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Is the United States in decline?

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Given the rise of the PRC across the pacific, and the United States lack of purpose to the European Union after the collapse of the USSR, as well as the Age of Information leading to an increasingly divided population, is the once sole superpower in decline?

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  • PutinPutin 107 Pts   -  
    Yes, and China's on the rise, America doesn't know what to do, all it can do is through it's military around aimlessly. There's no hope left for a country who's economy is collapsing beyond hope,
  • PhitePhite 95 Pts   -   edited April 27
    Plus ya got a sitting president aiding and abetting a war criminal in the commission of war crimes against innocent human beings as we speak.  When a human being occupying the White House is not moved to do something about a war criminal starving human beings and killing them--and instead supplies the war criminal with the tools of destruction needed to continue his war crimes--then you know the country is on the way down.  When you vote for biden, you vote for a continuation of war crimes against innocent people, and you're just following the country down.

    Why did biden say he's a zionist?  Could that have something to do with his main concern being a rise in antisemitism after Israel started war crimes against innocent adults and children.  You would have to be a duncce to worry about antisemitism instead of the starvation of innocent people!
  • jackjack 509 Pts   -   edited April 27
    @JudeCaruso said:

    Is the once sole superpower in decline?

    Hello J:

    Ask me after the election..  If we elect Biden, the nation is safe..  However, if we elect the fascist dictator Trump, say good bye to the American way of life.

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1131 Pts   -  
    I think it depends on what you are measuring.  The US has advanced greatly technologically.  Morally?  I would argue that overall the US is in decline morally.  My grandparents talk about how they could leave their doors unlocked at night.  The grocery stores around me now allow only one door for entry/exit, they now have security guards at the door who check your receipt.  Before you could exit out multiple exits without anyone checking your bags.  In DC, even congress persons have their cars stolen by teens.  Motor vehicle theft was up 82% in DC and violent crime was up 39%, robbery was up 67%, and murder was up 35%.  
  • @JudeCaruso
    Given the rise of the PRC across the pacific, and the United States lack of purpose to the European Union after the collapse of the USSR, as well as the Age of Information leading to an increasingly divided population, is the once sole superpower in decline?

    For starters America has never been the sole superpower. Also, I would not define America as the Only United State as the United States spoke is about conditions of law as a single state set by a split created by the American Declaration of Independence from British States of Law. These conditions can include very small, narrow principles or a very large, broad understanding of governed human behavior. The main principle which holds America as a superpower is the nation itself can be used to hold all other nations together as a part of the United States of laws America without bruit force, just as other nations can do so with America in the same way if they so choose to do so. The objective is to describe and bring forth the best of choice in the ideas which bring to gather unions of United States of right and criminal law as a balance.

  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  

    As “American citizen’s” practice their right to choose their representatives in November, 2024, in what was once a “representative republic,” the American electorate has never been so fractured along Party lines, never has hatred for the opposing political Party been so volatile and never has Americanism been so close to requiring life-support with an expectation of extinction.

    The overwhelming secular population in America blames religious zealousness, right-wing fascism and conservatism, right-wing extremists – Christians, historical racism and the inequity of capitalism as reasoning for their hatred of Conservatives – Republicans – Christian values; on the other side of the Isle, that dwindling segment of American society who know Jesus Christ as Lord, Creator, Messiah, Judge, interpret America’s impending demise through a spiritual lens that diminishes Party affiliation differences as relevant and sees America’s demise from a theological, spiritual, Scriptural, perspective.

    The United States of America, contrary to the NYT 1619 project and one-hundred years of lies, deception, from American Marxists-Humanists and Progressives and Socialists and Darwinists, was founded upon Biblical precepts, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and our Founder’s clearly understood that in order for their social experiment in creating a limited Government allowing for maximized freedom of the individual, the overwhelming majority of American citizens would have to possess a heart that is redeemed by faith in Jesus Christ and that heart guided, controlled, daily by the indwelling Holy Spirit in sanctification, righteousness and obedience to the Father’s will in all things; otherwise, the sinful nature of humanity, inherited from Adam (Romans 5:12), would prevail and unrestrained narcissism would inevitably lead to societal collapse via totalitarianism and anarchy; while, on the other hand, the Progressive-Socialist-Marxist-Democrat in American society naively believes that humanity is basically “good by nature” and if provided an environment that fulfills their needs, wants, desires, Maslow’s hierarchy with much empathy and equity, the overwhelming majority in a society where these needs are met by government mandate (Socialism-Marxism) will evolve into productive, law abiding, citizens culminating in Nirvana. These are those who serve the “creature” (the climate-change god – the environment) rather than the Creator (Romans 1:25).

    John Adam’s, aware of the destructive sin-nature of mankind, said that our Constitution was constructed, made, ONLY for a moral and religious people and that it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other; in other words, America’s Constitutional Republic will inevitably fail unless Jesus Christ is America’s King and the Holy Spirit is America’s Wisdom in the heart of the majority. America’s Constitutional Republic will inevitably collapse unless the sin-nature of humanity is controlled by the indwelling Holy Spirit given by faith in Jesus as Lord (Ephesians 1:13-14; Galatians 5:16); this is why early drawings/sketches of Colonial America depicted numerous Church steeples throughout a township or municipality…Jesus Christ is the KEY to America’s success and sustainability.

    The demonically inspired “addiction of diminishing returns”…

    Over the previous century, demonic influences from socialists, secular humanists and Marxists in our public education system, Hollywood, print media, music industry and as of late, Big Tech, naïve and educationally deceived American’s have been morphed into God-hating, sexually perverse, abortion advocating, Marxists i.e., servants of Satan, the demonic. Today, we see the Democrat Party “progressively” seeking later term abortions; pushing LGBTQ perversion onto school-grade children in public schools; parents exposing their toddlers and preteens to perverse drag queens, transsexuals, dancing and thrusting in the face of these children, some with music and lyrics of oral sex and masturbation and anal intercourse.

    America’s youth cannot differentiate between male and female for fear of being ostracized by the WOKE MOB while the demonic trend today is changing one’s sexual identity and our medical establishment stands ready to provide the necessary surgeries (castration or mastectomy) and puberty blockers to appease the demons in our society who have taken custody of our children. Why?

    There is a demonically inspired deficit in the human psyche I refer to as the “addiction of diminishing returns.” The Addiction of Diminishing Returns comes into play when a man, woman or child is exposed to or initiate acts of perversion to God’s natural law in their life; some begin with exposure to and consuming pornography, others dabble in narcotics, others initiate various forms of sexual experimentation; this compromise with perversity ultimately begins to lose its initial demonically inspired euphoric pleasure due to satiation and therefore the flesh mandates incrementally progressive forms of perversion to the natural law in order to achieve some semblance of euphoric satiation as experienced early-on in the progressive addiction. This endless pursuit of euphoric satiation is due to the psychological and physiological phenomena of “diminishing returns”…this is the resultant of the sin-nature and relentless demonic influence which overwhelming culminates in the destruction of the individual and is also relevant to a Nation and its longevity, sustainability.

    A Nation whose majority has succumbed to immorality, narcissism, murdering their youth in the womb and their elderly for the tomb, physiological and psychological addiction to perversions of the natural law, will inevitably implode; this, due to the Addiction of Diminishing Returns. This will be America’s demise and those who have eyes to see and ears to hear through the Holy Spirit’s anointing are observing, daily, this phenomenon play-out before our very eyes in American culture (Romans 1:18-32). God is not mocked, a man, woman, Nation will reap what they sow (Galatians 6:7-8).

  • jackjack 509 Pts   -   edited April 30
    JudeCaruso said:

    Is the United States in decline?

    Hello J:

    Yeah....  Freedom is messy..  Freedom is hard.  It's easy to criticize a country that lets its people be free..  You know, letting 'em take over buildings and protest in the street..   Yeah.... It would be much easier if we had a strong dictator, who'd stop these protesters in their tracks.

    But, that isn't freedom..  That's fascism.

  • PhitePhite 95 Pts   -   edited May 1
    It's also easy to criticize a president who takes orders from a religious nutter in Israel who's bent on fulfilling some old testament bull about the Amalekites; yeah, he actually believes that innocent Gazans are the incarnation of the old testament Amalekites, and he's gonna get 'em with his god's help . . . 

    It appears that when joe biden said that he is a zionist, he wasn't kidding.  He says he has a problem with Israel's murder of innocent people, but chooses to continue his material support of the war criminal anyway.  Don't listen to what a proven lier tells you.  Watch what he does because that's who he is.

    If you don't believe that Israel is currently occupying the White House, go ahead and explain biden and nutanyahoo's co-cowardice.
  • Is America in a state of decline..........depends on do you believe America is to be "Great Again" so we must go backwards, or do you believe in the search for the more perfect union which holds America in the direction of true progress. All the fact points to America having not found the most perfect state of the union with United States Constitutional Right. Yet!

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    @John_C_87 ; The United States was founded upon a societal experiment where maximized individual freedoms would be pursued while a very limited form of Federal Government was to be initiated via a fracturing of powers and authority through three coequal branches with oversight by the people, for the people; this, defined by the Declaration and the Constitution. 

    In order for this social experiment to succeed, it was essential that the heart of the majority be redeemed by faith in Jesus and the Adamic sin-nature controlled via the indwelling Holy Spirit; otherwise, there would be insufficient police, prosecutors, judges, jails, to maintain order in a "free society." What we see today is a secular America who is narcissistic and selfish serving Satan as god having rejected Jesus and the Holy Spirit as the Paths to goodness and sustainability. 

  • @RickeyHoltsclaw

     The United States was founded upon a societal experiment where maximized individual freedoms would be pursued while a very limited form of Federal Government was to be initiated via a fracturing of powers and authority through three coequal branches with oversight by the people, for the people; this, defined by the Declaration and the Constitution.

    Simply said the United States of America was founded on a connection of right in relations ship to its state of the union with the largest number of People to create the most perfect union that can be made as a democratic whole.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    @John_C_87 ; The United States was founded upon "we the people" possessing a heart that loves God, Family, Country...not atheism.

  • bendibatesbendibates 8 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: are we blined

    we can debate all we wont but i will prove why the USA needs TRUMP NOW!
  • jackjack 509 Pts   -   edited May 5

    we can debate all we wont but i will prove why the USA needs TRUMP NOW!
    Hello b:

    Nahhh...  The cite you linked us to is a private asset management company that has a financial stake in the outcome of the presidential election..  So, no.  That ain't proof..  It's propaganda.

    Plus, the chart you cited is over TWO YEARS OLD.   Du*de!  You need to keep up.


  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    @jack ; Do you really believe Biden and Progressive policies are sustainable?
  • jackjack 509 Pts   -  

    @jack ; Do you really believe Biden and Progressive policies are sustainable?
    Hello Rickey:

    Of course.  I LIKE being a lib.  However, if you have a specific policy you wanna talk about, lay it on me.. But, blanket approvals mean nothing..


  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    @jack ; Let's begin with open do you justify that?
  • jackjack 509 Pts   -   edited May 6
    @jack ; Let's begin with open do you justify that?
    Hello again, Rickey:

    Easy peasy..  The border AIN'T open.  We got tons and tons of armed people keeping it closed.. Texas governor, Gregg Abbot put up razor wire, for crying out loud..   I live in Arizona.  I go to Mexico often.  Gotta pass through customs and immigration in BOTH directions.  Ain't nothing open about that.

    But, of course, if you say that you're gonna build a wall, and didn't build a wall, you don't have to look very far to see open borders for MILES and MILES..  And, we BOTH know WHO'S responsible for that.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -   edited May 6
    @jack ; Over 8-Million illegal aliens, many are fighting age men from China-Europe-Africa-Islamic Nations, have entered the United States over the previous 3.5-years...not vetted - not secured - not traceable. How do you justify this?

    The "got-a-ways" are unknown...perhaps millions...we know that there have been a sizeable number of apprehensions of those on the "terrorist watch list" many are operating in the United States now? We don't know. Why do you support the literal invasion of the United States by our known enemies who desire to murder Americans for ideological differences?

    Why would a Democrat support the death of American citizens at the hands of our enemy invading our National sovereignty; this, for votes?

    Democrats-Progressives-Liberals-Atheists are horrible people. They should not be in America.
  • jackjack 509 Pts   -   edited May 6

    @jack ; Over 8-Million illegal aliens, many are fighting age men from China-Europe-Africa-Islamic Nations, have entered the United States over the previous 3.5-years...not vetted - not secured - not traceable.
    Hello again, Rickey:

    Why only go back 3.5 years?  The border has been porous for as long as I can remember, and we don't know who those people are either.  My guess is there's around 50 million of 'em.   Johnny Carson used to joke on his late night show that he had an illegal nanny.  Nobody cared.  When Mexicans reached the border, they saw two signs..  One said, Do Not Cross.  And, the other said, Help Wanted.  Nobody cared.  

    Lot's of 'em were fighting age too.  But, they didn't fight.  They picked lettuce and did your laundry instead..  Whose fault is that?? 

    Now, I suppose you COULD say the border was "open" in that sense..  But, that ain't Biden's fault.. It's every presidents and every congress's fault we've had for 75 years.

    The crazy thing here, is Trump just put the kibosh on the MOST restrictive bi-partisan border bill EVER..  He wanted to use it as a weapon, and I see you bought into it. 

    Plus, if, as you say, the newly arrived weren't vetted, weren't secured, weren't traceable, then you have NO IDEA who they are.



  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    @jack Trump had the lowest number of border crossings in decades...because he closed the border...wanted to build a secure wall and vetted and deported and activated ICE to capture illegal alien felons in our cities. Trump coerced Mexico to supply 28K troops at the border to secure the Mexico side. 

    Border security is a primary responsibility of the Federal Government, protection of our borders for the safety and security of the American "citizen"...Trump made this a priority while Biden and Maykoras and Harris celebrate the illegal invasion; they're even flying them into the United States illegally; in fact, Director Ray has testified before Congress that at no time subsequent 911 has our terrorist status and impending domestic terrorist activity been higher than under Biden...why is this okay with you?

    Democrats - Progressives - Atheists are horrible, anti-American, people.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 967 Pts   -  
    @jack Trump had the lowest number of border crossings in decades...because he closed the border...wanted to build a secure wall and vetted and deported and activated ICE to capture illegal alien felons in our cities. Trump coerced Mexico to supply 28K troops at the border to secure the Mexico side. 

    Border security is a primary responsibility of the Federal Government, protection of our borders for the safety and security of the American "citizen"...Trump made this a priority while Biden and Maykoras and Harris celebrate the illegal invasion; they're even flying them into the United States illegally; in fact, Director Ray has testified before Congress that at no time subsequent 911 has our terrorist status and impending domestic terrorist activity been higher than under Biden...why is this okay with you?

    Democrats - Progressives - Atheists are horrible, anti-American, people.

    Christianity is destroying America. First it supported slavey, then with perversions in the Houston police force went down hill from there. 
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    The United States' Constitutional Republic is "DOA" was murdered by atheists, secular humanists, democrats, marxists, LGBTQ perverts, globalists, progressives.
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