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Why Do Some People Support Terrorist Organizations?

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Gaza Strip story of the children who grow up under the missiles -
From the Gemini chatbot:

People supporting terrorist organizations is a complex issue driven by various factors. Here are some of the main reasons:

  • Perceived Injustice: A feeling of being wronged by a government, foreign power, or another group can make people receptive to extremist ideologies. This can be due to political oppression, economic hardship, or historical grievances.

  • Need for Identity and Belonging: Terrorist organizations often provide a strong sense of community, purpose, and belonging for those who feel isolated or marginalized. They exploit feelings of alienation to recruit individuals.

  • Religious Extremism: Some terrorist groups justify violence through a warped interpretation of religious texts. They prey on people's faith and twist it to serve their violent agenda.

  • Socioeconomic Disadvantage: Poverty, lack of education, and limited opportunities can make people more vulnerable to radicalization. Terrorist organizations may promise a better future or manipulate grievances stemming from these hardships.

  • Propaganda and Indoctrination: Terrorist groups use sophisticated propaganda techniques to spread their message, often online. They prey on emotions, demonize opponents, and create a distorted view of reality.

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  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -   edited March 23

    I don't support terrorist organisations like the Israeli or British armies , I do support freedom fighters as I think people desrve freedom from uninvited  foreign colonisation / occupation funny how this simple   concept baffles bully boy nations. 

    IRA ......

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    The reason why Muslims support Muslim terrorist organisations is because it is their religious duty to do so.    The Koran states that Muslims should make war on non Muslims  " near to you" and unless they are " people of the book", kill them or mutilate them if they do not convert to Islam.

    Those that die for Allah fighting for Islam get a range of privileges in the afterlife.    They get to screw 64 virgin's forever.    All of the non Muslims they slay will be their slaves in  heaven.   All of their earthly sins will be forgiven and they will be met at the gates of heaven by Allah himself.    64 of his relatives will have their sins forgiven and they may join him in the highest level of heaven ( the seventh heaven).

    It's not a bad deal.   Especially if you are a young Muslim man living in crushing poverty with no hope of ever rising obove your present condition, short of barging into a western country and getting the accursed infidels to keep you.

    For Leftist Social Justice Warriors like Joseph, the reasons are more complex.    A hundred years ago, only 5% of people.attended university and these people were almost entirely from the right wing Establishment.    But today, in wester societies, up to 50% of people in the workforce have a degree.    This represents a new and influential class of people who are obsessed with their status.

    Money and lifestyle no longer define modern status as it is often the case that tradesmen earn more than people like university educated teachers and social workers.    What defines the degreed elites today are attitudes.   If most of people in society have certain opinions, you can bet that the elites will take the opposite opinion, just to show how : diffetent: they are to everybody else, especially the working class.
    Having certain bizarre opinions is a status symbol.

    This is the primary reason why they always take a contrary view to everybody else.    However, for people like Joseph, who does not appear to be bright enough to attend university, another reason applies.    That is, he is frightened that.he is not smart at all, and in that judgement he is right.    His only recourse is to try and display an intelligence he does not possess , is to align himself with the values and attitudes of the university educated caste.    By adopting their values, Joe hopes to display his party credentials to be a part of a caste he admires and aspires to.join.



  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -  

     Leftist Social Justice Warriors like Joseph, the reasons are more complex.    A hundred years ago, only 5% of people.attended university and these people were almost entirely from the right wing Establishmen

    Thank heavens fort those educated rightests who ses through Muslims by signing arms deals for 300 billion .......ZING 

  • PorfirioDiazPorfirioDiaz 33 Pts   -  
    I know many Mexicans born in the United States that I had to break ties with because of this misleading ideology that applies differently to every region and culture. I can assure you that this support for terrorism is different to the type of situation. But as of now, the only terrorism thats official right now are those happening in the middle east involving a variety of religious groups such as the Kurds vs the turks, southis, hounnis, saudis, taliban, isis, al qaeda, iranian backed militias, and so on. They fight against each other and also fight against intruders such as the west, christians, etc...

    When you have a solid religious foundation that people place their faith on, you can generate any amount of numbers quickly. You wont have much problems finding recruits to begin with. 

    Second, these wars have been going on for yeats with the new introduction of western involvement before even 2001. 

    You may find a flow of support to terrorist groups for one of 3 reasons.

    1. The children of the fathers youve killed have grown up now and during that time and resentment, they have decided to join or support the cause against the United States and allies.

    2. You have angered more than enough people with the meddling of their affairs that have come to a loss or unhappy with the outcome of these changes. In return, support terrorisn as a means of revenge.

    3.  Poorly educated or raised. Washed up with radical ideologies tjat leave no room for underatanding anything else. A sense of belief that terrorist groups are fighting for the greater good and change the world from these infidels. The false promise that America is the mark of the devil and so forth and needs to be stopped in order to go to heaven.

    And an extra one

    #4.  Any American citizen or citizen of a foreign country who has felt like they have been robbed, persecuted, or treated unjustly by any global power who is wealthy enough to retaliate by supporting extremists is also one of them. (For example Donald Trump having to lose property or money in his casino business or any other business due to state laws or federal laws that one might feel screwed over. This can lead someone like Donald hold a grudge and try their best to screw America over based off things like that).
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    I ca add another one, Porfiro
    With 50% unemployment with young Muslim males, joining either the Armed Forces or a terrorist private army is about the only options left for many Muslim men.
    One reason for the high instances of Muslim unemployment in Western countries is because Muslim men despise manual work because such work is considered dishonourable.

    Muslim men prefer to be on unemployment benefits forever rather than do low paid manual work, which is the only work they can do in western societies.    The truth of this can be seen for the reason why so many security guards in Western countries are Muslim men.    From the Islamic perspective, a security guard is a sort of warrior, so being a security guard is an honourable profession. 

  • PorfirioDiazPorfirioDiaz 33 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:

    I ca add another one, Porfiro
    With 50% unemployment with young Muslim males, joining either the Armed Forces or a terrorist private army is about the only options left for many Muslim men.
    One reason for the high instances of Muslim unemployment in Western countries is because Muslim men despise manual work because such work is considered dishonourable.

    Muslim men prefer to be on unemployment benefits forever rather than do low paid manual work, which is the only work they can do in western societies.    The truth of this can be seen for the reason why so many security guards in Western countries are Muslim men.    From the Islamic perspective, a security guard is a sort of warrior, so being a security guard is an honourable profession. 

    I  have never heard of such thing about manual work and security guard as a honorable job to work. I do know many arabs own liquor stores and do cashier work all day which is manual work sort to say. Unemployment does play a pivotal role in the unprecedented outcome of it ever improving. Lets say unemployment in their country goes down and everybody can earn a fair living off a growing economy. What would be the best probabble outcome of a country with poor men having few options to a country with wealthy men with many options? Would they fund and grow even stronger or would they drop their guns and live peacefully?
  • FactfinderFactfinder 949 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:

    I ca add another one, Porfiro
    With 50% unemployment with young Muslim males, joining either the Armed Forces or a terrorist private army is about the only options left for many Muslim men.
    One reason for the high instances of Muslim unemployment in Western countries is because Muslim men despise manual work because such work is considered dishonourable.

    Muslim men prefer to be on unemployment benefits forever rather than do low paid manual work, which is the only work they can do in western societies.    The truth of this can be seen for the reason why so many security guards in Western countries are Muslim men.    From the Islamic perspective, a security guard is a sort of warrior, so being a security guard is an honourable profession. 

    I  have never heard of such thing about manual work and security guard as a honorable job to work. I do know many arabs own liquor stores and do cashier work all day which is manual work sort to say. Unemployment does play a pivotal role in the unprecedented outcome of it ever improving. Lets say unemployment in their country goes down and everybody can earn a fair living off a growing economy. What would be the best probabble outcome of a country with poor men having few options to a country with wealthy men with many options? Would they fund and grow even stronger or would they drop their guns and live peacefully?
    You ask a very good question making an excellent point. I would be inclined to think if Palestinians could own 7-11's in Palestine they wouldn't want to commit acts of terror. But the government they chose and continue to support doesn't invest in infrastructure, they invest in children killing and dying for for their cowardly overload's glory;  who some scum call "freedom fighters". So the Palestinians continue to be the pawns of those who hate without cause for profit. Arabs don't care for their Palestinian brothers, just as long as they die on cue. Moro*nic sympathizers fall for propaganda when in reality Palestinians had times of prosperity because the Jews opened up their labor force to include them. Israel doesn't advocate genocide.  But who frowned on that?... 

    In 2011, the Palestinian Authority (PA) claimed it would take actions to limit the number of Palestinians who are employed in Israel and in settlements. Shaher Saad, the Secretary General of the Palestinian workers association said that such action can't be done because the PA doesn't provide any alternative. He stated that 35,000 Palestinian workers are employed within Israel and in the settlements which provide the local economy with 2 billion dollars budget every year
  • jackjack 498 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Why Do Some People Support Terrorist Organizations?

    Hello J:

    One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  
    I am thoroughly opposed to the idea of getting one's way through coercion/intimidation of others. If I cannot get people to voluntarily agree with my vision of our shared future, then I am not entitled to that future. Something that is a source of great pride for me is the fact that I have never gotten anyone to do what I wanted them to do in any other way than by peaceful persuasion.

    It hurts me greatly to know that such a large fraction of interactions between humans involves bullying, intimidation, violence. Terrorism is the absolute worst of it, combining all of the above and purposefully making everyone's life as unpleasant as possible. The explicit goal of terrorism is making life so unbearable for regular people that they are willing to do anything to restore peace, including bowing to the terrorists' demands. Terrorism is the ultimate expression of human depravity.

    People supporting terrorism may see terrorists as brave and decisive - "freedom fighters", as someone around here likes to call them. There is quite a bit of bravery and decisiveness involved, indeed. However, out of all ways bravery and decisiveness can be expressed, this is one of the lowest ones. A man who looks a tyrant in the eye and tells him, "You have no power over me", is 1000 times more of a man than the tyrant, and terrorists are absolutely tyrants.
  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -   edited March 27

    Do you also condemn state terrorism or is that ok because you support a country engaging in it?

    Or is it that state terrorism.doesnt exist because states aren't capable of that?

    Do you know what's it like to live under an occupying uninvited force that have no right to be in your country?

    The IRA in my country were branded terrorists,  what line of defence had Irish Catholics in Nothern Ireland?

    Irish Catholics were not allowed vote ,were denied employment and basic human rights , can you not even begin to comprehend how groups like the IRA are seen as a necessity by the people who have no other resources regards defence.

    It's great to sit in your armchair and brand people terrorists and their followers depraved yet applaud an army for brutalising , bombing ,starving others because somehow their actions are nobel and well intentioned , what's that term much loved by bully boys " collateral damage"

    Israeli state terrorism is fine  it seems once the power is weilded by " your team" who can do no wrong it seems now that truly is depraved and tyranny.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 545 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ;The IRA in my country were branded terrorists
    Like derr. Thats because they are terrorists. No one needs to brand them as terrorists because all of the attrocities they have done make them terrorists by default any way. Like derrr.
  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -   edited March 27

    @Barnardot ;

    Like derr. Thats because they are terrorists. No one needs to brand them as terrorists because all of the attrocities they have done make them terrorists by default any way. Like derrr.

    Like derr. Thats because they are freedom fighters. Everyone  needs to brand them as freedom fighters  because their aims were fullfilled by default any way. Like derrr.
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 854 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Nope

    jack said:
    Hello J:

    One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.

    Terrorists deliberately target civilians to spread fear and panic. They aim to disrupt societies and force concessions through intimidation.

    Freedom fighters primarily target military personnel and infrastructure of an oppressive regime. They aim to weaken the regime's control and achieve independence or self-determination.

    Hamas is terrorist.
  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -  

    **Hamas is terrorist**

    Then so are the IDF
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  
    Joeseph said:

    Do you also condemn state terrorism or is that ok because you support a country engaging in it?

    Or is it that state terrorism.doesnt exist because states aren't capable of that?

    Do you know what's it like to live under an occupying uninvited force that have no right to be in your country?

    The IRA in my country were branded terrorists,  what line of defence had Irish Catholics in Nothern Ireland?

    Irish Catholics were not allowed vote ,were denied employment and basic human rights , can you not even begin to comprehend how groups like the IRA are seen as a necessity by the people who have no other resources regards defence.

    It's great to sit in your armchair and brand people terrorists and their followers depraved yet applaud an army for brutalising , bombing ,starving others because somehow their actions are nobel and well intentioned , what's that term much loved by bully boys " collateral damage"

    Israeli state terrorism is fine  it seems once the power is weilded by " your team" who can do no wrong it seems now that truly is depraved and tyranny.
    I stand by what I said earlier: that, in my book, nothing justifies targeting civilians with the purpose of intimidation of the population. Whether the Irish rebels had a reason to resist the occupants is a separate question. The way they chose to organize resistance earns none of my sympathy, and I do not care about their cause if that is how they chose to pursue it.

    If the Israeli military purposefully killed civilians with the purpose of intimidating others at some point, then I condemn those actions too. It seems clear to me, however, that terrorism is not a part of the overall Israeli military strategy, while for the IRA and Hamas it was/is the means of resistance. Israeli military goes to great lengths to warn the (extremely hostile) population of the upcoming operations so they can evacuate. Ever heard Hamas or the IRA saying, "Guys, we are going to blow up your church tomorrow at 6 pm; stay away"?
  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -  

    I stand by what I said earlier: that, in my book, nothing justifies targeting civilians with the purpose of intimidation of the population

    Buf example after example can be given of the IDF doing that.

    . Whether the Irish rebels had a reason to resist the occupants is a separate question

     " Whether" that made me laugh. 

    . The way they chose to organize resistance earns none of my sympathy, and I do not care about their cause if that is how they chose to pursue it.

    The IRA didn't care who's disapproval they had nor did Irish republicans .

    If the Israeli military purposefully killed civilians with the purpose of intimidating others at some point, then I condemn those actions too.

    Good,  that balanced.

     It seems clear to me, however, that terrorism is not a part of the overall Israeli military strategy,

    It certainly doesn't seem that way to me or the many international human rights organisations worldwide.

    while for the IRA and Hamas it was/is the means of resistance.

    Only line of defence for oppressed minorities.

    Israeli military goes to great lengths to warn the (extremely hostile) population of the upcoming operations so they can evacuate

    Do they do that when they bomb schools, ambulances and hospitals? Even the US are calling for a "humanitarian pause"

    . Ever heard Hamas or the IRA saying, "Guys, we are going to blow up your church tomorrow at 6 pm; stay away"?

    Yes I heard the IRA  doing it they normally did , a bit of research will verify this.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  

    I do not really care what "international human right organizations worldwide" think. I care about facts and definitions. I would also add that if "only life of defense for oppressed minorities" is purposeful killing of civilians, then, perhaps, those minorities deserve to be oppressed. I have never heard of Martin Luther King or Aung San Suu Kyi or Desmond Tutu advocating for killing innocent people. Killing innocent people crosses the line that, in my view, makes you a royal scumbag regardless of your motivations.

    IRA, indeed, was known to do that sometimes: your point is valid. But often they did not, as can be found from countless police reports. It appears that they were better than Hamas, at least recognizing the value of civilian lives - but still scummy. An example of proper resistance would be the Polish Solidarity movement.

    I am not aware of a single Israeli operation not preceded by explicit warnings, given many hours in advance across multiple channels. At the very least they do not appear to be in the habit of doing that. And I am interested in the general picture here: naturally individual excesses happen everywhere. The question is whether they were excesses, or a part of the plan. For the IRA and Hamas it is/was the latter.
  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -   edited March 27

    I do not really care what "international human right organizations worldwide" think. I care about facts and definitions

    Well you're on the same page as the IDF then it seems. You care about certain facts not the ones given out by human rights orgs, OK.

    . I would also add that if "only life of defense for oppressed minorities" is purposeful killing of civilians, then, perhaps, those minorities deserve to be oppressed

    What do you think the IDF are doing at the moment?

    . I have never heard of Martin Luther King or Aung San Suu Kyi or Desmond Tutu advocating for killing innocent people.

    I cannot believe you worship that filthy bi-tch Aung San Suu  Kyi a vicious bigot and figurehead of a  tyrannical regime who committed genocide  under her command and reign.

    What are innocent Palestinians guilty of?

     Killing innocent people crosses the line that, in my view, makes you a royal scumbag regardless of your motivations.

    Well that makes you and the American military and  American people " royal  scumbags" using your definitions unless you seriously believe every Japanese person killed in Hiroshima and Nagaski were all guilty by association that's what you're saying right?

    IRA, indeed, was known to do that sometimes: your point is valid. But often they did not, as can be found from countless police reports

    " countless police reports " LOL 

    So what? When Brits kicked in Catholic peoples doors at 4 in the morning do you think they issued warnings?

    . It appears that they were better than Hamas, at least recognizing the value of civilian lives - but still scummy. An example of proper resistance would be the Polish Solidarity movement.

    I couldn't care less about the Polish solidarity movement , the IRA were freedom fighters the scum was the Brits who colonised Ireland and were brutal in the extreme of course not one word of condemnation is ever heard from people like you.

    I am not aware of a single Israeli operation not preceded by explicit warnings, given many hours in advance across multiple channels.

    I don't really care , I care about facts and definitions.

    At the very least they do not appear to be in the habit of doing that.

    To you no.

     And I am interested in the general picture here: naturally individual excesses happen everywhere.

    No you're not you said you dont care , when I presented a general picture l " naturally" yes.

     The question is whether they were excesses, or a part of the plan. For the IRA and Hamas it is/was the latter.

    Oh right so Isreali and British " excesses " were never part of a plan? Dear oh dear .........
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  

    You clearly are very emotional when it comes to this topic, so I am not sure how productive replying to you is going to be since I do not feel strongly about it at all and cannot relate. All I can say is reiterate my original statement that "out of all ways bravery and decisiveness can be expressed, this (terrorism) is one of the lowest ones". The fact that terrorists are not the only ones killing civilians does not affect this statement in any way. Whether and to what extent the Israeli or British armies exceeded the amount of force required to protect their citizens from those who seek to kill them is a topic warranting a serious discussion, but it is completely unrelated to the OP's question on why people support terrorist organizations, and my assessment of such support.
  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -   edited March 28

    You clearly are very emotional when it comes to this topic, so I am not sure how productive replying to you is going to be since I do not feel strongly about it at all and cannot relate.

    I'm  not in the least to be honest and I find the accustion amusing to say the least as you laid on the emotion  in layers by making comparisons to some mish   mash Polish    group who you  praise for being jolly good sorts  because they engaged decently.and then mentined the names of MLK , Desmond Tutu and the notorious  butcher Aung sun who you hilariously claimed never called for the slaughter of innocent people , now they're emotional arguments laden with emotion.

    Funny how you compare these people to IDF by implication.

     All I can say is reiterate my original statement that "out of all ways bravery and decisiveness can be expressed, this (terrorism) is one of the lowest ones".

    According to you,  yet state terrorism is what fine .

    The fact that terrorists are not the only ones killing civilians does not affect this statement in any way

    State terrorism is not bravery then using your rationale.

    . Whether and to what extent the Israeli or British armies exceeded the amount of force required to protect their citizens from those who seek to kill them
     is a topic warranting a serious discussion

    Whether and to what extent the Palestinian freedom fighters  or the Irish Republican Army  exceeded the amount of force required to protect their citizens from those who seek to kill them is a topic warranting a serious discussion

    , but it is completely unrelated to the OP's question on why people support terrorist organizations, and my assessment of such support.

    If that's the case maybe you shouldn't hold forth on judging others you know nothing about as you weren't asked either  your opinion on people who support freedom fighters 

    People supporting terrorism may see terrorists as brave and decisive - "freedom fighters", as someone around here likes to call them.

     Killing innocent people crosses the line that, in my view, makes you a royal scumbag regardless of your motivation

    Its a remarkably ridiculous claim you're making and pretty tragic you actually cannot see the flaws in it, you're absolutely fine with Polish resistance fighting a hostile invasive force but not the Irish Catholics in Ireland also you're perfectly fine with Ameica dropping atomic bombs on Japan as the Japanese as a whole are guilty ,wow.

    Killing innocent people makes one a royal scumbag and a terrorist you claim yet you refuse to answer why  you believe all Palestinians are guilty and deserve  slaughtering  or indeed your total avoidance of answering why the innocent victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were  fair game and all guilty by association?

    You also heap admiration and praise on Aung San yet she charged with genocide and ethnic cleansing.

    You really shot yourself in the foot didn't you?

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