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  • FactfinderFactfinder 949 Pts   -  
    maxx said:
    the genetic disadvantage in overall learning is theoretically based on "as a race" they never had the science, nor the technology europeans have had.  Euroepans developed specific traits over generations that were passed on to them due to evolutionary advantage it gave them. For instance, most ancient humans developed many traits that were advantageous to them and they were genetically passed on; yet specific isolated tribes did not, so they were left behind in development. @Factfinder
    Right. That was the consensus I had while reading your article. My frame of mind centered on the centuries of enslavement followed by decades of systematic discrimination. Interesting subject especially if you regress in time to the differences of societal, culturist and environmental circumstances as you alluded.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Max quote   i am not asking about whose fault is it that they have a lower learning curve. I am asking you why it is not the whites fault for the blacks problems that they faced today; considering whites are the ones who enslaved them, forced labor on them, beat them, killed them for fun, denied them education, jobs, kept them in poverty, denied them access to many places, kept them away from "decent" people, drove them to the only place they had left, slums. yes whites did all of that.

     If all races are equal, then what happened 200 years ago would have no bearing on outcomes today.     In Australia, it was white convicts and white indentured labourers who were the slaves.      In WW2, it was white Europeans from conquered countries who were the slaves of Nazi Germany.      In the 19th century, 1 million white Europeans were enslaved by the Ottomans.   In Russia, it was the white peasants who were the slaves of the aristocracy.    In the Soviet Union, it was the white political prisoners and the German and Japanese POW’s who were the slaves of the Soviet system.     In Imperial Japan, white European POW’s were the slaves.       It is funny how you can only see blacks as victims, and therefore forgive them for their dysfunction, and it never occurs to you that the same excuses for dysfunction did not apply to your own race. 

     And thank you once again for first accusing me of being a white supremacist, and then refusing to justify how that is when I say that collectively, Jews are the smartest race.       Your logic is bankrupt.    I can tell more about my opponents from the questions they repeatedly refuse to answer than from anything they say.    It is clear that you are floundering, and you know it. 


    Maxx quote        So you can deny it all you want, however, those like you, are racist to people for the reasons that white caused.

    Racism today is directed at white people in their own countries but you refuse to see the elephant in the room.     Here is another question that I know you will shrink from answering.    Do you think it is socially acceptable for corporations like Coca Cola to preach anti white racism? 


    Maxx quote   I also would like a top science or biological link, showing that biologically, there is more than one race. 

    Already explained to you previously, at length, and in detail.        

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited March 7
    sure you did. biologically, there is not enough differences in the human genome to constitute a difference. that is biologically proven. However bogan, you can keep your views. It is people like you that made this world in the sad shape it is today. Many wars ae fought over culture or ethnic differences. Hate crimes are everywhere. The main reason for the majority of strife in the world is because of prejudice and discrimination, and racism. But regardless of the problems, the wars, deaths, crimes, and poverty caused by racism, it is "ok" cause you say it is socially acceptable. You can cast the blame where ever you want; however i suggest you start by looking in the mirror.   @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Maxx quote  sure you did.

    Yeah, I did.   Either you have an English comprehension problem?     Or, you don’t bother to read past my first four sentences?


    Maxx quote   biologically, there is not enough differences in the human genome to constitute a difference. that is biologically proven.

    What a load of codswallop.      The differences are so clear that scientists can identify an individual from their DNA.   DNA scientists can now even build an approximation of an individual’s face from their DNA.


    Max quote  However bogan, you can keep your views.

    Which are the correct ones.


    Maxx quote    It is people like you that made this world in the sad shape it is today.

    Labelling and stereotyping again, maxx?    At least you now know that your original premise that labelling is bad, was wrong.    Because everybody does it, even you. 


    Maxx quote  Many wars are fought over culture or ethnic differences. Hate crimes are everywhere. The main reason for the majority of strife in the world is because of prejudice and discrimination, and racism.

    So you think that by destroying racism, you can stop wars?     All you are doing is helping the enemies of your own civilisation to destroy your own civilisation.    Just in case you have not noticed, racism is on the rise in all western countries.    One reason is, because the biggest rise in racism is directed at white people.  Your people.   While the other is, that the leftist enemies of your people who push multiculturalism and anti white hatred, can no longer get away with telling white people that it makes no difference what race gets imported into their white western societies.


    Maxx quote   But regardless of the problems, the wars, deaths, crimes, and poverty caused by racism, it is "ok" cause you say it is socially acceptable.

    Anti white racism is now socially acceptable in western countries.     You can say any damned thing you like about white people and most social commentators just look the other way.     But if a white person says anything bad about a black, you can get into real trouble.     Russia prosecuted 400 people last year for their tweets on social media.     The UK prosecuted 2300 for doing the same thing.     Multiculturalism means the death of democracy.   Multiculturalism means identity politics.    Identity politics means DEI, and DEI means “blame the whites for everything.”     Unless you think that the best way to attain peace is for the whole world to become totalitarian, then think again. 

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited March 7
    like i said, you can keep your views. if you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem  i do believe you are very similar to ricky; in which you refuse to accept science when it contradicts your beliefs.  Coming from you, who at least has a back ground of psychology; that is pretty sad. just like ricky, you fail to read the science that proves you incorrect. I expected better of you. So the next time you tell ricky something about his beliefs which fails to meet scientific evidence; remember this.  Race and genetics versus ‘race’ in genetics - PMC (                Human races are not like dog breeds: refuting a racist analogy | Evolution: Education and Outreach | Full Text (     @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Hi Maxx.    I give up.  Since you are too damned lazy to do your own research and formulate your own arguments, I will deconstruct your own link because I am getting bored. 

    Social scientists have long understood race to be a social category invented to justify slavery and evolutionary biologists know the socially constructed racial categories do not align with our biological understanding of genetic variation.

    Science categorises everything.      Rocks, fish, volcanoes, soil, trees, stars, and humans.    To say that race was invented to justify slavery is just potty.   

    The completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 confirmed humans are 99.9% identical at the DNA level and there is no genetic basis for race.

    The guy who was the head of the Human Genome Project, Nobel Laureate James Watson (co discoverer of the double helix form of DNA) got sacked from his job when he said that it should not be considered correct to think races which evolved separately in different environments would all have the same IQ.     Once again, scientists who contradict the multicultural Party line either get cancelled, or are sent get to a Gulag for re education like Jordan Peterson.  


     A systematic review of the PubMed medical literature published since 2003 was conducted to assess the use of African ancestry to denote study populations in genetic studies categorized as clinical trials, to examine the stated rationale for its use and to assess the use of evolutionary principles to explain human genetic diversity. We searched for papers that included the terms ‘African’, ‘African American’ or ‘Black’ in studies of behavior (20 papers), physiological responses, the pharmacokinetics of drugs and/or disease associations (62 papers), and as a genetic category in studies, including the examination of genotypes associated with life stress, pain, stuttering and drug clearance (126 papers). Of these, we identified 74 studies in which self-reported race alone or in combination with admixture mapping was used to define the study population. However, none of these studies provided a genetic explanation for the use of the self-identified race as a genetic category and only seven proffered evolutionary explanations of their data. The concept of continuous genetic variation was not clearly articulated in any of these papers, presumably due to the paucity of evolutionary science in the college and medical school curricula.

     Complete and utter bu-llshiit.      Forensic anthropologists are called in by police murder squads to try and identify skeletal remains.     They can tell the race of the skeleton, the sex, and quite often a close approximation of the age.     They can even tell if a person is of mixed race.    What you are presenting is just left wing pseudo science written in diseased English (written to sound authoritative) meant to “prove” to the gullible  that all races are equal.    They are the same id-iots who claim that there are more than two sexes.     

     You are the one who most resembles Ricky.   You have your wishful thinking faith that all races are equal, and no amount of science or reasoned arguments  can shift your belief in what you so desperately need to believe. 

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    No genetic basis for race, huh?    Here is the DNA of the Basques

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    Indian DNA.   Exploring Indian DNA racial admixtures.  

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    DNA found ONLY in black African people.   

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @maxx ;  Okay maxx.    Now that I have PROVEN to you that the people who wrote the rubbish that you submitted as a link were LYING to you, will you now do what intelligent people are supposed to do, and look at his question with an open mind?   
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    What happened to London when only 30% of the population is white?      Are you going to blame "white privilege" again, maxx?   

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited March 9
    are you kidding  me? i posted  high quality science links, and you give me you tube videos? which one is more likely to lie, youtube or biotech?   Division of race is a human concept, not a biological one. you are not basing race on actual biology but on color. Anthropologists' views on race, ancestry, and genetics - PMC (  i have given you science, biology and i fail to see what more proof that you need. You refuse to accept science. look at the charts, the actual proof instead of a you tube video.   Biological Races in Humans - PMC (  christ, you are allowing your beliefs to over ride common sense and you do not even realize it. You do not even realize that genetically; we are all africans. get real bogan; stop allowing your views to over ride the proof. Templeton(1998).pdf ( The only thing you have shown is basic feature differences, and culture ones; not bilocally reasoning.   I do not know what else to show you since you refute the science, save perhaps a you tube video that you seem so fond of.  I also guess by your vies, we should put all blacks in a penal colony somewhere, or on ships and ship them to another planet. That will show them and then we can do the same for all other "races" people do not like. a perfect cure for racism; get rid of them all until only whites are left.  @Bogan ;    The Construction of Race and Racialization | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    @jack ; If you're "disgusted" to be Jew and an American due the death of 30K Islamic demons...why not move out of America and find someplace you're only half-disgusted...actually, you're pathetic in your historical ignorance and your facade of virtue signaling. 


  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    i hate to point this how, however due to your discrimination against other religious groups, including those of eastern and middle east origin, that makes you as much a racist as anyone. talk about being hypocritical. @RickeyHoltsclaw
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    maxx said:
    i hate to point this how, however due to your discrimination against other religious groups, including those of eastern and middle east origin, that makes you as much a racist as anyone. talk about being hypocritical. @RickeyHoltsclaw

    @maxx ; If trusting Jesus as Messiah who died for me and shunning religions makes me a be it liberal boy.
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    again dee, you have it wrong; i am not a liberal, nor a republican. i vote for the person not the party. Also you are very hypocritical; claiming you dis like racisim, yet support trump, discriminate others based on their culture. how do you even look at the mirror without tossing your cookies. @RickeyHoltsclaw
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Maxx quote  are you kidding  me? i posted  high quality science links, and you give me you tube videos?

     Stop play acting.   Your “scientific report” claimed that there is no genetic basis for race.     There are literally dozens of videos on youtube that prove that premise wrong.   Not only can geneticists tell race from DNA, this science is now so advanced that it can literally draw an approximation of a person’s face from DNA.     There are DNA labs which can even tell from a persons DNA what percentage of each Racal group that they are composed of.   So, any “scientific report” which claims that science does not recognise race, is obviously fraudulent.     It is pseudo science written by political partisan leftists. 


    Maxx quote  which one is more likely to lie, youtube or biotech? 

     The source that is logical, makes sense, and is constantly reinforced by new information.        Claiming that there is no scientific basis for race is obviously a lie, when forensic anthropologists do it all the time from the skeletal remains of homicide victims.      Claiming that there is no scientific basis for race is obviously a lie, when DNA labs can tell a person’s race, or even from what races a mixed race person is composed of, from their DNA.     Would you like me to send you some youtube links on those labs?  


    Maxx quote  Division of race is a human concept, not a biological one.

    Science is a human concept.     Biology is a human concept.   Science and biology categorises everything.    Including humans.    Carl Linneous, the father of Anthropology, began the process of classifying human sub species which was never in any way considered invalid util our universities began to get over run with Leftist lunatics.         But just like so many things in science today, what was science in the past does not conform to Marxist ideology.     So, just like out “history wars” and our “culture wars”, Marxists are trying to re define Anthropology to air brush out the science they do not like.     Just like the US American Medical Association now claims that gender is independent of biological physical reality, Marxist Anthropologists refuse to recognise human sub species.


    Maxx quote  you are not basing race on actual biology but on color.

    Which has been done all throughout history.    Humans have long recognised that humans, and animals from recognisable similar species from different environments look different.   And they act different.   The most obvious difference in humans is skin colour, followed by physical features.    


    Maxx quote    i have given you science, biology and i fail to see what more proof that you need.

    Okay, so you want a link war, do you?      Go and read the serious scientific work of “The Bell Curve” and then come back and apologise for wasting my time.


    Maxx quote  You refuse to accept science. look at the charts, the actual proof instead of a you tube video. 

    I am so advanced on this topic that when I began reading one of your “scientific” links it made me laugh.     It is not science, it is pseudo science, written in an authoritative way to fool the maxx’s of this world, who are too lazy to even read the links they submit. 


    Maxx quote       christ, you are allowing your beliefs to over ride common sense and you do not even realize it. 

    At least I did a lot of research and even read opposing views before I came to my conclusions.      All you can do is to sprout fashionable opinions, and when your sloganeering falls flat in a debate against a switched on opponent, just run around the web finding pseudo science links to toss at me instead of a reasoned arguments.


    Maxx quote  You do not even realize that genetically; we are all africans. get real bogan; stop allowing your views to over ride the proof. 

    You do not realise it, but there are commercial DNA labs which can take your DNA and tell you exactly what percentage of each racial type you are composed of.     You claim that science does not recognise race, well, that proves that you and your “scientific” links are wrong.   Only recently, a Hispanic Political commentator (Judy Behar on “The View”) on MSNBC, who never stops sprouting how white people should give reparations to black people for slavery, took a DNA test.   The test, which not only traced her family tree, (who were slave owners) showed how she was more European than an “oppressed” Hispanic. 


    Maxx quote   The only thing you have shown is basic feature differences, and culture ones; not bilocally reasoning. 

    Basic feature differences are biological, dummy.  Please select "brain" before engaging "keyboard."


    Maxx quote  I do not know what else to show you since you refute the science, save perhaps a you tube video that you seem so fond of. 

    I refute Marxist pseudo science.   Unlike yourself, I found this topic fascinating and I love finding out more and more about it.     Which is why I can run rings around you. 


    Maxx quote  I also guess by your vies, we should put all blacks in a penal colony somewhere, or on ships and ship them to another planet. That will show them and then we can do the same for all other "races" people do not like. a perfect cure for racism; get rid of them all until only whites are left

     If races do not exist, then why is the Left so obsessed with race?       They claim that race does not exists when it is convenient, then they can see it as plain as day whenever governments are handing out cash, jobs, “reparations” and special privileges to the “oppressed” races, who are the victims of “oppressor” races.           Either races exist, or they do not.   You can’t have it both ways. 

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited March 9
    apparently you did not read the links. PhysicAL  chararistics do not change a race into different ones. every ape has a different look, different shading, different head sizes. nothing is identical. You are tying to claim there are different races based upon the area they originated from, nothing more. Of course there will be differences based upon the environment the "race" have been in for generations. Where the hell did you think whites came from; suddenly appear from nowhere? Once blacks left and migrated to cooler climates, they lost the need for the protective skin coloring. Their dark hair became lighter, and many other physical changes occurred. Their culture changed, a different diet appeared. These whites who originated as blacks; yet here you are, claiming that it is whites who are superior based on environmental physical features, and a lousy bell curve testing. It goes deeper than that for you bogan, and you simply do not understand it is white power over a group of people. Yes science is a human concept, but it works a hell of a lot better than racism. Those links showed that around 97 percent of all dna in humans are the same; hardly enough to classify anyone as a different race. Race is a species. So you are not only saying that blacks are a different race, but a different species. Of course the reply i will get, is no, they are the same species but vastly inferior based upon the bell curve.  As for your last point, races exist, because those in power wish it to be, not because it has an actual biological meaning. Do you seriously think blacks are denied jobs, nice houses, and other amenities because we look at them and say; I am not giving him a job, he is biologically different"? Nope, they deny them based on color, and culture.  @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Maxx quote  apparently you did not read the links.

    I read one of them because I was bored, and it was a joke.  I even dissected it for you and destroyed its logic.    But naturally, you did not respond to that.


    Maxx quote   Physical  chrematistics do not change a race into different ones.

    Physical differences are present in human and animal sub species, and that physical difference is accompanied by behavioural differences. As head of the Human genome Project, Nobel laureate James Watson said,  "....there is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so”    


    Maxx quote  every ape has a different look, different shading, different head sizes. nothing is identical.

    Different species look different, and different sub species look different.     What is your point? 


    Maxx quote  You are tying to claim there are different races based upon the area they originated from, nothing more.

    “Races” can equate to “sub species” of humans.        Just like in animals, sub species of humans look different to one another because they evolved within wildly differing environments, where their physical and mental attributes gave them an evolutionary advantage within the type of environment they evolved in.     Therefore, races can not be equal in every environment.


    Maxx quote  Of course there will be differences based upon the environment the "race" have been in for generations.

    And when those differences become physically obvious, humans have always labelled the people with those differences as different “races.”      Humans like to name things.    It is just something we like to do.


    Maxx quote      Where the hell did you think whites came from; suddenly appear from nowhere? Once blacks left and migrated to cooler climates, they lost the need for the protective skin coloring. Their dark hair became lighter, and many other physical changes occurred. Their culture changed, a different diet appeared. These whites who originated as blacks; yet here you are, claiming that it is whites who are superior based on environmental physical features, and a lousy bell curve testing.

    When black Africans migrated to cooler countries, they evolved over a long period of time, white skin and sometimes blue eyes as genetic adaptations.     Your premise seems to be, that the environment can change people physically, but not mentally or temperamentally?     That is total bu-llshiit.      You only need to look at animal sub species to see how your premise is wrong.     The species of Brown Bears and African Buffaloe have not only have sub species with identifiably different appearances, they have identifiably different temperaments as well.   Any kid with who passed high school genetics (did you fail that subject?) knows that if people can artificially breed savage dogs or placid dogs using genetics, nature can do exactly the same thing.


    Maxx quote  It goes deeper than that for you bogan, and you simply do not understand it is white power over a group of people.

    It can not be white power over other races, because you say that races do not exist.     You can not have it both ways.   You can not say that races do not exist, and then blame the white race for the dysfunctions of other races.


    Maxx quote     Yes science is a human concept, but it works a hell of a lot better than racism.

    If science says that human and animal sub species are different because of evolutionary adaptation to wildly differing environments, then pointing out racial differences is science. 


     Maxx quote  Those links showed that around 97 percent of all dna in humans are the same; hardly enough to classify anyone as a different race.

    98% actually.    That is the most stu-pid argument that gets tossed at me on debate sites.     If there are 3 billion DNA strands in humans cells, then 2% of 3 billion makes 60 million differences.     That is a lot of difference.  


    Maxx quote  Race is a species.

    Once more for the dummies.    The word “race” in the English language has two meanings.    It can denote species (ie “the human race”) or I can mean sub species (ie the human races).     You are dishonestly claiming that the word “race” can only have one meaning.


    Maxx quote  So you are not only saying that blacks are a different race, but a different species.

    Complete rubbish.    Once again you are deliberately confusing species with sub species because you are trying to muddy the water.     


    Maxx quote   Of course the reply i will get, is no, they are the same species but vastly inferior based upon the bell curve.

    No, the reply that you will get is that races are different because just like in animals, sub species are different.    Breeds of dogs are different.   A Greyhound is not “superior” to a Kelpie just because it runs faster.      And a Kelpie is not “superior” to a Greyhound just because Kelpie’s are smart dogs who were bed to herd.      That is just how different breeds are.       But you don’t use Greyhounds to herd sheep, just because some loony leftist Canine Rights Organisation says that all dog breeds are equal.


    Maxx quote  As for your last point, races exist, because those in power wish it to be, not because it has an actual biological meaning.

    Races exist because of biological differences, so your statement is both illogical and puerile.


     Maxx quote  Do you seriously think blacks are denied jobs, nice houses, and other amenities because we look at them and say; I am not giving him a job, he is biologically different"? Nope, they deny them based on colour, and culture. 

    Do you seriously think that the reason why Pit Bulls are not used as seeing eye dogs by Blind Associations worldwide, is because of canine discrimination?    Or, do you think that genetic differences might have a part to do with it? 

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -   edited March 10
    maxx said:
    again dee, you have it wrong; i am not a liberal, nor a republican. i vote for the person not the party. Also you are very hypocritical; claiming you dis like racisim, yet support trump, discriminate others based on their culture. how do you even look at the mirror without tossing your cookies. @RickeyHoltsclaw

    @maxx ; Trump is NOT a are a racist in drag...Trump did more for Blacks and Hispanics in 4-years than your progressive idiots i.e., democrats, have done in 40-years. You're blinded by the Marxist MSM and your inability to discern truth from're lost, dying in your sin, too spiritually ignorant to understand and too to stu-pid care.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    first i hope you have not suddenly decided to state there are sub species in humans again; for when i pointed out in another post that you said so, you denied it; however you now seem to reverse that.  i also agree that when blacks left africa, they also changed mentally, and temperament and other physical characteristics ; although they did not change enough biologically to be a different sub species. I wish you would make up your mind as if human sub species exist or not.  so many ties i have asked you, what has changed biologically in humans; other than the physical points and mentality. exactly what parts of their dna has changed? What about internal organs? Do they have different blood? I suggest you read the link that shows there is not enough differences in human to qualify as a sub species. but you won't. Exactly what genetic differences are between a pit bull and a German shepherd, other than physical, and intelligence. Your problem here is you think that all we need to classify by science, for sub species, are intellect and physical characteristics. i flat can not believe you will not accept the science. It is as bad as ricky not accepting evidence. does living in another part of the world, with a different culture, eating a different diet, having different looks and intellect all it takes for you to believe that humans are divided into sub species?  If so, then according to your view, everyone but whites are sub species. from the american indian, to the eskimos  to asians, to all ends of the earth, are all culturally different, look different, have different intellect, diet, You name it. so tell me are all these people sub species?  Or is it just blacks? @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Maxx first i hope you have not suddenly decided to state there are sub species in humans again; for when i pointed out in another post that you said so, you denied it; however you now seem to reverse that.

    Okay.   I warned you to not put your invented words in my mouth or I would put you on my troll list.     You must want for me to not debate with you since you have once again become dishonest and deceitful and did what I expressly told you not to do.     You got your wish.    Go and “debate” with Barnadot and Phite. 

  • elijah44elijah44 37 Pts   -  
    To be completely honest, Trump and Biden are complete dogshit. Some of their policies were good but they mostly both suck.
  • elijah44elijah44 37 Pts   -  
    @Bogan, I mean, not out of hate. I am friends with a lot of black guys who say I can say the n word, I don't say it though. Kind of the history with the word, for every slur I there is a history. But I did hear once from someone, I cannot remember who, but they said: "it is just a word, it does not hurt anyone. only if you give power to it." 
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    To maxx.  Okay, Maxx, I went off half cocked when read that you were denying the existence of sub species again.     I thought that you were saying "sub races" which means something else altogether.   Sorry about that.    Let's start again.  


     Maxx quote   first i hope you have not suddenly decided to state there are sub species in humans again; for when i pointed out in another post that you said so, you denied it; however you now seem to reverse that.

    How you got that screwed up is beyond me?   But I can not criticise you for that, since I myself misread your last post to me.    The term “sub species” is a Taxonomic scientific name that names all living organisms.     The last three words in the Taxonomic classification system that was invented by the Swedish Naturalist Carl Linnaous,  gives the genus name, then the species name, then the sub species name.     This is for almost all living organisms, including human beings.   If scientific reality clashes with your ideology, then the onus is upon you to alter your ideology to conform to long accepted science.


    Maxx quote   i also agree that when blacks left africa, they also changed mentally, and temperament and other physical characteristics ; although they did not change enough biologically to be a different sub species.

     Most living organisms exist as sub species of an original species.          This is because when any species migrates into geographically isolated areas, then genetic adaptation due to environmental conditions always occurs.     Over a long period of time, these genetic adaptations from the original species causes the sub species to become a completely new species that is unable to breed successfully with the original species.   Cro magnums were probably one species which changed over millions of years into separate human species such as Humans, Denisovans, Neanderthals, Hobbits, and others who’s name I can not remember.     Only humans remain.     But geographic isolation of humans under wildly different climatic environments have caused genetic adaptations that have altered the original appearances of whatever humans looked like 200,000 years ago.    Anthropologists think that Kalihari Bushmen are the closest sub species to the original human species.    Every “race” of humans is a sub species of the original humans from 200,000 years ago.


    Maxx quote   I wish you would make up your mind as if human sub species exist or not. 

    I have always said to you that humans exist as sub species, and that these sub species equate to the second definition of “races”      Have you got it this time?      Write it out 100 times and this time it might sink in?


    Maxx quote   so many ties i have asked you, what has changed biologically in humans; other than the physical points and mentality.

    I do not remember you ever asking me that.     But to answer your question, the same factors which identify every sub species of any living organism from one another.   Appearance, intelligence, and temperament.


    Maxx quote   exactly what parts of their dna has changed?

    Whatever parts of the 3 billion bits of information on their DNA which is responsible for appearance, intelligence, and temperament. 


    Maxx quote  What about internal organs?

    That too.    Some sub species can not digest bovine milk, while others can.      Some sub species are immune to diseases in which others are immune deficient.


    Maxx quote  Do they have different blood?

     I am not certain of that, but from memory, Type O blood is only associated with indigenous people from North and South America.


    Maxx quote  I suggest you read the link that shows there is not enough differences in human to qualify as a sub species.

    You posted three links.     Read the one that you claimed supported your position, and post up whatever logic it used to support it’s wrong conclusion as your own, and then I will tear it apart. 


    Maxx quote   But you won’t.  

    No, I won’t.       I have been caught before with other contributors who never debate and only resort to smothering me with links.     I am not going to analyze and refute a bunch of 2000 word articles, only to have you toss more of them at me.    If you want to debate, then read them yourself, and if you agree with what they claim, then post them up as your own argument.  I am not doing all the work around here.


    Maxx quote   Exactly what genetic differences are between a pit bull and a German shepherd, other than physical, and intelligence.

    Enough to have six breeds of dogs being required under Australian law to be muzzled in public. 


    Maxx quote     Your problem here is you think that all we need to classify by science, for sub species, are intellect and physical characteristics.

    Human beings name things which they can see with their own eyes are different to one another.    People in Alaska know that Grizzley Bears are ferking dangerous.      Brown bears look different, are usually larger, but not so aggressive.    Kodiak Bears are bigger again, not as dangerous as Grizzleys,  but smart enough to open unlocked car doors.     So, although all of these are Brown Bears, we name Grizzley’s and Kodiaks as sub species of Brown Bears, because of the physical size in relation to one another, and their differing intelligence and temperament. 


    Maxx quote  i flat can not believe you will not accept the science.

    I could throw the same charge at you.


    Maxx quote  It is as bad as ricky not accepting evidence.

    When science became the final arbiter of what is right and what is wrong, a lot of ideologues in academia saw their chance to use the authority of science to push a leftist point of view.       We live in a world today where any scientist or academic in a university who opposes the woke worldview, has their lectures and laboratories invaded by chanting leftists.    Even the most eminent Scientists like James Watson got sacked for opposing the woke worldview.      If you believe in science, then what Watson said should have been impartially assessed and respectfully refuted, if seen to be wrong.       It is not science when scientists get sacked from their jobs and hounded out of their universities for opposing the woke party line.


    Maxx quote   does living in another part of the world, with a different culture, eating a different diet, having different looks and intellect all it takes for you to believe that humans are divided into sub species? 

    It is all off those things, which eventually cause physiological changes which alter appearances in every sub species of organism on earth.     Lions did not magically turn into Tigers in the blink of an eye.     These big cats had a common ancestor who migrated all over the earth and little by little, they changed into sub species.     For a long time, those sub species were so alike genetically that they could breed with one another and produce fertile offspring.    But eventually, the sub species changed genetically so much that they became separate species.     Humans were once separate species, but now we are one species made up of separate sub species.    Our genus name is homo, our species name is sapien, and our sub species names are whatever taxonomists have labelled each sub species (or race) with.


    Maxx quote   If so, then according to your view, everyone but whites are sub species.

    Christ!    How you came to that conclusion is beyond me?     As stated above, Anthropologists think that Kalahari Bushmen are the closest to the original species of humans.       From Africa, these humans spread all over the world, where environmental conditions changed their appearance, intelligence, and temperaments so much, that they all became sub species of the original species.   Their different appearances are so distinctive to the environment they evolved in, that usually a person’s nationality can be deduced accurately by their appearance.


    Maxx quote   from the american indian, to the eskimos  to asians, to all ends of the earth, are all culturally different, look different, have different intellect, diet, You name it. so tell me are all these people sub species?  Or is it just blacks? 

    All races of people are sub species of the original human species which spread from Africa 200,000 years ago.

  • GiantManGiantMan 47 Pts   -  
    I don't think Israel is targeting Jews.  I think Hamas is hiding behind Palestinians.
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    lactose intolerance is the inability to digest milk, and in asians or anyone else, it does not change or alter the digestive tract. also, if you wish to say that certain, physical differences, diet, culture, intelligence, then we whites are sub species among ourselves. Also, that first original group whom you stated that we are sub species of, were black; Many of them did not even migrate but stayed put; in whose ancestors we enslaved, and who we see today. One thing that i can not understand about you is one of your points at be racist to blacks dwells on their lower intelligence. so why should that bother you?
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Maxx quote  lactose intolerance is the inability to digest milk, and in asians or anyone else, it does not change or alter the digestive tract

     You asked if physical changes between sub species of humans occurred, and I gave you a good example.    An identifiable group of people who can digest bovine milk must obviously have different internal digestive structures to those groups of people who can digest milk.      Bantu people are the only people on earth who are immune to malaria so their immune system is different to others.   Same for those African people immune to tse tse fly infection.


    Maxx quote  . also, if you wish to say that certain, physical differences, diet, culture, intelligence, then we whites are sub species among ourselves.

    We are.    Slavic people with their high cheekbones are identifiably different to other whites.     Northern Europeans look identifiably different to Southern Europeans, who have darker skin because they live in sunnier environments.    According to geneticists, all humans today evolved from a group of 32 individuals in Africa, which just goes to show just how close the human race came to extinction.    Just like every other non sedentary organism, the progeny of these 32 people left Africa and spread out into other environments which were very much different from each other.     Each group of people then became more or less geographically isolated as they spread throughout the world, and settled into entirely new environments.        Over 200,000 years, they evolved away from each other in appearance at least, but not to the extent that they could not still interbreed with each other.     Anthropologists do not know exactly what our original species looked like, but they speculate that Kalahri Bushmen are the closest to the original.


    Maxx quote  Also, that first original group whom you stated that we are sub species of, were black; Many of them did not even migrate but stayed put;

    Even within Africa, there is much diversity of appearance between people who live in Africa.     Arabs look different to negroes.       Somalis are so inbred because of their geographic isolation, that they have a very distinctive appearance.  And that appearance is identifiably different from that of a Zulu or a Masai.      The late, great native American actor Wes Studi, who played native Americans of all tribes in many western movies, had facial features distinctive to native Americans from the Great Lakes area of the USA.


    Maxx quote   in whose ancestors we enslaved,

    Slavery was practiced by everyone, including black Africans themselves.    It was the socially advanced white race which first proposed that slavery was morally wrong, and who even fought wars with those people who wanted it to continue.      You should be proud of your race for that.


    Maxx quote   One thing that i can not understand about you is one of your points at be racist to blacks dwells on their lower intelligence. so why should that bother you?

    Racism is the opinion that what we call “races” are not equal.      Jews are then smartest race, followed by Asians, followed by whites, then Hispanics and then certain always dysfunctional races.    And gee willackers.   Whadyaknow?      That fact exactly mirrors the racial social layering within western societies.     Intelligent people do well in competitive societies while people with low IQ stay at the bottom forever.     Sadly, that is just reality, and reality can be a stubborn thing.     Unfortunately, we in the western world have bought into a false ideology, and our civilisation is crumbling because of it.    Prosperous societies are tolerant societies.    In our growing prosperity, we became convinced that all races were equal, so all should share in our prosperity.      So, we thought nothing of bringing people of all races into our generally peaceful societies.    Then we were horrified when our societies began to run off the rails through crime and political corruption.    Instead of just admitting that we were wrong, and that some races of people just could not make it in our completive society, (and some of them were extremely violent) we instead blamed ourselves and dreamed up more silly ideologies to try and make our original ideology or “all races are equal” work.       Unfortunately, corrupt politicians saw electoral advantage in blaming the white race for the dysfunctions of the always dysfunctional races.    This was to gain electoral support from the ever increasing numbers of dysfunctional races within western society, caused by birth rate differentials and unchecked legal and illegal immigration.       These corrupt politicians bought the votes of the violent low IQ races by demanding special privileges for them (DEI), and by providing welfare which was mainly funded by white people.

     Fifty years ago, Left wing people were the champions of free speech, now it is the Left which wants to censor everyone.    The reason why, is because the Left’s increasing electoral strength in our increasingly shaky democracies depends upon the continued immigration of dysfunctional races into western societies.     That is why the Left supports open borders into western countries.   And no one must be allowed to question whether the reason why some races are dysfunctional is because of traits intrinsic to themselves.           All dysfunctions must be blamed on white people.    In the UK recently, pro Palestinians ran around London screaming “Death to the Jews!” and “Kill those who insult Islam!” and the police stood watching them and did nothing.     But only a couple of weeks ago, a white UK man was jailed for two years for simply making stickers on his home computer (and putting them on objects in his local area) which read “It’s alright to be white.”     Western civilisation, your civilisation, is headed for the rocks unless people like your good self start thinking straight.   

     People can always be relied upon to think straight, when the world turns to shiit and they run out of excuses.      

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    so it bothers you simply because whites do not want to accept their share of the blame?  This is why you are racist, because inferior races and or politicians are throwing around blame to everyone but themselves? One, if racist, should be racist to a particular group of people; such as you say; blacks. Forget the god damn blame; why are you racist to blacks?  it can not be because of different chararistics, or i guess their color, or lactose intolerance, or their diet, right? so it boils down to them being less intelligent, and prone to violence. am i correct?   The first, is genetic, and there are plenty of people in this world just as .  so that leaves violence; in which stats show the most violent place in this world is south america, crime wise. You are also racist because blacks put the blame on whites, in which i believe and shown links to back up that most of it is. so we have three major reasons, intellect, violence and blame. however after reading your reply i do believe it is also political. Do you think it is liberals fault that blacks are lower in intellect? Is it their fault, that low income blacks are prone to violence? No of course not. So let me ask you something; if all liberals suddenly did not exist, and you have no political party to justify your racism, would you still be racist to blacks based on their violence, and their genetically lower intellect?? @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Maxx quote  so it bothers you simply because whites do not want to accept their share of the blame? 

    Your premise seems to be, (why don’t you just state it instead of implying it?) that white people are responsible for the dysfunctions of dysfunctional races?       That is a racist accusation towards white people.  Your people, and my people.    I resent your invalid racism, and I wonder how your thinking got so screwed up that you became a guilt ridden self flagellant?


    Maxx quote   This is why you are racist,

    So are you.   you are racist towards your own people, and you think that is fair and reasonable?    You have also said that you accept that some races have lower intelligence, which is also racist. So, drop the pretense that you are standing in front of chorus of singing angels preaching virtue to me.  


    Maxx quote  …..because inferior races and or politicians are throwing around blame to everyone but themselves?

    By George, I think you have got it.


    Maxx quote  One, if racist, should be racist to a particular group of people; such as you say; blacks.

    Racism is the conviction that races are not equal, which is very easy to prove to any person with triple digit IQ capable of critical thinking.    That races are not equal applies to all races, not just blacks.


    Maxx quote  Forget the god damn blame; why are you racist to blacks? 

    I am racist to all races, including my own.     All races are different.    I admit that Asians are smarter than whites, which is why they do better academically and professionally than northern and southern European whites.     Jews are the smartest race, but are also considered white.


    Maxx quote  it can not be because of different chararistics,

    Of course it can.   People from different races look different because they have different genetic characteristics.  Different races have different characteristics in the same way that dog breeds have different physical appearances and different physical characteristics.  Or, horse breeds have different physical appearances and different physical characteristics.     Would you enter a Clydesdale into a horse race just because you have an ideological ideal that “all horses are equal”? 


    Maxx quote  ……     or i guess their color,…..

    Colour can be a factor, although Indian people might be considered “black” and they are intelligent, probably because they have had the benefit of 5000 years of civilisation.    But most black races have measurably low bell curves of IQ, which accounts for why they are dysfunctional within competitive western societies. 


    Maxx quote  …..or lactose intolerance,….

    No, I don’t think that lactose intolerance has anything to do with IQ.    Asians are usually lactose intolerant and collectively, they are smarter than North or South European whites. 


    Maxx quote  …..or their diet, right?

    Malnutrition can have a very severe effect upon the developing intelligence of children which carries over into adulthood.   It was discovered that the reason why Welsh people from certain districts in Wales had such low IQ, was because of high lead levels in their natural, spring fed drinking water.   I have always wondered myself whether the fact that lead affects IQ applies to me.    My own public school of Plunket Street was investigated by visiting US Health Officials because it was within one of the busiest highway crossovers in Sydney, and when I was a kid, there was lead in car petrol.   The US health officials were so shocked at the atmospheric lead levels within the school that the State government immediately shut down my school and us kids were sent to other schools.  


    Maxx quote     so it boils down to them being less intelligent, and prone to violence. am i correct? 

    There you go, you are starting to think straight.   Obviously there were no high lead levels in your diet?  


    Maxx quote   The first, is genetic, and there are plenty of people in this world just as .  so that leaves violence; in which stats show the most violent place in this world is south america, crime wise.

    And so, if you keep importing violent, low IQ people from South America into the USA, what do you think is going to happen?     Surprise, surprise, it is already happening.      What I find amazing is that you seem to deny it? 


    Maxx quote     You are also racist because blacks put the blame on whites, in which i believe and shown links to back up that most of it is.

    Well, your links are pseudo science bu—llshiiit written by academics who seem to want to destroy their own democracies, because democracy is a real inconvenience to the sort of Brave New World that they want to create, with people like themselves at the top of the pyramid, telling the socially divided multicultural peasantry like you what to do.   

     If these people claim that white racism, discrimination, slavery, uncle Tom, and black Ghettoes explain away African dysfunction, then look at an example where those conditions do not apply, to see if that is valid?  

    Exactly the same pattern of serious violent criminal behaviour by African descended people is now being recognized as a fact within Australia.  No slavery, no uncle Tom, only positive discrimination towards blacks, no black ghettoes, no criticism of black people allowed in the media under Section C of the Racial Discrimination Act.    So, I am not interested in reading some “scientific” bu-llshiit “explanation” from some leftist academic who has a vested interest in destroying his own community. 

    When african people first arrived in Australia around 35 years ago, all of the "discrimination" was pro black and anti white.  The waiting list for public housing was 10 years, but with the arrival of African blcks, the Federal government sent agents into evey Australian city buying up commercially available houses from Real estate agents, which they then rented at a nominal rent to blacks, which they could easily afford from their generous welfare payments.   They also gave each African family AUS$15,000 dollars a a gift from Australian taxpayers, to purchase white gods and furniture.    The houses were purchased in a variety of working class suburbs so there idea of "black ghettoes" did not apply.  Government departments hired African blacks for plum government jobs as "diversity targets" which discriminated against non blacks.   What resulted?   

    In Melbourne, Victoria, A Sunday Herald Sun survey of 400 cases at magistrates' courts across Melbourne found 14 per cent of offenders came from the Horn of Africa and the Middle East -- many of them refugees -- about 20 times the representative proportion of the population.     Somalis have five times the crime rate in Victoria and their unemployment rate is four times the national average.     Sudanese born people are 67 times more likely to be charged with aggravated robbery and 55 times more likely to be charged with riot and affray in Victoria than those born elsewhere, according to analysis released yesterday by the State's Crime Statistics Agency.      Figures for the last five years has shown that people from Sudan have consistently been among the top two or three places of birth for offenders charged with violent offences.  Sudanese born people were responsible for 1% of Victoria's crime despite being only 0.15% of the population.

     15 Africans were settled in the beautiful rural town of Tamworth, NSW, where they soon became such a pain in the arse that the Mayor of Tamworth pleaded to the Federal government to not settle any more Africans in Tamworth.      Youth worker Les Twentyman said while there were African gangs involved in crime and violence, there were also gangs from other ethnic origins such as Pacific Islanders and Lebanese. He said gangs were an escalating problem that would eventually lead to "no-go zones" everywhere if they were not properly addressed by police.    Meanwhile,  police spokespersons said that police were reluctant to work in areas with high proportions of African immigrants because they were worried about their own safety.   One senior Victoria Policeman warned the public that if they saw a group of young black African males on the street “do not make eye contact and go in the opposite direction.”

    The incidences of black males engaging in home invasions at night became so serious that for one time in Melbourne, Victoria, it was impossible to buy a baseball bat from a sports store, because Australian men were buying them up to protect their families in their own homes from night marauding blacks.  

    Your false premise, that whites are responsible for black dysfunction and violent criminality, is provably wrong in Australia.   So, you can tell your neo Marxist academics to stick their white blaming psuedo science up their arse.    


     Maxx quote   so we have three major reasons, intellect, violence and blame. however after reading your reply i do believe it is also political.

    It is very political.     Left wing politicians and globalist elites, the same ones who blame whites for minority dysfunction, have  vested interest in importing as many dysfunctional ethnicities into the western democracies as they can to destroy the democracies they hate.   That is why they support open borders.     That is why they support restrictions on freedom of speech, to protect their new voter base from criticism, and to stop any talk about limiting dysfunctional minority immigration.  And as for the race baiting grifters, their entire grievance industry depends upon keeping white people like yourself in a state of guilt.  


    Maxx quote  Do you think it is liberals fault that blacks are lower in intellect?

    No.  And your point is…..?????


    Maxx quote  Is it their fault, that low income blacks are prone to violence? No of course not.

    It is the Liberals fault if they fail to recognise that races are different, and then blame white people for the dysfunctions of black people.


    Maxx quote   So let me ask you something; if all liberals suddenly did not exist, and you have no political party to justify you racism, would you still be racist to blacks based on their violence, and their genetically lower intellect?

    Racism is recognising the fact that races are not equal.     I would have no hostility to blacks if they just accepted white welfare with some gratitude, and just behaved themselves.    But if they persist in blaming my people for their genetic inheritance, and then riot and burn down their own neighborhoods to display their hatred of us, then of course I will get hostile towards them.   It is said that a white liberal is somebody “who has not been mugged by a black yet”  I can only conclude that that definition applies to you?    

  • FactfinderFactfinder 949 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: One Race

    Aren't we all the human race? Bigotry, discrimination, prejudice, those terms I understand and why they are a necessary evil to describe human behavior and tendency at times. Racist, racism, sorry to say I have used them in kneejerk fashion in the past but I never really understood why we use such terms the way we do. When as far as I can tell we are all 1 race, the human race. I know I'm going to be more conscience of how I use that word from now on. 
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ;    Aren't we all the human race?

    I presume that you are directing your question at me?    In the English language, the word "race" has two meanings,. singular and plural.   So, yes, your statement makes sense using one definition, and no sense at all using the other.  

    Facctfinder quote  Bigotry, discrimination, prejudice, those terms I understand and why they are a necessary evil to describe human behavior and tendency at times. Racist, racism, sorry to say I have used them in kneejerk fashion in the past but I never really understood why we use such terms the way we do. When as far as I can tell we are all 1 race, the human race. I know I'm going to be more conscience of how I use that word from now on. 

    The Roman historian Plutarch used the term "race" (or its Latin equivalent) to describe identifiably different groups of people within the Roman world.   So, its use is at least 2000 years old.    The racist Roman name for the British was "Britanculi" (wretched little Brits).      Human being have always named objects which are identifiably different from each other.    We also do the same thing with groups of people who are identifiably different to each other.    When we do so, we use the plural term of "race".

    If you think about it, the fact that so many leftists claim that "there is only one race, the human race" is completely bonkers when you realise that Leftists are obsessed with race.     They claim it does not exist when it is convenient, and then say that it does exist when it is convenient.     My country, Australia, has a whole government department dedicated to the welfare of two races.   It is called the "Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Department."      Using leftist logic, such races do not exist.  And especially differentiating between two races is supposed to be politically incorrect.   But if you suggested that the Department should be disbanded because, according to Leftist logic, it is invalid, that would have all of the over paid and under worked aboriginal bureaucrats running around like chooks with their heads chopped off screaming "bloody murder!"  
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited March 13
    one of your statements is pure bull. blacks should accept the welfare help of whites with gratitude? Oh gee, thank you master, thank you suh this here bowl of grits means a lot to us po ol blacks. What century are you living in bogan?  You also keep claiming my links are bull, by academics wanting  to destroy democracy. That is a cop out. They are well written, scientific reports based upon biology.  Genetic variation, classification and 'race' | Nature Genetics  It is obvious we are not getting anywhere. Yes we are all racist, however, many try to work at resolving some of the issues, instead of using it as a justification for discrimination.  I have sent numerous links, all based on biological facts, and it makes little sense to discredit or believe them simply because you do not like the evidence that they show. Racism lies with the individual and it begins there.  Yes those in power have the ability to use and control racism, but politic in itself is not racism. We can erase all political parties entirely and racism will still exist and there will still be groups who can control it; mainly based on money and education. Politics is but an off-shoot of racism, a point of belief, yet again, it is in the individual. Sub race or not, the biology clearly shows there are more similarities in humans than differences.  I guess you think that these sites are in the pockets of leftists, who make up this stuff just to irritate you. Tell me, is all science made up or just what you fail to believe in; and that kind of science is all liberal based? You do not even know if the writers are liberal, republican, left or right at all, now do you? @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

     Maxx quote   one of your statements is pure bull.

    Does that mean that you agree with everything I say except for one statement?   Okay, I think we are making progress.


    Maxx quote   blacks should accept the welfare help of whites with gratitude?

    According to an article I read and copied down called “Biting the Hand That Feeds Them,” approxiamately 40% of African-Americans are supported by American tax-payers. Their food, their medical care, their education, their clothes, their medicine, their transportation, their houses or apartments, are paid-for by the Government. Where does the Government get its money?    From white and Asian tax-payers.       Although African-Americans make-up about 13% of the American population, they are responsible for less than 2% of taxes. White, Asian, and Hispanic Americans are responsible for well over 97% of the tax base. In other words, Non black American workers "pay" for the housing, education, clothes, medicine, medical treatment, transportation, and entertainment costs of 40% of African-Americans (the "Ghetto Blacks").


     Maxx quote  Oh gee, thank you master, thank you suh this here bowl of grits means a lot to us po ol blacks. What century are you living in bogan? 

    What planet are you living on Maxx?   Every black run country on Earth is a bankrupt sheethole living on UN welfare.    Who pays the money to the UN for black welfare?   It is not the Chinese, the Arabs, of the South Americans.   It is the good old white Europeans who are always the suckers paying the freight for the people who despise us.    The USA paid 10 times the amount China pays to WHO, but WHO was an apologist for China when that Chinese bio weapon lab in Wuhan created the virus which devastated the world.   Under white rule, Rhodesia was called “the breadbasket of Africa.”     Under black rule, it has become a food importer holding out the begging bowl for UN food aid.      Haiti is the longest existing black run country in the world, and it is such a sheethole, that every Haition dreams of fleeing to the USA to avail themselves white welfare benefits.  They don’t flee to the USA because they like Country and Western music.     Black run South Africa is the next failed state.    


    Maxx quote  You also keep claiming my links are bull, by academics wanting  to destroy democracy. That is a cop out. They are well written, scientific reports based upon biology.

    The proof is in the pudding, Maxx.     Australia is the perfect example of why their “science” is just neo-Marxist bu-llsheet.     It is just like Anthropogenic Climate Change.    Leftist academics can write as many “scientific” reports they like claiming that human CO2 emissions are soon going to destroy the earth.     But when these “experts” make all sorts of predictions about how the world will end in just a few years time, which never eventuates, then smart people start to figure out that these “scientific experts” do not have a single, solitary clue what they are talking about.    It is all politics and money.


    Maxx quote   It is obvious we are not getting anywhere.

    It is impossible to convince anyone of anything, no matter how obvious it is, if they just do not want to know.    You don’t want to know, maxx.      


    Maxx quote  Yes we are all racist, however, many try to work at resolving some of the issues, instead of using it as a justification for discrimination.

    Racism is simply the understanding that races are not equal.    How you intend to “resolve” that reality is beyond me? 


    Maxx quote   I have sent numerous links, all based on biological facts, and it makes little sense to discredit or believe them simply because you do not like the evidence that they show.

    If they tell me that white people are responsible for black dysfunction, then I know that they are bu-llsheet, and I have proven them wrong.


    Maxx quote      Racism lies with the individual and it begins there.

    I agree.    Blaming white people for black dysfunction is racism.     I just do not understand how you ever came to accept that racism against your own race is okay?    I suppose the neo-Marxist teachers now infesting every educational establishment in the western world did a great job brain washing you?    They taught you what to think, not how to think. 


    Maxx quote   Yes those in power have the ability to use and control racism, but politic in itself is not racism.

    Obviously, you are wrong.   Identity politics is racist politics.     Ensure brain is in gear before selecting "keyboard."


    Maxx quote   We can erase all political parties entirely and racism will still exist and there will still be groups who can control it; mainly based on money and education.

    Agreed.    And in the western world today, “groups” exist who use identity politics to gain social and financial advantages for their own dysfunctional races, who constitute their electoral support base.   This they do by dreaming up reasons why the white race is to blame for everything.  This is to create “white guilt”, which can be leveraged to get more money and power for themselves, and their electoral supporters.       And you fell for it.  Hook, line, and sinker.


    Maxx quote   Politics is but an off-shoot of racism, a point of belief, yet again, it is in the individual. Sub race or not, the biology clearly shows there are more similarities in humans than differences.

    There are more similarities in Brown bears, Grizzley bears, and Kodiak bears than differences, but they are identifiably different sub species with different appearances, intelligences, and behaviours.     Exactly the same principle works with humans.     We are mammals from the ape genus. 


    Maxx quote   I guess you think that these sites are in the pockets of leftists, who make up this stuff just to irritate you. Tell me, is all science made up or just what you fail to believe in; and that kind of science is all liberal based.

    Like everything else, science has evolved.     Science was once the plaything of “gentlemen”, usually very well off and well educated members of the upper class.  They could more or less get away with discovering scientific facts which the powers that be (the church and the establishment), did not want discovered.     By the middle of the 19th century, brilliant entrepreneurs like Edison and Tesla joined the ranks of scientists who not only were brilliant scientific minds, they also had brilliant commercial minds.   They could get away with stepping on Establishment toes because they were financial icons.     But today, science is mainly done by governments, and the rules of bureaucracy and politics now apply.     Don’t rock the financial or political boat, or you will not only lose your job, you will get cancelled and lose your career.    Example, Nobel laurate Charles Watson.    And now, internationally renowned and respected Psychologist Jordan Peterson.    Only find what the government purse string holders want you to find, and if you can’t find it, make it up and claim it is science.   We are living in an age where biological “scientists” are claiming that a biological man is a woman if he just wants to be.     And if you agree with that “science”, maxx, then those neo-Marxist teachers did a great job of destroying your capacity for critical thinking.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 949 Pts   -  

    It was an open question for anyone. Thanks for responding.

    The Roman historian Plutarch used the term "race" (or its Latin equivalent) to describe identifiably different groups of people within the Roman world.   So, its use is at least 2000 years old.    The racist Roman name for the British was "Britanculi" (wretched little Brits).      Human being have always named objects which are identifiably different from each other.    We also do the same thing with groups of people who are identifiably different to each other.    When we do so, we use the plural term of "race".

    Yeah I know about the duel meanings attributed to the word though I sincerely appreciate the history lesson. Never thought about possible origins.

    If you think about it, the fact that so many leftists claim that "there is only one race, the human race" is completely bonkers when you realise that Leftists are obsessed with race. 

    I agree if you're saying they're 'bonkers' with hypocrisy. 

        They claim it does not exist when it is convenient, and then say that it does exist when it is convenient.     My country, Australia, has a whole government department dedicated to the welfare of two races.   It is called the "Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Department."      Using leftist logic, such races do not exist.  And especially differentiating between two races is supposed to be politically incorrect.   But if you suggested that the Department should be disbanded because, according to Leftist logic, it is invalid, that would have all of the over paid and under worked aboriginal bureaucrats running around like chooks with their heads chopped off screaming "bloody murder!"  

    Solid point. They are hypocrites. The thing I was thinking about though was the word 'breed' at the time I posted. We use that term whenever we talk about animals and their differences within the same species. Why didn't we just naturally adopt that for ourselves? Instead it became politicized because of the term 'half breed'. But in the end that's what were talking about when talking about ethnic differences. We're talking different breeds. Why can't we just talk openly about the elephant in the room without self righteous judgments? 
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Factfinder quote  Yeah I know about the duel meanings attributed to the word though I sincerely appreciate the history lesson. Never thought about possible origins.

     Critical Race Theory posits that it was 19th century white Europeans who “invented” racism.      They think this rubbish because the 19th century was a time of great scientific advancement when science (which was then an almost wholly north European concept) actively investigated the physical differences between races.     These differences are screamingly obvious.    White north Europeans with white skin and blue eyes are better adapted to live in cold, low light conditions.     People with darker skin and darker eyes are better adapted to live in hotter, sunnier conditions.  The hotter and sunnier the environment, the darker the skin and the eyes.     Certain dark skinned races make superior runners and excel in sports involving running, but make poor swimmers.    Asians people although smarter than most, do not appear to be athletic at all.    They are conspicuously absent from Olympic level athletic and swimming competitions.  


    Factfinder quote     Solid point. They are hypocrites. The thing I was thinking about though was the word 'breed' at the time I posted. We use that term whenever we talk about animals and their differences within the same species. Why didn't we just naturally adopt that for ourselves?

    It is not considered polite.    But it is very relevant to how “breeds” of people differ in the same way as breeds of dogs, cats, horses, and cattle.   The term “breed” also relates to artificial breeding, and is not considered relevant to human breeding, which is supposedly “natural” breeding, even though it is not.   Men are sexually attracted to young breeding females with shining hair, good complexions, and adequate sexual attractions.     Rich men throughout the ages have monopolized the market in that particular resource.     Females are sexually attracted to alpha males anyway, and the display of the objects of status is important to rich men in attracting young breeding females.     Beautiful, lower caste young females can even become upwardly mobile because of their beauty.     Such females can, and do, attract very rich males of any age.      Full marks to 24 year old trailer trash Anna Nicole Smith (38-24-36) who married 84 year old Texas oil billionaire Howard Thurstin 111.     His death a few months later has been described by many unkind people as the perfect murder.     Then there was the death of the richest man in the world, 80 year old Nelson Rockefeller, who died in a New York hotel room in bed with his 22 year old “personal assistant.”      Rockefeller set the standard as to how all men want to die.    Rich men shagging numerous beautiful young women has resulted in the noted good looks of the upper classes, who have been described as “the beautiful people.”   That is artificial breeding, and why the upper blue blood classes are obsessed with “breeding” among themselves.  


     Factfinder quote    Instead it became politicized because of the term 'half breed'. But in the end that's what were talking about when talking about ethnic differences. We're talking different breeds. Why can't we just talk openly about the elephant in the room without self righteous judgments? 

     Because in a western world now ruined by multiculturalism, identity politics is the name of the game.  The new religion is human equality, and it is now heresy to state the obvious, that races are just not equal.     So, in order to placate the growing numbers of immigrants into western societies from races which are much more intrinsically violent than we are, and who have much lower collective “bell curve” of IQ than we do, we have to blame ourselves for their dysfunction.   We must not blame the dysfunctional races for their own genetic inheritance, as that is taboo.   It also brings to mind the excesses of the Nazi regime in Germany who not only understood the ramifications of racial differences (even though they screwed up with the Jews, who are the smartest race) , but who decided quite clinically that the situation in Europe could be remedied by ethnic cleansing using industrialised killing apparatus. 

    Just how sensitive society is becoming to racism can best be displayed by Scotland.  Scotland parliament this week made it illegal for any person in Scotland to speak "hate speech" about any minority group, even in their own homes.  

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited March 14
    no, racism is not the simple understanding that races are not equal; it is discrimination and prejudice against them because of it. Identity politics are and can be racist because the individuals who make up such parties are racist. Science Isn't Biased—We Are | Center for Inquiry   Individuals can be biased and these writers of the links i posted, in which you claimed were leftists basically saying what the government tells them to; is nothing but a flawed assumption. They are not even government funded, they are freelance. what you said to fact finder about it is bonkers and wrong about leftists saying there is one race, the human race is not true. there is but one human race today; regardless if it can be sub divided into cultural and physical characteristics. Here, but i guess every link i post,\that you disagree with, you will decide, with out proof that they are all far left liberals. good lord.   There’s No Scientific Basis for Race—It's a Made-Up Label | National Geographic  -------Unequal by nature: a geneticist’s perspective on human differences | American Academy of Arts and Sciences ( I can post link after link that  shows there is 95 to 99 percent of humans everywhere having the same genetic material than differences but i guess to you they are all liberals.  Just how much biology do you even know? It is not a redundant question, but a serious one. Did you have both bio 1 and 2 in college at least? Do you have a scientific understanding of how humans are genetically based? If not, i suggest you do an in-depth study on the human genome instead of relying upon your political ideologies as belief and proof. @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    maxx quote  no, racism is not the simple understanding that races are not equal; it is discrimination and prejudice against them because of it.

    True.   There are two definitions of racism in the Oxford dictionary.   The one I used with you, was the one I thought was the most appropriate to the topic we were discussing.  


    Maxx quote    Identity politics are and can be racist because the individuals who make up such parties are racist.

    Which tends to display how even the so called ‘anti racists” are racists themselves.      Which caused me to one to wonder what all the fuss and virtue signaling is all about?     This is the question I pondered as a young man.    It was obvious to me that those most rabidly anti racist were exactly the same ones who were most rabidly anti white.   Faced with refusing to recognise that the real reason why some races are unable to prosper in a competitive European style society, was intrinsic to the genetic inheritance of those races, the white ‘Anti racists” could only blame their own race.    There was no other alternative.   So, they went into full mode condemning their own race.        And you agree with them?   Ama-a-a-azing.   It just goes to show how effective Operant Conditioning (brainwashing) can be. 


    Maxx quote   Individuals can be biased and these writers of the links i posted, in which you claimed were leftists basically saying what the government tells them to; is nothing but a flawed assumption.

    No, it is a realistic assumption.     You do not seem to understand how bureaucracies work?    Regardless of what a bureaucracy’s primary reason for creation was, bureaucracies always evolve to the point where the only thing that matters is the continued existence and prosperity of its members, especially those at the top.     That is why government NGO’s like the BBC lose all objectivity and become famously partisan.     Once the guys at the top figure out which party will support their bureaucracy’s expansion and prosperity, it will throw all of it’s considerable power into supporting that party.     Which is why such an internationally respected crime fighting bureaucracy such as the FBI, got so partisan, that it is protecting the Biden crime family by not investigating their screamingly obvious corruption, refusing to co-operate in Congressional investigations, actively hiding crucial evidence, engaging in political interference, and even spying on and persecuting the leading US Presidential candidate. 


    Maxx quote  They are not even government funded, they are freelance.

    There are private research laboratories associated with specific industries, but nobody but the government funds social scientists and climate scientists.    Once you take the government buck, you dance to their tune.   Professor Judith Curry was a scientist hailed by the alarmists as a gem because she wrote a scientific report, using statistics provided by other alarmists, which “proved” that human created CO2 was warming the planet.     She was criticised by a sceptic who said that the figures she based her conclusions on were fraudulent.    Because Professor Curry is a real scientist, she checked the figures she had been given and found out that the charge was true.     Much to the horror and anger of the alarmist side, Professor Curry then withdrew her own critically acclaimed scientific paper, and is now in the sceptic camp.     Professor Curry said that while governments lavishly fund the alarmist side, no government funds the sceptics. 

     Now, if you have a functioning brain, think about that?   There is a scientific dispute which has the most profound consequences for western prosperity and social stability, and only one side gets funded by governments?      It is the same for social sciences.   Scientists today in universities rely entirely upon government stipends to do their research.     If governments cut off the money supply, the scientist is out of a job.   This is an extremely effective way to censor science.       The latest western religion, is the religious belief that “all races are equal” which just happens to be easily disproven, using plain, common sense.       But nothing must be allowed to question this new religious orthodoxy.     In Scotland this week, the Scottish parliament actually made it illegal for any Scottish citizen to use “hate speech” criticising ethnic minorities, even privately in their own homes.    The Irish government is now trying to do the same thing.     We are getting to the point of Soviet style social control when western governments are even trying to censor private opinions of its own citizens, in their own homes.  And just like the Soviets, it is because it does not want it’s new political orthodoxy questioned or criticised.


    Maxx quote   what you said to fact finder about it is bonkers and wrong about leftists saying there is one race, the human race is not true. there is but one human race today; regardless if it can be sub divided into cultural and physical characteristics.

    (Sigh!)     We have been over this previously at least three times.      Please concentrate this time.   There are two definitions of the word “race” in the English language.    The first is singular, as in “the human race”, and the other is plural, as in ‘the human races.”     The second definition names a perfectly objective reality.  That is, that people who evolved separately in different parts of the world have been shaped by their environments to look differently from each other.    Such evolutionary differences are common with all living organisms which evolve separately within widely different environments.    Some species (i.e. polar bears) exist as a single species.     But most species have no defining species, even though their family species is recognised by name.    They exist entirely as sub species.    Humans are in that category.  


    Maxx quote    Here, but i guess every link i post,\that you disagree with, you will decide, with out proof that they are all far left liberals. good lord.   There’s No Scientific Basis for Race—It's a Made-Up Label | National Geographic  -------Unequal by nature: a geneticist’s perspective on human differences | American Academy of Arts and Sciences (

    No.    I am not interested in “debating” against a link I can not question.     Especially since I already know it is just liberal bu-llsheet.  Read it yourself and if you agree with what it says, post it up as your own argument.     Then I can have a lot of fun destroying its logic.     But the best argument about this, is that if races do not exist, why does the Left keep supporting the idea that certain races are "oppressed" and one race in particular are "oppressors?"   Either races exist, or they do not.  The Left wants it both ways.  

     Maxx quote  I can post link after link that  shows there is 95 to 99 percent of humans everywhere having the same genetic material than differences but i guess to you they are all liberals.

    Since I have already addressed that point, and showed you that this means that there are 60 million differences between humans, it reinforces my perception that you never read past my first few sentences before you dive onto your keyboard to respond to my post with a sneery one paragraph.


    Maxx quote  Just how much biology do you even know? It is not a redundant question, but a serious one.

    I am an electrician from a very poor, single parent family who was poorly educated.    But even at school, something within me made me very interested in history, as well as social and political issues, and I have read very widely on a number of historical, social, and political subjects.     Which is why I write well and can write with authority on some subjects.  


    Maxx quote  Did you have both bio 1 and 2 in college at least?

    I never went to “college”.    But I do not have to be a frocked and diplomaed Biologist to think that any biologist who claims that a biological man can be a woman if he wants to, is just a brain dead cretin.   And if the same brain dead tells me that races do not exist, I would just love to debate the fool on that. 


    Maxx quote  Do you have a scientific understanding of how humans are genetically based?

    I don’t.  But Nobel Laureate James Watson, who was head of the prestigious Human Genome Project, sure does.     And he got sacked for simply saying  "....there is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so”   

    Maxx quote    If not, i suggest you do an in-depth study on the human genome instead of relying upon your political ideologies as belief and proof. 

    At least I know how to think, and I don’t have to dump endless links on my opponent as a substitute for doing any thinking, or to do any work myself.    

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    You are so biased against other political parties you do not even understand what they actually stand for. Liberalism | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica   exactly what do you dislike? their ideal of individualism? Helping the socially and poverty stricken? Of course you are not here to contest links, but at this point since you refuse to accept my statements, i seem to have no other choice, now do I? Yes i agree that many cultures and people have many physical differences, different diet, different beliefs and way of living; even a bit of genetic difference because of these differences; however, there is scientific proof we all share about 95 percent of the same genetic material, not enough differences to claim there are more than one race. culturally and ethically, we are divided with minor differences.  crap, we share 50% of genetic material with bananas. Every biologist will tell you that conceptually, we are divided with minor genetic differences but as a whole, we are but one human race.  Totally unbelievable you can not accept the facts. give me a top quality scientific or biological link that shows differently.  @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    maxx quote  You are so biased against other political parties you do not even understand what they actually stand for. Liberalism | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica   exactly what do you dislike? their ideal of individualism? Helping the socially and poverty stricken?

     Its funny how you keep tossing endless questions at me, which I answer, but you never answer any questions that I direct at you?


    Maxx quote    Of course you are not here to contest links, but at this point since you refuse to accept my statements, i seem to have no other choice, now do I?

    You do have a choice.    Read the damned links yourself and use whatever “facts” they use to justify their position (that you agree with), to formulate a reasoned argument that supports your opinion.    You keep finding links which claim that science does not recognise race.   That is an easily disprovable premise using everyday knowledge. 

     1.  Anthropology is Science, and Forensic Anthropologists routinely identify human skeletons of unknown people for the police.    The information that the police need to identify an unknown victim in order to start a murder investigation is the sex, age, gender, and RACE of a person.    Forensic Anthropologists are so good at that, that they can even identify whether the victim was of mixed race, and even what those races are. 

    2.    Genetic laboratories now exist where customer send in their own DNA samples.   The geneticists can not only identify unknown family members from their own data bases, they can even tell what RACE a person is from.   And if the customer is of mixed race, it can even tell what percentage of a person’s genome is from one race or the other. 

    3.   The Science of Taxonomy recognises human RACE and it even names them with Taxemic names.

    4.  Cognitive Metricians are scientists who measure human intelligence.    Cognitive Metricians recognise RACE and have even measured the differences in IQ between races.

    So, I do not care how many “scientific” links that you provide which tell me that science does not recognise race, because I know from easily verified common knowledge that it is not true.   There are “biologists” today who claim that a biological man can be a woman if he just says that he is a woman.    When “science” is opposed by observable reality, then it is no longer science.    There was a youtube video (now apparently removed) which showed the female swimming athlete Riley Gains addressing a room full of university students, on how unfair it is for biological men to compete in women’s sports.    Up jumped a person from the audience, who said that he was a Biology professor, and that males and females were identical to the point that Anthropologists could not tell the difference between a male and female skeleton.     The audience reaction?     They burst out into laughter.   The man got angry and once again reiterated that he was a Biology professor, so the audience had to take him seriously.      The audience reaction?   More uncontrolled laughter.    Your claim that science does not recognise race is just as laughable.


        Maxx quote Totally unbelievable you can not accept the facts.

    I will not accept easily disprovable “facts” which are just politically motivated lies wrapped up as “science”, to give a false ideology some badly needed credibility, with people like yourself who just want to believe in fantasies.   

     I have already submitted to you totally believable youtube video’s which proved my premise that DNA labs today can identify race from genomes.    Today, such knowledge is so common that there is no dispute.    It is everyday knowledge and it is all over the internet.     The problem which your politically partisan “scientists” have, is that whatever social propaganda that they dream up to justify whatever extreme social positions they promote, can easily be refuted by any person who is well read, or who bothers to keep up with both politics and science.   Science today is being corrupted and censored.    It is not being corrupted and censored by the Right.   It is being corrupted and censored by the Left.          


    Maxx quote  give me a top quality scientific or biological link that shows differently.

    James Watson for one.    But it is probably difficult to find any other scientist who will voluntarily end their own careers by telling the truth.   “The Bell Curve” is another.     Read “The Bell Curve” and then come back and apologise to me for wasting my time.


  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited March 17
    i understand the bell curve. it does not show that we are more than one race, just shows that some ethnic and certain people have a lower learning ability. sub race is a concept in which we classify people based upon certain things, such as physical differences, diet, culture, beliefs and a bit of genetic variation. It is not enough to prove that humans are still one race. What the hell do you think the definition of the human race is anyway? It is your fault that you refuse to accept the evidence. Give me proof that humans do not share at least 95 percent of their genetic material. No where have you done so. the bell curve does not do so, nor does political beliefs. Race | Definition, Ideologies, Constructions, & Facts | Britannica  @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Maxx quote     i understand the bell curve. it does not show that we are more than one race, just shows that some ethnic and certain people have a lower learning ability.

    I gave you FOUR clear, everyday examples of science recognising race.    And as usual, you ignore most of my post and instead fixate on one item that you think that you can get some mileage out of.     Even then you failed.    The reason why the book The Bell Curve caused such a furore is because it proved that different races had different bell curves of IQ.   The other three examples I submitted clearly showed that science does recognise race.   But like any good little ideologue who prefers a fantasy over observable reality, you turned away from what you do not want to see.


    Maxx quote    sub race is a concept in which we classify people based upon certain things, such as physical differences, diet, culture, beliefs and a bit of genetic variation.

    Sub species is how science classifies most living organisms based upon physical appearance, physical abilities, behaviour, and intellect.


    Maxx quote   It is not enough to prove that humans are still one race.

    Your statement is illogical.     First, you claim that humans are one race.    Then, you claim that there is not enough proof to prove they are one race.   Obviously, you are getting rattled, because you are now contradicting yourself.    That is because you are getting emotional. 


    Maxx quote  What the hell do you think the definition of the human race is anyway?

    Getting angry, Maxx?    Yep, you are getting emotional because your “thinking” is not getting you anywhere.     People get angry when thinking can no longer cope with the situation that they are in.       As usual, you tried to make a point.    But instead of submitting a reasoned argument, you ask me a question to try to make me do your thinking for you.   Then, you can just do the bad debater thing, and just find something in what I reply that you can get some mileage out of.    


    Maxx quote It is your fault that you refuse to accept the evidence.

    The only “evidence” that you have submitted is a bunch of links that you probably did not even bother to read yourself?    And you can not use the information within those links to present a reasoned argument to justify your own position.    That would require you to think.   And if you had tried to do some thinking, and tried to use the information in those pseudo-science links to formulate an argument, I would have examined the logic and shot you down in flames.    I really do wish you had done that.     I read one of those links and it was so silly that it made me laugh.   Whoever wrote that cr-ap did so knowing that it was only to impress the already converted.    They knew that such people are just Believers, who would never examine their nonsense with a critical eye.  


    Maxx quote  Give me proof that humans do not share at least 95 percent of their genetic material. No where have you done so. the bell curve does not do so, nor does political beliefs. 

     And I have already submitted to you that the figure I much higher than that.     Which makes me think that no matter what I write, you do not even bother to read past my first few sentences?    Whatever tiny amount of “genetic material” differs between human to human, it is obviously enough for geneticists to not only distinguish one person from another, but they can even draw a rough approximation of a subjects face from their DNA.    Recently a group of Tasmanian “aboriginals” complained that too many white people were claiming “aboriginality” and claiming welfare benefits that were supposed to go only to their “tribe.”      The tribal “elders” are now demanding that these white people undergo DNA testing to prove that they have any aboriginal blood in them at all.   This is just another, everyday example that science recognises race. 

     Anyhoo, this will be my last post to you for the rest of the week.    I am off to Sydney today for a few days.    That should give you a few days to calm down and regain your composure.      It will also give you a few days to read your own links and use the misinformation they provide so that you can try to think with the aim of formulating a reasoned argument. 

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    i am going to ask you one question. Take away their color, and what do you have left to justify your racism to blacks?@Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Racism is simply the realisation that sub species of human beings are different because each sub species of the human race evolved separately with wildly differing environments to give each sub species an advantage within whichever environment it evolved in

  • all4acttall4actt 318 Pts   -  

    The article you cited about the 56 things that President Trump did wrong.  Is a left-wing hit piece.  Many of it's accusations are flawed and incomplete of the actual facts.

    Trump was not my choice for the next President but I do not believe or country can continue down the road of a Biden/Harris Presidency.
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    racism is the discrimination of other "humans" because they are different. Your previous reasons as why you are , are just excuses; you discriminate because of the differences; that is human nature. For instance; i assume you and many people do not like or associate, even discriminate against those who are biologically impaired. Those born in grotesque ways, deformities, those who walk funny, those who speak with a lisp, or stutter. Many shun these people, they can not get decent jobs, the majority of the public do not want them. You know as well as i do, that genetically, humans dislike differences. Even lower mammals have been known to shun or kill their own offspring, simply because of abnormalities.  @Bogan
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
     So you simply assume the writer of the link is leftist, simply because of the list that shows these things? Did you look up the writers political affiliations?  I doubt it. Aside from that, i can post videos of trump saying nigger, show videos of how sexist to women he is, and he put down small countries such as Hati, when they needed aid; all of that was live television. @all4actt
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Hi maxx, I am in a hospital bed at the moment so I can not respond to your premises, point by point as I usually do.     I am typing this on my phone.

    Of course I surmise that anyone who writes an easily disprovable " scientific" paper claiming that races do not exist, is a lefty.    Such a premise is fundamental to the Leftist ideology.

    Firstly, you seem to think that discrimination is some sort of universal evil which only racists indulge in?      No maxx, just like stereotyping, prejudging, and labelling, everybody does it.   Here in my own country Australia, it is anybody who does not claim aboriginal ancestors who is discriminated against by our state and Federal governments.    "Aboriginal" descended people, some whom have blue eyes and blond hair, have a whole laundry list of special benefits denied any other race.    So don't preach to me about discrimination when your own side indulges in that behaviour itself.

    You can hardly blame Donald Trump for calling out of control, low IQ African/ Americans " nigggers" when the US blacks use the exact same term to describe themselves.     And don't try to say it is okay for nigggers to call themselves nigggers  but not okay for white people to do exactly the same thing.    Because that obvious double standard would just display your own racism towards your own race.

    If Haiti is a sheeethole, then how do you explain away its total dysfunction using your usual excuse of blaming the white guys?   Haiti is just another classic example of how black African people with low IQ"s are unable to create viable societies without the more intelligent races telling them what to do.

    During the 1950's the " Angry Young Men" who decried colonialism and racism openly predicted that after the white colonialists were kicked out of their colonies, that the former colonies would soon attain the prosperity of the west.     With India and Asia they were right.    The Asians did well because their collective bell curves of IQ were even higher than Europeans.

    But with Africans they were completely wrong.    That was obviously because Africans, and other always dysfunctional ethnicities have low IQ, and a genetic predisposition to violence much higher than for other races.

    Let the truth be told, though heavans may fall.

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