Christian salvation messages on non religious channels. Why does the Left keep pushing their beliefs on everyone? Why do you say nothing when LGBT groups target our children, when you would hate it if Christians did it.

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  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  
    "My dear, this is called love. When you grow up, you will experience this amazing feeling and form a deep bond with someone. And I will drive you to your wedding and buy you a huuuuuuuuuge cake! You like cakes, don't you? It will have a looooot of cream on it. Cannot wait!"
    "But daddy, what are they doing with their mouths?"
    "Oh, this? This is called kissing. This is what people do when they love each other."
    "Is this the same as what you do with mommy?"
    "Yes, it is!"
    "I see. Thanks, daddy!"
  • So are you ok with commercials showing men kissing animals? Is there anything off limits to you progressive thought police? Is beastiality ok for our children to see? Do you think it is ok to force every State to allow men having 30 wives? How about necrophilia? Is having sex with dead people ok in your anything goes world? No? Why not? Why are you and those on the Left the only people who will tell everyone what is right and what is wrong? Are you the new secular God forcing everyone to bow down to political correctness?God help us!@MayCaesar @MayCaesar
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -  
    Did you just repost the exact same debate? The answers you get from us won't change no matter how much you whine.

    I don't care what a commercial says. I have seen many anti-gay ads spread over many sites when I was a little kid before I got adblock. It doesn't affect me in the slightest and you are being a bit sensitive here.

    As I already said, gay people are normal when you look at the population. There is no "forcing" belief its a fact of life. Gay people exist, love eachother like straight people, and get married like straight people. This is happening whether you like it or not. You can believe whatever you want but you cannot force the world to act by what you "believe" is "normal".

    How are children "under attack"? By what exactly? The fact that gay people exist? I am so sorry that facts don't care about what you feel is "okay" in the world. You may continue to shelter your children by smashing your television at any time.

    Again you lump all parents together into your thinking, aswell as try to think for liberal minds based on your stereotypes. Are you ever gonna stop generalizing like one of those innocent children you brought up?

    Commericals don't have to bow down to what you think is okay. THEY HAVE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. They can literally spew christian propaganda for all I care. Its their choice, you authoritarian.

    Media companies will show commercials to make the highest profit, so it seems you are against capitalism in that right.
    why so serious?
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  

    I did not talk about what is "right" or "wrong". If some TV channel wants to show necrophilia in prime time, by all means, let them. I would not watch that, and my children probably would not either, but if that is what gives someone a kick, then sure, go ahead.

    You are against some commercials while I am not, and yet you call me "thought police"... Confused a bit, are we not?
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    @We_are_accountable Muted me yet, "Thought police"?

    @MayCaesar Imagine the profits from necrophiles if you showed an ad featuring necrophilia. These are un-tapped potentials!
    why so serious?
  • You said... "As I already said, gay people are normal when you look at the population." There is no "forcing" belief its a fact of life. Gay people exist, love eachother like straight people, and get married like straight people. This is happening whether you like it or not. You can believe whatever you want but you cannot force the world to act by what you "believe" is "normal"

    Just because some types of people exist does not make it normal! We have pedophiles who are attracted to kids. Is that normal? Should we start having commercials showing adults kissing consenting children?.Should we legalize marriage between adults and children simply because they exist?

    None of this LGBT hysteria is normal, and to believe it is shows the influence Progressive media has on the population.

    Most of us took the Science of Biology, and uderstood the natural design of our bodies. Two men acting on their fetish DOES NOT MAKE IT NORMAL!

    For milleniums, people have always known that there are some with unnatural attractions to each other. We understand there are all types of fetishes in this world, but this does not mean we sanction them as normal. I believe no person should ever be bullied or abused because of their lifestyles, but I also believe no one has the right to be teaching our children that these unnatural sexual orientations are normal. As adults we should always teach our children the Science of Biology, and stop this Progressive LGBT brainwashing.
    When children grow up and are mature enough to grasp their feelings, it will be their choice. We don't need to be influencing them with activist propaganda when they are so young and impressionable.

    If you can't grasp this simple common sense, then please ignore me. When you start respecting the beliefs of those who do not agree with you, we will respect you. Just because the loudest most powerful political correct activist groups get access to our media, does not mean they have the right to be brainwashing our children with that power.@smoothie
  • No, it is you who is confused because you keep acting like there is an even playing field. The media is 99% liberal biased and will NEVER play commercials that go against their Progressive ideology.

    Our children deserve to grow up understanding the Science of Biology, not this never ending alphabet of unnatural sexual fetishes.

    It's truly sad you have no caring for our children and how they are being indoctrinated by powerful activist groups. I guess these Jim Jones cults are just fine with you. You would have had no problem with these cults if they  gained power and started playing commercials on family programming?

    People like you are the problem with this world. You stand for nothing but yourself, and could not care less while our children are being taught to deny the Science of Biology.@MayCaesar
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  

    Funny, as I just saw a Christian anti-abortion commercial on Youtube when watching a completely unrelated prank video. "Never", you say?

    I care enough about children; I just do not believe in protective parenting. I believe in the opposite: exposing your children to as much different content as possible and letting them draw their own conclusions, assisting with development of their critical thinking in the process.

    I stand for nothing but myself? , you are the one complaining about TV channels giving you a different content from what you want. Me, I am okay with any content. Show pro-Hitler commercials daily for all I care.
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  
    The unaccountable collectivists will never listen to reason, because they live in a parallel universe. I really don't want to deal with them, so F*** it lets just tell them what they want to hear...

    <sarcasm> You know why we force LGBTQ propaganda into kid's thoughts? It's so that we can make them turn gay! That'l sure show them! This is how we are going to get all the votes so that we can get our crooked politicians in office and finally have the socialism we desire! There is NO chance that by the time they grow up that LGBTQ rights will be seen as normal and it won't matter!  HA HA! There in NO chance that someone who supports LGBTQ rights could be anything except obedient to the DNC! That's what this is about! As an added benefit it will undermine their religion, and make it totally collapse! This is the only thing that can do that!  HA HA HA It isn't like religions and Christianity in particular have been changed so much over time that they are completely different from what they were in the past. They are exactly the same practices now as when Rome collapsed! There is no difference, but LGBTQ rights will change that for good! The only problem is when the kids grow up gay they will have less kids, so we will need to bring in immigrants to keep the population stable, but that isn't a problem because we will only bring in voters who kneel to the DNC! It will be so easy! HA HA! Nothing they can do to stop it! This is what the DNC is actually thinking! HA HA! </sarcasm>

    I am 99.999% sure this is what the alt-right actually believes.
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    @We_are_accountable Your anti-homosexuality views and "slippery-slope" into pedophilia fallacy have been debunked many times already as this has been debated many times on this website and I suggest going back and looking at them if you care about being factually sound. You're clearly not when you label sexuality as a paraphilia(fetish) and quote "the science of biology"(when it proves homosexuality). Although you could be a troll that doesn't care what you say is factually sound, that seems more likely to me at this time.

    For Paraphilia claim: "A 2012 literature study by clinical psychologist James Cantor, when comparing homosexuality with paraphilias, found that both share "the features of onset and course (both homosexuality and paraphilia being life-long), but they appear to differ on sex ratio, fraternal birth order, handedness, IQ and cognitive profile, and neuroanatomy". The research then concluded that the data seemed to suggest paraphilias and homosexuality as two distinct categories."

    For Biology claim: "Most scientists today agree that sexual orientation is most likely the result of a complex interaction of environmental, cognitive and biological factors." "The existence of the fraternal birth order effect on male sexual orientation has been confirmed many times. One approach for establishing the ubiquity of this effect has been to search for it in a variety of sample types The repeated finding of the fraternal birth order effect in diverse samples shows that the effect is nearly ubiquitous – with the exception of populations where people do not have older brothers."

    I have already explained this and you probably didn't bother to read it so I will explain it ONCE AGAIN. I have no problem what a commercial shows because freedom of the press exists as a constitutional right. The people running the program chooses what to run no matter what activist groups exist. They make money when they run ads of LGBT and not the church, hence capitalism. Thats because of the free market. Maybe if there was a huge "christian-rights" group popularized later then there would be more commercials with your representation because then they could make more money off of it and make a higher profit than LGBT. Seems you cannot grasp this common sense, I suggest an economics class.

    The LGBT movement exists because people harrassed them and took away their rights (mainly religous folks). Thats the only reason why a rainbow is associated with gay rights now, and why you are seeing commercials featuring such. Congratulations, you played yourself.
    why so serious?
  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  
    I haven't seen any LGBTQ commercials that "target" 7 year old's. I've seen religious one's that do. I've seen very unhealthy habit or food commercials  that do. I've seen capitalistic ones that do.  I think it's much better for a child to be taught to think for themselves, than be taught that they "shouldn't watch certain things". If you do THAT, they WILL watch whatever it is …. more intently … to see what it is they shouldn't see!

    It has ALWAYS been that way. :hushed:
  • LOL, I hope you never had kids because your ideals on raising them would be paramount to abandonment.

    Kids rely on parents to keep them safe from those who would try to influence them. For you to suggest that kids are mature enough to see all the depravity on display in this world, and grasp decency from depravity, then you don't know anything about children.

    Children are immpressionable, and easily swayed by adults. Kids look up to adults and believe what they are told. We should always protect them from activist groups with agendas. This is why we have rating systems on tv programming. This is why we should always keep these activist groups out of reach of our children in public schools and in our homes when watching supposed family programming.@AlofRI
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -  
    Children are immpressionable, and easily swayed by adults. Kids look up to adults and believe what they are told. We should always protect them from activist groups with agendas. This is why we have rating systems on tv programming. This is why we should always keep these activist groups out of reach of our children in public schools
    Then do you advocate banning church attendance by minors? Christianity groups can be called activist groups with an agenda incredibly easily...
    why so serious?
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  

    This is actually a popular myth; research shows that kids are affected much less by the parenting methods they are subjected to, than by their peers, societal culture, etc. It is impossible to shield the child from influence of various outside ideas, but it is possible to make his/her life miserable by constantly trying to. The best a good parent can do is to instil practically efficient values in the child and to teach them how to process information.

    How old are you? You do not seem to be ready to be a parent yet. Buy some books on the subject; your ideas on parenting are behind the times by a couple of centuries. If you think that you can just block some content from your kids and that will prevent them from being exposed to it, then you are in for a lot of surprises, my friend.

    All these things - ratings, parental controls, adult content labels, etc. - are a product of demand by insecure parents who are afraid that their child will start getting outside their control. Such parents believe that they should design, engineer a perfect child that will do everything they want him/her to do. Needless to say, not only does it never work, but it harms the child in many ways. This is the kind of parents that children cut ties with once they leave the home.
  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  
    @We_are_accountable ;

    Too late. I have four daughters. One is Catholic, retired from teaching in a Catholic school. She has two sons, both Eagle Scouts, One teaches in a Catholic boarding school (Biology and Chemistry), where, likely, one of your heroes, Tucker Carlson graduated, and in a couple of months will be married in the same on campus cathedral HE was married in. (shudder). The other son is in Real Estate. Another daughter is Manager of one of the largest retail stores in Connecticut, she's a non-believer. Another is manager of (and executive chef of), a large catering business in N.C., another non-believer. The fourth was a Surgical Nurse in Maine's largest hospital for a Heart Specialist  … until she got Cancer. She's still fighting that. She's an evangelical, Jesus hasn't answered her prayers, or others "thoughts and prayers". No surprise to me.

    Two of them have gay friends, are NOT gay themselves, all are far more tolerant than, say, YOU. None of them seem to carry as much hate as you, thankfully. Thankfully, they don't think at all like you. They_are_accountable! (And they have lived with my ideals ;-) You have a good day!
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -  
    LOL, I hope you never had kids
    I barely ever go off topic but I will say this once now. That was incredibly rude to AlofRI and had no place in this debate. You really should be ashamed of that

    You are attacking the healthy debate environment with your irrelevant snarky comments.
    why so serious?
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    ***** LOL, I hope you never had kids because your ideals on raising them would be paramount to abandonment

    Thats a pretty nasty remark to make , you’re very high and mighty aren’t you?
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