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In this Debate

Oh the little things.

Debate Information

I saw the greatest comment so far on this site, so lets answer these difficult questions. Some may even say these things are trivial. But let's ignore the haters for a second. 

"Debates don't have to be about the big stuff, you know? They can be about the little things, like, "Which car company is the best?" or "What kind of tea is better: sweet or unsweet?" This website isn't just for debating what's going on in the U.S., since you've said you live in Canada. Sure, we can have U.S.-themed debates, but it doesn't have to be all the time."

Format like this.

Which car company is the best.
What tea is the best, sweet or unsweet.
(For the canadians out there), which syrup is the best maple, or other.

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  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 512 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey Jeff.


    Cheap and reliable cars.

    Unsweetened tea.

    And syrup is as syrup does.

    Cats or Dogs?

    Add a question pass it on.
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