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It is only possible for white people to be racist, correct?


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  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -  
    Instead of "misogynistic" I should have probably used sexist.  The point I'm making is that many Social Justice Warriors wrongly created a 2 tiered justice system where depending on the gender or race of the perpetrator an act is considered racist or sexist.  This is a flawed line of reason.  The law does not have stipulations in it where something is a crime, or racist, or sexist if a person of this race and gender does it, but not a crime, racist or sexist if someone of a different race or gender does it.  Unfortunately, some justice warriors have excluded some from consideration, even going so far as to suggest that a Black Supremacist like Louis Farrakhan is not racist because of the color of his skin and who he hates.  The law does not say that only people of certain races and genders can be racist, this is an invention of social justice warriors that is at odds with the law.
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -   edited March 2023
    Argument Topic: Maybe the law and dictionary definition needs to be changed to recongnize power structures.

    That's why an anti-racist might say Black nationalists including Louis Farrakhan have racial bias and commit racial discrimination but cannot be racist. That due to chattel slavery, redlining, and much more there is a level of justified anger from Black people towards white. There is no justification or mitigating factor for white anger against Blacks. The KKK and Black Panthers are very different and not two sides of the same coin.
  • @Dreamer
    The white privilege recognizes the historic and institutional power differences between the two groups.
    Justifying current discrimination with past discrimination is not an acceptable moral stance by the simple ethic of equality under the law.
    The evidence is undeniable.
    Explain why various women hold and have held important jobs within Western Countries. Explain how the fact that Kamala Harris, a woman, is vice president of the United States, does not contradict the fact that we still live in a misogynistic society.
    Yet, the reverse of a woman targeting men with jokes is somewhat excusable and more tolerable due to the repression women face.
    Saying one group can get away with using discriminatory statements, while other groups saying discriminatory statements should be punished, is discrimination and thus repression.
    Thus if one were to follow your logic, and say that women can get away with making fun of men, and men cannot do the same. How can you say that this is not a form of repression on the part of women?
    That's why I think only men can be sexist.
    Sexism is defined as discrimination on the basis of sex. So the statement that only men can be sexist, and women cannot be, is by definition sexism. You are being sexist.
    Do you understand?
    No I don't. Arbitrarily assigning one group as 'privileged' and another one as 'oppressed' and arguing that the oppressed can discriminate and the privileged cannot is by definition discrimination. Assigning different levels of responsibility regarding behavior on the basis of arbitrarily defined social categories like race is discrimination. Saying only "white people" can be racist since they experienced past privilege is a pretty poor argument. After all, how does one define past or current privileges? One group may experience financial wealth in one country, while discrimination in another. How can you truly asses privileges then of the group as a whole general statement?
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: There is no holy racism

    If anti-racists excuse the racism of Blacks then they are condoning racism.  I get that they sincerely believe that the racism that they support is well-intentioned.  But the problem with well intended racism is that it is still racism.  There is no holy racism as anti-racists pretend.  If a Black person hates a white person because of the color of their skin that is racism.  There is no rationalization of that.  Fortunately, the law agrees and hasn't created a two-tiered justice system where the color of one's skin determines if something is wrong or not.  There is no excuse for racially motivated anger from anyone.  I think is is very telling of the racist ideology that so many anti-racists hold to, that they exempt certain races from being racist, not because of what the law says, but because of their racist ideology.  Rather than embrace their racist belief system, we should be calling for them to repent.  
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Historic tramua is relevant.

    The white privilege recognizes the historic and institutional power differences between the two groups.
    Justifying current discrimination with past discrimination is not an acceptable moral stance by the simple ethic of equality under the law."

    Your post is long, so in order to speed up the conversation and reduce confusion I am stopping at the first premise you created.

    I had some difficulty understanding historic trauma. I find this Adam Ruin's Everything video explains why historic trauma is relevant. That even if we removed all racial barriers, white people would still have an advantage due to the racial intergenerational wealth gap.


      Think of this way imagine playing a Monopoly game. Player A the white person gets a rigged start. They can repeat each roll once if they dislike the roll. They also collect twice as much money each time they go around the board. As well as never having to go to jail.

    Then, the game is fixed and the advantage of re-rolling is taken away as well as collecting extra money and getting out of jail free. Guess what, player A, the white person will have gained a huge advantage having way more money and properties then player B. Virtually guaranteeing player A wins. 

  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: So if a white police officer murders the child of a Black family and walks free being racist against white people is immoral and racist?

    No rationalization nor mitigating circumstances? The fact that until movements like sayhername existed white police officers could murder Black people and walk free.

    Don't you think at least some leeway should be cut? That there is justifiable anger even hatred towards white people in this common scenario. I would be mad as hell if I were in the Black family's shoes.
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -   edited March 2023
    The fact that until movements like sayhername existed white police officers could murder Black people and walk free.

    You may want to sit down for this:

    For white officers, the probability that a white suspect who is involved in officer-involved shooting has a weapon is 84.2%. The equivalent probability for blacks is 80.9%. A difference of 4%, which is not statistically significant. For black officers, the probability that a white suspect who is involved in an officer-involved shooting has a weapon is surprisingly lower, 57.1%. The equivalent probability for black suspects is 73.0%. The only statistically significant differences by race demonstrate that black officers are more likely to shoot unarmed whites, relative to white officers.An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force. Roland G. Fryer Jr., Harvard

    Further, the study found that when behaviors are taken into account, whites are more likely to be shot by officers than Blacks.  For the record, the study was done by an incredibly liberal Black Harvard professor.  

    Every incident where a police officer fires his gun is investigated.  It is unjust to claim that white officers shoot Black suspects because they are Black.  Officers generally are responding to behavior.  There may be some bad officers, and they should be prosecuted.  However, claims of systemic bias are misplaced, as the data suggests that Black officers are more likely to shoot white suspects.  By the way, Black officers are also more likely to shoot Black suspects also.  Do you know why?  Its not because they are racist.   Can you guess why Black officers are more likely to shoot a suspect?

    Don't you think at least some leeway should be cut? That there is justifiable anger even hatred towards white people in this common scenario.

    We should not rationalize crime or racism.  Hating someone because of their skin color is not justifiable or rational.  Do you not see that you are excusing some types of racism based on the color of the one who commits the racist behavior?  Would you think it "justifiable" or "rational" for someone to attack you because of your skin color, because they had had a bad experience with someone else who is your skin color?  Again, there is no good racism.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  
    Dreamer said:

    No rationalization nor mitigating circumstances? The fact that until movements like sayhername existed white police officers could murder Black people and walk free.

    Don't you think at least some leeway should be cut? That there is justifiable anger even hatred towards white people in this common scenario. I would be mad as hell if I were in the Black family's shoes.
    How is it justifiable to hate someone today for the actions someone else in the past committed? I am a white person who stepped on this continent for the first time 13 years ago; how does it make sense to hate me for something some American white racists did in the 19th century?

    To your discussion of intergenerational wealth before, my net worth was around $1500 when I arrived here, which is less than what 99.9% of black households here have. By your reasoning, it is relatively okay for me to hate these black people? Or does the color of my skin ultimately determine everything, regardless of any other factors? If so, then your argument is dishonest and your justification of this hatred is irrelevant.

    No leeway should be cut to those who engage in any type of collectivist thinking, and racism in any shape or form - including the one that its proponents nowadays ironically call "anti-racism" - is no exception. Humans are individuals that do not have to be mentally trapped in the history of their "groups", and there are countless of examples of civilizations that were strong enough to say, "The past is the past; time to move on to the brighter future", and thrived afterwards, without being torn apart from the inside by the culture of victimhood.

    On a side note, there are few more ironic arguments in this world than those that justify racism by the need to oppose racism. It is like drinking alcohol in order to become a non-drinker.
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: I can find plenty of articles to support racial profiling against Blacks.

    "Solano County District Attorney Krishna Abrams declined to bring charges against McMahon, who is white, saying the February 2018 fatal shooting of Foster, who was Black and unarmed, was justified."

    "A year later, he shot again. This time, the slain man was aspiring Black rapper Willie McCoy" Cheryl W. Thompson

    The problem is taking the time to really go deep and debunk every one of your arguments is more of a commitment than I am ready for.

    I've read the book by Alison Marie Behnke. If I ask liberals for help with my arguments, I risk a scarlet letter of being branded a racist.  In some woke people's mind individuals are supposed to know everything about race before they talk about race, a catch 22, therefore making race a taboo subject and leading to racial colorblindness.

    That being said I am caught in a catch 22 situation.

  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Are you saying that anti-racism is racist?

    "No leeway should be cut to those who engage in any type of collectivist thinking, and racism in any shape or form - including the one that its proponents nowadays ironically call "anti-racism" - is no exception."  MayCaesar

    You seem to be implying that anti-racism is racist.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -   edited March 2023

    You picked one sentence out of a long comment to respond to, and STILL managed to misread it. Impressive!

    Please focus, buddy. Notice that I was talking about something that its proponents call "anti-racism", not what IS anti-racism. The only actual anti-racist behavior is one that features disregarding one's race completely when choosing what value to attribute to them.
  • @Dreamer
    Your post is long, so in order to speed up the conversation and reduce confusion I am stopping at the first premise you created.
    Great, so you ignored my argument. At least answer this: why does past privlege and discrimination justify current discrimination and repression?
    white people would still have an advantage due to the racial intergenerational wealth gap.
    Which is why people of Eastern, Southern, and Western Asia all generally earn larger amounts of wealth then their European counterparts, right?
    Regardless, a white person who say, immigrated from Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union would not have benefited from an institution of historical racism. And such people would actually come to the United States with worse incomes than the average amount of many minority groups, like African Americans.
    So by your bizarre logic, should Russian immigrants today be able to discriminate against African Americans as they historically had worse wealth than the latter, correct?
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -  
    "Solano County District Attorney Krishna Abrams declined to bring charges against McMahon, who is white, saying the February 2018 fatal shooting of Foster, who was Black and unarmed, was justified."

    Dreamer, the man shot was "struggling" with the officer.  He had already been tased and continued to fight.   The rapper who was shot had a semiautomatic gun on his lap. The officer was fired for violating department policy during the shooting "by engaging in unsafe conduct and neglect for basic firearm safety,"  So tell me, do you think, that racism is to blame for every interaction between a white officer and a Black person?  Do you default to assuming the white officer is in the wrong?  I hope not, that would be a racist belief.  Forensic evidence showed that Michael Brown reached into the officers car and attempted to grab his gun.  Eyewitness testimony said that he did not lift his hands and did not say "hands up, don't shoot" as BLM has falsely claimed.  That officer was rightfully exonerated also.  

    Hey, I get it.  There is a lot of competing information out there.  Let me point you to a few studies:

    a) Peter Moskos of John Jay College of Criminal Justice at CUNY. found that “Adjusted for the homicide rate, whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police. Adjusted for the racial disparity at which police are feloniously killed, whites are 1.3 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police.

    b) According to a study based on reviews of police records for Boston, Camden, Austin, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, and six Florida counties by Roland G. Fryer J. An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force. Journal of Political Economy. found:

    “Blacks are 23.5 percent less likely to be shot by police, relative to whites, in an interaction”

    c) Another study that found no evidence of systemic racism in use of lethal force among police was Officer characteristics and racial disparities in fatal officer-involved shootings, PNAS. It concluded:

    We did not find evidence for anti-Black or anti-Hispanic disparity in police use of force across all shootings, and, if anything, found anti-White disparities when controlling for race-specific crime.

    d) Even the way-left-leaning Center for Policing Equity. See See You have to dig deep into pages 20 and 21 to see that police are 42% less likely to use lethal force when arresting black people than when arresting whites and police are 59% less likely to use lethal force when arresting blacks for serious violent crimes than when arresting whites for serious violent crimes. Check it out though.

    e) Another study Is There Evidence of Racial Disparity in Police Use of Deadly Force? Analyses of Officer-Involved Fatal Shootings in 2015–2016, by Cesario, Johnson, Terrill. It found:

    “Exposure to police given crime rate differences likely accounts for the higher per capita rate of fatal police shootings for Blacks,

    E is the reason why Black officers are more likely to kill Blacks than white officers.  In so many "studies" attempting to claim racism behavioral statistics are omitted.  A 30 year cumulative report by the FBI found that in homicides where the perpetrator's race was known, Blacks were identified in about 50% of these crimes, though they are 13% of the population.  That number had dipped some before COVID and then surged back up again.  Behavioral differences account for the vast majority of discrepancies in police interactions with Blacks.  This is often omitted and it is even suggested that violent crime rates between the races are the same.  They are not.  And any fair discussion of police conduct must also include a discussion of behaviors that trigger police using force or drawing a weapon.

  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Alright, I think I have argued enough on this topic for now.

    I will make an analogy. There was a time when I watched Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore and didn't even know climate change deniers existed. Next, I thought re-watching the documentary was enough to debunk climate change deniers. No, it is not. There are benefits to this approach a quick way to understand how deep deniers can go into their rabbit holes.

    The point is I am still gathering a base level of knowledge on the subject. Yes, I've read six books on anti-racism. Yet, they are not debunking books. They are like the Inconvenient Truth documentary and are not ready for the meta-game of debunking.

      Furthermore, due to the catch 22, I have to walk on eggshells to ask any questions about anti-racism in a knowledgeable woke community. For example, asking a BIPOC person about racism without paying them can be seen as reinforcing colonial dynamics and therefore racist as well as being a sea lion. 

      Right now the woke movement seems to be focused on getting white progressives up to speed. As opposed to debunking arguments. What I need is the equivalent of edx101 course or skepticalscience. A resource focused on debunking as opposed to teaching a baseline level of knowledge.

      Go ahead, make your arguments, but don't expect me to make any more substantial arguments from me. Thank you all for the long difficult conversation. :)
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  

    It is not about your knowledge, but basic application of logic. One does not need to know anything about history or current state of affairs in a society to understand, for instance, that quotas on people of different races are racist by definition. Yoy can read all you want, but if you do not thing about the meaning of the words you are using, then all this reading will be a giant waste of time.

    The "Inconvenient Truth" is not a documentary, but an ideologically charged political propaganda. We had a discussion of this piece back when I was an undergraduate and the young proto-scientists in the group found, at least, 20 arguments made in the movie that were flat on their face regardless of any information on the subject: the reasoning in itself was wrong. But then, what else can you expect from a failed presidential candidate who needs to come up with some sensational material to try to stay relevant?

    Your problem, my friend, is that you do not put much effort into thinking about the material you are consuming. You just assume that certain people mostly speak the truth and swallow whatever they say. Precisely the type of person all these charlatans and ideologues target.
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: I am going to make an argument aganist my postion.

    I think defending a tough position can be intellectually beneficial. Anyways, the best way to defeat an anti-racist ideology is with a different anti-racist ideology.

    Take John McWhorter in some of his articles he wants to end systemic racism, thus anti-racism. Although in others he claims to be anti anti-racist. 

    "Her answer to white fragility, in other words, entails an elaborate and pitilessly dehumanizing condescension toward Black people. The sad truth is that anyone falling under the sway of this blinkered, self-satisfied, punitive stunt of a primer has been taught, by a well-intentioned but tragically misguided pastor, how to be racist in a whole new way."

    I think McWhorter goes a little too far into Black Pride territory. Yet, even a watered down version of his very strong words get the point across that Diangelo goes too far. In brief both McWhorter and Diangelo go too far.

    Black owned businesses are 30% better than pre-pandemic and whites are dying of covid-19 at a higher rate than Blacks. This proves that there is some truth to Black Pride. That Black people are not helpless infants against white oppression and can win even when the battle is uphill.

    On the other hand McWhorter goes too far into Black Pride. Implying Black people are very strong and need no help from white people. This minimizes historic trauma and systemic racism that Black people face. Implying a level play-field when the game is still rigged in favor of white people. Everyone needs a little help sometimes.

    "The notion that people of color are too weak, politically and culturally, to be racist “underestimates Black people and overestimates White people,” he writes. “It erases the small amount of Black power and expands the already expansive reach of White power.”"  Carlos Lozada, The Washington Post's

    This is two anti-racist that disagree with White Fragility author Robin Diangelo. In other words three different anti-racist ideologies and one can be correct. Ultimately, I agree that Diangelo's claim of only white people can be racist is ironically racist itself.

    That being said white people should still be anti-racist, just don't go overboard and accidentally drift into dehumanizing condescension like Diangelo has done.


  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -  
    On of the more insidious ideologies of anti-racism is the minimizing of personal responsibility.  All inequities are the result of racism.  Period.  That's pretty much a direct quote from Ibram X Kendi.  That is at odds with common sense.  Our choices and actions can have an impact on us and those around us.  By claiming that all of Black people's problems are the result of racism, an evil and destructive cycle occurs.  People who believe this lie, see themselves as the victim, and victims can't change things.  Only those responsible for their conduct can change things.  This creates a permanent cycle of failure.

    Even the ultra liberal Brookings Institute has said that its research shows that if people do just 3 things they will rise out of poverty within a decade: 1) finish high school, 2) get a job - any job to start, and 3) don't have kids until you are at least 21.  There is a 98 percent chance that you will be in the middle class in just 10 years if you do these three things, regardless of your race.  This suggests that our actions have more control over our destiny than anti-racists are willing to admit.
  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -  
    Even the ultra liberal Brookings Institute has said that its research shows that if people do just 3 things they will rise out of poverty within a decade: 1) finish high school, 2) get a job - any job to start, and 3) don't have kids until you are at least 21.  There is a 98 percent chance that you will be in the middle class in just 10 years

    You are genuinely one of the most delusional people I've ever encountered. It's a struggle for me to even believe that there are people as naive as you still walking the face of the Earth.

  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -  
    @Nomenclature ;
    Youll have to explain what is delusional about the statement?
  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited April 2023
    Youll have to explain what is delusional about the statement?

    It implies an almost total lack of understanding of capitalism, economics and class. It's difficult to even know where to begin, and I don't want to write an essay, so here are some short bullet points.

    1) The middle class has been shrinking for decades because of rampant wealth inequality which the statistics show is only getting worse. Eventually it will vanish entirely.

    2) Many people would love a job, but can't find one. 

    3) Those that can find one enter into a power relationship in which they have no power.

    4) As a general rule jobs do not make you wealthy, or even put you into the middle class. Most people who have jobs live from paycheque to paycheque, barely scraping by each month.

    5) A huge amount of labour is outsourced to cheaper countries because minimum wage laws in developed countries lower profits.

    6) Automation is slowly replacing most traditional jobs. 

    7) Getting a job contributes to a system which everybody with half a functional brain cell can see is broken, and serves only the wealthy.

    8) The Brookings Institute is non-partisan.

    9) Liberal capitalists should be expected to agree with the principles of liberal capitalism.

    10) To the left of liberal capitalism is a smorgasbord of economic and/or social theory, dating back centuries, which somehow raging wingnuts like @just_sayin appear to be completely oblivious to. 

    I could continue for two hours if I could be bothered, but I'm afraid I can't. Wingnuts like @just_sayin have a microscopically narrow worldview which is a by-product of being brainwashed by hardcore, Americanised neo-conservative propaganda, which predicates itself on a false dichotomy between two slightly different versions of the exact same pyramid scheme.

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -  

    There's an attitude among those who have never experienced poverty that truly rubs me up the wrong way. In their alternative universe where they grew up as spoilt, over-privileged brats, poor people simply need to motivate themselves. The system couldn't possibly be at fault, and so poor people are therefore responsible for their own poverty. If they just worked a little bit harder, or smarter, or whatever, everything would be sunshine and rainbows. We must have no sympathy for these people, because they have brought it on themselves.

    The absolute worst thing about capitalism is the nurturing of this attitude in people. 
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    How do you define middle class in the US?

    What wage bracket  denotes one is middle class ?

    I agree with @Nomemeclature and his points regarding the topic.

    There seems to me to be this horrible judgemental.attitude to hard working Americans who are not in the the middle or upper class brackets

    The American system is geared towards keeping the poor ,poor  You are totally opposed to even agreeing to paying the poor a decent minimun something the majority of Amercans likewise are on board with keeping the poor in their place.

    A wage that does not cover the basic necessities of life is exploitation, not one American has ever explained to me ( including you ) why you support a system.that encourages exploitation?

    Why do you support a system.that thinks only certain members of society are deserving of a wage that covers lifes basic necessities?

    Do you in fact think.the lesser well.paid don't work hard enough to deserve respect? 

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -  
    There seems to me to be this horrible judgemental.attitude to hard working Americans who are not in the the middle or upper class brackets

    I agree Dee, and it really bothers me. The people who work the hardest are frowned upon as if they are doing something wrong, while wealthy tycoons who sit on their backsides barking orders all day are assumed to be the ones contributing the most. It's an upside down view of reality. 

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -   edited April 2023

     I agree Dee, and it really bothers me. The people who work the hardest are frowned upon as if they are doing something wrong, while wealthy tycoons who sit on their backsides barking orders all day are assumed to be the ones contributing the most. It's an upside down view of reality. 

    It infuriates me that Americans support fully the low paid being kept low paid but yet celebrate company owners naked greed where no wage is ever high enough for the wealthy  and they should be perfectly entitled to treat workers any way they wish.

    People like Just sayin claim religion is there to help those less well off by giving out food and help totally ignoring the fact that the humiliation of a hard working couple having to go cap  in hand to these sanctimonious bible thumpers must be horrendously horrible 

    Believe it or not other Americans on this thread have actually stated that those on the lowest wages can afford all the necessities of life by making " prudent " choices ( may caeser) quote ,which they couldn't back up

    They sound exactly like Victorian characters from a Dickens novel who claimed the poor were poor through drink ,gambling ,laziness and a lack of belief in god
  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -  
    People like Just sayin claim religion is there to help those less well off by giving out food and help totally ignoring the fact that the humiliation of a hard working couple having to go cap  in hand to these sanctimonious bible thumpers must be horrendously horrible 

    Yes, that's the sheer irony of it buddy. They give their full support to the crooked system which makes the lives of these people so miserable, and then clap themselves on the back when they give them some soup.

    Believe it or not other Americans on this thread have actually stated that those on the lowest wages can afford all the necessities of life by making " prudent " choices ( may caeser) quote ,which they couldn't back up

    Oh, I believe it buddy. The infuriating thing about arguing with Americans is that they never question why they are all using the exact same fallacious arguments. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the chances of them all having exactly the same ideas are close to zero. They get indoctrinated with this crap and then simply repeat it like robots.

  • jackjack 499 Pts   -   edited April 2023
  • anarchist100anarchist100 782 Pts   -  
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Still new to this website, I didn't know that was a picture of Auschwitz.

    See anarchist100's previous post. I didn't know how to change the default picture. I have now switched the picture, I finally figured it out. You have to upload a picture in the opening debate. Thank you for the correction. :) I just thought it was railroad tracks I am sorry.
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Wow I didn't know thank you for the correction. :)

    I fixed the picture, I am sorry.
  • exconexcon 579 Pts   -  
    Dreamer said:

    I fixed the picture, I am sorry.
    Hello dreamer. 

    And I didn’t know it was automatically selected. I knew you had no malice.

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -  
    And I didn’t know it was automatically selected. I knew you had no malice.

    Mother of God, you're just such a dishonest scumbag. You somehow decided he was my alt account, and you accused him/me of being a "Jew hater", which is precisely what you accuse everybody of the moment they disagree with you about anything.

    You are a moron, Jack. The textbook definition of a moron. What makes it even worse is that you're not even funny. You're just incredibly thick and thoroughly intellectually dishonest.

  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Here's the article.


    Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

    Ron Haskins Wednesday, March 13, 2013"

    So we can see the quote in context.

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited April 2023

    Why did you give me a thumbs down for telling the truth? You can read Jack's comment here:-

    It literally reads:-

    Hello hater:
    Only a Jew hater would post a picture of Auschwitz..

    Don't give me a thumbs down for defending myself against the lies of this moron.

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -  

    For the Brookings Institutes findings I'd suggest this source:

    Congressional Testimony:

    here's the money quote:

    One of our arguments, based in part on a Brookings analysis of Census Bureau data, is that young people can virtually assure that they and their families will avoid poverty if they follow three elementary rules for success – complete at least a high school education, work full time, and wait until age 21 and get married before having a baby. Based on an analysis of Census data, people who followed all three of these rules had only a 2 percent chance of being in poverty and a 72 percent chance of joining the middle class (defined as above $55,000 in 2010). These numbers were almost precisely reversed for people who violated all three rules, elevating their chance of being poor to 77 percent and reducing their chance of making the middle class to 4 percent.

    Updated revisions:

    FYI - you'll notice @Nomenclature has a lot of insults and opinions, but never any facts or sources.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -   edited April 2023
    Dreamer said:

    That being said white people should still be anti-racist, just don't go overboard and accidentally drift into dehumanizing condescension like Diangelo has done.
    How about a better statement? "Every person should be against racism of any kind". It is quite ironic that, even after this concession, you still feel the need to point your finger at people of a particular race when arguing against racism. I think that your racism is so deep and multilayered, it might take you years to strip this onion down to its core, so that you can finally realize that you have been the villain you were trying to fight all this time.

    Here is a suggestion: when talking about pople having a particular problem, talk about people having that particular problem, not people partially overlapping with them. There are people of all races, genders, ethnicities, etc. born into horrible circumstances, mistreated by others, experiencing major failures in life... A white kid from a poor family of drunkards in Louisiana is not having an easier life than a black kid from a poor family of drug addicts in Chicago. Instead of looking at this superficial nonsense (skin color, really?), why not look at relevant circumstances directly?

    I also find it curious how easily you flip your stances all the time after making very strong statements and suggestions. One moment you will say, "Jail everyone who promotes view X". Another, "Oh, now I agree with view X" (the implication of this is lost on you, I am afraid). It is great to have an open mind and be willing to change your mind upon hearing a reasonable argument - but there is a difference between having a well thought out position and finding a flaw in it, and having no position and just blindly following whatever you last heard. "I read this article, and now I think the exact opposite of DiAngelo" - that is a joke, and no one has any reason to take either your past or current stance on this (or anything else) seriously.

    On a side note, this is one of the darker sides of the Internet: it gives a loud voice to clueless people with childish arguments, and their shrilling floods the space and makes it impossible for adults in the room to talk.
  • Sure, if you redefine what racism is. AKA The Definist Fallacy.


  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    One of the reasons why I stopped being an anti racist  left whinger was because I was smart enough to recogise, that those who claim to be the most ardent anti racists, were in fact extremely racist towards white people, my people.    Their "explanation for everything" was "blame the white guy for everything."      This was decades before CRT which is now trying to recognize this racist hatred of white people officially.     Any person who has two brain cell that they can rub together to synapse can instantly recognise that even claiming that non whites can not be racism, is racism itself.  
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: I've already shown what is wrong with the original post.

    "Her answer to white fragility, in other words, entails an elaborate and pitilessly dehumanizing condescension toward Black people. The sad truth is that anyone falling under the sway of this blinkered, self-satisfied, punitive stunt of a primer has been taught, by a well-intentioned but tragically misguided pastor, how to be racist in a whole new way.""

    Saying that only white people can be racist is a form of anti-Black racism via dehumanizing condescension.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Hi Mr Dreamer.    If you are going to reply to me with sneery one liners, could you at least make them legible so that I can figure out if you support me or oppose me?    Your last reply was so bad that it had me confused as to who's side you were on?     I had to scroll back and read some of your previous comments in order to figure out your position.      Try writing a paragraph or two explaining why you think that your position is correct, and my position is wrong.    That is called "debating".    Got it now?     I am sure you will pick it up.

    Now, if I have got your sneery one liner correctly figured out, you seem to be supporting some dim-wit who wrote a book called "White Fragility"?      By saying that an entire race of people are "fragile", the author is labeling an entire race of people with a negative connotation.    There is a word to describe that, can you guess what it is?     I will help you out here, it starts with an "R".      Oh, and thank you for proving the point I made in my above post, where I informed the people on this site that the reason I stopped being an anti racist, and instead became a racist, was because I figured out that all these people who scream the loudest about racism, are in fact very racist themselves.    They are racist towards white people, my people.    If you are a white person yourself, one wonders why you support the people who despise you because of your skin colour?     Or is thinking about that too hard for you?

  • VaulkVaulk 813 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Racism has nothing to do with power

    The change in what Racism is defined as was made VERY recently and when using the process of elimination, one can conclude safely that it was changed and the addition of the prerequisite of "Power" was done deliberately to make it so that certain classes of people can be immune from being classified as "Racists".

    Racism is an idea, the idea is that one race is superior or inferior to another.  This could be an Asian Woman thinking that Native American Men are less intelligent than Black Men, that's a Racist idea.  A Black Woman killing an Asian Man because she hates Asian Racist and a hate crime.  

    Even when you apply it with the prerequisite of Power, how is one White person being assaulted by four Black people not an exhibition of the power of four versus one?  Does one white person have more physical power than four Black people?  
    "If there's no such thing as a question then what kind of questions do people ask"?

    "There's going to be a special place in Hell for people who spread lies through the veil of logical fallacies disguised as rational argument".

    "Oh, you don't like my sarcasm?  Well I don't much appreciate your stup!d".

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Hi Mr Vaulk, I am a racist and I would like to engage with you on this topic because you seem to be a reasonable contributor with a functioning brain.    The word "racism" can mean anything today.    My favourite definition is "anything a left winger disagrees with."    On the subject of "superiority", could I opine that human races look different because they are different?    Common sense says that human being look different because the different races evolved separately within wildly differing environments, and they evolved to give each race a genetic advantage within the particular environments in which they evolved.

    African descended people make superior athletes, although they do not compete at Olympic levels in swimming events.    What is wrong with recognising reality and just pointing out that African descended people have a genetic advantage in sports involving running?     So too with intelligence.    The 'bell curve" of group IQ's of entire races appears to be mainly geared to the length of their civilization.     Asian people have had organized and complex societies for around five or six thousand years.  The Arab people also had functioning civilisations for that long, and they should also be smart.    But their compelled conversion into Islam 1400 years ago seem to have damaged their genome.    Any religion where the most violent and ruthless can have four wives is not a religion prone to breeding up Mensas and pacifists.     

     The smartest race on planet earth is an offshoot of the Arabs, the Jews, because they are the most persecuted.    Expelled from their own homeland, such people learned to live among often hostile host populations on their wits.     Whenever host populations turned on them, the smart Jews either got out of Dodge early, or they bought their way out if they were late flying the coop.    The du-mb ones got genetically eradicated.     

    We could also discuss such things as to what extent a race's stereotypical  personality is affected by genetics?   After all, there must be a genetic component to personality.     If you can breed a dangerous dog, then you can breed a dangerous person.   But that will do for now.   
  • VaulkVaulk 813 Pts   -   edited July 2023

    Well that's mighty up-front of you to admit to being Racist and while I can see some Racially charged statements in your response, I don't necessarily see that you've said anything Racist.  What you've done is outlining the difference between difference Races, Ethnicities, and Nations.  

    So firstly, yes, different Races of Human Beings look different and they are different.  I'm not a geneticist nor do I have any learned background in DNA, genetics, evolution, adaptation or the like so I cannot say definitively that people look different because they are and I doubt such research exists after about the 18th century.  Simply put, people may look different for any number of reasons and while generalizations can and have been drawn throughout history with shocking accuracy, attempting to group everyone based on their appearance leaves entirely too much room for error.  If it could be narrowed to a margin of error of less than 5% then I'd agree that it's safe but it's likely somewhere in the 15%-20% range as far as exceptions to this rule and that's far too much of a margin for strict generalizations based on appearance.

    As for different people "Evolving" differently due to environmental effects.  What you're talking about is adaptation.  I don't subscribe to evolution for a number of reasons but adaptation is a directly observable phenomenon and that's likely what you're referring to in regard to people appearing different as well as having different strengths and weaknesses.

    To your question of what the issue is behind recognizing that different races have a genetic predisposition for physical potential, well there's nothing wrong with it.  It's well documented science that Black people, as a whole, are generally gifted with higher lean muscle mass than White people while also having lower muscle quality.  Non-White people typically suffer more health issues as they age than White people while White people typically suffer larger losses in muscle mass as they grow older than other races.  None of this is controversial unless you attempt to use this data to draw conclusions or correlations to superiority.  While you certainly could suggest conclusive evidence for superiority, and effective suggestions at that, the issue glaring back in the mirror when attempting this "Connect the dots" game is that you inevitably find that for each superior characteristic of one race, you find 1-2 inferior characteristics as well. 

    On your point of Religion influencing societal progression, it's true that certain religious leaders have had great and negative impacts on society as a whole and have hindered the progression of civilizations since the beginning of time.  It's too bad there wasn't a road-map for any of it, these people were essentially experimenting with it and blew themselves backwards for the most part.  I doubt very seriously you could find anything in the genetic code of people who were physically present to experience the effects of that particular Religious era.  Society has a great way of pushing people forward or dragging them down and stopping progress, I don't think there's any evidence that this type of effect has influence over your genetics.  If you and I went back in time and spread a rumor that girls who didn't wear socks were obviously harlots, when we returned to present day and found that there were laws in place that required you to wear socks at all likely wouldn't find any difference in genetics as a result of it.

    About your claim that Jews are the smartest Race on the Planet.  It's an interesting thought but I doubt it has anything to do with genetics.  Instead what you're probably seeing is generations of social conditioning starting at a VERY young age (Similar to Asians) that your choices and decisions have an apocalyptic effect on your outcome in life.  Consider how we raise American Children for the most part in today's age...we let them (Or force them) to be unaccountable, irresponsible, unreliable, and for the most part without any real consequences until they are 18 years of age when we suddenly and without any warning drop the world onto their shoulders.  Now consider that Jewish and Asian Children are raised from a VERY young age (Usually as soon as they can understand instructions) to be accountable, responsible, to have integrity, to be loyal, to be honorable, to weigh each decision as if it may ruin or complete your entire life...this is what you're seeing.  I'd say with a great deal of certainty that what you perceive to be a Race of genetically superior people is actually an Ethnicity of people who take Child-rearing VERY seriously and who want what's best for their offspring.  I'd be willing to give it to you that Asian Children do seem to have an inexplicable predisposition to mathematical proficiency.  That I cannot account for and it may very well be something genetic.

    As far as personality and social characteristics, you are likely correct.  Case in point, the Warrior Gene Project.  I took part in the study from 2007 - 2014 where they attempted to isolate a gene that allegedly only existed in certain people as a result of horrific childhood experiences.  The idea was that the Soldiers who possessed this gene were genetically resistant to PTSD or combat stress.  Whether or not its real or the outcome was proven I have no idea but you and I aren't the only people to suggest that your personality and psyche can be measured through your genetic code.  I have no doubt that genetic markers can be found for different personalities and likely personality disorders, to what extent I cannot say.

    "If there's no such thing as a question then what kind of questions do people ask"?

    "There's going to be a special place in Hell for people who spread lies through the veil of logical fallacies disguised as rational argument".

    "Oh, you don't like my sarcasm?  Well I don't much appreciate your stup!d".

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Thank you, thank you, Mr Vaulk, for your intelligent and well reasoned contribution.     I have been on this debate site for a couple of years and so far, everybody I have crossed swords with on this topic was either a virtue signalling ninny, or a calculating dishonest type.      It is refreshing to know that some people exist who will debate a subject on it’s merits, without grandstanding and being obstructionist.

    Mr Vaulk quote    Well that's mighty up-front of you to admit to being Racist and while I can see some Racially charged statements in your response, I don't necessarily see that you've said anything Racist.  What you've done is outlining the difference between difference Races, Ethnicities, and Nations.  

    You would be in the minority there for thinking that I am not saying anything racist.    The present widespread orthodoxy seems to be, that races (like males and females) are equal in every way, and to even suggest that they have unique differences is to be labelled a far right Nazi baby killer.    


    Mr Vaulk quote      So firstly, yes, different Races of Human Beings look different and they are different.  I'm not a geneticist nor do I have any learned background in DNA, genetics, evolution, adaptation or the like so I cannot say definitively that people look different because they are and I doubt such research exists after about the 18th century. 

    Would it not be reasonable to say that the reason why some races have dark skin is because they evolved to live in hot and sunny climates, where clothes are not necessary, but solar skin protection most certainly is?    And white people evolved (or adapted) to live in cold climates, where clothing was absolutely necessary, and solar skin protection was not such a priority?   Therefore, is it not fair to say that white people have superior adaptation to living in cold climates, while dark skinned people have superior adaptation to live in hot and sunny climates?

    Mr Vaulk quote     Simply put, people may look different for any number of reasons and while generalizations can and have been drawn throughout history with shocking accuracy, attempting to group everyone based on their appearance leaves entirely too much room for error.      If it could be narrowed to a margin of error of less than 5% then I'd agree that it's safe but it's likely somewhere in the 15%-20% range as far as exceptions to this rule and that's far too much of a margin for strict generalizations based on appearance.

     But people do not know everything, and usually, the only way that we can make sensible decisions with little direct information , especially about other groups of people, is to make generalisations about them from known data.     Generalisations do not have to be absolutely accurate, only accurate enough to make a decision.     And as long as a person recognises that their generalisation about other groups of people may not be entirely accurate, and is willing to modify their generalisation as more data comes in, then I say that there is nothing wrong with it.    People generalise to think.    We do it every day.    There is nothing wrong with it because everybody does it.   


    Mr Vaulk quote.   As for different people "Evolving" differently due to environmental effects.  What you're talking about is adaptation.  I don't subscribe to evolution for a number of reasons but adaptation is a directly observable phenomenon and that's likely what you're referring to in regard to people appearing different as well as having different strengths and weaknesses.

     I do not know how you reconcile “adaptation” if you do not believe in evolution.


    Mr Vaulk quote   o your question of what the issue is behind recognizing that different races have a genetic predisposition for physical potential, well there's nothing wrong with it.  It's well documented science that Black people, as a whole, are generally gifted with higher lean muscle mass than White people while also having lower muscle quality.  Non-White people typically suffer more health issues as they age than White people while White people typically suffer larger losses in muscle mass as they grow older than other races.  None of this is controversial unless you attempt to use this data to draw conclusions or correlations to superiority.  While you certainly could suggest conclusive evidence for superiority, and effective suggestions at that, the issue glaring back in the mirror when attempting this "Connect the dots" game is that you inevitably find that for each superior characteristic of one race, you find 1-2 inferior characteristics as well. 

     I would agree with all of that.    But we live in an age where people appear to be conditioned (brain washed) to think that everybody and everything is absolutely equal in every way.   Men are equal in every way to women.    Men can put on a dress and call themselves “a woman” and compete against women in sports, and some people see nothing wrong with that.    All races are equal in every way.    To say different is to be a racist, and such people who say that evil beyond the pale.    All classes in society are equal.      An East End flower girl can pass as a Bohemian princess if Rex Harrison gives her elocution lessons and puts her in a pretty dress.


    Mr Vault quote     On your point of Religion influencing societal progression, it's true that certain religious leaders have had great and negative impacts on society as a whole and have hindered the progression of civilizations since the beginning of time.  It's too bad there wasn't a road-map for any of it, these people were essentially experimenting with it and blew themselves backwards for the most part.  I doubt very seriously you could find anything in the genetic code of people who were physically present to experience the effects of that particular Religious era.  .  Society has a great way of pushing people forward or dragging them down and stopping progress, I don't think there's any evidence that this type of effect has influence over your genetics.  If you and I went back in time and spread a rumor that girls who didn't wear socks were obviously harlots, when we returned to present day and found that there were laws in place that required you to wear socks at all likely wouldn't find any difference in genetics as a result of it.

     I would have to disagree with that point.   I have already given Islam as a way in which negative genetic inheritance can be passed down through generations to negatively influence an entire race of people.    So too, I think that my observation into why Jews are so smart is also valid.    My favourite is the Catholic faith.   The human race owes a dept of gratitude to the Catholic faith because it’s leaders will not allow it’s most ardent supporters, it’s priests and nuns, to breed.    So, it has been genetically eradicating religious fanaticism for the last 2000 years.   And the Pope wonders why he can’t find enough priests?  

    Mr Vaulk quote      About your claim that Jews are the smartest Race on the Planet.  It's an interesting thought but I doubt it has anything to do with genetics.  Instead what you're probably seeing is generations of social conditioning starting at a VERY young age (Similar to Asians) that your choices and decisions have an apocalyptic effect on your outcome in life. 

    My observation is, that smart people value education.    Du-mb people do not.    Here in Australia, two thirds of the Northern Territory education budget goes towards students of aboriginal descent.    Special programs exist to feed aboriginal children, because their own parents don’t bother feeding them.      But even with free food, non-attendance at school by aboriginal children is so endemic, that State and Federal governments give aboriginal parents a special welfare allowance to make their kids go to school.     Then there are the government employed “chauffeurs” who are given publicly purchased cars and publicly supplied fuel, who go around aboriginal households to pick the kids up and make them go to school.    And all that the money buys is a 90% failure rate among “aboriginal” children in national NAPLAN examinations.

    Mr Vaulk quote     Consider how we raise American Children for the most part in today's age...we let them (Or force them) to be unaccountable, irresponsible, unreliable, and for the most part without any real consequences until they are 18 years of age when we suddenly and without any warning drop the world onto their shoulders.  Now consider that Jewish and Asian Children are raised from a VERY young age (Usually as soon as they can understand instructions) to be accountable, responsible, to have integrity, to be loyal, to be honorable, to weigh each decision as if it may ruin or complete your entire life...this is what you're seeing. 

    Smart people raise their kids well.    Du-mb people do not bother.   It is all quite simple, really.     You are smart enough to recognise that races have different physical attributes.    Why are you so reluctant to admit that they probably have different mental attributes as well?

    The white western world is being torn apart because we as a race refuse to recognise that the reason why so many races and ethnicities are dysfunctional within western society, is because too many people from these races have very low IQ.    And, they probably have a genetic predisposition to violent behaviour as well.      Instead, we blame ourselves and self flagellate for the failings of others.      We throw truck loads of public cash at the problem to try and elevate these dysfunctional races, and we wonder why no amount of money will make an improvement?       


    Mr Vaulk quote  As far as personality and social characteristics, you are likely correct.  Case in point, the Warrior Gene Project.  I took part in the study from 2007 - 2014 where they attempted to isolate a gene that allegedly only existed in certain people as a result of horrific childhood experiences.  The idea was that the Soldiers who possessed this gene were genetically resistant to PTSD or combat stress.  Whether or not its real or the outcome was proven I have no idea but you and I aren't the only people to suggest that your personality and psyche can be measured through your genetic code.  I have no doubt that genetic markers can be found for different personalities and likely personality disorders, to what extent I cannot say.

     Thank you, thank you Mr Vaulk.    I have heard about the “warrior gene” project and it is obvious to me that some people in every race are born violent, and different races have different proportions of this genetic makeup.     Even Criminologists today are admitting that violent criminal behaviour can be genetically inherited. 

    Mr Vaulk quote.   I'd say with a great deal of certainty that what you perceive to be a Race of genetically superior people is actually an Ethnicity of people who take Child-rearing VERY seriously and who want what's best for their offspring.  I'd be willing to give it to you that Asian Children do seem to have an inexplicable predisposition to mathematical proficiency.  That I cannot account for and it may very well be something genetic.

     It depends upon whatever “superior” characteristics you are seeking?    Those races who have a higher proportion of men who can kill other men without it affecting their mental equilibrium, should make superior soldiers to those of more pacific races.     However, if what you are looking for is people who can live peacefully in a stable society where intelligence is the superior virtue, then you don’t want a bunch of low IQ violent people infesting your society, or violent crime will skyrocket.

     In the western world today, crime is skyrocketing.     What has changed, is that in a time of extreme humanitarianism, we went all in for human equality, and refused to consider that importing violent and low IQ people into western society was not a good idea.   Incredibly, we are still in denial over that. 

  • AntiRioterAntiRioter 37 Pts   -  
    Dreamer said:
    Can BIPOC people be racist? Is it possible for Louis Farrakhan to be racist? If four Black people were to attack a white person in Chicago just for being white, should this be classified as a hate crime?

    By definition yes, despite racists attempt to change the definition of racism to cover or theirs. 
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -   edited January 28
    Dreamer said:

    If a female commits a misogynistic act against another female this is horizontal or internalized sexism, both are on equal footing. This is not the same as male a committing the same act. Same with race.

    A common lie told by SJWs is that the definition of racism is about who has the power.  This however is not part of the legal definition.  This is a make believe definition, made up by those who want to dismiss the racism they engage in.  The fact is if you can deny someone admission, a job, a promotion, a benefit, a grant, or to be heard, then you are in a position of power.  If you can force your racist views upon someone, as DEI supporters do, then you are in a position of power.  The racists ignore this, and ignore the legal definition of racism because it implicates their actions as racist.  Whether you want to recognize it or not, you, like @Bogtan support racist policies and both of you want to see people treated according to their race, rather than according to their merit.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

     Dreamer quote       White privilege recognizes the historic and institutional power differences between the two groups. I'll use an analogy. Women have been repressed for a long time. Witch burning and hanging.

     Burning witches 400 years ago proves that white privilege exists today?     Oh, yair.     If “white privilege” exists today, could you please give a contemporary example?      Please point out any law in the western world which proves that this mythical “white privilege” exists?      


    Dreamer quote    Female genital mutilation.   

      Since when have European people supported female genital mutilation?     


    Dreamer quote   foot-binding,

     Oh, I get it, you are just joking?   


    Dreamer quote   forced to wear beekeeper suits in summer.

     You lost me there?   Bee keeping suits in summer?   Please explain?  


    Dreamer quote       and being barred from positions of power is just the tip of the iceberg.

     They are not barred from positions of power at all.     Britain has had two female prime ministers.  Australia one.    New Zealand one.     Germany had Angela Merkel.   Sweden and Finland have had female Prime Ministers.   And Nicky Haley is a candidate for President of the USA. 


    Dreamer quote      The evidence is undeniable.

     The “evidence” is very deniable. 


    Dreamer quote       That being said if a man targets woman with sexist jokes, this is misogyny and hate.

     No, it is not.  It is called “humour.”    Men tell jokes about women to other men, and women tell jokes about men to other women.     It is normal human behaviour.    It is just another cultural universal.  


    Dreamer quote       Yet, the reverse a woman targeting men with jokes is somewhat excusable and more tolerable due to the repression women face.

     Thank you for confirming my premise that women tell jokes about men to other women.       But claiming that females joking about males is acceptable, while men doing the same thing is wrong, just happen to be sexist.   


    Dreamer quote         In comedy this is called punching up at the powers in charge, versus punching down on the minoritized demographics.

     The powers in charge today are the Leftist bureaucrats, and they do not like being made fun of at all.       Comediennes today complain about leftist ideology destroying comedy.     Which is why most comediennes like to stick it to the Lefties.    Pompous people like yourself with puritanical views are easy meat for comedians. 




     Dreamer quote    That's why I think only men can be sexist.

     Which is sexist thinking.  


    Dreamer quote      To equate the two as equally sexist ignores power structures.

     What it means, is that you are inventing a lame excuse, to excuse the fact that you think that you do not need to conform to the very behavioural standards that you insist everybody else must conform to.      Another word for that is “hypocrisy.” 


    Dreamer quote          I could keep going. Jokes targeting straights versus gays. Humor that is against Christians versus Muslims, etc. Do you understand?

     Oh, I understand completely.   You think that the minority groups who you champion, and who provide the main leftist electoral support, must be beyond criticism.   Bul-lsheet mate.    Nobody is beyond criticism.     Not the Pope, The President, the Party, the Prime Minister, the church, the Left, or the Right.         That you are even thinking this way makes me wonder about your ability to think straight?        Freedom of speech is the cornerstone of democracy.      To give any demographic group at all exemptions from criticism, would be to allow that group to do whatever it damned well pleased.     Which is exactly what happens in totalitarian societies where some groups of people can never be criticised.      

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