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Should Hitler's "Mein Kampf" Be Studied Or Banned?

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Arguments for Studying

Arguments for Banning:

The shadow of Adolf Hitler and his poisonous ideology looms large over history and in current news. At the heart of it lies "Mein Kampf," a manifesto of hate and violence that fueled the darkest chapter of human depravity. Today, we stand at a crossroads: Should this vile text be studied as a historical artifact, or banished from public discourse altogether?

Arguments for Studying:

  • Understanding the Enemy: Banning "Mein Kampf" risks burying the very ideas we need to understand and dismantle. Studying this text, warts and all, allows us to dissect the Nazi mindset, its warped logic, and the seductive power of extremist rhetoric. In its pages, we see the seeds of anti-Semitism, authoritarianism, and racial supremacy laid bare. This knowledge is crucial to inoculating future generations against similar evils.

  • Historical Context: "Mein Kampf" is not just a rant; it's a snapshot of a time and place steeped in prejudice and despair. By analyzing its content, we gain a deeper understanding of the complex historical, social, and economic factors that fueled the rise of Nazism. This context prevents us from reducing the Holocaust to a singular act of evil, instead recognizing it as the tragic culmination of a multitude of forces.

  • A Tool for Education: Examining "Mein Kampf" in an academic setting, accompanied by critical historical analysis and ethical discussions, can be a powerful educational tool. It serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked prejudice, the chilling consequences of unchecked power, and the importance of vigilance against the erosion of civil liberties.

Arguments for Banning:

  • Fueling the Flames: Giving "Mein Kampf" access, even in an academic setting, risks legitimizing its hateful ideology. For some, its very existence serves as a beacon for neo-Nazis and white supremacists, providing them with a blueprint for their own twisted worldviews. Exposure, even for educational purposes, can unwittingly provide validation and ammunition for these dangerous groups.

  • Emotional Harm: For survivors of the Holocaust and their descendants, "Mein Kampf" is a living wound. Reading its pages can re-traumatize and re-open emotional scars. Moreover, it can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and historical inaccuracies, further marginalizing and endangering already vulnerable communities.

  • Availability Breeds Contempt: Banning "Mein Kampf" sends a clear message: hatred and intolerance are not tolerated. It denies hateful ideologies a platform, a voice, and ultimately, a foothold in our society. This symbolic act can empower marginalized groups and foster a climate of acceptance and understanding.


There is no easy answer in this complex debate. Both sides raise valid concerns, and ultimately, the decision hinges on balancing historical understanding with the ethical responsibility to protect vulnerable groups and prevent the spread of hate. Perhaps the solution lies not in a binary choice, but in a nuanced approach that combines responsible access with robust educational safeguards and unwavering commitment to combating racism and anti-Semitism in all its forms.

The true power lies not in silencing the past, but in confronting it head-on, learning from its darkness, and ensuring that the horrors of "Mein Kampf" never find fertile ground in our present or future.

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  • jackjack 508 Pts   -  

    Should Hitler's "Mein Kampf" Be Studied Or Banned?

    Hello Jules:

    Studied, for sure..

    I'm person who believes that information, by itself, is NOT harmful, whereas banning books is extremely harmful..

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  
    I have not read Mein Kampf, but I have read Mussolini's Doctrine of Fascism. I found it to be a fascinating essay in a few different respects. One, it allowed me to look deep into the mind of the dictator and appreciate just how depraved and detached from reality it is. Two, it gave me a better understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of Fascism, and I was somewhat (but not too much) surprised to see how much similarity with Socialism it had. Three, I stopped seeing the Italian Fascism and its German sibling Nazism as isolated phenomena, but instead as a part of the more general departure from the enlightenment values back to the feudal thinking.

    What would be the best way to make sure that no one ever understands why Italian Fascism happened and how to prevent it from happening in other countries in the future? Ban the book. Then next time a variation of Fascism comes around somewhere else, there will be no one to say, "Guys, we have been through it in the past - it did not end well. Tread lightly here".

    I will warn you though: Doctrine of Fascism is a very boring book. Benito was not exactly a genius, nor was he a great writer. The book is dry, the ideas in it are shallow, and the claims are unjustified. Do not expect to gain some incredible insights of an original mind from it. It is more of a journey through the mind of a madman tired from life than anything else.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 550 Pts   -  
    @JulesKorngold The hole world regards Adolf for being one of the worst people ever to live but may be there are things he proposed in his book that might beer listening to. For example he had a clear idea of building Germanys economy and he implemented some of them. Like the VW for example and the auto barns. And the yong Hitler youth movement taught kids how to be holesome.
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 863 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: The Hitler Youth Organization Was NOT Wholesome

    Sources for the following post:
    • Hitler Youth: A History. by Robert S. McElroy, Indiana University Press, 1997.
    • Children in Nazi Germany: The Hitler Youth. by Susan Brownmiller, HarperCollins, 2009.
    • The Hitler Youth: Its History and Its Aims. by Michael H. Kater, Harvard University Press, 2004.
    • Documents on the Holocaust. Edited by Michael Burleigh, Penguin Books, 2000.
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:

    The Hitler Youth movement in Nazi Germany instilled a set of highly dangerous and evil ideologies in young people through various methods. 

    Core Teachings:

    • Unquestioning loyalty to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party: Children were indoctrinated with complete obedience to the regime and its leader.
    • Extreme nationalism and racial superiority: They were taught that Germans were a superior race destined to dominate others, particularly Jews and other minorities.
    • Anti-Semitism and hatred of other groups: The movement actively spread racist and discriminatory views, laying the groundwork for the Holocaust.
    • Militarism and violence: Boys were trained in combat skills and encouraged to be aggressive and prepared for war.

    Methods of Indoctrination:

    • Compulsory membership: All German children were expected to join the movement from a young age, leaving little room for individuality or dissent.
    • Intense propaganda and indoctrination: Rallies, speeches, songs, and visual propaganda relentlessly promoted Nazi ideology.
    • Physical training and paramilitary activities: Boys were trained in combat skills and organized into military-style units, fostering a culture of aggression and obedience.
    • Surveillance and social pressure: Children were encouraged to report on each other and their families, creating a climate of fear and paranoia.

    Long-Term Impact:

    The Hitler Youth movement had a devastating impact on both individual children and German society as a whole. It contributed to the spread of hate, violence, and ultimately, the atrocities of the Holocaust. Today, it serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of totalitarianism and the importance of critical thinking and education in combating harmful ideologies.


    It's crucial to remember and learn from the dark history of the Hitler Youth movement to prevent similar events from happening again. We must promote critical thinking, tolerance, and respect for diversity to create a world where hatred and discrimination have no place.

  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar quote    I was somewhat (but not too much) surprised to see how much similarity with Socialism it had. 

    Guy Sajer, German soldier on the Russian Front during world war three, from his book "The Forgotten Soldier."

    "We were dying by our millions to destroy a system of government that was almost identical to our own."
  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  
    Juleskorngold quote  The Hitler Youth movement in Nazi Germany instilled a set of highly dangerous and evil ideologies in young people through various methods. 

                                           The transgender movement in the western world instilled a set of highly dangerous and evil ideologies in young people through various methods. 
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 863 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: What About...

    We're talking about Hitler and Nazis.  Please focus or start your own debate.
  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  
    I find that rich.   You pretend that you wish to debate with me over the question of "are races equal" and despite my informing you that i would not tolerate any "you must prove your points, I need to prove mine" style of dishonest debating, you did it anyway.   And now you wat to lecture me on proper procedure?.   Far cough, yank.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 550 Pts   -  
    @Bogan ;The transgender movement in the western world instilled a set of highly dangerous and evil ideologies in young people through various methods. 

    Oh did they or are you using even less than the 1/2 brain that you usually use. So what are these dangerous and evil ieaologies then? Like treating every one equal? Or this is real evil. Like loving and caring for people. Or Jesus strike me down. Do you mean the dangerous practice of being happy and positive. 

    We can’t have that in this world can we ? We should all follow the gentle safe and ethical Red Neck Bogan ideologies of hating other people and eating road kill and bashing up minorities and being real mean aced. That’s the best ideology for the world isn’t it?

  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: The transgender movement in the western world instilled a set of highly dangerous and evil ideologies in young people through various methods.

    Stop the Gish Galloping. You ruin debates. This debate that I just started reading was cohesive and interesting and you had to throw your gaslighting curve ball in.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 550 Pts   -   edited January 10
    @Openminded I have pulled @Bogan every time he uses his dirty tactics. I court him also posting fraudulent newspaper reports and sites and it is a matter of when not if that nasty bigot troll gets kicked off because every one else except the other 2 troll s have campaigned to get him kicked off.
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: The hole world regards Adolf for being one of the worst people ever to live but


    Saying Hitler did good things like initiate the VW factory is like saying promoting harmful ideologies and actions is acceptable as long as there are some positive outcomes. Itś also like Trump, when justifying the Proud Boys touting ¨Jews will not replace us¨ was okay as there were good people on both sides.

    This is a fallacious and dangerous perspective. It suggests that ones accomplishments should compensate for their heinous evils. This should never be an acceptable position.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  

    Saying Hitler did good things like initiate the VW factory is like saying promoting harmful ideologies and actions is acceptable as long as there are some positive outcomes. Itś also like Trump, when justifying the Proud Boys touting ¨Jews will not replace us¨ was okay as there were good people on both sides.

    This is a fallacious and dangerous perspective. It suggests that ones accomplishments should compensate for their heinous evils. This should never be an acceptable position.
    No, saying Hitler did good things is stating facts. It is not "like saying promoting harmful ideologies and actions is acceptable as long as there are some positive outcomes". The acceptability of promoting his ideology does not at all derive from the original claim.

    This black and white thinking is very juvenile. That if someone claims that Hitler ate children for breakfast and someone else questions this claim, the questioner is immediately accused of supporting Hitler. The idea that Hitler was a complex human being, and not just a stereotypical giggling villain from a Hollywood movie, just goes over the head of these folks.
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1131 Pts   -  
    If you cover controversial books, the materials need to be age appropriate and not force kids to affirm those beliefs.  In Florida, the issue with banning Critical Race Theory dealt with the issue that kids were being asked to affirm the racist beliefs of the system.  no student should have to affirm that you can know someone's implicit biases, intentions, guilt, oppressor/victim status, privileges, traits, or fragility because of their race. Unfortunately, that is exactly what CRT teaches.

    And so SJWs won't lie about what the bill actually said about CRT, here is the text of that part of the bill:

    (3)The Legislature acknowledges the fundamental truth that
      280  all individuals are equal before the law and have inalienable
      281  rights. Accordingly, instruction on the topics enumerated in
      282  this section and supporting materials must be consistent with
      283  the following principles of individual freedom:
      284         (a)No individual is inherently racist, sexist, or
      285  oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously, solely by
      286  virtue of his or her race or sex.
      287         (b)No race is inherently superior to another race.
      288         (c)No individual should be discriminated against or
      289  receive adverse treatment solely or partly on the basis of race,
      290  color, national origin, religion, disability, or sex.
      291         (d)Meritocracy or traits such as a hard work ethic are not
      292  racist but fundamental to the right to pursue happiness and be
      293  rewarded for industry.
      294         (e)An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex,
      295  does not bear responsibility for actions committed in the past
      296  by other members of the same race or sex.
      297         (f)An individual should not be made to feel discomfort,
      298  guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on
      299  account of his or her race.
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