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If Trump's coup d'état works, what will he do to Joe Biden??

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Certainly, can't have an extra president laying around.  Would he put him in jail? Let him walk around free?  Let him speak in public, go on television, have a social media account, have Secret Service protection??  Would he let him speak to governors, who have control over their states national guards?  

What would he do to the NY Times and MSNBC??  And, most importantly, what would Trump do to ME, a pot smoking lib's lib??

Certainly, you must have thought about this.  No?



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  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Would he put him in jail? Let him walk around free?


    I´m believe he´s rebuilding his army even stronger as we speak even with all the court proceedings he´s involved in. Iḿ betting a lot is going on behind the scenes. Just as he stoked suspicion and distrust of all news, journalism, and government entities - before he was even elected (I alone can fix it)  -  you can bet he´s building up more power now. What will he do with Biden? Likely jail him much like Putin does to his opposition. He´ll likely jail anyone who speaks out against him. I believe he´ll shut down all unfavorable media and journalism and possibly have them killed - MSNBC, CNN, etc.

    And what will he do to pot smoking libs? Well, I think it´ll be time for them to increase their consumption - as well as alcoholics - because being in a state of high is the only time we´ll feel free under his rule.  

    Scary times ahead for Americans.
  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -  
    @jack @Openminded

    Well based on the fact that weve had trump for one term and he never tried removing msnbc or ny times my assumption is theyre fine.
    Also pretty funny about jailing opposition when that opposition is the one currently attempting to do that to Trump while trying to impeach several times.

    What oppositional opponent did Trump jail in first term?

    I was sceptical about Trump derangement syndrome then i saw people argue he going to murder media pundits. Hmm ????
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Well based on the fact that weve had trump for one term and he never tried removing msnbc or ny times my assumption is theyre fine.

    He had Jim Acosta´s press access denied in 2018 because Jim Acosta spoke back to the King. And you assume that the media will be fine?

    You left out some important facts here. 
    Trump´s ¨opposition¨ tried to impeach him for: 
    1) Abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Trump appealed to a foreign country to investigate Biden, his political rival. Yes, Trump is responsible for this
    2) Ya know the insurrection and all. Yes, Trump is responsible for this.

    I find it interesting that you seem to be defending him as if he´s a child and shouldn´t be held accountable for his dirty deeds.

    Oh, the old Trump Derangement Syndrome. Immature.

    I´m beginning to wonder if there are some Trump plants on the site. Please somebody tell me who to be cautious of on this site.
  • wotansenwotansen 7 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: While Trump is not necessarily a great president, these accusations are going way too far.

    @jack @Openminded Even if Trump became president, Joe Biden and major news organizations would not need to fear for their lives and existence, it will be very unlikely that he will commit actions which are clearly against the Constitution. 
    Verbally abusing a single journalist and removing his access to press conferences is something completely seperate and has nothing to do with shutting down and killing entire news stations or political rivals. 
    Trump does show some populist rhetorics, this is not something I will argue with. 
    To start such harsh actions as you have mentioned, OpenMinded, Trump would need majorities in Congress and the House of Representatives. It is very unlikely he would get such a majority for a bill which would give him the right to freely jail people. Many republicans do have common sense. 
    At the same time, the world would be extremely mad if Trump committed such an act against the freedom of speech, which would isolate him from the world. 
    Trump will not jail his opponents without any reason, and this is an absolutely ridiculous statment to even make. 
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: If Trump's coup d'état works, what will he do to Joe Biden??

    I´m signing off this site. Iḿ feeling unsafe. I´m also feeling ashamed with myself for ¨debating¨ with trump supporters, bullys, extremists and what I felt were bots and not real. Seems you were my only ally. No that an ally is necessary in a debate site, but you were the only one I felt was real and undisturbed and kind in nature. Good luck to you. Let´s hope for a better 2024 and let´s hope Americans wise up to the realization that authoritarianism is on the rise - in America - and now globally. Peace to you Jack
  • jackjack 498 Pts   -   edited December 2023
    @jack @Openminded

    Well based on the fact that weve had trump for one term and he never tried removing msnbc or ny times my assumption is theyre fine.
    Hello M:

    In his first term, Trump surrounded himself with people who, for the most part, STOPPED his crazyness.. 

    He ain't gonna make that mistake again..

  • jackjack 498 Pts   -  

    Peace to you Jack
    Hello O:

    And, to you, my friend..  You did yourself proud.


  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @Openminded ;     I´m signing off this site. Iḿ feeling unsafe.

    Right wing people don't call lefties "snowflakes" for nothing.   
  • jackjack 498 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:

    Right wing people don't call lefties "snowflakes" for nothing.   
    Hello again, B:

    But, we DO call people hypocrites when they're hypocrites..  You SAY that if people wanted to be taken seriously on this website,  they need to post at least a 350 word essay..

    And THEN you spew off 9 words...  DU*DE.  You're silly.

  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Right wing people don't call lefties "snowflakes" for nothing.

    Lefties don´t call right wing people ¨bottom-of-the-evolutionary-ladder neanderthals¨ for nothing.
    Might does not make right anymore.

  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -  

    What precisely made you feel unsafe?

    Your arguments seem to have more adhominem than most of the responses.
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: What precisely made you feel unsafe?

    I believe I played defense to all the cleverly-disguised ad hominem as debates. I thought this would be a more moderate site. I was wrong. It´s even more extreme than I could imagine. Here´s what I´ve learned:
    1) Women who choose abortion are murderers - no matter what her medical issues
    2) If you support Affirmative Action in any way you are a racist - nothing else behind it
    3) Flying the Confederate flag is simply pride and heritage - who cares about the feelings of the subjugated
    4) Trump is well supported; it´s okay for leader of the free world to be amoral - he´s powerful and rich
    And the winner is ....(in a way women love the pain of being raped):
    5) When the fragile male ego is being threatened expect this cleverly disguised ad hominem:
    ¨Oh, for the women here who think they have it hard in life... Want to hear a screwed up fact about lions? Male lions' penises are barbed, and their insertion is extremely painful for the female lions. They are biologically conditioned to respond to this pain with ovulation. In a way, they love the pain of being raped.
    Next time you are having sex with one of those "privileged human males", appreciate the fact that you do not have to scream your lungs out when having an encounter with them.¨
  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -  

    Im not a fan of when others think they can just label intentions and ignore arguments by labeling them as "extreme". Ill go through some of these.

    1. I dont think there is a majority on this site that are even pro life. Additionally I dont think there are more than 1 person who believe life of mother doesnt allow for it.

    2. Affirmative action is a racist policy and I responded with a pretty long tactuful conversation in that debate that Im waiting on a response for. Multiple people even called out they believe suppprters of AA are good intentioned.
    On the otherhand you in that debate claimed your opposition are just white males looking to hold onto their ego and power which is a nefarious racist accusation.
    If you dont want people to be blunt when responding maybe dont attack their intentions or use their sex or whiteness as factors to assume intent or dismiss them.

    3. I dont care much about this debate. Im a free speech absolutist so in my opinion ill allow expressions that arent direct calls to violence.  Anyone can get offended by whatever they want. Whether you are offended or disagree with an expression isnt a reason to ban it. I personally am not going to fly a confederate flag.

    4. I think the majority of world leaders are amoral including the one currently in office. And yes I think Trump has amoral actions he would not be my candidate of choice.  Supporting Trump over Biden however is much less extreme than thinking Trump is going to murder media members which is quite extreme.

    5. This I believe was just an attempt to put into perspective all the toxic male, woman victimhood statements.

    I dont believe this insinuated human women loved being raped.

    Overall I think you would do better living up to the moniker Openminded. If you think views are extreme you should be able to combat them easily with logical argumentation.
    If you dont people to be more blunt than maybe dont keep throwing accusations at there egos and saying they have nefarious intentions.
    If yoir arguments have tact youll far more likely to get an argument with tact.
  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -  

    Thats not a defendable argument.

    You cant just assume someone is going to do something theyve never done before.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  
    I truly live up to the moniker "master of chaos" I go by sometimes, do I not? On virtually every social or political issue people have accused me of being an extremist on both ends. I have been called both an extreme racist and a blind egalitarian, a sexist and a feminist, a conservative white male and a liberal snowflake, a Putin's agent and a Western spy... Now someone is accusing me of having a "fragile male ego", while literally yesterday on a different website someone told me that I have no respect for masculinity.

    I love it! Please exempt popcorn from the sales tax.
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -  
    I believe I played defense to all the cleverly-disguised ad hominem as debates. I thought this would be a more moderate site. I was wrong. It´s even more extreme than I could imagine. Here´s what I´ve learned:
    1) Women who choose abortion are murderers - no matter what her medical issues
    2) If you support Affirmative Action in any way you are a racist - nothing else behind it
    3) Flying the Confederate flag is simply pride and heritage - who cares about the feelings of the subjugated
    4) Trump is well supported; it´s okay for leader of the free world to be amoral - he´s powerful and rich
    And the winner is ....(in a way women love the pain of being raped):
    5) When the fragile male ego is being threatened expect this cleverly disguised ad hominem:
    ¨Oh, for the women here who think they have it hard in life... Want to hear a screwed up fact about lions? Male lions' penises are barbed, and their insertion is extremely painful for the female lions. They are biologically conditioned to respond to this pain with ovulation. In a way, they love the pain of being raped.
    Next time you are having sex with one of those "privileged human males", appreciate the fact that you do not have to scream your lungs out when having an encounter with them.¨
    First ad hominem means 'to the man'.  The debate topics you mention are not personal attacks against you.  Calling people bullies, extremists, nazis - those are personal attacks.

    1) Women who choose abortion are murderers - no matter what her medical issues

    Since abortion is legal, it would be wrong to use the word 'murderers'.  Abortion kills an innocent human life - that's a moral observation, not a legal one.  This is why people who are pro-life oppose it.  Some feel it is just to kill an innocent human life.  Those who are anti-life consider the unborn child as less than human, and therefore, claim she has no rights and it is OK to kill her.  Anti-lifers consider the hardship of the progenitor in carrying a child to term, but dismiss the greater hardship of the unborn child losing her very life.

    2) If you support Affirmative Action in any way you are a racist - nothing else behind it

    Affirmative action policies discriminate against someone based on their race.  This is racism.  Is racism just and good, or is it wrong?  If someone thinks their racism is good, they are mistaken.  All racism is discriminatory and unjust.  Such actions dehumanize the individual.  They fail to consider the individual's circumstances, rights, and merits and instead reduce them to an automaton of their racial group.  True justice seeks justice for each individual.  Affirmative action policies are concerned for justice for groups, not individuals and are therefore, unjust.  One can help someone without tearing down someone else, which is what Affirmative action does.

    3) Flying the Confederate flag is simply pride and heritage - who cares about the feelings of the subjugated

    Flying the confederate flag has a meaning to southerners that differ from what other cultures try to label it.  It is wrong to culturally appropriate a southern symbol and then impute a meaning to it that southerners do not hold.  In doing so, one must view southern/Appalachian as somehow inferior to other cultures, which is discrimination and racism.   Those committed to honesty, must not impute meaning to other culture's symbols they do not hold. Would you want someone to impute a nefarious and evil meaning to your actions or symbols? 

    4) Trump is well supported; it´s okay for leader of the free world to be amoral - he´s powerful and rich

    Trump sometimes lies and does what is in his best interests.  That's true.  But so does Biden.  Being rich is not a sin - well unless you took money under the table from Chinese companies your son works for and failed to report it on your taxes, or engaged in a quid pro quo to get the Ukrainian AG fired because he was looking into ethical violations of your son's company.  The voter must determine which candidate will best represent their views and help their situation.  Already, the average American has to make $800 more a month, just to enjoy the same standard of living they did under Trump.  For many, supporting Trump is the only option that makes sense if you care about poor people.  

    Your 5th point started as an attack on white males. That is both racist and sexist.  Issues do not have gender or ethnicity.  Attacking one's opponents' gender or race is an ad hominem attack.  If someone feels an issue has no merit, the argument should be made about the issue.  Attacking the one who makes the argument, rather than the issue, doesn't disprove the issue under consideration.

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @Openminded ;    Lefties don´t call right wing people ¨bottom-of-the-evolutionary-ladder neanderthals¨ for nothing.

    Which just goes to show that loony lefties hav a large contingent of narcissists who know nothing, but who think that by advocating for fashionable causes, they are demonstrating how "superior" they are from the hoi poloi.     You are nothing but aspirational aristocrats.   
  • FactfinderFactfinder 949 Pts   -  
    jack said:
    @jack @Openminded

    Well based on the fact that weve had trump for one term and he never tried removing msnbc or ny times my assumption is theyre fine.
    Hello M:

    In his first term, Trump surrounded himself with people who, for the most part, STOPPED his crazyness.. 

    He ain't gonna make that mistake again..

    Hi Jack:

    It's well known now that crimes have been committed by top democrates. Specifically Biden,and Biden Jr. for starters. Biden openly bragged about his ability to bully people on the world stage while riding Obama's coatails. No, that doesn't excuse Trump if he's guilty. And you may believe he is. I certainly hope not but I also realize he came very dam close to breaking laws seemingly intentionally. That much I am convinced of. So I agree with getting to the bottom of the insurrection and other things. But if Trump can be tried, why not Biden?  
  • FactfinderFactfinder 949 Pts   -  
    @Openminded ;    Lefties don´t call right wing people ¨bottom-of-the-evolutionary-ladder neanderthals¨ for nothing. Good to know you're open to all sides of the discussion. Did you come to this conclusion because right wingers can't stand before a congressional committee as a grown woman; and clame they're not a biologist so they don't know how to define the term "woman"?
  • FactfinderFactfinder 949 Pts   -  
    @jack I don't think you'd have to worry about Trump coming after you for pot. He's more interested in banning fruity vapes LOL...
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;     I truly live up to the moniker "master of chaos" I go by sometimes, do I not? On virtually every social or political issue people have accused me of being an extremist on both ends.  

    No, I have never seen you as any sort of extremist.   Just a dishonest debater with a dishonest debating style.      My take is,  that you are a KGB colonel from the Disinformation Department.  
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Even if Trump became president, Joe Biden and major news organizations would not need to fear for their lives and existence, it will be very unlikely that he will commit actions which are clearly against the Constitution.

    Even if Trump became president, Joe Biden and major news organizations would not need to fear for their lives and existence, it will be very unlikely that he will commit actions which are clearly against the Constitution.

    I believe it´s quite likely he´ll commit actions against the Constitution. Remember January 6, 2021? And though it was not himself who committed the acts - the ringleader sent his foot soldiers out to do his dirty deeds. He told them to ¨fight like hell¨ and to ¨stop the steal¨. They proceeded to infiltrate the capitol building, and indeed stop the counting of electoral votes. This is a crime. He in fact instigated this crime. This is an act against the Constitution.

    Verbally abusing a single journalist and removing his access to press conferences is something completely seperate and has nothing to do with shutting down and killing entire news stations or political rivals.

    The fact that he took a journalist´s badge away for defying him is the VERY definition of the government abusing the protections of the first amendment. It has everything to do with the possibility that he´ll use his power to do more to stop those who speak out against him. This is only a start for him. Those that humiliate a narcissist will pay. And shutting down political rivals? He tried to strong arm an inexperienced Ukrainian foreign leader, Zelenskyy, into launching an investigation into his political rival, Biden. Keep in mind that Trump´s strong arm is his clever narcissistic way of exploiting and manipulating someone to get what he wants - power and control. Trump is nothing if he´s not a manipulator and charmer.

    Trump does show some populist rhetorics, this is not something I will argue with.

    Yes you are correct and this is an understatement. There are two distinctive qualities a populist must do to reach his goal of winning over the people and maintaining control: 1) The populist claims to speak on behalf of ¨ordinary¨ people, and 2) These same people must stand in opposition to the ¨elite¨ establishment which the populist claims is the enemy. And the enemy(ies) in Trump´s case is anything or anyone who is not 100% subjugated to him.

    To start such harsh actions as you have mentioned, OpenMinded, Trump would need majorities in Congress and the House of Representatives. It is very unlikely he would get such a majority for a bill which would give him the right to freely jail people.

    He has the majority in the house as we debate. He has his political rivals, Haley and DeSantis as well as members of Congress so far up his arse that they´re afraid to speak out against him because they need his base to win. Heś bamboozled all his sycophants. The republican party is no longer cohesive. It has never been so fractured as it is today. As president, Trump pardoned 74 people and commutated the sentences of 70 people. Is this unusual for Prez? The quantity and quality of these people is unusual and noteworthy. And what´s most eye opening is that most crimes were white collar crimes. Seems Trump has a soft spot for financial fraud, extortion, bribery, insurance fraud, money laundering. Is Trump making a case that those that commit white collar crime should not be held to the same standards as those that commit theft, assault, driving while intoxicated?

    Many republicans do have common sense.

    I have to vehemently disagree with this statement. They ONCE had common sense. The republican party now is broken and dysfunctional. I believe it started with the Tea Party, then the Freedom Caucus and then finally Trump took them over the edge of morality. Five house speakers have resigned due to this strife. Republicans are simply too hard to work with as they seem to have lost their moral compass. The bar on simple decency is set so low now for republicans that Pence was once put on a pedestal for simply doing his job.

    At the same time, the world would be extremely mad if Trump committed such an act against the freedom of speech, which would isolate him from the world.

    Nah. Trump has masterfully manipulated 30% of America. His populism and penchant for authority has infiltrated to other countries, particularly those that have authoritarian leaders. Authoritarianism is on the rise. Trump has exploited his base in America to believe he is their Messiah. This is safe and comfortable for them to trust in just one. Much like reading the bible is familiar and safe and somehow absolves one of immorality or missteps.

    Trump will not jail his opponents without any reason, and this is an absolutely ridiculous statment to even make.
    I believe if Trump gets reelected, he will punish anyone for one reason - if they are not 100% loyal to him. Power and Control is his goal. Period.
    He continues his rallies to keep manipulating and fear-mongering his base. He calls liberals ¨VERMIN¨ as Hitler once called his opponents. He repeats that immigrants are ¨poisoning the blood of our country¨ as Hitler said about Jews. He called for rounding up immigrants, even those born in the USA, to be deported. He´s called those that died for our country, ¨suckers and losers¨ - having absolutely no respect for veterans and the military. He literally throws out anything that wins him over. He has no ideology whatsoever. And you think his administration won´t be afraid of what they´ll do to them? Trump is a sick narcissist. He admires and even subjugates himself to authoritarian leaders like Putin, Jong-un, and Jinping. His goal is ultimate power. If Trump is given another chance, he will take extreme measures against freedom of speech especially if that speech speaks out against him. And that will just be the start of the dismantling of America´s Constitution.
    Trump will ruin America and the world if given another chance.

  • jackjack 498 Pts   -  
    Openminded said:

    Trump will ruin America and the world if given another chance.

    Hello again, O:

    Wow!!  Hit it outta the park once again.. 


  • jackjack 498 Pts   -  

    It's well known now that crimes have been committed by top democrates. 
    Hello F:

    Uhhh, no it isn't..  Oh, to the lala land cult, it is..  But, outside, where reality reins, NOBODY believes that cr*p. 

    Step away from the FOXNEWS.  It's rotting your brain

  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hello again, O:

    Hey Jack. I´m trying to keep my emotions in check. I try to keep my debating fair and not ¨ad hominem.¨ I carefully review what I write, but I never get responses back. Why is that?
  • FactfinderFactfinder 949 Pts   -  
    Wait @jack you contradicted yourself. You claim no one is aware of all the crimes dems do but then ssy the woke wacko cult is aware? what gives. I watch msnbc.  :D
  • TenohtlictlRodriguezLozanoTenohtlictlRodriguezLozano 13 Pts   -   edited January 11
    Someone should make a post about the science behind the reason as to why anyone would go one hole up and prefer to go aynel.
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  

    Does anyone know what happened to Wotansen?????
    Was he some kind of spy or bot or someone working for trump?
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Closeminded quote   I believe it´s quite likely he´ll commit actions against the Constitution. Remember January 6, 2021?

    If the Undemocratic Party could charge President Trump for ‘actions against the constitution”, they would have done so.

    Closeminded quote      And though it was not himself who committed the acts - the ringleader sent his foot soldiers out to do his dirty deeds. He told them to ¨fight like hell¨ and to ¨stop the steal¨.

    And after the BLM riots where 2 billion dollars is damage was caused and 26 people lost their lives, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said that “there are not enough insurrections”.      Which can be seen as an incitement to violence.      But unlike Leftists, Republicans are sensible people and they can understand that Pelosi was talking metaphorically.     Not so the Left.        


    Closeminded quote  They proceeded to infiltrate the capitol building, and indeed stop the counting of electoral votes. This is a crime. He in fact instigated this crime. This is an act against the Constitution.

     Do you mean the counting of postal votes which should have been counted weeks earlier, but which strangely only appeared only after it was obvious that Trump was going to win? 


    Closeminded quote Verbally abusing a single journalist and removing his access to press conferences is something completely seperate and has nothing to do with shutting down and killing entire news stations or political rivals.

     Complete rubbish.     One glaring difference between Trump and Biden is that Trump routinely appeared in press conferences himself to field questions from the illiberal left media.     The situation that you are alluding to occurred becaue one grandstanding journalist persisted in asking totally impertinent questions of Trump, and refused to give back the microphone so that other journalist could ask questions.  This jouirnalist even snatched away the microphone from a female whte House aid who was holding the mike.     His actions were rude and unprofessional.   THAT was why he got banned.   Anyone who watched that incident knew that the guy was out of line.     But anything that Trump does can be spun by the Left into something it isn’t, or never was.


    Closeminded quote  Yes you are correct and this is an understatement. There are two distinctive qualities a populist must do to reach his goal of winning over the people and maintaining control: 1) The populist claims to speak on behalf of ¨ordinary¨ people, and 2) These same people must stand in opposition to the ¨elite¨ establishment which the populist claims is the enemy. And the enemy(ies) in Trump´s case is anything or anyone who is not 100% subjugated to him.

    Democracy is all about “populism”.   If you oppose “populism” you oppose democracy.      And of course, you do oppose “populism”, and instead support “elitism”.   This is where “the elites” like yourself tell the peasants what to do, how to think, what fuel in their car they may use, what household appliances they may purchase, and which pronouns they may use. 


    Closeminded quote  The republican party is no longer cohesive. It has never been so fractured as it is today.

     Exactly the same can be said of the Undemocratic Party today. 


    Closeminded quote    The republican party now is broken and dysfunctional. I believe it started with the Tea Party, then the Freedom Caucus and then finally Trump took them over the edge of morality.

    Who’s morality?    The morality of the always complaining and always outraged activist class?      Or the morality of the majority of productive and law abiding people who’s old value systems equated to having a strong and prosperous USA?    Leftist cities and states with supposedly “superior” morality are fast turning into bankrupt third world sheetholes.   If you had triple digit IQ, you would be asking yourself why this is so?


    Closeminded quote      Republicans are simply too hard to work with as they seem to have lost their moral compass.

    If you think that a male can magically turn into a female, just by putting on a dress and some makeup, then you leftists not only tossed away your moral compass long ago, but your common sense as well.

    Closeminded quote     Authoritarianism is on the rise.

     It is certainly on the rise in the USA, because of the actions of the Undemocratic Party, the upper levels of the US public service, as well as the actions of a corrupt President like Biden who has accepted money from the USA’s closest rival, as well as from the rich oligarchy.     These people operate a two tiered justice system.     They interfere in elections and have gone a long way in corrupting the principle of Freedom of Speech.     In addition to politically persecuting their main political rival instead of trying to beat him in an election, because they know he is going to win.     THAT is Authoritarianism.


    Closeminded quote     I believe if Trump gets reelected, he will punish anyone for one reason - if they are not 100% loyal to him. Power and Control is his goal. Period.

     Sounds more like the rantings of a paranoid schizophrenic with Trump Derangement Syndrome.   You can bet that Trump will have prosecuted all of those corrupt senior management figures in the US Administration who abused their power to censor free speech, persecute him. persecute Catholics, persecute parents, illegally interfere in an election, illegally spy on their political rivals, hindered a Congressional investigation by hiding or even denying the existence of evidence, and operated a two tiered justice system. 


    Closeminded quote    He calls liberals ¨VERMIN¨ as Hitler once called his opponents.

    Everybody identifies groups of people that they do not like and they always label them with a derogatory label.      BY claiming that Trump is just awful for doing what everybody else does, you are condemning him with a morality so all encompassing that you can not abide by it yourself.

    Closeminded quote       He repeats that immigrants are ¨poisoning the blood of our country¨ as Hitler said about Jews.

    The difference being that Jews are smart and productive, while the “immigrants” which you support are usually dysfunctional, welfare dependent, and very much over represented in serious violent crime.       And it is the Undemocratic Party which has become the supporters of the anti semites, not Trump's party.   

    Closeminded quote  He called for rounding up immigrants, even those born in the USA, to be deported.

    Illegal immigrants should be deported.    Especially those buggering up and increasingly buggered up USA.   And "anchor babies" are no longer going to cut it.  

    Closeminded quote  He´s called those that died for our country, ¨suckers and losers¨ - having absolutely no respect for veterans and the military.

    Rubbish, a lot of his support comes from the military and the ex military.

    Closeminded quote     He has no ideology whatsoever.

    I disagree.    I would characterize his ideology as “In America, Americans come first.”

    Closeminded quote   And you think his administration won´t be afraid of what they´ll do to them?

    If you are talking about the upper elite levels, I hope so?  They are the unrepresentative swamp which Trump intends to drain. 

    Closeminded quote     Trump is a sick narcissist. 

    All spectacularly successful people have a bit of the narcissist in them.   (yawn)

    Closeminded quote      He admires and even subjugates himself to authoritarian leaders like Putin, Jong-un, and Jinping.

    Ji Jinping has got Biden in his pocket with Chinese bribes, hence the unbelievable US inaction of the Chinese spy balloon flight.      Kim Jong un was told by Trump that there would be no US aid to NK without NK getting rid of it’s nuclear weapons.   When Kim threatened the USA with nuclear weapons, Trump replied “My big red button is bigger than your big red button, and mine works.”     Putin would never dared to try and take over all of Ukraine with Trump in power.    Your analysis is clearly flawed. 


    Closeminded quote          If Trump is given another chance, he will take extreme measures against freedom of speech especially if that speech speaks out against him.

    Your charge is bizarre.    It was the Undemocratic Party and their Administration top level supporters that were manipulating social media, to influence an election.    Which, they succeeded in doing. 

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