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Christian Churches, remove your handicapped ramps and parking spaces now!


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  • SwolliwSwolliw 1530 Pts   -  
    you "think" you've successfully argued the point

    I have in fact successfully argued the point, that being since what is written in the Bible was relevant 2000 years ago. Due to their lack of knowledge of diseases and handicaps, society at large was profoundly scared of sick people as they thought that being in their vicinity, the disease would spread, similarly the consumption of some foods and the methods of growing crops. It wasn't just the words of the Bible but the rules of the land. We don't live by such rules nowadays and it is reasonable for Christians not to adopt such dictums and would reasonably accept that God would see the wisdom of such given that we know so much more about health. And no doubt God would be wiser to the fact and would consider such rules to be outmoded.

    So, the fact that the Bible makes so many rules to live by 2000 years ago it does not mean that they apply today. Similarly, rules then relating to social attitudes such as homosexuality are completely outmoded, again due to the fact that we are much the wiser through better access to quality information. Both Jesus and God would welcome the shift away from such oppressive and cruel rules. And we bare in mind that the Bible has not been updated since.

    By your own admission ("primitive Bronze and Iron Age Bibles") much of what is contained in the Bible is old and outmoded.

    Therefore, my argument stands and your assertion that handicap facilities be removed from churches not only lacks substance but nowhere have you backed up your claim with even one single shred of reason or evidence. Simply saying that "it is written" carries no credence given the context and time it was written and "you will certainly pay upon Jesus' Judgment Day when you will experience HIs revenge" is no more than malicious speculation based on the same erroneous assumption that the words must be adhered to.

    You have made a very poor argument completely devoid of reason that does no more than raise suspicion that you are wanting to expound highly radical, dictatorial, and offensive views.

  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 209 Pts   -   edited March 2023


    1. The Bottom line is the FACT, that pseudo-christians are to follow their Bible to the letter, PERIOD!
    2. There is no "ifs, ands or buts" in following the direct words of Jesus at any era of time, PERIOD!  
    3. What Jesus as God said ONCE, He did not presume that He needed to update it 2000 years later, PERIOD!

    The Bible is the written word of God to pseudo-christians, and for that reason alone, and therefore in their eyes, you DO NOT have the authority to usurp their Gods doctrine in any way whatsoever, of which you have yet to comprehend in you being an imbecile as shown!

    Now, just move along and wipe the egg from your face AGAIN in your ever wanting weak propositions to the pseudo-christians word of their God, Jesus the Christ!


  • SwolliwSwolliw 1530 Pts   -  
    their Bible to the letter, PERIOD!
    Jesus at any era of time, PERIOD! 
    needed to update it 2000 years later, PERIOD!

    It is very admirable that you have such firm views however nowhere in your posts have backed up those views with sound reasoning or evidence. The word "PERIOD" does not at all validate any argument.

    Not one of your arguments stands up and have all been successfully refuted.

  • @ProudToBeCatholic

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,”



    The concise bottom line to your over active and 3 paragraph “War and Peace” disertation to Jesus’ creation with defects relative to them not entering His Temples, is the fact that priestly or NOT, a godly proposal; why didn’t Jesus repel ALL of His Hebrew creation with defects from  entering His Temple in the first place?  If it was good enough for Aaron’s decendants with defects, then it should be good enough for EVERYONE that has defects if Jesus is that annoyed by them in the first place!


    Jesus repeating Himself is still being weak as none other than the Hebrew God Jesus the Christ. Imagine, the only one god of the universe, that He created approximately 6000 years ago, has to say the same sentence TWICE!  This goes against this passage herewith where Jesus gets into the minds of His Hebrew creation to begin with in letting them know in what He means the FIRST TIME around:  The Lord DIRECTS the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” (Pslam 37:23-24)

    YOUR QUOTE OF JESUS RETURNING WITH CREATURES TO BRUTALLY MURDER HIS CREATION THAT DO NOT WANT HIM TO RULE OVER THEM:  “No, it is important to understand what these creatures represent as well, as that will provide a clear picture of what is going to happen in the future.”

    Yes, Jesus and His horrific sulfur spitting creatures will brutally murder a portion of His Hebrew Creation upon his return, praise Jesus ever loving and forgiving nature, NOT!

    The above biblical axiom directly goes against Jesus’ Forgiveness Doctrine herewith: “My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.”(1 John 2:1-2)

    Let me know if you need further explanation to the above contradicting proposition to Jesus’ murdering nature upon his 2nd Coming! Okay?


  • @ProudToBeCatholic

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,”


    The women should keep silent in the churchesFor they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church." (1 Corinthians 14:34-35)

    YOUR OUT OF CONTEXT QUOTE REGARDING THE PASSAGE ABOVE: “This passage is relative to teaching. Women are not to teach in the church.”

    WRONG, BIBLE FOOL! Your comical quoted statement above to the passage in question that specifically says “The woman should remain silent in churches, and “for it is shameful for a woman to speak in church, is totally irrelative to your ungodly eisegesis notion that this applies to women not to teach in church, which this passage does not say whatsoever! 

    Your embarrassing eisegesis of this passage FAILED in you trying to rewrite the passage in question as literally shown, shame on you!  

    JESUS’ INSPIRED WORDS STATE: ”Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou BEATEST him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt BEAT HIM with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell." (Proverbs.23:13-14)

    YOUR WRONGFUL AND UNGODLY EISEGESIS QUOTE RELATIVE TO THE PASSAGE ABOVE: “This verse in question is speaking of parents punishing their own children. It is not saying you are to go and start beating every child you see who is out of line.”

    WRONG AGAIN! This passage “stands alone” and in no way is related to a parents children whatsoever!  LITERALLY READ THE PASSAGE AGAIN, where does it state a parents child, it doesn’t!  Shame on you in creating BLASPHEME towards Jesus the Christ!

    Don’t you realize that Jesus is watching you in trying to rewrite His inspired words? 

    "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. “ (Hebrews 4:13)

    Were you sent here by Satan to disrupt Jesus' direct words within the scriptures? Huh? BLASPHEME on your part!


  • @ProudToBeCatholic

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,”


    YOUR QUOTE OF NOT PERMITTING CHILD ABUSE: “ ….. but when coupled with the rest of Scripture we see that we are not to go overboard and into the realm of child abuse. (Proverbs 19:18)

    HUH? But, your Jesus as God, initiated child abuse as shown unfortunately below by His inspired words all the time within the scriptures, as an example for you to do the same if needed, what gives with you?

    1. JESUS AS GOD SAID: “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?  For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’ and ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.  (Matthew 15: 3-4)

    2. JESUS AS GOD SAID: “Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.” (Samuel 15:3)

    3. JESUS AS GOD INSPIRED THIS PASSAGE: “Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.” (Psalms 137:9)

    4. JESUS AS GOD STRUCK DOWN THE FIRST BORN OF EGYPT:He struck down the firstborn of Egypt, the firstborn of people and animals.” (Psalms 135:8)

    5. JESUS AS GOD SAID: I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and daughters, and they will eat one another’s flesh because their enemies will press the siege so hard against them to destroy them.’ (Jeremiah 19:9)

    6. JESUS AS GOD; murdered all of His Jewish Creation, including innocent zygotes, fetus,' babies, and children in His Great Flood Temper Tantrum (Genesis 6:5-7)


    YOUR INSIDIOUS QUOTE OF NOT TELLING THE TRUTH: “I am not running away from your ‘refutations’ but I can see that this conversation is going nowhere and for that reason decided to move on to another topic. We both provided our views and I believe I very clearly refuted YOUR posts and that you are searching for anything you can possibly use to justify your standpoint on this issue now that I have shown the error in many of your points.”

    The conversation is seemingly to you going nowhere, but in fact, it is at your embarrassing expense.  This is simply because you are trying so hard to ungodly rewrite the LITERAL WORDS of Jesus at your expense upon Judgment Day!   I can’t help it if I have to correct your Bible ignorance and stupidity all the time, as shown in my recent refutations AGAIN, in you taking a Satanic position of trying in vain to REWRITE GODS EXPLICIT WORDS, in using your pitiful eisegesis that blatantly went nowhere as readily shown!

    YOUR QUOTE OF WHICH WILL SHOW MORE OF YOUR FUTURE BIBLE STUPIDITY AND IGNORANCE: “I will post my first topic shortly, so keep an eye out for it. Understand I am currently in college and have been turning in late assignments just so I can debate you so if I take a week or so to post my topic, that is why”

    OMG, Trust me, I cannot wait for you to create a thread!  Hopefully you will actually do this act, and not get cold feet and run away in shame and embarrassment in front of the membership! 

     May I make a needed observation? Do you have room for another class at college that relates to "English writing skills," whereas it would teach you to be more concise, and not give us a WALL OF TEXT in a “War and Peace” book dissertation?  Please look into it, thank you. 


  • @Swolliw

    YOUR ASSUMED INTELLECT GOES WANTING AGAIN IN YOUR QUOTE RELATING TO THE TOPIC AT HAND: "It is very admirable that you have such firm views however nowhere in your posts have backed up those views with sound reasoning or evidence. The word "PERIOD" does not at all validate any argument. Not one of your arguments stands up and have all been successfully refuted."

    Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, enough egg upon your face at this point, where your moniker should use this image:



  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Summary of Points on the Topic of Leviticus 21


    21 Century Iconoclast,

    You have repeatedly taken verses out of context throughout the course of this entire debate and I am wasting my time even responding. I think everybody can see you are grasping at straws now in reinterpreting everything in the Bible from the meaning that is commonly understood from the text. I noticed you completely ignored what I said about the Hebrew meaning in refuting your argument as shown in YOUR FEBRUARY 28 POST. You seem to like to jump from one argument to another. Whenever I refute one point you make, you move on to another, then another, and so on. Let me just summarize my points on the Leviticus 21 topic:

    1.       Only the priests were allowed to enter the temple of God in order to offer the bread and the entire text of Leviticus chapter 21 pertains to the priesthood, and is, therefore, contrary to the basis of your argument that no one who is handicapped should be allowed to enter churches today.

    2.       God’s purpose in instituting the laws contained in Leviticus chapter 21 was to provide a picture of the ultimate high priest, Jesus Christ, who would enter into the holiest place once for all to make atonement for sins, contrary to your statement that Jesus is annoyed by the disabled of His creation or that He for some reason, hates them. It had nothing to do with them and everything to do with the picture, just like every other law the Jews were given.

    3.       Moses was not a priest, however, he acted as priest for a little while only for the purpose of showing Aaron and his sons what they must do. Whether Moses’ difficulty speaking indicates he had a disability or not, he would have been allowed by God into the temple for the purpose of demonstrating to Aaron and his sons what they must do simply because God Himself told him to do so. This is contrary to your statement that Moses was a priest and therefore violated God’s law in entering the temple because he supposedly had a disability.


    Jesus Repeating Himself Twice:

    That verse you have provided is completely incompatible with your claim that God will never say the same sentence twice. The Lord directing the steps of the godly does not equate with Him repeating Himself and therefore this argument is null. You are proposing that ‘directing someone’ means you will never repeat yourself, which is obviously not true.


    Jesus Returning to Judge His Creation That Rejects Him:

    First of all, Jesus doesn’t kill His Hebrew creation in the passages provided in Revelation that you presented. He will destroy all who reject Him, whether you are a Hebrew or not. Second, 1 John 2:1-2 was written to Christians. John was not telling unbelievers that if they sin they have an advocate with the Father. Once again, just as you did with Leviticus 21, you are not considering the context in which this passage was written and are thus applying, ‘anyone’ to everybody in the entire world. Since you have a hard time understanding this, let me give an example. Imagine I have a family. Imagine I tell everyone in my family, “No one is allowed to play video games past 9:00” Does that mean no one at all? Or does it mean no one in my family? In the same way, when God speaks to Moses about the priesthood and says ‘no one’ does that mean no one at all? Or does it mean no one of the priesthood? Furthermore, when John speaks to believers about committing sin and says ‘anyone’ does that mean everybody? Or does it mean any believer? It is not that difficult to figure out.

    When St. John says that Christ is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world, he literally means for the sins of the whole world. Christ died for everybody, even the worst sinner. But Scripture makes it clear that in order for the benefits of His sacrifice to be applied to you, you must believe and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38) You must put Scripture with Scripture instead of picking one verse and using it for your own purposes.

  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Eisegesis


    21 Century Iconoclast,

    You are accusing me of eisegesis when you are the one who has used this fallacy time and time again throughout this debate. Putting two Scriptures together that pertain to the exact same topic in order to draw a Biblical conclusion is in no way eisegesis. You, on the other hand, have repeatedly used eisegesis, drawing verses out of Scripture and putting in your own interpretations and preconceived ideas as to what they mean. Let me give you some examples:

    You claimed FOUR TIMES that, based on Leviticus 21, ‘If pseudo-christians actually read their primitive Bronze and Iron Age Bibles, instead of being “spoon fed” their doctrine on Sunday mornings, they would remove all handicapped entities now!’ I showed you very clearly that this verse simply pertains to the priesthood. EISEGESIS!

    You claimed that in Matthew 5:18, ‘Jesus likened the continuance of the 613 Mosaic Laws, to the permanence of heaven and earth’ I showed you from Scripture that Christ fulfills the Old Law and because of that, we no longer follow the Old Law because when we follow Him, the Law is fulfilled within us. EIDEGESIS!

    You claimed that Revelation 21:8 implies that even if a pedophile priest repents, he will be sent to hell regardless. ‘Repent? No you Bible fool, they are to be sent to the sulfur lakes of Hell’. I showed from the Scripture that Christ offers forgiveness of all sin, if repented of, and that this verse applies to the unbelievers who continue in the listed sins. EISEGESIS!

    You claimed that 1 Corinthians 12:18-26, Ephesians 2:10, AND Romans 11:8(TWICE) are speaking of God creating everybody with every defect they are born with. “The irony is the biblical axioms that Jesus formed these “defected of His creation at birth” as shown and implied in the following passages below.’ Neither of these passages speak of the human body, nor God creating our physical flesh. 1 Corinthians 12 speaks of the mystical body of Christ and Ephesians 2 speaks of God’s work in us, and Romans 11 speaks of a spiritual blindness and deafness upon those who reject God. EISEGESIS!

    You attempted to use Revelation 22:18-19 to prove that taking away from the book of Leviticus will result in God taking away a person’s part in the book of life. ‘Listen up Bible fool, the pseudo-christian accepts "those words," that were approximately written 3200 years ago, from their serial killer God Jesus, where they have NO AUTHORITY to usurp said words within the Holy Scriptures, do you understand?’ I showed that this passage, as the text itself states, is merely talking about taking away from the book of Revelation. EISEGESIS!

    You claimed that Numbers 23:19 implies that, since God will not change His mind, He will never repeat His words more than once. ‘it is weak if He has to repeat himself because as the passage below states, He will NOT change his mind in the first place’ In reality repeating yourself and changing your mind are two totally different things. EISEGESIS!

    You claimed that Proverbs 23:13-14 meant you are to beat any child you see who is out of line. ‘Since Jesus in Luke 4:4 says you are to BEAT a child with a rod that has gotten out of line… in seeing a child that needs a beating with a rod, why didn't you beat them as Jesus commanded you to do?’ I explained that this passage pertained to parents disciplining their children, as the context CLEARLY IMPLIES. EISEGESIS!

    You claimed that Psalm 37:23-24 indicates that Jesus will never repeat Himself because He says that He directs the steps of the godly. ‘Jesus repeating Himself is still being weak… Imagine, the only one god of the universe… has to say the same sentence TWICE! This goes against this passage herewith where Jesus gets into the minds of His Hebrew creation to begin with in letting them know in what He means the FIRST TIME around’ I showed you the obvious fact that directing somebody’s steps does not in any way mean that He will never repeat Himself. EISEGESIS!

    You claimed that 1 John 2:1-2 means that everybody will be forgiven, in contradiction with the book of Revelation. ‘Yes, Jesus and His horrific sulfur spitting creatures will brutally murder a portion of His Hebrew Creation upon his return, praise Jesus ever loving and forgiving nature, NOT! The above biblical axiom directly goes against Jesus’ Forgiveness Doctrine herewith’ I showed you, by the context and the audience of St. John, that this verse is speaking to believers. EISEGESIS!

    I just showed that at least ¾ of the verses you chose to use in this debate employed eisegesis on your part, and you are going to tell me that by comparing 1 Corinthians 11:5 and 1 Timothy 2:12, which both pertain to women being silent in the church, and coming to a solid conclusion that includes both of these verses’ input, I am committing eisegesis? NEED I SAY MORE? Who should be ‘wiping the proverbial egg off their face’?

  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Eisegeis?

    21 Century Iconoclast,

    You are accusing me of eisegesis when you are the one who has used this fallacy time and time again throughout this debate. Putting two Scriptures together that pertain to the exact same topic in order to draw a Biblical conclusion is in no way eisegesis. You, on the other hand, have repeatedly used eisegesis, drawing verses out of Scripture and putting in your own interpretations and preconceived ideas as to what they mean. Let me give you some examples:

    You claimed FOUR TIMES that, based on Leviticus 21, ‘If pseudo-christians actually read their primitive Bronze and Iron Age Bibles, instead of being “spoon fed” their doctrine on Sunday mornings, they would remove all handicapped entities now!’ I showed you very clearly that this verse simply pertains to the priesthood. EISEGESIS!

    You claimed that in Matthew 5:18, ‘Jesus likened the continuance of the 613 Mosaic Laws, to the permanence of heaven and earth’ I showed you from Scripture that Christ fulfills the Old Law and because of that, we no longer follow the Old Law because when we follow Him, the Law is fulfilled within us. EIDEGESIS!

    You claimed that Revelation 21:8 implies that even if a pedophile priest repents, he will be sent to hell regardless. ‘Repent? No you Bible fool, they are to be sent to the sulfur lakes of Hell’. I showed from the Scripture that Christ offers forgiveness of all sin, if repented of, and that this verse applies to the unbelievers who continue in the listed sins. EISEGESIS!

    You claimed that 1 Corinthians 12:18-26, Ephesians 2:10, AND Romans 11:8(TWICE) are speaking of God creating everybody with every defect they are born with. “The irony is the biblical axioms that Jesus formed these “defected of His creation at birth” as shown and implied in the following passages below.’ Neither of these passages speak of the human body, nor God creating our physical flesh. 1 Corinthians 12 speaks of the mystical body of Christ and Ephesians 2 speaks of God’s work in us, and Romans 11 speaks of a spiritual blindness and deafness upon those who reject God. EISEGESIS!

    You attempted to use Revelation 22:18-19 to prove that taking away from the book of Leviticus will result in God taking away a person’s part in the book of life. ‘Listen up Bible fool, the pseudo-christian accepts "those words," that were approximately written 3200 years ago, from their serial killer God Jesus, where they have NO AUTHORITY to usurp said words within the Holy Scriptures, do you understand?’ I showed that this passage, as the text itself states, is merely talking about taking away from the book of Revelation. EISEGESIS!

    You claimed that Numbers 23:19 implies that, since God will not change His mind, He will never repeat His words more than once. ‘it is weak if He has to repeat himself because as the passage below states, He will NOT change his mind in the first place’ In reality repeating yourself and changing your mind are two totally different things. EISEGESIS!

    You claimed that Proverbs 23:13-14 meant you are to beat any child you see who is out of line. ‘Since Jesus in Luke 4:4 says you are to BEAT a child with a rod that has gotten out of line… in seeing a child that needs a beating with a rod, why didn't you beat them as Jesus commanded you to do?’ I explained that this passage pertained to parents disciplining their children, as the context CLEARLY IMPLIES. EISEGESIS!

    You claimed that Psalm 37:23-24 indicates that Jesus will never repeat Himself because He says that He directs the steps of the godly. ‘Jesus repeating Himself is still being weak… Imagine, the only one god of the universe… has to say the same sentence TWICE! This goes against this passage herewith where Jesus gets into the minds of His Hebrew creation to begin with in letting them know in what He means the FIRST TIME around’ I showed you the obvious fact that directing somebody’s steps does not in any way mean that He will never repeat Himself. EISEGESIS!

    You claimed that 1 John 2:1-2 means that everybody will be forgiven, in contradiction with the book of Revelation. ‘Yes, Jesus and His horrific sulfur spitting creatures will brutally murder a portion of His Hebrew Creation upon his return, praise Jesus ever loving and forgiving nature, NOT! The above biblical axiom directly goes against Jesus’ Forgiveness Doctrine herewith’ I showed you, by the context and the audience of St. John, that this verse is speaking to believers. EISEGESIS!

    I just showed that at least ¾ of the verses you chose to use in this debate employed the fallacy of eisegesis, and you are going to tell me that by comparing 1 Corinthians 11:5 and 1 Timothy 2:12, which both pertain to women being silent in the church, and coming to a solid conclusion that includes both of these verses’ input, I am committing eisegesis? NEED I SAY MORE? Who should be ‘wiping the proverbial egg off their face’?

  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Response to Proverbs 23 Argument


    21 Century Iconoclast, who likes to accuse other people of eisegesis when 99% of what they post utilizes the fallacy of eisegesis,


    Your Post: WRONG AGAIN! This passage “stands alone” and in no way is related to a parents children whatsoever!...


    You are correct in saying that Proverbs 23:13-14 stands alone from the rest of the text. However, when taken in the context of the Scripture as a whole and the plain common sense reading of this text, you can come to no other conclusion than that this is a message for parents in disciplining their own son. I am noticing that you like to take verses that are accepted a certain way by literally everybody and try and change the meaning.

    1.       The Bible makes it clear that the parents are responsible for their children. (Ephesians 6:4, Proverbs 29:17, Proverbs 22:6, Proverbs 29:15, Proverbs 19:18)

    2.       There is also a parallel verse to this passage in question which can be found in Proverbs 14:24- ‘Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.’ We see Solomon using the same exact Hebrew word for rod, which is ‘shebet’, but in the context of disciplining one’s child.

    3.       NOWHERE in Scripture do we find a command or reference to disciplining somebody else’s kid. Nor do we see anywhere in Scripture any Jew disciplining another person’s child.

    Basing my argument on these three things, it is much more plausible to take this text as speaking to his sons about how to discipline their children than to take it to mean we are to run around whipping everybody else’s kids. You must use common sense when you read the Scripture. The verse does not, in of itself, tell you who this child is, so you must use common sense to figure it out. There is a reason nobody interprets the passage the way you are suggesting. In fact, I would challenge you to find one commentary on Proverbs 23:13-14 that takes the verse the way you do.

    And let me help you; the proper way to use the word would be blasphemy, not ‘blaspheme’ relative to your statement ‘Shame on you in creating BLASPHEME towards Jesus the Christ.’ And your further statement: ‘Were you sent here by Satan to disrupt Jesus’ direct words within the scriptures? Huh? BLASPHEME on your part!’


    And I would never rewrite Jesus’ inspired words. I simply seek to take them with a little bit of common sense and logic instead of assuming Jesus wants us to run around with sticks smacking every child who misbehaves in the grocery store across the back. I will stick to the logical reading instead of the erroneous one you are proposing.

  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Refutation of God Initiating Child Abuse Post


    21 Century Iconoclast, who likes to accuse other people of eisegesis when 99% of what they post utilizes the fallacy of eisegesis,

    None of the verses you have provided make God a child abuse initiator. Let me address the verses you provided in one refutation because Paul himself IN FACT, ADDRESSED THIS VERY ISSUE: Romans 9:10-24. “Not only that, but Rebecca’s children were conceived by one man, our father Isaac. Yet before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad, in order that God’s plan of election might stand, not by works but by Him who calls, she was told, “The older will serve the younger.” So it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” What shall we say? Is God unjust? Certainly not! For He says to Moses: “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” So then, it does not depend on man’s desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display My power in you, and that My name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” Therefore, God has mercy on whom He wants to have mercy, and He hardens whom He wants to harden. One of you will say to me, “Then why does God still find fault? For who can resist His will?” But who are you O man, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it, “Why did You make me like this?” Does not the potter have the right to make from the same lump of clay one vessel for special occasions and another for common use? What if God, intending to show His wrath and make His power known, bore with great patience the vessels of His wrath, prepared for destruction? What if He did this to make the riches of His glory known to the vessels of His mercy, whom He prepared in advance for glory- including us, whom He has called no only from the Jews, but also from the Gentiles?”

    I think this passage is the perfect ending for this argument. You may not like the fact that God is able to do whatever He wants because that takes away your own control over your life, but the reality remains. God created us, He can do as He wills with us. We ought to be thankful He has given us some extent of free will to choose or reject Him and to live our lives for or against Him. He could’ve made us mindless robots; instead, as Paul states: “[God] bore with great patience the vessels of His wrath prepared for destruction.” He is patient with us and remember that clay is shapeable. If we turn to God in penance and turn from our evil ways, He will mold us into a vessel of mercy. If you want to read more on that, look at the parallel passage to this verse Jeremiah chapter 18.


    Your Lying Quote: The conversation is seemingly to you going nowhere, but in fact, it is at your embarrassing expense…

    I have not rewritten one passage whereas YOU COMMITTED THE FALLACY OF EISEGESIS AT LEAST 15 TIMES IN THIS DEBATE. Maybe you should consider that before arguing that you refuted my posts throughout this debate.


    Your Quote: OMG, Trust me, I cannot wait for you to create a thread!...

    I assure you I will not get cold feet. Debates like these only serve to solidify my faith in the one, true, holy, and apostolic Church that Jesus Christ founded. Give me about a week or so and I will create a thread.

    And that is not a needed observation as I have been learning the English language and writing novels since I was seven years old, have already taken one English Composition class, and am currently in my second class of the same. Perhaps most ironic of all is the fact that I am currently pursuing a degree in Englsh and Literature and will be aiming for a career as an editor in the not-so-distant future. I have provided lengthy responses where needed to convince you beyond a reasonable doubt that what I am saying is true and since your first complaint, I have begun shortening them, as a quick back on this thread will reveal to you.

    Unless you can provide me with an argument I have not already clearly refuted, I will not be responding on this thread again. Thank you.

  • SwolliwSwolliw 1530 Pts   -  

    In  general, I have found that on this site and most other debating sites the tenure ship of members who adopt such a stance and attitude is not very long. And indeed, it is an impossible position to rise from when a debater will not or cannot rise beyond making threats, hurling vitriol, belittling and reasoning "because it is so" or even worse, "because I said so" . It is also noteworthy that your escalating behavior has been reported and again, from experience I have found that members are usually banned from the site without any warning whatsoever, especially in the case of threats, no matter how frivolous the intention may be. What I have quoted is an outright threat, no matter how one wants to interpret it.

    What may help, and what I found useful in my early days of debating is that there is a wealth of resources and organizations to draw from to develop one's debating skills. For example, I learnt through Toastmasters how to articulate ideas and present them in a convincing, yet civilized fashion. There are many extremely good professionals and groups that you may also wish to reach out to who deal with issues such as anger management, narcissism and other psychosomatic disorders.

  • Luigi7255Luigi7255 695 Pts   -   edited March 2023

    Exactly, I've seen many religious zealots come and go, ChristWarrior's sockpuppet, Pamela to an extent, RickeyD, etc. and every single time, they quit when they fail to convert anyone on their crusade against those they disagree with. It's depressing, really, how many times this has happened on this site alone.
    "I will never change who I am just because you do not approve."
  • @Swolliw

    I get it now, I am sorry that I didn't see it before. You are the type of person that needs to have the last word in a discussion to assume that you won said discussion. Therefore, to save you from further embarrassment in not understanding pseudo-christians in having to accept their Bible AS IS, where you want to comically update it to todays understanding and morals, please perform one last attempt of you being Bible , and take the last word with me in discussion.


  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 209 Pts   -   edited March 2023

    YOUR QUOTE RELATING TO ME: " ...... they quit when they fail to convert anyone on their crusade against those they disagree with. It's depressing, really, how many times this has happened on this site alone."

    I am not here to convert anyone away from their primitive Christian beliefs, but only to show in how utterly Bible they are to begin with in accepting said beliefs, which is more than enough for me to be pleased!

    The only time that I will quit this Religion forum is if I am banned by possibly Christian moderators, in where they see that what I bring forth is disturbing to them and against their Bronze and Iron Age thinking faith. 

  • Luigi7255Luigi7255 695 Pts   -  

    You say you aren't wanting to convert others to Christianity... yet in the same sentence you say "but only to show in how utterly Bible they are to begin with in accepting said beliefs, which is more than enough for me to be pleased!" Which is pretty much you hoping they accept the belief of Christianity.

    I have to ask, are you mentally okay? Launching crusades against vulnerable people isn't a sign of a sane person.
    "I will never change who I am just because you do not approve."
  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 209 Pts   -   edited March 2023

    YOUR INSIPID AND MISGUIDED QUOTES: "You say you aren't wanting to convert others to Christianity... yet in the same sentence you say "but only to show in how utterly Bible they are to begin with in accepting said beliefs, which is more than enough for me to be pleased!" Which is pretty much you hoping they accept the belief of Christianity. "I have to ask, are you mentally okay? Launching crusades against vulnerable people isn't a sign of a sane person."

    Jesus H. Christ, I DO NOT need another member like the Bible fool "ProundToBeCatholic" that you now represent with him!

    1. First thing, you did not include "" in your quote, which defines the rest of the statement that I am not here to convert anyone to the primitive thinking and disgusting Bronze and Iron Age Christianity.

    2. What part of my moniker of "21stCenturyIconoclast" don't you understand? Huh? Do the simple math after you look up the definition!

    May I suggest that you take an online "Reading Comprehension Class" so you won't embarrass yourself again upon this Religion Forum?
    You can thank me later for proposing this to you. 

  • CatCat 65 Pts   -  
    After reading much if not all of this thread, i am inclined to believe three things. 
    1. you are a mentally ill 48 year old child living in a basement with nothing to do all day except respond to actual arguments with the most nonsensical statements you can think of
    2. you are a troll who delights in wasting time
    3. you are an actual person interested in religion who happens to possess fewer brain cells than the average celery stick
    In either case, this debate has clearly already been won by ''proudtobecatholic'' as they have actually made the effort to stick to the argument above. My only question for you is, why are you still here?
  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 209 Pts   -   edited March 2023

    In your ever so embarrassing quotes in your post above, you facetiously, and with trickery, assume as a premise, the conclusion in which you want to reach, good girl!  

    Listen, a good word of thought for you, okay? You just stay tethered as a little puppy to the front porch, and watch the BIG DOGS play, and if you try to take your obvious grade-school inept knowledge to the topics at hand with myself and/or ProudToBeCatholic, I will Bible Slap you Silly®️ to get back on the porch where you belong, understood dear?   


  • CatCat 65 Pts   -   edited March 2023
    Awww, did i make you mad? I'm sorry i correctly assumed your actual intelligence level and sad life. See, let me offer you some advice, it helps to actually study what you're about to argue about, what, you've never heard of forming coherent sentences without insulting someone? I thought so. I am so sorry you have had to live with such an intense mental disability, but it helps to touch grass once in a while. 
    Big dog? All i see is a pathetic no-life who got their hands on a keyboard. You should really stop attempting to act like a four-year-old, straining your mental capacity is really not healthy for someone your age. 

    Let me be clear, i have read enough of this debate to know that you have no idea what you are talking about, so consider shutting up and stop wasting words. 
    (Its always amusing when you use the same incoherent joke at the end of your ''insults'' they always bring a smile to my face) 
  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 209 Pts   -   edited March 2023

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and the king of using EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, 

    PROUDTOBECATHOLIC QUOTE OF RUNNING AWAY BECAUSE OF HIS OUTRIGHT BIBLE STUPIDITY AND IGNORANCE!: “Unless you can provide me with an argument I have not already clearly refuted, I will not be responding on this thread again. Thank you.”

    Debateisland Religion Forum, we have a “clean up” in isle 666, where ProudToBeCatholic is running away from his Bible ignorance and stupidity, where what he “thought he knew” using his ungodly eisegenis positions, he didn’t!  LOL!

    ProundToBeCatholic, will you be using this same runaway tactic in your quote above when you actually post a thread, where I will continue to Bible Slap you Silly®️?

    EISIGENSIS: an interpretation, especially of Scripture, that expresses the interpreter's own ideas, bias, or the like, rather than the meaning of the text.

    Because of you using your ungodly and BLATANT EISIGENSIS POSITIONS, you have not clearly refuted my "LITERAL as written" Bible passages inspired by Jesus the Christ as shown in my posts to you below!

  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: I Created a New Thread


    21 Century Iconoclast,
    I have already created a new thread as of yesterday, which you can take a look at if you would like. Do try to stick to the topic though instead of going all over the place as you have in this debate.

    And the definition you provided for Eisegesis is literally exactly what you have done time and time again throughout this debate. Maybe consider taking another look at the post I made where I provided a list of every time you have committed eisegesis so far, YES?
  • @ProudToBeCatholic 

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and the king of using EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, 

    YOUR QUOTE OF ME ALLEGEDLY TAKING “LITERAL PASSAGES” OUT OF CONTEXT, LOL!!!!:  "You have repeatedly taken verses out of context throughout the course of this entire debate and I am wasting my time even responding. I think everybody can see you are grasping at straws now in reinterpreting everything in the Bible from the meaning that is commonly understood from the text."

    What part of the word “LITERAL” don’t you understand?  You are the one using ungodly EISEGESIS in reinterpreting Jesus’ words from their “literal form” that I have brought forth at your expense!  Where the irony is, you CHERRY-PICK certain passages that CONTRADICT my literal passages to show that what they LITERALLY say, they do not! LOL!

    Because of your ungodly actions shown above, you therefore are a and are destined to your burning sulfur lakes of Hell upon your Satanic ESIEGESIS demise!

    "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, AND ALL LIARS, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)


  • @ProudToBeCatholic 

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and the king of using EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, 

    YOUR CONTRADICTION ALERT #1: “Moses was not a priest, however, he acted as priest for a little while only for the purpose of showing Aaron and his sons what they must do.”

    ? You blatantly CONTRADICTED yourself in the same sentence where you said Moses was NOT a priest, then saying he acted like a priest, whereas Jesus’ inspired words in the passage below state specifically that Moses WAS A PRIEST!!!

    “Moses and Aaron were among his priests, Samuel was among those who called on his name; they called on the Lord and he answered them.” (Psalm 99:6)

    First thing, do you really want to call Jesus a in the Pslam 99:6 passage that He inspired above because you said Moses was not a priest? Yes or no?

    Did you forget about your Catholic Catechism; Paragraph #116, in where you are to follow your Biblical fundamentalism in insisting that every detail of the Bible should be read and interpreted in “a literalist way” as your Jesus obviously intended? 

    “And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God.” (1 Thessalonians 2:13)

    How long do we have to put up with your outright Bible stupidity?!


  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  

    YOUR PATHETIC QUOTE IN WHICH YOU ATTEMPT TO MAKE YOURSELF FEEL BETTER AFTER CLEARLY LOSING THIS DEBATE AND BRINGING IN IRRELEVANT POINTS THAT DID NOT RELATE TO THE MATTER AT HAND IN ANY WAY: "Debateisland Religion Forum, we have a “clean up” in isle 666, where ProudToBeCatholic is running away from his Bible ignorance and stupidity, where what he “thought he knew” using his ungodly eisegenis positions, he didn’t!  LOL!"

    I have told you already that I am not running away. I think I successfully refuted every one of your arguments and am wasting my time responding anymore. There is a reason professional debates have time limits, and one of those reasons is for instances like these. You have gone to completely unrelated topics to the matter at hand, such as women speaking in church, punishing children, or sorry, punishing other people's children, and Jesus coming back to judge the world. What does any of that have to do with handicapped people being allowed in Church? 
  • @ProudToBeCatholic 

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and the king of using EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, 

    YOUR CONTRADICTION ALERT #2: “First of all, Jesus doesn’t kill His Hebrew creation in the passages provided in Revelation that you presented. He will destroy all who reject Him, whether you are a Hebrew or not.” 

    You said that Jesus doesn’t kill his creation in the passages in Revelation, but then you CONTRADICT yourself again in saying that Jesus will DESTROY all who reject him, which is the same outcome of killing them! H-E-L-L-O?  LOL!

    DESTROY: to put out of existence : KILL

    As you should know, the serial killer Jesus was supposed to return within the generation that He was in at the time, BUT, it’s been 2000 years plus where He has not returned to brutally murder his alleged creation at the embarrassment of pseudo-christian like you!

    JESUS SAID: “Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds.”

    SOON: in or after a short time, as in not being 2000 years plus and counting, get. it bible fool?

    Can you spell “M-Y-T-H?” Secretly, sure you can. LOL!


  • @ProudToBeCatholic 

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and the king of using EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, 

    YOUR QUOTE ON JESUS REPEATING HIMSELF: “That verse you have provided is completely incompatible with your claim that God will never say the same sentence twice.”

    Here is said passage that you “conveniently” forgot to include in your Bible ineptness quote above, where it is compatible to Jesus not having to repeat himself because he is GOD!

    The Lord DIRECTS the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” (Pslam 37:23-24)


  • @ProudToBeCatholic 

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and the king of using EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, 

    YOUR QUOTE OF BIBLE STUPIDITY #1: “You claimed that in Matthew 5:18, ‘Jesus likened the continuance of the 613 Mosaic Laws, to the permanence of heaven and earth’ I showed you from Scripture that Christ fulfills the Old Law and because of that, we no longer follow the Old Law because when we follow Him, the Law is fulfilled within us. EISEGENSIS!”

    WRONG AGAIN BIBLE FOOL, and quit “Cherry-Picking” your passages to try and disprove my LITERAL as written passages, remember, you are against others in doing this act to you!

     What you fail to comprehend AGAIN, is the biblical axiom that in part of Matthew 5:18, the heaven and earth have to pass away FIRST before the OT laws are abolished! Has heaven and earth passed away FIRST yet? NO they have not Bible fool, therefore Jesus has not fulfilled said verse!

    “For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter, not one stroke of a letter, will pass from the law until all is accomplished.” (Matthew 5:18)

    I am so sorry that I take the above passage LITERALLY as your primitive thinking Catholic beliefs want you to do!


  • @ProudToBeCatholic 

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and the king of using EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, 

    YOUR QUOTE OF BIBLE STUPIDITY #2:  “You claimed that Revelation 21:8 implies that even if a pedophile priest repents, he will be sent to hell regardless. ‘Repent? No you Bible fool, they are to be sent to the sulfur lakes of Hell’. I showed from the Scripture that Christ offers forgiveness of all sin, if repented of, and that this verse applies to the unbelievers who continue in the listed sins. EISEGESIS!”

    WRONG BIBLE FOOL!  Do the simple math, Jesus didn’t create a Hell and not plan on using it, GET IT?  Therefore, your digusting child buggering Pedophile priests, that you are guilty by association of in being a member of your Catholic church, are biblically burning in Hell as we speak! 

    THINK! How utterly wrong is it to sin, like killing your wife, and then be forgiven for this sin by the serial killer Jesus, whereas, there is NO incentive not to sin in the first place if you are a despicable pseudo-christian like YOU?  Get it Bible fool?

    TRY and understand this Jesus inspired passage below relating to your disgusting pedophile priests and you, where there was NO FORGIVENESS whatsoever in Jesus’ name in the particular situation shown below, got it?

    "For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins," (Hebrews 10:26)

    Do you need further understanding of the passage above regarding that NOT ALL SIN is forgiven like you erroneously said in front of the membership? Huh? Maybe? Just a little bit?

    Its been a long time in where I have run across a pseudo-christian like you that is so God Damned BIBLE IGNORANT!


  • @ProudToBeCatholic 

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and the king of using EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words,


    YOUR QUOTE OF BIBLE STUPIDITY #3: “You are accusing me of eisegesis when you are the one who has used this fallacy time and time again throughout this debate. Putting two Scriptures together that pertain to the exact same topic in order to draw a Biblical conclusion is in no way eisegesis.”

    WRONG AGAIN BIBLE FOOL, and quit “Cherry-Picking” your passages to try and disprove my “LITERAL as written passages,” where you are against others in doing this act to you!

    I have shown you Jesus’ inspired passages in their LITERAL form!  You, on the other hand take my LITERAL presented passages and add to them with other passages that are CONTRADICTING to my LITERAL passages as if you can godly explain Jesus LITERAL passages away, NOT! 


  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  

    21 Century Iconoclast,

    Your dumb Post: What part of the word “LITERAL” don’t you understand?


    I provided a list of each time you committed eisegesis and put your own thoughts into what the Bible says rather than the clear reading of the text. Are you blind, or did you just skip over it in embarrassment? Maybe a mixture of both? LOL!

    And I am an a and are destined to my burning sulfur lakes of Hell? Please explain…




    Your post: You blatantly CONTRADICTED yourself in the same sentence where you said Moses was NOT a priest, then saying he acted like a priest, whereas Jesus’ inspired words in the passage below state specifically that Moses WAS A PRIEST!!!


    I will ignore your attempt to reinitiate the debate when I have already clearly explained the Hebrew meaning of the word priest in Psalm 99:6. I explained to you what the implication of Moses ‘acting’ as priest were and it is not a contradiction to say, Moses was not a priest but he acted as priest for the purpose of demonstrating to Aaron what he and his sons needed to do. If I am the manager and I show a teller what to do, have I become a teller? Acting as something does not make you that something.


    The rest of your posts are irrelevant and I do not have the time to explain to you why every other sentence you write is false. Taking the Bible literally does not mean disregarding common sense. I have taken the passages literally whereas you have taken them out of context. Ever heard the phrase, ‘a text without a context is a pretext’? Maybe you should try memorizing that, UNDERSTOOD?


    Now, feel free to bombard this thread with as many more irrelevant responses as you would like, but unless you choose to start a new debate addressing any further problems you may have, I will not be wasting my time with a response to somebody is only interested in flinging insults, cherry-picking passages from Scripture, and committing eisegesis on every verse they quote, GOT IT? GOOD!

  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 209 Pts   -   edited March 2023


    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and the king of using EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, 

    YOUR QUOTE OF BIBLE STUPIDITY #4: “Neither of these passages speak of the human body, nor God creating our physical flesh. 1 Corinthians 12 speaks of the mystical body of Christ and Ephesians 2 speaks of God’s work in us, and Romans 11 speaks of a spiritual blindness and deafness upon those who reject God. EISEGESIS!”

    THE VERSE IN QUESTION: But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable. (1 Corinthians 12:18-26)

    WRONG AGAIN BIBLE FOOL! Your total Bible ineptness is without question AGAIN as shown with your examples herewith:

    1.But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable. (1 Corinthians 12:18-26)

    In 1 Corinthians 12:18-26 you above you LIED when you said it speaks of the mystical body of Christ, where it does not! Whereas this passage is talking about the serial killer Jesus who made the body of man, and positioned all the members of the body for several uses.

    2.For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)

    In Ephesians 2:10 above you LIED again in saying that it represents God’s work “in us,” where instead, it represents that Jesus’ workmanship created you, and He wants you to do “good works!” H-E-L-L-O?

    3. "As it is written, “God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that would not see and ears that would not hear, down to this very day.” (Romans 11:8)

    In Romans 11:8, above, you forgot to bring forth WHY Jesus as God struck his creation with blindness and deafness!  Is this the same God that you refer to as being ever loving and forgiving?  LOL!

    Then again, YOU CHERRY-PICKED MY PASSAGES, that you are allegedly against, but you are guilty in that you did not include the following passages that prove my point in said post:

    4.Your hands have made and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn your commandments.” (Psalm 119:73)

    5. "Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.” (Isaiah 43:7)

    6.Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, who formed you from the womb:I am the Lord, who made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself,” (Isaiah 44:24)

    7. “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” (Psalm 139:13-14)

    Now, go and trundle off again in knowing that you are one of the most unchristian-like pseudo-christians this Religion Forum probably has ever seen in you being so Bible and ignorant!  

  • @ProudToBeCatholic 

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and the king of using EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, 

    YOUR QUOTE OF BIBLE STUPIDITY #5: You attempted to use Revelation 22:18-19 to prove that taking away from the book of Leviticus will result in God taking away a person’s part in the book of life. ‘Listen up Bible fool, the pseudo-christian accepts "those words," that were approximately written 3200 years ago, from their serial killer God Jesus, where they have NO AUTHORITY to usurp said words within the Holy Scriptures, do you understand?’ I showed that this passage, as the text itself states, is merely talking about taking away from the book of Revelation. EISEGESIS!

    WRONG BIBLE FOOL!  Although the warning in the book of Revelation 22:18-19 is specific to the book of Revelation, the principle applies to anyone who seeks to intentionally distort God’s Word elsewhere in the Bible!  Moses gave a similar warning in Deuteronomy 4:1-2 where he cautioned the Israelites that they must listen to and obey the commandments of Jesus, neither adding to nor taking away from His revealed Word!  GET IT?

    Then, in Proverbs 30:5-6, it contains a similar admonition to anyone who would add to the serial killer Jesus’ words: he will be rebuked and proven to be a . Although the warning in Revelation 22:18-10 applies specifically to the Book of Revelation, whereas its principle must be applied to the entire revealed Word of your brutal serial killer Jesus as God within the scriptures!  

    You as a pseudo-christian at best, must be careful to handle your primitive Bible with care and reverence so as to not distort its ENTIRE message like you are trying in vain to do.  Do you understand?!



  • @ProudToBeCatholic 

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and the king of using EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, 

    You claimed that Proverbs 23:13-14 meant you are to beat any child you see who is out of line. ‘Since Jesus in Luke 4:4 says you are to BEAT a child with a rod that has gotten out of line… in seeing a child that needs a beating with a rod, why didn't you beat them as Jesus commanded you to do?’ I explained that this passage pertained to parents disciplining their children, as the context CLEARLY IMPLIES. EISEGESIS!

    WRONG AGAIN BIBLE FOOL, and quit “Cherry-Picking” your passages to try and disprove my “literal as written passages,” where you are against others in doing this act to you!  

    In your ranting “esisgesis ungodly position” it does NOT pertain to just parents, BUT, in reality the passage that you conveniently did not show below for obvious reasons, specifically state the following  without any parents needed to be involved!

    "Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou BEATEST him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt BEAT HIM with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell." (Proverbs.23:13-14)

    Furthermore, is another passage stated by the inspired word of Jesus in not including the parents, is the following:

    "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him." (Proverbs.22:15) 

    Do you deny that there’re children that did  not have parents for whatever reason in the biblical days? Huh? Do you deny that these same children do not have parents today as well?  Therefore, the two passages above covers these children that DO NOT have parents, you Bible ignoramus!

    All primitive thinking Catholics are to read the Bible literally, whereas this is the only way to determine what your brutal serial killer Jesus of innocent infants and babies, is trying to communicate to you!



  • @ProudToBeCatholic 

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and the king of using EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, 

    YOUR COMICAL QUOTE IN REACHING FOR THE STARS REGARDING THE BIBLICAL 2ND CLASS WOMAN: “This passage is relative to teaching. Women are not to teach in the church.”

    Hmmm, again, you left out the appropriate passage for obvious reasons to save you from further embarrassment, of which is now shown below: 

    JESUS SAID: The women should keep silent in the churchesFor they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church." (1 Corinthians 14:34-35)

    Does the LITERAL passage above mention that women are not to “teach” in church? NO IT DOESN’T EISEGENES BIBLE FOOL! 

    YOUR QUOTE IN TRYING TO SAVE YOURSELF FROM BEING AN EISEGENES FOOL: “There is a parallel passage to this that makes it more clear what St. Paul is saying. In 1 Timothy 2:12, Paul says: “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet”.

    HEADS UP EISEGENES FOOL, the above passages DOES NOT pertain to a church setting, therefore null and void!  The main premise is that 2nd class biblical woman are NOT to speak in church as 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 so states by none other than Jesus the Christ! 

    You having to argue from “silence” shows explicitly that you DO NOT know your primitive Bible! LOL!


  • @ProudToBeCatholic 

    ProudToBeCatholic, whose mantra is; "Do not cherry-pick biblical passages, even though they are inspired by Jesus, that totally embarrasses me and my primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Catholic Religion,” and the king of using EISIGENSIS in trying to rewrite Jesus' actual literal words, 

    YOUR QUOTE OF BLINDNESS RELATIVE TO PASSAGES WHERE JESUS AS GOD ABUSED AND KILLED INNOCENT CHILDREN!: “None of the verses you have provided make God a child abuse initiator.” 

    OMG, what did you just say above?! Your retort in using Romans 9:10-24 to TRY and remove your Jesus being the #1 innocent CHILD KILLER in known history, falls flat upon it face, nice try, but no cigar! 

    Here are the passages AGAIN showing your brutal killer Jesus in horrifically abusing children:

    1. JESUS AS GOD SAID: “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?  For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’ and ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.  (Matthew 15: 3-4)

    2. JESUS AS GOD SAID: “Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.” (Samuel 15:3)

    3. JESUS AS GOD INSPIRED THIS PASSAGE: “Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.” (Psalms 137:9)

    4. JESUS AS GOD STRUCK DOWN THE FIRST BORN OF EGYPT: “He struck down the firstborn of Egypt, the firstborn of people and animals.” (Psalms 135:8)

    5. JESUS AS GOD SAID: “I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and daughters, and they will eat one another’s flesh because their enemies will press the siege so hard against them to destroy them.’ (Jeremiah 19:9)

    6. JESUS AS GOD; murdered all of His Jewish Creation, including innocent zygotes, fetus,' babies, and children in His Great Flood Temper Tantrum (Genesis 6:5-7)

    Then you want to use your ungodly EISEGESIS in Romans 9:10-24 to actually say that Jesus was not a child abuser subsequent to reading the above passages?  ARE YOU FU*KING CRAZY?!!!  Jesus, as God, not only stated the above verses, but followed through with them as well in brutally murdering innocent children!


  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Blatant Mischaracterization of the Catechism of the Catholic Church

    21 Century Iconoclast, who loves to cherrypick Bible passages and twist the references in the Catechism of the Catholic Church,


    Now let me respond to your misuse of paragraph 116 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. You really do like taking things out of context, DON’T YOU? From the Bible, to other’s posts, to the Catechism of the Catholic Church; is this ignorance or on purpose?


    You referenced the CCC paragraph 116 which states, “The literal sense is the meaning conveyed by the Scripture and discovered by exegesis, following the rules of sound interpretation: “All other senses of Sacred Scripture are based on the literal”.

    Now, look at what the Catechism states surrounding this paragraph. “109 In Sacred Scripture, God speaks to man in a human way. To interpret Scripture correctly, the reader must be attentive to what the human authors truly wanted to affirm, and to what God wanted to reveal to us by their words. [Pay attention cause this next part is important] IN ORDER TO DISCOVER THE SACRED AUTHORS’ INTENTION, THE READER MUST TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE CONDITION OF THEIR TIME AND CULTURE, THE LITERARY GENRES IN USE AT THAT TIME, AND THE MODES OF FEELING, SPEAKING AND NARRATING THEN CURRENT. “FOR THE FACT IS THAT TRUTH IS DIFFERENTLY PRESENTED AND EXPRESSED IN THE VARIOUS TYPES OF HISTORICAL WRITING, IN PROPHETICAL AND POETICAL TEXTS, AND IN OTHER FORMS OF LITERARY EXPRESSION.” The Second Vatican Council indicates three criteria for interpreting Scripture in accordance with Spirit who inspired it. BE ESPECIALLY ATTENTIVE “TO THE CONTEXT AND UNITY OF THE WHOLE SCRIPTURE”. DIFFERENT AS THE BOOKS WHICH COMPOSE IT MAY BE, Scripture is a unity by reason of the unity of God’s plan, of which Christ Jesus is the center and heart, open since his Passover. READ THE SCRIPTURE WITHIN “THE LIVING TRADITION OF THE WHOLE CHURCH”. ACCORDING TO THE SAYING OF THE FATHERS, SACRED SCRIPTURE IS WRITTEN PRINCIPALLY IN THE CHUCH’S HEART RATHER THAN IN DOCUMENTS AND RECORDS, FOR THE CHURCH CARRIES IN HER tradition the living memorial of god’s word, and it is the holy spirit who gives her the spiritual interpretation of scripture. Be attentive tot eh analogy of faith. By “analogy of faith” we mean the coherence of the truths of faith among themselves and within the whole plan of Revelation.” And then it goes on to speak of the two tenses of Scripture: literal and spiritual, while claiming that, “All other senses of Sacred Scripture are based on the literal.”


    This does not mean you take one verse from the Bible and apply it in whatever way you want. Look at the way to study Scripture, as provided by the very same document in the same section of the passage you ONCE AGAIN took out of context. We are to take into account what the human authors truly wanted to affirm, what God wanted to reveal to us by their words, their time, culture, literary genres, modes of feeling, speaking, and narrating, and the CONTEXT AND UNITY OF THE WHOLE SCRIPTURE. This is how you read the Bible literally. You do not take on verse and apply it how you see it fit so why don’t you stop cherrypicking passages from Scripture and the CCC and actually be an honest handler of the word of God and others’ material, HUH? I guarantee you hae some good arguments you can bring. You do not have to stoop this low in order to try and justify your hate of religion. Instead bring up valid topics we can discuss like grown adults who don’t need to insult each other in every post? We aren’t five year olds and should be able to have an adult conversation. UNDERSTOOD?

  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  

    21 Century Iconoclast,

    I can’t help but laugh at the many errors you are making in your rampage of posts against me now that you know you clearly lost the argument. Since you worked so hard on these replies, I will respond one more time UNDERSTOOD?


    Your post sent at 12:10pm


    Your Post: You said that Jesus doesn’t kill his creation in the passages in Revelation, but then you CONTRADICT yourself again in saying that Jesus will DESTROY all who reject him, which is the same outcome of killing them! H-E-L-L-O?  LOL!


    Where did I say Jesus will not kill his creation? Please provide me the quote because to the best of my knowledge I never claimed such a thing. Destroy and kill mean exactly the same thing, obviously. God is going to kill the people gathered at the great day of Armageddon, which is what the passage you quoted in Revelation is referencing. The people who are already dead will not be killed, DUH! But those gathered to try and overthrow the Lord will be slain, killed, however you want to put it. In short, THEY WILL DIE. And then they will be tried before God’s throne like every other unbeliever before being condemned to the lake of fire for rejecting the very one who created them.


    Your Post: As you should know, the serial killer Jesus was supposed to return within the generation that He was in at the time, BUT, it’s been 2000 years plus where He has not returned to brutally murder his alleged creation at the embarrassment of pseudo-christian like you!


    You really must not know your Bible very well or you would know that this ‘generation’ correlates with the seventy weeks of Daniel, whereas we are in the in the final ‘week’ which is repeatedly referenced as generation in the Scripture. Do a Bible study on it or create a debate thread on it and I will gladly answer this question in detail. And in response to soon, realize that God is outside of time and therefore soon for us may not be soon for him. As St. Peter says in 2 Peter 3:9- “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” He literally comes against the people who say “It has been a long time since Jesus left. He isn’t returning!” And Jesus Himself comes against those people. He says in Luke 12:45-46- “But suppose that servant says in his heart, ‘My master will be a long time in coming, ‘ and he begins to beat the menservants and maidservants, and to eat and drink and get drunk. The master of that servant will come on a day he does not expect and at an hour he does not anticipate. Then he will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the unbelievers.” So remember that when you say these things, you are fulfilling exactly what the Bible said would happen in the last times. THANK YOU FOR AFFIRMING MY FAITH WHILE AT THE SAME TIME TRYING TO DESTROY IT. LOL!

  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  

    21 Century Iconoclast,

    In response to your post at 12:11


    Uh, this was the passage we were talking about, DUH! Why would I include it in my quote when you already provided it. You can follow a conversation right? Or would you like me to include the Bible verse we are discussing at the beginning of every post I make? I can do that if you would like. I told you that God directing someone’s steps has nothing to do with repeating Himself. If I direct you to walk out the door of a building, does it show weakness on my part if you don’t obey me? Or does it show disobedience on your part? GET IT?


    In response to your post at 12:13


    I am not cherry picking your passages. I am summing up your arguments from each post you made and showing you how you have committed eisegesis in each one of them. I guess you forgot the definition of cherry-picking again. Maybe look it up again? And I told you the OT laws have not passed away yet; we fulfill them in Christ. How many times would you like me to tell you this?


    In response to your post at 12:18


    I never claimed Jesus created hell not to use it. God (a) created hell for the Devil and His angels and (b) for all of those who reject Him. They can repent because all sins can be forgiven, IF(YOU SEEM TO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THE WORD IF MEANS) it is repented of.


    The sin is wrong, the fact that God offers forgiveness for those sins if they are repented of is beautiful and many serial killers have come to Christ and been forgiven. St. Paul himself was a serial killer before he got saved, persecuting and killing the entire church of Christ, member by member. He said that the fact that Christ saved him is proof that Christ can save anyone. (1 Timothy 1:15)


    You are taking Hebrews 10:26 out of context ONCE AGAIN! That verse is speaking to people who were believers and fell away from the faith. Here is the context, from verse 26 onward. “If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgement and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the BLOOD OF THE COVENANT THAT SANCTIFIED THEM, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay, “ and again, “The Lord will judge his people”. It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” This is speaking to believers who were once saved and had received the knowledge of the truth, but turned away from it. And in the Greek this passage connotates a continuous action on the part of the offender. The person continually tramples underfoot the Son of God and continually treats the blood of the covenant that sanctified him as unholy. As long as they are doing this, there no longer remains a sacrifice for them. That means there once was a sacrifice for them, but now there is not. Unbelievers who never accepted Christ in the first place never had a sacrifice for sins because they did not accept Him. Believers who turn from God and continue in their sin no longer have a sacrifice because they cast it aside as an unholy thing. GET IT?

  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  

    21 Century Iconoclast,

    In response to your 12:20 post


    Your post: WRONG AGAIN BIBLE FOOL, and quit “Cherry-Picking” your passages to try and disprove my “LITERAL as written passages,” where you are against others in doing this act to you!

    I have not cherrypicked even one of your passages, merely provided a summary of what you were saying in its entirety and shown how you were WRONG. Now if you can provide me a legitimate case where I picked something from one of your passages that misrepresented it in some way, please let me know and I will apologize.

    And you did not take any passages literally. Since you appealed to the CCC to proclaim your case for taking the Bible literally, now justify with the Catechism in its context that I provided how you have taken those passages literally. Did you follow any of those criteria? NO!


    In response to your 12:32 post

    Your post: THE VERSE IN QUESTION: “But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable. (1 Corinthians 12:18-26) WRONG AGAIN BIBLE FOOL! Your total Bible ineptness is without question AGAIN as shown with your examples herewith:

    Paul is using an example of the human body to describe the mystical body of Christ. He is saying that just as the body has many parts and not one is insignificant, in the same way the spiritual body of Christ has many parts and none are insignificant. I did not claim that you lied in saying God arranged the members of our body, cause I have already told you you are correct about God creating us the way we are born in a lot of cases and that I was in error there. (that is about the only thing you have actually been right about). I claimed that you took this verse out of context to say that God created us with whatever deformities we are born with because Paul is speaking of the mystical body of Christ here, not the physical body. So don’t accuse me of lying when you are the one being dishonest with the Scriptures as shown in my post providing an extensive list of every time you have committed the fallacy of Eisegesis UNDERSTOOD?

  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -  

    21 Century iconoclast,

     Response to you post at 12:36

    Your post: WRONG BIBLE FOOL!  Although the warning in the book of Revelation 22:18-19 is specific to the book of Revelation, the principle applies to anyone who seeks to intentionally distort God’s Word elsewhere in the Bible!  Moses gave a similar warning in Deuteronomy 4:1-2 where he cautioned the Israelites that they must listen to and obey the commandments of Jesus, neither adding to nor taking away from His revealed Word!  GET IT?


    How did you forget what eisegesis is so quickly, given that you just provided the definition? It doesn’t matter if the concept is true; I told you that anyone who takes away from the Bible will be in trouble with God, but I said that you used eisegesis in attempting to prove it by Revelation 22:18-19. Why didn’t you use a verse that would actually prove what you were saying instead of taking the passage and Revelation and trying to make it seem as though that verse applied to all of Scripture. EISEGESIS!

    I specifically told you that “while it is true that we are not to add or take away from the Scriptures, this passage in Revelation is only speaking of the book of Revelation”. What part of that is hard for you to understand? Tell me and I will clarify it.


    Responding to your post at 12:40

    I never said anything about children not having parents. In that case, obviously, it would be the caretaker of the child who is responsible to discipline them. And if they are street children, they are the responsibility of their original parents still and therefore the fact that they are not being disciplined is not anyone’s fault but the parents, if they are still alive. We are not responsible for each other’s kids. The fact that a child may not have parents does not mean some random stranger can walk up to him with a rod and smack him across the back, GET IT? It just requires a little bit of common sense to figure it out.


    Response to your post at 12:42

    Your post: Hmmm, again, you left out the appropriate passage for obvious reasons to save you from further embarrassment, of which is now shown below:

    Once again, would you like me to include the verse we are discussing in every single post for you? I am perfectly capable of remembering what Bible verse we are discussing but if you are not, I will make sure to do that from now on. My apologies.


    No, the passage merely says that women are not to speak in church, leaving it an open-ended statement. When can they not speak? Why can they not speak? Going to the passage in 1 Timothy 2:12 provides clarity as to what exactly this speaking is. Notice, these are two letters, both addressed to churches. Paul sends Timothy, who is a young pastor, one of these letters, and he sends the other letter to the church of Corinth. He provides instruction for behavior in churches in both letters, When you put both letter together you get a clear understanding of the guidelines churches are to follow. The Bible was not a collection of writing just put aside in a book. Most of the New Testament was written to actual churches and actual people but since they are inspired, we now read them for our own personal lives as well. Therefore it is not in anyway eisegesis for me to take two passages addressing women speaking in churches and put them together to form a coherent conclusion. How do you not understand this?

  • ProudToBeCatholicProudToBeCatholic 117 Pts   -   edited March 2023

    21 Century Iconoclast,

    Response to your post at 12:52


    Your post: OMG, what did you just say above?! Your retort in using Romans 9:10-24 to TRY and remove your Jesus being the #1 innocent CHILD KILLER in known history, falls flat upon it face, nice try, but no cigar!

    No actually that Romans 9:10-24 did not fall flat on its face because Paul is addressing people like you in that passage. Maybe read it over again and you will see that. I will repeat; We are God’s creation, He can do with us as He sees fit. Nothing He could do to us can be unjust because He created us. You don’t get to complain because your Maker did something to you. Who do we puny humans think we are to complain to our Creator and ACCUSE HIM OF BEING UNJUST AND CRUEL WHEN WE HAVE REBELLED AGAINST HIM AND CRUCIFIED HIM IN OUR HEARTS OVER AND OVER AGAIN? HUH?

  • PepsiguyPepsiguy 109 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: WTF??

    How do these verses connect? The bible tells us to care for the helpless. Please stop degrading religion, we need atheists that actually make arguments instead of mocking and attacking religion 24/7.
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