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What Will Replace Religion?

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So far as modern, civilized society goes religion is in its final throes. 

For better or for worse, it has dominated our culture for many centuries but in recent years the tide has certainly changed. With better education and better access to quality information, people are facing the reality that God just simply does not exist. Is it any wonder that worshipers are leaving their religious organizations in droves.

What will replace religion then for those who need reassurance that their journey through life is really what they make of it, not some fanciful, pre-determined existence determined by some sort of ruling committee? 

How about drugs: they have always been around and yes they have been given some quite bad press because of those who go too far. For example both LSD and psilocybin are being revisited and researched more by scientists who see their value in treating psychological conditions such as depression. And amazing new antipsychotic medications are now being used to treat psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations and delusion and could help those who want to wean themselves off the restrictive, cruel oppressiveness of religion.

There are no doubt many other alternatives to religion but, how are we as a society going to evolve from what is now an obsolete, irrelevant form of belief system?


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  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited March 2023
    In the United States at least, politics is slowly beginning to replace religion. It's pretty much the same deal. Blind ideological worship. 
  • jackjack 495 Pts   -   edited March 2023
    Swolliw said:

    What Will Replace Religion?

    How are we as a society going to evolve from what is now an obsolete, irrelevant form of belief system?

    So far as modern, civilized society goes religion is in its final throes.
    Hello S:

    We ARE evolving our way towards that end..  You said it yourself - "religion is in its final throes".   All we gotta do is get outta the way.


  • PepsiguyPepsiguy 109 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Nothing

    Religion will never disappear. It has always existed and will always exist.
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: I disagree, the universe will outlast the human race and when humans go so does religion.

    I just don't see humans being around in a billion years. Also, specific religions / denominations have already disappeared.
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Conspiracy thinking will replace religion.

    Already criminals have been replaced with demons. So, instead of fearing a supernatural agent, people fear a natural agent.
  • debate_handgedebate_handge 17 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Jesus

    Jesus will come back and to all those who read this and think i am crazy or just one of "those people" you will see when he does, you will remember this and remember that i am trying to warn you to get right with god and turn from your sins. Because even if you don't believe i just want you to picture heaven and hell. Gods Moral Laws are what we break multiple times a day they are called the ten commandments in the bible. Now when we die god is going to judge us and choose heaven or hell. Heaven is a very narrow path and hard to get too, hell is a open gate huge path that is filled. Now after you get judged you will be guilty because you are a sinner and have fallen short of gods glory so imagine for ever, like there is no end, Burning in a bonfire hearing screaming in the dark. That is what hell is like but multiple times worse and i love you so i am warning you do not take the open easy way out path. SO i am warning you jesus will return and you will be falling at his feet begging for forgive ness. He DIED on the cross for you so you can be saved. SO repent ask for forgiveness and do as Jesus would.

  • KekeeKekee 23 Pts   -  
    Nothing. Religion is in our blood whether you personally believe it or not fact remains that religion gives you a reason to keep on moving forwards.

    If we would try to replace religion that which would replace religion would simply turn into a religion. None of the people who are part of international elite are atheist.
  • AbedRamzyAbedRamzy 19 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Illusion of atheism despite the increasing spread of religion in the world

    For those of you who are in the western world, there is this illusion that religion is ending and being destroyed, but in reality and in the same western world, world events show that religious truths are becoming more valid. For years, Westerners fought with religion and relying on their limited knowledge, they resorted to human reason; What was the result: increasing diseases, depression, crime, increasing murders in their communities, suicide, the destruction of the family, the birth of illegitimate children and many other issues.
    Any human thing that relies on human achievements and imperfect intellect instead of relying on the principle of the universe and God is doomed to destruction and change. The experience of human-made centers and organizations proves this. In 2018, a seminar was held in Australia for the gathering of non-believers and atheists, and in disbelief, the number of participants was so small that it ended without being held. You think that religion is being destroyed, but the solution to many human problems today is religion and paying attention to inner truths. Contrary to what many of you think, there is the largest number of religious and spiritual organizations and centers in America. Capitalism and liberalism will one day expire and join the dustbin of history, because they are not based on fixed and divine truths.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 544 Pts   -  
    @AbedRamzy ;Any human thing that relies on human achievements and imperfect intellect instead of relying on the principle of the universe and God is doomed to destruction and change.

    I reckon you nailed it right in the head there with that because people are loosing sight of what the true values are and only religion can do that. I take it that your a rag head but thats all right because you guys worship the same reel God as Christians except that we dont push gays off roofs but basically the same values about what society should behave like are still there.

  • @Barnardot

    YOUR BIBLE QUOTE THAT IS GOING TO COME BACK TO BITE YOU: "I reckon you nailed it right in the head there with that because people are loosing sight of what the true values are and only religion can do that."

    You being the Bible fool, you are correct, the true values of your primitive thinking Christianity are as follows in only a few examples of many:

    1. JESUS AS GOD SAID: ”Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou BEATEST him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt BEAT HIM with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell." (Proverbs.23:13-14)

    JESUS AS GOD SAID: When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do.” (Exodus 21:7)

    JESUS AS GOD SAID: And I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and their daughters, and everyone shall eat the flesh of his neighbor in the siege and in the distress, with which their enemies and those who seek their life afflict them.’ (Jeremiah 19:9)

    4.  JESUS AS GOD SAID: “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?  For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’ and ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.  (Matthew 15: 3-4)

    Barnadot, do you follow any of Jesus' inspired words shown above in having true values of your Christianity, and if not, why not? Do you tell others to do the same in following Jesus' inspired words shown above as well?  Yes?


  • What will replace movement?

  • KekeeKekee 23 Pts   -  
    Nothing. People will always have something they believe in. Only a religion can replace religion but it would still be some religion.

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1126 Pts   -   edited April 2023
    Argument Topic: I have to much faith to be an atheist

    I am always amazed at people who deny faith, but will essentially believe in magic.  Take for instance the beginning of the universe.  Something does not come from nothing.  Nothing has no properties to create something like the universe.  The fine tuning of the fundamental laws of the universe are so finely tuned, one in particular to 1 in 1 part to 10 the 123rd power, that it is simply naive to think this is by chance when there are only 1 in 10 to the 80th power particles in the universe to start with.  Yet people will claim - "science" as if they are yelling "Abracadabra" .  

    Popular theories such as a universe from nothing fail to tell people that the science we understand makes theories of fluctuations generating an expanding universe impossible, because the known time a virtual particle exists is too short for the fundamental forces to form that would create an expanding universe.  But hey, their faith in "science" says believe anyway.

    Some appeal to some cosmic universe making "machine" in a multiversal scenario.  Not only is their no evidence for this, but the fine tuning of any miniversal creating "machine" would be infinitely more finely tuned than our own universe, further, such a "machine" would emit a literal eternity of energy that would be measurable, but it isn't.  Still the faithful will bitterly cling to their religion - which they call science.
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Something does not come from nothing.

    How did you  get to a state where there was " nothing " to reach this conclusion?

    We only have examples of something coming from something , so all your doing is saying  something does not come from nothing because you say so 

    I can reasonably say I don't know the answer to these things , you say a universe from nothing is impossible yet you  exclude a ghost you call God,  proving the only one believing in magic is you 
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    The true tragedy is it only takes a bit of rational thinking to dismantle what religious fanatics think are  "great " arguments yet they somehow think by repeating the same old nonsense they might yet convince you.

    GODDIDIT is the answer to anything they don't comprehend. Remarkable this guy actually believes science is magic and religion is science 
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1126 Pts   -  
    Firstly, you're attempting to create a false dichotomy in which belief in the magical space fairy is the more rational option. 

    Most certainly, Thousands of years after the Bible said that the universe was created ex nihilo - Kraus makes the same basic claim.

    By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. - Hebrews 11:3

    Being thousands of years late to reach the same conclusion as people of faith, isn't strong evidence for the "magical" science you appeal to.

    As astrophysicist Robert Jastrow put it 

    “For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”

    Hi!!!!!!  Been waiting for you.

    Secondly, most people invested in science and reason have not made their minds up about the origins of the universe, because they are people who wait for evidence before deciding things.

    What??  Didn't Lawrence Krauss write a book entitled "A Universe from Nothing" and toured college campuses pushing his agenda, which violates several scientific principles?  Answer - yes he did.

    And you yourself have appealed to his theory with this quote:

    Thirdly, quantum particles pop into and out of existence all the time, debunking your idea that "something does not come from nothing".

    I want to be sure that it is clear that Krauss' nothing, isn't really "nothing", its energy.  Virtual particles are a product of the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.  The principle basically  states that quantum fluctuations in the universe’s space-time fabric will generate particles, provided those particles revert to quantum space-time fluctuations before any human observer can detect their appearance.  These virtual particles must disappear in less than a quintillionth of a second. The particle must create a universe and then disappear in less than 10-102 seconds (101 zeroes between the decimal point and 1). Here in lies the "magic" I mentioned.  Since the universe is about 14 billion years old or so.  That's longer than 10-102 seconds.  

    Further, the time that a virtual particle exists is too short for the universes fundamental forces to have formed.  Inflation is a basically accepted concept for the early universe.  When our universe was about 10-35th power seconds old, the strong-electroweak force separated into the strong nuclear force and the electroweak force. Accordingly, an inflation episode cannot begin in our universe until the universe is 10-35 seconds old, which means that the virtual particle would have ceased to exist long before our universe could expand.  So science and math disprove the theory.  Appeals to "special quantum thingamajigies" are essentially appeals to magic.  Science contradicts this theory.    

    Finally, you mock the idea that the universe could have come from nothing, while simultaneously believing that God came from nothing, which is plain silly.

    There are no science theories that work for the creation of a universe.  Even Hawking's shuttle theory's math doesn't work. However, logically we can deduce the following - whatever created the universe exists outside of space and time, because our universe is space-time and has a derived beginning.  Whatever created the universe stands outside of space and time, unless you are arguing you can fit an entire universe in zero space.  Whatever created the universe is eternal since it exists outside of space-time. Whatever created the universe is immaterial since it exists outside of space-time.  Whatever created the universe is powerful enough to create finely tuned universes with low entropy.  So what do you call an all powerful eternal immaterial creator of the universe?  God.

  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 206 Pts   -   edited April 2023


    YOUR MENTALLY CHALLENGED QUOTE: "By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. - Hebrews 11:3"

    Tell me if you've heard this adage before Bible Fool: “Faith is wishful thinking in believing what you can't show empirically to be true.”Faith is nothing more than the license that religious people give one another to believe such propositions that man was created from dust, and woman from a man's rib, where Jesus as God created TRILLIONS UPON TRILLIONS UPON TRILLIONS UPON TRILLIONS of stars and galaxies within the universe, but only needed our tiny solar system and planet earth for His creation! Where we find Atheists in reliable ways in science and logic 101 to make pseudo-christian fools no more needed anymore where their divisive and primitive Bronze and Iron Age religious MYTHS can be thrown in the the dumpster in the 21st century and beyond!

    YOUR UNGODLY QUOTE TO YOUR SERIAL KILLER JESUS CHARACTER: "So what do you call an all powerful eternal immaterial creator of the universe?  God."

    Just_sayin, man up for Christ's sake Bible fool!  Call the name of God out loud instead of His title of "god!"  Your Christian serial killer God is JESUS, and don't hide this FACT anymore in shame!  “Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours.” (2 Peter 1:1)

    Just imagine the pseudo-christian fools like just-sayin going out and promoting their divisive faith of Christianity, where their leader Jesus as God is an outright serial killer of innocent fetus' (Hosea 9: 11-16) and infants (1 Samuel 15:3) and ordering them to murder homosexuals (Leviticus 20:13)!  Raise your hands in the 21st century if you want to be a pseudo-christian that worships an abhorrent and despicable god? NOT!  LOL!

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1126 Pts   -   edited April 2023
    You're going to need a stronger argument than, "I don't know how this works, therefore space fairy."

    Surely, you aren't as oblivious as you present yourself.  I'm the one who has pointed out why the various theories about the beginning of the universe are scientifically impossible.  You are the one who has appealed to "quantum thingamajigies", like others would appeal to "magic".  If you think there is a theory out there that can stand up to a scientific examination of how the universe began then present it.  Otherwise, you are being a hypocrite and are rejecting the evidence that God created the universe in favor of magic, because it certainly isn't science.

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1126 Pts   -  
    You are the one who referenced a universe from nothing theory.  I succinctly explained why it is garbage.  You never refuted my argument, nor could you.  It was you who brought up the argument, and you who had the responsibility to defend it.  Not me. I responsibility was to show it as the failure it is - I did.   I challenged you to put forth another theory of the beginning of the universe that holds up to scientific scrutiny, and you have failed miserably. And you failed to o that also.   In fact you never even tried.  Yet, you claim my argument is weak????  You remind me of whatever his name was that who was banned.  He could constantly lose every argument he was in and then whine that the other person had not made a goo argument.  

    Since I've already laid the smackdown on.  I might as well continue.  The Kalam cosmological argument says
    1. Whatever begins to exist, has a cause of its existence (i.e. something has caused it to start existing).
    2. The universe began to exist. i.e., the temporal regress of events is finite.
    3. Therefore, the universe has a cause
    4. Since the universe began to exist, Then it has a cause.
    Therefore it is logical to believe in God as the cause of the universe.

    Hey, how about you try and actually make a cogent argument for a change?
  • @just_sayin

    YOUR WANTING LITTLE BOY QUOTE TO AARONS_BIG_EGO:  "Hey, how about you try and actually make a cogent argument for a change?"

    In turn Bible fool, how about YOU try and make a cogent argument to my post showing you to be the continued Bible fool of this Religion Forum in the following link of this thread:

    Are you too SCARED to even try and address the link above? I can't count the posts that I have made to you that you have had to RUN AWAY from because your serial killer Jesus as God was shown to be a brutal and Bloody murderer of innocent fetus' and infants, and that you worship as well!  LOL!


  • BarnardotBarnardot 544 Pts   -  
    @Aarons_Big_Ego ;They've failed because they are ridiculous. 

    No wonder you get kicked off all the time when you make such brainless arguments that aren't even arguments and cant even back them up. How about before you come back next time you go to a brain shop and buy one. Just a cheap one will do because it will be much better than the one you have thats for sure.

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