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Are The Jews Worse Than The Muslims?

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Okay so we got the knee jerk reactions when Hamas did there raid and 1100 people were killed. Pretty violent stuff and that sort of behavior can never be condomed at all. So Israel says okay lets retaliate and so far they have killed more than 30,000 Palestinians and still they wont stop.
So now we get a convoy of international Aids Workers getting knocked off by the Israelis and who say it was just a mistake. 
So now Biden and other leaders are on the brink of not supporting Israel any more because it looks as though the Israelis have stuck there noses out way to far and out of joint.

May be the next step is going to be that the USA and other countries who label Hamas as a terrorist group start recognizing that Hamas represents the Palestinian people and start supporting there cause.


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  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  

    The Jews have come from the tragedy of the Holocaust, and forced the world to respect them, with their knowledge, not with their terror,   With their work, not their crying and yelling. Humanity owes many of the discoveries and science of the 19th and 20th centuries to Jewish scientists. 15 million people, scattered throughout the world, united, and who won their rights through work and knowledge. We have not seen a single Jew blow himself up in a German restaurant. We have not seen a single Jew destroy a church. We have not seen a single Jew protest by killing people. The Muslims have turned three 2000 year old Buddha statues into rubble. We have not seen a single Buddhist burn down a Mosque, kill a Muslim, or burn down an embassy. Only the Muslims defend their beliefs by burning down churches, killing people, and destroying embassies. This path will not yield any results. The Muslims must ask themselves what they can do for humankind, before they demand that humankind respect them.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 953 Pts   -  

    Hamas's cause is for Hamas, not the people it uses as pawns. When one side, Hamas attacks in a declaration of war, and that is what that attack was about, they even said so and said more was to come. Then all the blood spilled is on their hands. Israel would not be killing 30,000 if Hamas didn't initiate the conflict by killing 1,100. Palestinians must sever ties with Hamas and stop allowing themselves to be used as human shields and bargaining chips.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 548 Pts   -  
    @Bogan ; We have not seen a single Jew blow himself up in a German restaurant.

    But we have seen the Jews blow up 30,000 Palestinians.

    Just to clarify this has nothing to do with what happened to the Jews before or what accomplishments they make. Unlike some half brained biased people I am not judging Israel because of what they are nor am I judging Palestinians for what they are. I am not taking sides at all.

    The Israelis have gone way over the top and now there knocking humaniterian food deliverers from different countries. What are they going to do next? I only ask that because so far they are getting worser and worser with there attacks to achieve there objectives. What ever they might be since Nettin Yahoo seems to be changing the gold posts each time he is asked. 

  • JoesephJoeseph 772 Pts   -  
    Well one thing is for certain now and that's the fact that Israel is quickly becoming one of the most detested nations in the world.

    The pretence that this slaughter is a war is ludicrous.

    At the start of this whole sad saga Israel had its supporters now the condemnation is from every corner of the globe even their best buddies the American government has said enough is enough.

    The ridiculous charade of pretending they're after Hamas is played out , the last straw being the slaughter of aid workers and the destruction of humanitarian aid one cannot go much lower.

    The Jews who never stop whining about previous suffering are perfectly fine when it's them dishing it out , the truly remarkable thing is they have played into the hands of Hamas as worldwide the detestation for Israel grows.
  • jackjack 504 Pts   -  
    Barnardot said:

    But we have seen the Jews blow up 30,000 Palestinians.

    Hello Jew hater:

    Antisemites, like you, LOOK for reasons to hate Jews.  It gives you an excuse for murdering us.  So, when it comes to murder, you oughta think about what you're saying..  Yeah, yeah..  I know..  Haters like you don't think.  

    The Jews are NOT blowing up anybody.  Right wing piece of sh*t Israelis are blowing up Palestinians...  Yeah, yeah.  I know..  You're too stu*pid to make those distinctions...

    Have a bad day.

    excon, Jew
  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  

    Jews of European descent won 27 per cent of the Nobel Prizes given to Americans in the past century, while making up only 3 per cent of the population. They produce more than half the world's chess champions.   As a race, they are particularly successful in western societies where merit and brains is supposed to be the reason for upward mobility.  Do you think the reason for that is because they have an average measured IQ higher than any other ethnic group for which there's reliable data?    And nearly six times as many people scoring above 140 compared with Europeans?   Intelligence can be, and usually is, heritable.  And if it is heritable, it is genetic. 

  • JoesephJoeseph 772 Pts   -  

    Yet you can train a dog to jump through hoops but a Jew cannot be trained not to slaughter aid workers .....interesting
  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  

    If Nazis screaming "Heil Hitler!" killed over 200 people in Bali, 3000 people in New York, 84 people in Nice, 49 in Orlando, 35 in Brussels, 150 in Paris, 166 in Mumbai, 191 in Madrid,  270 in Lockerbie, and 52 in London, plus many, many other mass murder attacks all around the world, you can bet that Joseph, Barnadot, Jack, and Phite, would be blaming ALL Nazis to the max.      Politicians trying to get the Nazi vote would not be saying  "This violence has nothing to do with Nazism."    Or  "Nazism is a philosophy of peace."

     All Nazis would be blamed, especially when it could be displayed that Mein Kompf had 150 "sword" passages in it ordering Nazis to "Slay the people who do not have blue eyes and blond hair, wherever you find them."    "Lay ambushes for them."    "Strike terror in their hearts."    "Cut off their finger tips."   "Cast their heads under their feet.""   "Cut off an arm and a leg from opposite sides of the body."      Especially, if Mein Kampf declared that the greatest Nazis were those who got themselves killed fighting to spread the Aryan race, they would then go to Valhalla with 70 virgins, and the "moderate" Nazis never publicly refuted that holy instruction from der Fuehrer.

     The only way that the so called "moderate" Nazis could avoid any collective guilt about their belief system, and reassure the public that they are not collectively dangerous, is by making certain public declarations.    All of their leaders would have to state that all of the Nazi terrorism around the world was caused by a tiny fringe group within Nazism, which the "moderates" called "Nazi-ists".   Their leaders and spokesmen must declare that "moderate" Nazis collectively despise the "Nazi-ists" whom they all consider to be a disgrace to peaceful intentions of Nazism.       The onus would be upon the "moderate" Nazis  to unreservedly condemn the "Nazi-ists" every time another outrage involving Nazis against non Aryans occurred.  And never blame the non Aryan victims, or even hint that the violence might be justified.  

     To avoid collective blame, the "moderate" Nazis would have to unreservedly condemn those passages in Mein Kompf which orders Nazis to attack and mutilate non Aryans, and which permits Nazis to take non Aryan females as sex slaves.     And they would also have to refute those common Nazi beliefs that homosexuals, Nazi apostates, or critics of Nazism should all be murdered.    And if they can't do it, or they won't do it, because these passages in Mein Kompf are the spoken word of their beloved Fuehrer which they say can never be contradicted,  then all Nazis would be considered just as guilty as the "Nazi-ist" bombers and trigger men that they pretend they don't support.

     Substitute "Muslims" for "Nazis" and there is a clear double standard.

  • JoesephJoeseph 772 Pts   -  

                                                                     GODWIN'S LAW 

    Godwin's law, also known as Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies, is a statement maintaining that if any online discussion continues long enough, someone will almost certainly compare someone else to Hitler. Typically, the comment likens someone to Hitler or calls that person a Nazi, and the individual described in that way is often a participant in the discussion. The law is thought to apply to conversations about any conceivable topic.  
  • jackjack 504 Pts   -  
    Joeseph said:

    Well one thing is for certain now and that's the fact that Israel is quickly becoming one of the most detested nations in the world.
    Hello hater:

    Du*de.  Where ya been?  For 6,000 years, Jews have been hated.  And by much better haters than you, I might add.   Not only did we survive - we thrived.  And, yeah, that pisses you off.  Bummer for you, huh??

  • JoesephJoeseph 772 Pts   -  

    Hello hater:

    Hello supporter of the slaughterers of aid workers 

    Du*de.  Where ya been?

    Why you interested?

      For 6,000 years, Jews have been hated. 

    Hated more than ever now as worlwide condemnation falls on them even their best buddies the US have had enough......don't ya read the news ?

     And by much better haters than you, I might add. 

    I never hated a human in my life , these animals who slaughter aid workers and starve children ain't human.

      Not only did we survive - we thrived. 

    " we" LOL , that's funny coming from a jail time served dog like you ......." thrived" ......ROFLMA

    And, yeah, that pisses you off. 

    That I'm not a Jewish ex jailbird? .......If you insist......

     Bummer for you, huh??

    Read above butcher.........funny how you called it genocide a while back now you support it , who got to ya tough guy?

  • jackjack 504 Pts   -  

    Read above butcher.........funny how you called it genocide a while back now you support it , who got to ya tough guy?

    Hello J:

    You're as dumb as a box of rocks..  I distinguish between the war mongering, right wing, Netanyahu, murdering Israeli's, and Jews like myself..

    You can't.


  • JoesephJoeseph 772 Pts   -  

    Hello J:

    Hi confused.

    You're as dumb as a box of rocks.

    Leave your wife out of this

     I distinguish between the war mongering, right wing, Netanyahu, murdering Israeli's, and Jews like myself..

    Good ole Excon resorts to the favourite dodge of all losers  ......No true Scotsman work here is done.....

    You can't.

    Can't what ?

  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  

    Funny?     You never hear of Jews acting like this?   

    Muslims are waging civil war against us, claims police union

    By David Rennie, Europe Correspondent

    Last Updated: 12:48am BST 07/10/2006


    Radical Muslims in France's housing estates are waging an undeclared "intifada" against the police, with violent clashes injuring an average of 14 officers each day.

    As the interior ministry said that nearly 2,500 officers had been wounded this year, a police union declared that its members were "in a state of civil war" with Muslims in the most depressed "banlieue" estates which are heavily populated by unemployed youths of north African origin.

    It said the situation was so grave that it had asked the government to provide police with armoured cars to protect officers in the estates, which are becoming no-go zones.       The number of attacks has risen by a third in two years. Police representatives told the newspaper Le Figaro that the "taboo" of attacking officers on patrol has been broken.

    Instead, officers – especially those patrolling in pairs or small groups – faced attacks as soon as they tried to arrest locals  Senior officers insisted that the problem was essentially criminal in nature, with crime bosses on the estates fighting back against tough tactics.      The interior minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, who is also the leading centre-Right candidate for the presidency, has sent heavily equipped units into areas with orders to regain control from drug smuggling gangs and other organised crime rings. Such aggressive raids were "disrupting the underground economy in the estates", one senior official told Le Figaro.

    However, not all officers on the ground accept that essentially secular interpretation. Michel Thoomis, the secretary general of the hardline Action Police trade union, has written to Mr Sarkozy warning of an "intifada" on the estates and demanding that officers be given armoured cars in the most dangerous areas.      He said yesterday: "We are in a state of civil war, orchestrated by radical Islamists. This is not a question of urban violence any more, it is an intifada, with stones and Molotov cocktails. You no longer see two or three youths confronting police, you see whole tower blocks emptying into the streets to set their 'comrades' free when they are arrested."

    He added: "We need armoured vehicles and water cannon. They are the only things that can disperse crowds of hundreds of people who are trying to kill police and burn their vehicles."     However, Gerard Demarcq, of the largest police unions, Alliance, dismissed talk of an "intifada" as representing the views of only a minority.     Mr Demarcq said that the increased attacks on officers were proof that the policy of "retaking territory" from criminal gangs was working.     Mayors in the worst affected suburbs, which saw weeks of riots and car-burning a year ago, have expressed fears of a vicious circle, as attacks by locals lead the police to harden their tactics, further increasing resentment.

    As if to prove that point, there were angry reactions in the western Paris suburb of Les Mureaux following dawn raids in search of youths who attacked a police unit on Sunday. The raids led to one arrest. They followed clashes on Sunday night when scores of youths attacked seven officers who had tried to arrest a man for not wearing his seat belt while driving. That driver refused to stop, and later rammed a police car trying to block his path.     The mayor of Les Mureaux, Francois Garay, criticised aggressive police tactics that afterwards left "the people on the ground to pick up the pieces". 

  • BarnardotBarnardot 548 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ;Hamas's cause is for Hamas, not the people it uses as pawns.

    You will find that Hamas is actually a political and community organization that supports and reaches out to the main stream population providing many forms of help. They do represent the people and it is unfortunate that in order to move a head they have to use primitive and violent methods. They are only terrorists by name and that being the label that some nations put on them.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 548 Pts   -  
    @jack ;Antisemites, like you, LOOK for reasons to hate Jews.

    Im not antisematic at all and I have all ways clearly stated that I dont take sides. Both sides are being total bad aces however you seem to be in denial about the fact I raised that the Yids have killed 30,000 and rising yet the Rag Heads have killed 1100. Theres nothing worse or helpful than a hater trying to accuse some one else of being a hater. Thats what hatred breads.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 953 Pts   -  
    Barnardot said:
    @Factfinder ;Hamas's cause is for Hamas, not the people it uses as pawns.

    You will find that Hamas is actually a political and community organization that supports and reaches out to the main stream population providing many forms of help. They do represent the people and it is unfortunate that in order to move a head they have to use primitive and violent methods. They are only terrorists by name and that being the label that some nations put on them.

    Hamas was a separate entity from the Palestinian Authority which sought to seize control once the PLO gained UN recognition as representative of the Palestinian people. Arafat was the leader of the PLO and Fatah. Eventually Hamas won a bloody conflict on the Gaza strip. In reality what's unfortunate is that Hamas chooses primitive and violent methods to move forward. They do not have to and there are certain segments of the population they're more willing to sacrifice than others, considering they actually represent two different peoples, not one... 

    Tensions between the PLO and Hamas came to a head in 2007, and an armed confrontation in the Gaza Strip left Hamas in control of the region. Abbas then dissolved the Hamas-led legislature and set up an emergency cabinet in its stead. The move effectively reestablished the PLO’s dominance in the West Bank, but its loss of the Gaza Strip was lasting.
  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  

    It is no surprise that most of those people who are opposed to democracy and free trade, usually hail from backward Muslim and Middle Eastern shiitholes, where Islamic social economic theory has turned their societies and economies into social shiitholes and financial black holes.Anti democracy and free market sentiments are most typically espoused by some people who have immigrated from these backward areas, and who love to slag off at the western societies they despise, but clamour to live in. After fleeing failure, it is incredible that these sorts of intellectually challenged misfits now presume to lecture the west in what we, the successful, are doing wrong. This attitude is emblematic of people with delusional mindsets, who are not very bright, and possess a giant inferiority complex.

    For while economic rationalisation and liberated market forces have fomented dramatic changes around the world, (mostly for the better) two places they have achieved nothing is in the African and Arabic worlds. With a few mostly "liberal" (usually non non Arab) Muslim countries as exceptions, (Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia and some Gulf States) most Muslim countries have done their best to keep liberal social change and international economic integration completely at bay.      It is no surprise that those Muslim countries that are the most insular, despotic, mullah ridden, and repressive, are the most staunch opponents of democracy and free trade, and the most enthusiastic supporters of Osama bin Laden and his merry band of suicidal Jihadi's. Guess what else they have in common? None of these nations even belongs to the hated World Trade Organisation. which, with 142 members, is hardly an exclusive club. The Muslim world itself chooses to live in self imposed economic exile and is suffering terribly because of it.

    Much has been made on this forum by people with fashionable western hating views, that democracy, economic rationalism, and free economies are a failure because there are so many people living in this world who struggle to survive on $1 or $2 dollars a day. Well, duh. And where do you think most of these people come from? It is the very same countries who's dimwitted leaders are constantly professing socialist economic views, and who have rejected global economic integration, which are the ones going belly up.      The extreme poverty that exists in Islamic countries, is a product of their own religious beliefs and every Muslim country not floating on a sea of oil is an economic basket case.   Muslim economies are growing, on average, only 1% a year. But Muslim populations are growing, on average, at a disastrous 4% a year. Muslim societies are great believers in breeding like flies and Muslim families are noted for having very large numbers of children. This factor alone is instrumental in their appalling levels of poverty, superstition, unemployment, and ignorance.

    Their own attitudes to family size and birth control has condemned almost an entire generation of young Muslims to be bereft of employment or a future in their own countries. These angry young men are simply becoming recruits for terrorist organisations who seek to blame everyone else but Islam for their own woes. Muslims covet the prosperity of the West, and dream about our consumer goods and lifestyles, but they will not accept the liberal values and secular philosophies that have created that prosperity. All they can do is dream about gatecrashing a western country, or bob up and down on their prayer mats five times a day waiting for Allah to solve all their problems for them.

    Financial institutions like commercial banks, stock exchanges, and investment houses hardly even exist in Muslim societies, and venture capital for small entrepreneurs is unheard of. Even the concept of banks giving interest on deposits is against the teachings of the Prophet, who decreed that lending money and gaining interest was usury. According to statistics compiled by economic historian Angus Maddison and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, between 1985 and 1998, average per capita income declined 10% in real terms in Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. By contrast, it rose 30% in Israel, 50% in Uraguay, 90% in Chile and more than doubled in Thailand, Brazil, Vietnam, Mexico, and South Korea.

    It is precisely those countries which have accepted economic rationalism and free market philosophies that are doing so well. The economies of countries that abolished tariffs and opened themselves up to international trade in the 1970's and 1980's, grew on average six times faster than those who hid behind tariff walls.     The world's living standards have tripled since the 1950's, thanks largely to free trade promoted by the World Trade Organisation. There has also been a realisation by the countries that have prospered, that the blessings of wealth have gone hand in hand with political systems which most promote social and political freedom as well. The late seventies and early 80's saw many totalitarian regimes swept away by a rising tide of economic prosperity. Even those regimes which maintained absolute political control of their people have seen the benefit of moderating their previously rigid and totally unrealistic economic theories.

    One nominally free trade success story is China. Since China opened it's borders and moved towards free trade in the late 1970's, it's poverty stricken people who comprise one sixth of the world's population, have become six times as wealthy. In the 1990's, the number of Chinese living on less than a dollar a day dropped by 150 million. This was the greatest single reduction in poverty that the world has ever seen, and it was brought about solely by economic liberalism, globalisation and free trade.    Whether they can keep that up while never releasing their CCP political stranglehold on the domestic economy is unlikely.  

    A pretty good indicator that democracy and free trade is on the right track, is that it is opposed by the trendy left wing, flag burning feral caste, the ones who always manage to get everything wrong. You can still see these prehistoric relics singing the "Internationale", chanting “from the river to the sea…..”, screaming their hatred of the US and Israel, and waving their little red, rainbow, Extinction Rebellion, or Palestinian flags, every time there is a WTO or G11 conference.    Most of these brain deads would have an intelligence rating somewhere around mo-ron level, and can be counted upon to man the barricades for every left wing, anti western cause imaginable.       It is somewhat difficult to argue against spectacular success and promote the causes of dismal failure, but these fruitcakes are doing their best.

    These mo-rons are supported by some intellectually challenged, pro terrorist, western hating drop kicks from backward Middle Eastern societies, who our immigration policies have allowed to infest our countries.     Most of these cretins will wax long and lyrical on the failings of western economics, yet they hail from countries where the President for Life could not run a hot dog stall at the local school fete.

    The only thing that these sorts of anti western countries can export to the west is a product that we in the west does not want and can do without. Millions of poverty stricken people, too many of whom are ungrateful, have chips on their shoulders, and attitude problems indicative of religious fanaticism.       Brought up since birth to believe that anything that goes wrong is never their fault, their capacity for critical analysis, introspection, and self criticism is only vestigial. They are the "blame the US, the white guy, and the Jews for everything" brigade, to whom the power, success and majesty of the western world serves as a glaring, constant and unwelcome reminder of the dismal failure of their own cultures backward thinking ideology.

    But rather than ruefully admit that their own cultural values and financial theories are a joke, they have the unmitigated effrontery to constantly find fault in the financial and social systems of the very western societies they have fled to. I suppose that people who are not too bright and who's cherished value systems are complete failures, will always be resentful towards people who are intelligent, competent, and successful?    But it does little to enhance their own standing in western societies, when these economic refugees try to hide their obvious lack of mental acuity by being offensive to their generous hosts.       The high levels of welfare dependency, violent criminal behaviour and compensationitus exhibited by too many of these people is a measure of their contempt for the very western societies which have given them succour.   For whatever wonderful blessings that Islam has bestowed upon it's adherents, the gift of gratitude is not the most prominent.

    In the entire Arabic world, the only real economic success stories have been the burgeoning profits and high volume trading of the gun shops in Beirut, and the slave markets in the Sudan.     Certainly, the tourism industry in the Islamic world is hardly booming, unless you count the booming that killed and wounded hundreds of innocent western tourists at Bali’s Kuta Beach?     For despite being the Middle East being the custodians to the world's most revered archaeological treasures, persistent bomb, grenade, and machine gun attacks by western hating Islamic nut cases on western tourists has seen even tourism drop to zero.

    The fabulous Babiyan Buddhas could have attracted planeloads of wealthy Buddhist pilgrims to Afghanistan, but the Taliban quarter wits blew the bloody things up. Real smart eh? Such stupidity towards the very resources upon which their very livelihood may depend, is indicative of a mindset impervious to reasoned thought.    Possibly, these inbred attitudes could be the result of congenital birth defects caused by breeding with cousins and uncles for generations?     The attitudes of those who oppose democracy, free trade, white people, the US, Israel, and the entire western world, are attitudes that plainly smacks of Taliban like fanaticism, and is a measure of  minds not overly burdened with intelligence.


  • BarnardotBarnardot 548 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ;In reality what's unfortunate is that Hamas chooses primitive and violent methods to move forward.

    Because they have very little choice thats why. But as were finding out there methods are not so primitive nower days and they have a lot of high tech and structure to there operations. The Israelis are trying to put across that they are civilized and conduct there operations according to all the rules and regulations of engagement.

    But hello theres something not quiet right here. Hamas has knocked off 1100 people with what you call primitive methods although there not so primitive at all really and sure there violent. But your implying that the Big Noses have killed 30,000 people with modern methods and not violent? So what? The problem is that there is a grate imbalance here and it is now a matter of Israel turning out to be the aggressor not Hamas.

  • jackjack 504 Pts   -   edited April 9
    Barnardot said:
    @jack ;Antisemites, like you, LOOK for reasons to hate Jews.

    Im not antisematic at all and I have all ways clearly stated that I dont take sides.

    Hello B:

    Bull!  You've referred to me as Jewboy on numerous occasions..  That's as antisemitic as it gets...  F*ck you!

  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  

    The incompatibility of Islam in the west.   


    The Muslim concept that state and religion are inseparable is incompatible to the western concept of secular government.

     The Muslim concept that husbands have a right to beat their wives is incompatible to western social attitudes.

     The Muslin concept that Ecclesiastical law is pre eminent over secular law is incompatible with western jurisprudence.   

     The Muslim concept that females are minors, and subject to guardian male control, unable to even leave the house or enter into any contract, is incompatible to contemporary western concepts of female equality. 

     The Muslim concept that apostates and blasphemers should be murdered is incompatible to western law and  liberal thought.

     The Muslim concept that women should have no say in whom they marry, and that a marriage can occur  not requiring the consent of the woman,  is incompatible to western ideal of individual rights.

     The Muslim concept that homosexuality should be a capitol offence, is incompatible with western concepts of tolerance towards homosexuals.

     The Muslim concept that allegations of rape must be validated by four male witnesses of Islamic faith is incompatible with western evidentiary jurisprudence.

     The Muslim concept that a raped woman should be punished is incompatible to the western idea that a raped woman is a victim.

     The Muslim concept a man may marry outside of his faith, but that a woman may not, is incompatible to the western values of individual rights and gender equality.

     The Muslim concept that alcohol consumption should be proscribed is incompatible with western traditions.

     The Muslim concept that a man may divorce a woman, simply by reciting 'I divorce thee", three times, but does not give equivalence to women, is incompatible to western concepts of gender equality.

     The Muslim concept that males are filled with "uncontrollable lusts" and that women, by their behaviour and dress are responsible for keeping these lusts contained, and blamed for it if it occurs, is incompatible with the western concept that men are responsible for controlling their own sex drive.

     The contemporary Muslim concept of marrying first cousins to keep property in the family is incompatible to sensible genetic hygiene as practiced in the west.

     The Muslim concept that it is right and valid for their religion to spread by military force and terrorism is incompatible to contemporary western thought.

     The Muslim concept that it can not co exist indefinitely with other religions, but must dominate all others, is incompatible with western ideals of religious tolerance.

     The Muslim concept that their religion can never be criticised and that it is alright to murder anyone who dares to do so, is incompatible with western ideas of free speech.

     The Muslim concept that young females should be married at the onset of mensus is called "paedophilia" in the west.

     The Muslim concept that young females should be genetically mutilated is considered barbaric and cruel in the west, as well as a bloody outrage.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 953 Pts   -  
    Barnardot said:
    @Factfinder ;In reality what's unfortunate is that Hamas chooses primitive and violent methods to move forward.

    Because they have very little choice thats why. But as were finding out there methods are not so primitive nower days and they have a lot of high tech and structure to there operations. The Israelis are trying to put across that they are civilized and conduct there operations according to all the rules and regulations of engagement.

    But hello theres something not quiet right here. Hamas has knocked off 1100 people with what you call primitive methods although there not so primitive at all really and sure there violent. But your implying that the Big Noses have killed 30,000 people with modern methods and not violent? So what? The problem is that there is a grate imbalance here and it is now a matter of Israel turning out to be the aggressor not Hamas.

    That's twice you claimed Hamas has little choice to say suddenly kill and rape 1,100 people in deliberate covert fashion. And still no elaboration as to why you think so. War is primitive, as primitive as it gets. No matter the technology used.

    Israeli counter attacks have been brutal for sure. They're counter attacks. Hamas remains the aggressor and 30,000 people would not be dying if not for that fact.

    None of it's okay, but Hamas has never been nor will ever be an ally of the people. As I showed you before.
  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  
     Hamas remains the aggressor and 30,000 people would not be dying if not for that fact.

    If HAMAS says that 30,000 "Palestinian" civilians have died. I would divide that number by 10, and add in the 24,000 HAMAS terrorists Israel has claimed it has ridden the world of.     
  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  

    Islam is an evil religion which should be openly discriminated against in my country, Australia, for the purpose of (hopefully) eradicating it.   Tolerance can be a virtue, but tolerance towards to totally intolerant who want to destroy your tolerant society is insanity.   Taking any virtue to it's extreme makes it a parody of what it was first designed to achieve.     

     Islam is not just a religion, it is a complete legal, dietary, political, and religious) system rolled up into one.    The most telling indictment of this evil death cult religion, is that those nations which are the most ardent in following it in its most pure form, are exactly the same strife prone cesspits holding out the begging bowl, while causing so much trouble in this world.     Muslim countries are places where doctors and aid workers get murdered, or are flung into dungeons by Kalashnikov toting crazies, for the crime of trying to prevent the locals from starving to death.

     Muslim countries should be wealthy countries.     Many of them are literally floating on oceans of oil.     Two of them (Egypt and Iraq) posses two of the worlds most fertile river systems.      Many of the world’s most revered archeological treasures exist within the boundaries of the Muslim world, but persistent grenade and bomb attacks upon tourists by Islam’s most ardent supporters has seen tourism dwindle.     

     The evil nature of Islam is revealed in its teachings, from its Koran and from the actions of its Prophet.     The religion was invented by a genocidal  pedophile warlord camel train raider called Mohammad,  who kept an 9 year old Jewish sex slave wife (Aisha), and who spread his religion by the simple expedient of killing anyone who did not become a Muslim.     This extreme hostility to non Muslims is a singular characteristic of Islam, and it is validated by many verses in the Koran.     These verses demand that its adherents must understand that non Muslims are not quite human, must never be trusted, can be lied too, and that a good Muslim must maintain total social separation from Kuffar (non Muslim) inferiors.      The phenomenon of female captives in war being raped is also justified in the Koran, which is why there are always cases of rape by Muslim soldiers, even within the allied armies of WW2.   Think of the Ku Klux Klan or Nazi Germany inventing their own religions, and you got Islam.

     It is a religion which validates the idea that a man should beat his wife, and even helpfully recommends the length and width of the rod which a good Muslim man should use to do the job.     It is a religion which validates the idea that Muslims who turn away from Islam should be murdered, and there are some Muslim countries where that is in fact the written law, and many others where the practice is widespread, although not openly admitted to in that countries law.    Any religion which validates the murder of apostates is pure evil.

     Here in Australia, it can be deduced that whatever virtues the Islamic faith bestows upon its adherents, respect for law, honesty, non violence, and a work ethic do not appear to be the most prominent.     Muslims are very disproportionately involved in crimes of violence and drug trafficking, and are also seriously overrepresented in welfare dependency.  

     That Muslims are a danger to Australian society can be seen from the behaviour and the statement of the former head Muslim in Australia, Sheik al (cat meat) Hilali.    When not praising suicide bombers, or heaping scorn on Australians, he was recored telling his flock that if a  Australian kuffar women gets raped by a Believer, she has no one to blame but herself, because she did not adhere to the standards of behaviour of the Islamic world.     One of the 70 girls gang raped at the time of the 2000 Olympics by Muslim race hate rape gangs (Megan) replied to the Sheik’s suggestion by saying “I used to tell people that what happened to me had nothing to do with Islam, now Sheik al Hilaly has proven me wrong.”

     Throughout the world, most religions today can more or less get along with one another, but no religion has ever been able to get along with Islam.    The rule of thumb appears to be that when Muslims reach about 5% of a population, then you have got real problems.    Far from having a happy multicultural society, you end up with a Balkanized society with a Muslim monoculture in one particular area demanding Sharia law, from which the people of all other cultures have fled in terror.

     If this is the multicultural vision splendid that Phite, Barnadot, Zeus, and Jack dream about, then may you all live in interesting times.

  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  
    The evil Jews are killing innocent Palestinian children.!
  • FactfinderFactfinder 953 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:
    The evil Jews are killing innocent Palestinian children.!
    Fact is those are children. You mean to tell me you don't give a rats arse how they've been abused?
  • GiantManGiantMan 47 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Can you see the difference?

  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  

    Take a good look.   This is Islam.  

  • BarnardotBarnardot 548 Pts   -   edited April 21
    @Bogan ;
    Take a good look.   This is Islam.  

    Take a good look in the mirror. This is an extreme half brain nit who tries to make out that all of an entire culture of people is the same as the extremists with in it. 

    It’s just the same as posting a picture of a half brain bogan with teeth missing and corks hanging from his and then saying Take a good look. This is Australia. But just as well only a few Australians are bogans. 

    Why do you have such a malicious bigoted bias mind that you have to judge a group of people as if they are all the same as the worst in the group. Your a disgusting example of what’s worst in man kind.

  • JayedJayed 8 Pts   -  
    @Barnardot It's what he lives for. Never have seen him post an actual argument against Muslims for the 8 months I've been on this platform. It's always stereotypes and ignorant comments. It's best to think of him as a brain-rotting rat in the vase expanse of -World, a place filled with similar Bogans who can't think and go "blah blah this bad." Just ignore the troll.
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