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Can anyone, directly point out, where the current President, said anything racist?

Debate Information

"What Republicans are saying about Trump's racist tweets"

"Will Hurd

Texas Rep. Will Hurd Monday told CBS News' Nancy Cordes, "The tweets are racist and xenophobic. Period. End of story."

He added, "They are also not accurate because the four people he was talking about are U.S. citizens and three of the four were born in the United States of America. I think this behavior is unbecoming of the president and also it hurts us politically."

Hurd also told her that he doesn't think the president will change, but it's still necessary to speak out because "it is important for people to know you shouldn't talk this way," and important "for children to know that this is not how you should behave."

He said that growing the GOP will mean growing in minority communities, and if those communities "believe that the party or average person in the party is a racist or misogynistic or xenophobic, then we are going to have problems electorally down the line."  "

"Marc Short

Vice President Mike Pence's chief of staff defended Mr. Trump's tweets, arguing to reporters Monday that they were "not racist" because Mr. Trump has an "Asian woman of color in his cabinet," Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao. Chao is a naturalized U.S. citizen originally from Taiwan.  

Short also said that the tweets were specifically about Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat who was born in Somalia, and not other women of color in Congress. 

"This is not a universal statement that he's making. He's making it about a very specific - pretty much the individual member of Congress that I think has said most things that she's most unhappy about in the United States of America," Short later defended. 

"I don't think the president's intent in any way is racist - I think he's trying to point out the fact that since elected it's hard to find anything Ilhan Omar has said that's actually supportive of the United States of America," Short added. "

"Pat Toomey

Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey, a conservative Republican, criticized Mr. Trump for his comments. 

"President Trump was wrong to suggest that four left-wing congresswomen should go back to where they came from," Toomey said. "Three of the four were born in America and the citizenship of all four is as valid as mine. I couldn't disagree more with these congresswomen's views on immigration, socialism, national security, and virtually every policy issue. But they are entitled to their opinions, however misguided they may be. We should defeat their ideas on the merits, not on the basis of their ancestry." "

"Lindsey Graham

Sen. Lindsey Graham appeared on Fox News' "Fox and Friends" Monday where he also defended the president without explicitly calling out his tweets. He did, however, implore the president to "aim higher" and note that the Democrats he criticized were "American citizens who are duly elected." 

"They are American citizens, they won an election, take on their policies," Graham said. But Graham also described Omar and her allies as "anti-America" politicians who "hate our own country."

"We all know that [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] and this crowd are a bunch of communists, they're anti-Semitic...we don't need to know anything about them personally, just talk about their policies," Graham said. "

"Tim Scott

South Carolina's Tim Scott, the lone African-American in the Republican caucus, knocked the Democratic party for being embroiled in racial controversy as well as members who have used "hateful language" toward police and Jews, but stopped short of defending the president in a statement. 

"The President interjected with unacceptable personal attacks and racially offensive language," Scott said of the president's lack of productive criticism over the weekend. "No matter our political disagreements, aiming for the lowest common denominator will only divide our nation further." "

"Susan Collins

Maine Republican Susan Collins largely came down against views of some of the "far-left members of the House Democratic Caucus" in a statement on Monday -- pointing to past questionable statements about socialism and Israel --  but concluded that the president's comments were "way over the line."

"He should take that down," Collins added. "

"Lisa Murkowski

The Alaska Republican lambasted the president's comments as "spiteful" and "absolutely unacceptable" in a tweet Monday afternoon. 

"We have enough challenges addressing the humanitarian crises both at our borders and around the world. Instead of digging deeper into the mud with personal, vindictive insults –we must demand a higher standard of decorum and decency," she added. "

"Chip Roy 

One of the few sitting Republican members of Congress to take issue with Mr. Trump's tweets was Chip Roy, a freshman conservative Republican who supports the president's strict immigration policies. 

"POTUS was wrong to say any American citizen, whether in Congress or not, has any 'home' besides the U.S. But I just as strongly believe non-citizens who abuse our immigration laws should be sent home immediately, & Reps who refuse to defend America should be sent home," Roy, a member of the right-wing Freedom Caucus, tweeted from his personal account on Monday. "

"Paul Mitchell 

Rep. Paul Mitchell also added his voice to the small caucus of GOP members denouncing the president's tweets. Mitchell said that while he supports the president, he told supporters that "we must be better than comments like these."

"I share the political frustrations with some members of the other party, but these comments are beneath leaders," Mitchell tweeted. "

"Fred Upton

Rep. Fred Upton told "Michigan's Big Show" Monday morning that the president's comments were "really uncalled for" and "very disappointing." Upton also spoke to his party's relative silence on the issue. 

"I would imagine, I would know, that a good number of my Republican colleagues don't appreciate the comments as well. And actually if you look at the facts and it's really, you know his statement, I was just saying on it, you know, three of the four were born in this country, so it makes no sense and it's just – we got so many other issues we ought to be working on together." "

"John Kasich

Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich came out with perhaps the harshest comments against the president, calling his tweets "deplorable and beneath the dignity of the office."

"We all, including Republicans, need to speak out against these kinds of comments that do nothing more than divide us and create deep animosity - maybe even hatred," Kasich, a frequent critic of Mr. Trump, said. "At the base of America is a Jewish and Christian tradition that says that we must realize that we are all brothers and sisters. Rhetoric like the President's works against that foundation of our country and all that we teach our children." "

"Mike Turner

Fellow Ohioan Mike turner went so far as to explicitly call his comments racist and demanded the president apologize for his remarks. 

"We must work as a country to rise above hate, not enable it," Turner tweeted. "

"Andy Harris

Speaking to WBAL's Bryan Nehman, Rep. Andy Harris took to the president's defense, saying his remarks were "clearly not a racist comment."

"They're obviously not racist. When anyone disagrees with anyone now the default is to call them a racist and this is no exception," said Harris. 

Harris tried to explain that the president likely had meant to send the Democrats back to their constituency. "He could have meant go back to the district they came from--to the neighborhood they came from," Harris said. "

"This is a developing story."

"Steve Kerr calls on Congress to condemn Trump after racist tweets directed at congresswomen"

"From President Trump, on Twitter:"

"So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly......"

"....and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how...."

" is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!" 

"The four congresswomen Trump is referring to — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) — are all American citizens. Only Omar was born outside of the United States, though immigrated to the U.S. as a child and became a citizen at 17, according to the New York Times.

His tweets, naturally, sparked widespread outrage on Sunday. Kerr was among those who took to social media to call Trump out. After retweeting several people who criticized the president for his language, Kerr then called on members of Congress to “show some leadership.” "

"From Coach Steve Kerr, on Twitter:"

"Come on members of Congress, call out the president for his racist tweets this morning. Show some leadership. It’s the job you were elected to do. "

The above commentaries, speak for themselves.


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  • AmpersandAmpersand 858 Pts   -   edited July 2019
    It explains it in those posts pretty much.

    He told Americans to "return to their country". Their country is the USA - but he's treating them like they're second class citizens who don't deserve to live in the USA because they're women of colour and don't deserve to live there.

    That's just the latest broohah of course, you can find plenty of examples in his history like when he said a judge was incapable of performing his job because he's Mexican (he was American), something he's not done for white judges.

    Treating people worse because of their race and assuming people are incapable and inferior because of their race are the basic definitions of racism, both of which he displays above. This is aside from the obvious slam dunk examples of him trying to have innocent black people killed in the case of the Central Park 5.
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Pretty embarrassing for decent Americans having to listen to fellow Americans continually defending a buffooon who mocks the handicapped , people of of different race and colour and most anyone else the raging egotist sees as weak and vulnerable , I could nearly guarantee if Trump brought back lynching and segregation of blacks these types of Americans would justify it as Trump can do no wrong.

    New Yorker .....

    In the years since then, Trump has assembled a long record of comment on issues involving African Americans as well as Mexicans, Hispanics more broadly, Native Americans, Muslims, Jews, immigrants, women, and people with disabilities. His statements have been reflected in his behavior—from public acts (placing ads calling for the execution of five young black and Latino men accused of rape, who were later shown to be innocent) to private preferences (“When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” a former employee of Trump’s Castle, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, told a writer for The New Yorker)

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  


    I respect the Office of the Presidency.

    And in a nutshell what the POTUS said was, if you don't like the U.S., you can leave. 
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    From the New Yorker:

    "In the years since then, Trump has assembled a long record of comment on issues involving African Americans as well as Mexicans, Hispanics more broadly, Native Americans, Muslims, Jews, immigrants, women, and people with disabilities. His statements have been reflected in his behavior—from public acts (placing ads calling for the execution of five young black and Latino men accused of rape, who were later shown to be innocent) to private preferences (“When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” a former employee of Trump’s Castle, in Atlantic City, New Jersey,"

    Where is the hearsay evidence to support the above claim, from the "New Yorker?"
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    You say .....Where is the hearsay evidence to support the above claim, from the "New Yorker?"

    My reply ....There was a link in my piece you didn’t even bother reading just to start 
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    You say ......

    I respect the Office of the Presidency.

    My reply .....Yes , people respected Hitlers position as Fuhrer 

    You say .....And in a nutshell what the POTUS said was, if you don't like the U.S., you can leave. 

    My reply .....He has said this and a lot more he’s a racist who mocked a handicapped man and is a compulsive .....At a rally in South Carolina on Tuesday, Trump defended his widely discredited claim that thousands of Muslims in New Jersey cheered as the World Trade Center collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001. He then appeared to impersonate reporter Serge Kovaleski, one of the authors of a 2001 article in The Washington Post that referred to "a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks." 

    "Now, the poor guy — you ought to see the guy: 'Uh, I don't know what I said. I don't remember,'" Trump said, as he contorted his arms in an apparent imitation of Kovaleski, who suffers from arthrogryposis.

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    This is about the author of this article:

    "Nick Paumgarten has been a staff writer at The New Yorker since 2005. Prior to that, he was an editor of the Talk of the Town. He has reported on a wide range of subjects, including politicsfinanceartmusicfoodtechnologymountaineeringsports-talk radioelevatorsboxer-bartenderscommuters, and canoes. "

    Thus, it appears that this individual is a staff writer, but not a news journalist?

    And a lot of the article is opinion, being, that it lacks references to the individually expressed statements? 

    Some of the Liberal news media outlets, over the last few days, have been expressing self expressed opinions as well, from one Liberal, to another, because to each other, what they express before their own news media outlet camera's, somehow apparently, transforms their opinions, into actual journalistic news? 

    It doesn't, it's still educating their viewers with their unfair, and unequal opinions?

    If some are choosing one side, over another, their opinions, are self sacrificing what actual journalism is.

    By bypassing what factual journalism is, with self created opinion?

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Right so everyone is just making stuff up about Trump because they don’t like him is that it ?
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Prove it?

    "He has said this and a lot more he’s a racist"

    Why don't you personally interview the POTUS, and get him, to help cooberate your statements for you?

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    You say ....Prove it .......

    My reply .....Do you honestly not read newspapers or listen to the media how many examples do you want .

    .....The so-called Central Park Five were a group of black and Latino teens who were accused—wrongly—of raping a white woman in Central Park on April 19, 1989. Donald Trump took out full-page ads in all four major New York newspapers to argue that perpetrators of crimes such as this one “should be forced to suffer” and “be executed.” In two trials, in August and December 1990, the youths were convicted of violent offenses including assault, robbery, rape, sodomy, and attempted murder; their sentences ranged from five to 15 years in prison. In 2002, after the discovery of exonerating DNA evidence and the confession by another individual to the crime, the convictions of the Central Park Five were vacated. The men were awarded a settlement of $41 million for false arrest, malicious prosecution, and a racially motivated conspiracy to deprive them of their rights. Trump took to the pages of the New York Daily News, calling the settlement “a disgrace.” During his 2016 presidential campaign, Trump would again insist on the guilt of the Central Park Five.

    Jonathan C. Moore represented four of the Central Park Five when they later sued the City of New York. Yusef Salaam was one of the five young men who were wrongly convicted. Timothy L. O’Brien spent hundreds of hours with Trump while researching his 2005 book, TrumpNation. C. Vernon Mason represented Salaam and other defendants.

    You say .....So you want me to ask your president is he a ......I guess you’re on the bottle yet again 

  • AmpersandAmpersand 858 Pts   -  
    TKDB said:


    I respect the Office of the Presidency.

    And in a nutshell what the POTUS said was, if you don't like the U.S., you can leave. 
    So if you cut out and ignore the racist part, it's not so racist.

    Not really very interesting seeing as what he actually said is for them to go back to their countries, even though their country is the USA.

    Only makes sense if he considers non-whites second class citizens that aren't "real Americans".
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Thats it , his fans will never admit or see racism no matter what he says 

    The truly scary thing is it looks like he’s there for the long haul , I often wonder is he actually suffering from some kind of mental illness as his raging egoism is on a different level.

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    "Do you honestly not read newspapers or listen to the media how many examples do you want ."

    The New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR radio, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, and the NPR TV station. 

    From Barnes and Noble:

    And I've read Tme Magazine, National Geographic, and People Magazine.

    And the various past and present, debate websites, that are available on the internet?

    And then there's YouTube;
    Who apparently, have had, some of the websites users, who have become, self created, "Opinionated Cell Phone Journalists," who for the most part tell half of their stories, because they neglected, to pull out their cell phones, as the probable offenders, were, in the act of committing a crime, and didn't appear to have an issue, with an offenders actions, required an honest citizen, to call 911, and to have the Police, show up, and deal with an offender, as the offender likely makes the decision, to run from the Police, who is trying to defend the public, from the offenders, who year, after year, commit their various crimes?

    IE, Murder, sexual assaults, domestic violence, and abuse, kidnapping, drive by shootings, robberies, muggings, race on race crimes, and non race on race crimes?

    Could it be that some maybe play their vocalizing "Race Card," because, they want to villianize, the individual, who's interfering, with the "Race Card using individual," who's not getting their way, because some of their efforts, are anti law, or anti public, in light of the various crimes, that have been committed, year after year, and decade after decade?

    Maybe an issue with Trump, is that he's an outside of the box, Conservative?

    And the common place Liberals, (Pelosi, Schumer, along with others, have gotten used to, in a sense, getting the previous Presidents, to act in certain ways,) because of their inside of the box, common Conservative ways of governing? 

    You wasted your efforts, by your below choice of words?

    "You say .....So you want me to ask your president is he a ......I guess you’re on the bottle yet again. "

    Can you prove, that Trump is a ? 

    How many other former Presidents have fibbed, during their times, in Office?

    Can you name them?
  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  
    One has to be either completely delusional or willfully dishonest to refuse to acknowledge that Trump is a clinical pathological as he cannot help himself...

    I guess we have both types on here, but mostly dishonest and very naive simpletons...  
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited July 2019

    From the very same website, that you shared a link to:

    All False statements involving Donald Trump

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    But you’re not interested in truth because people like you are not interested in hearing anything negative about this bullying , lying egotist......So your contention is that if other presidents lie then it’s ok for Trump to lie ......Wow !

    Here’s three , I can give you 734 more, will it make a difference no as Trump relies on The gullibility of people like you 

    “They [Mexico] send in $500 billion worth of drugs, they kill 100,000 people, they ruin a million families every year if you look at that, that’s really an invasion without the guns.”

    “I would say Germany has not stepped up much, Germany’s paying 1 percent [to NATO], they should be paying much more than that. Well, think of it, 1 percent. So we protect Germany and then Germany takes advantage of us on trade.”

    “They [Mexico] stole 32 percent of our car business with NAFTA, the stupidest deal, one of the truly deals of our time, they stole 32,000 — they have 32 percent of our car business.”

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    "Here’s three , I can give you 734 more, will it make a difference no as Trump relies on The gullibility of people like you."

    Just like some of those apparent gullible individuals who voted for then President Obama?

    Did he take care of the country as a whole, or did he take care of his constituents only, and the rest of the country, fended for itself?

    A lady was on the radio, and when he became President, she said, she was going to get this and that free, when he became President? 

    The other Presidents you didn't mention.

    Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, and Linden Johnson.
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    You say ......Just like some of those apparent gullible individuals who voted for then President Obama?

    My reply ......Your opinion on gullibility is most amusing to say the least 

    You say .....Did he take care of the country as a whole, or did he take care of his constituents only, and the rest of the country, fended for itself?

    My reply ......Where did I mention Obama in what I asked which you’ve failed to address?

    You say .....A lady was on the radio, and when he became President, she said, she was going to get this and that free, when he became President? 

    My reply ......What has that got to do with what I asked you to address?

    You say .......The other Presidents you didn't mention.

    Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, and Linden Johnson.

    My reply ......Why would I mention others when the question you cannot answer is related to Trump?
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited July 2019

    "But you’re not interested in truth because people like you are not interested in hearing anything negative about this bullying , lying egotist......So your contention is that if other presidents lie then it’s ok for Trump to lie ......Wow !"

    Individuals in general, lie often, don't they?

    So, are you going to chastise those individuals, who aren't, a part of Presidential History as well, thus making your argument, a fair, and equal one? 

    If you, maybe have an issue with Presidential History, then I don't know, what to tell you? 

    Because it's fair, and equal to make President Obama, a part of the conversation, being that Trump is the current President. 

    And I believe in fair and equal debating.

    Just like some of those apparent gullible individuals who voted for then President Obama?

    "My reply ......Your opinion on gullibility is most amusing to say the least 

    Did he take care of the country as a whole, or did he take care of his constituents only, and the rest of the country, fended for itself?

    "My reply ......Where did I mention Obama in what I asked which you’ve failed to address?"

    A lady was on the radio, and when he became President, she said, she was going to get this and that free, when he became President? 

    "My reply ......What has that got to do with what I asked you to address?"

    Because its an example of how some of his constituents, viewed his Presidency? 

    Some enjoyed the handouts, that apparently, were a part of his Presidency?

    The other Presidents you didn't mention.

    Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, and Linden Johnson.

    "My reply ......Why would I mention others when the question you cannot answer is related to Trump?"

    Because Richard Nixon was Impeached, and Bill Clinton was Impeached.

    And those Impeachments are also a part of Presidential History. 

    And its a known fact that some political individuals, will say whatever they think will appeal to their constituents, or fanbases? 

    So Trump, is going to be viewed, by some of the Liberals, as they see fit?

    And Nixon, Clinton, and Obama, will be viewed in the same fair, and equal ways, when it comes to their Presidential Histories, as well?
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    You’re a lunatic , when you actually address what’s asked I may engage again , writing a pile of nonsense and finishing each sentence with a question mark proves you’re either a lunatic , a drunkard or both the aforementioned 
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    And apparently you have an issue with discussing Presidential History, from an equal and fair stance.

    Proof of that, see below:

    "You’re a lunatic , when you actually address what’s asked I may engage again , writing a pile of nonsense and finishing each sentence with a question mark proves you’re either a lunatic , a drunkard or both the aforementioned."

    Attacking me verbally with your hearsay, and avoiding the conservation at hand. 


    What are your equal and fair thoughts, on the topic at hand? 

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Your lunacy is escalating 
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6165 Pts   -  
    I have more issues not with what it is Trump says, but with how he says it. If you listen to the substance of what he is talking about, it comes down to pointing out that some groups of people are statistically more dangerous than other groups of people, and hence higher degree of prejudice against those groups is justified - whether you agree with this statement or do not, it has little to do with racism. But either due to his lack of proper verbal communication skills, or because of pandering to his core voter base, he says it in a very controversial and aggressive manner, indirectly picking up on the groups as a whole. Statements like "Mexicans send drug dealers here, but some of them are good people" are constructed in a way that causes a strong emotional response in people; this is a trick all media anchors in totalitarian countries, as well as ad narrators everywhere, employ, charging all statements with emotional energy that makes people more susceptible to the implications of them. Trump is a master advertiser, and he has learned his craft well.

    You know how Chinese media anchors manage to say neutral statements that make people love China and hate America? They will smile and say, "The Chinese GDP has grown by 6% this year", while showing the beautiful Shanghai downtown landscape on the background - and then frown and proceed with, "In the meantime, the US GDP has grown by 2.5%", with the background showing the outskirts of Detroit, with homeless people everywhere. Nothing in what they said was wrong, but how they said it and what imagery that involved makes people feel a very particular way about China and America.

    Trump does the same. He rarely says anything outright xenophobic, but everything surrounding his words makes people exhibit xenophobic feelings.
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited July 2019

    "Your lunacy is escalating."
    (Another example of how you, apparently debate?)

    Do you maybe, have an inability to engage in a fair and equal debate?

    I have no bias towards any of the previous Presidents, because their individual actions in Office, all speak for themselves, but what is apparent, is that some individuals, choose to segregate, Trump, from the other previous Presidents, because they have self created agendas, and Opinions that need bolstering via their individually contrived expressions of rhetoric? 

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited July 2019

    Clinton, and Nixon, and Obama all said things in their own ways, so why is there a probable necessity, to segregate Trump from those other previous Presidents?

    It's unfair, and unequal to do that, isn't it? 
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  
    @TKDB ;

    You say ......”Your lunacy is escalating."

    (Another example of how you, apparently debate?)

    My reply .....It’s not how I “apparently “ debate , it’s how I address your incoherent walls of nonsense 

    You say ......Do you maybe, have an inability to engage in a fair and equal debate?

    My reply ......Read above 

    You say ......I have no bias towards any of the previous Presidents, because their individual actions in Office, all speak for themselves, but what is apparent, is that some individuals, choose to segregate, Trump, 

    My reply .....This debate asked a specific question about Trump you  

    You say ........from the other previous Presidents, because they have self created agendas, and Opinions that need bolstering via their individually contrived expressions of rhetoric? 

    My reply ......The debate is still about Trump you raging lunatic 

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited July 2019

    @Dee ;

    Look again, the previous Presidents are a part of the debate.

    An add on question for the forum:

    Was President Obama, Clinton, Nixon, or any of the other previous Presidents, besides President Trump, ever labelled a "Racist," for publicly expressing, non racist commentary, and was publicly treated in the same ways that Trump is being treated?

    Just imagine, if this wasn't a pre-election year, leading up to the, upcoming 2020 Election cycle?  

    Apparently some are trying to create a pre election publicity frenzy, to take advantage of the negative conversations, created over the unfounded use, of the term "Racist" in regards to the current President?

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited July 2019
    To the forum:

    An excerpt from the webpage:

    "In June 1974, a few months before Clinton would narrowly lose his congressional bid, he sat down for an interview with an oral history project.[11] Reaching out to the notorious segregationist was just good politics, he told the interviewers.

    “When did you build this friendship with Faubus?” one asked.

    “When I got ready to run for Congress,” Clinton answered.

    “But wouldn’t he be the last guy to go see, represented the old time machine?” the interviewer pressed.

    “No, no. See, that’s why I got elected. Because I don’t do things — I don’t think in terms of that,” Clinton said.

    “But wouldn’t the liberal mind, whatever it is in this district, think that way?”

    “Well, the liberal mind might, but I don’t have a liberal mind, I guess, if that’s the way they think. It’s a matter of politics and how you get votes,” Clinton said of doing his dance with white supremacists. “Faubus has a fine mind and a lot of influence in these hills, these people, and knows things that are worth knowing. The reason that they will vote for me, if they do, the people, even if they think that I’m liberal, whatever that is, is that I’ll sit down with all these people and talk to them.”

    "Obama Accused Of Dividing America With "Racist" Speech About George Zimmerman Verdict"

    "Obama has done more to divide races than anybody else."

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    The original question you asked you was ......

    Can anyone, directly point out, where the current President, said anything racist?

    Why are you bleating on about Obama , Clinton and Nixon you imbecile , do you even know what the term current means?
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Your question is still about the CURRENT president you  
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited July 2019

    @Dee. Look again, the previous Presidents are a part of the debate.

    An add on question for the forum:

    Was President Obama, Clinton, Nixon, or any of the other previous Presidents, besides President Trump, ever labelled a "Racist," for publicly expressing, non racist commentary, and was publicly treated in the same ways that Trump is being treated?

    Just imagine, if this wasn't a pre-election year, leading up to the, upcoming 2020 Election cycle?  

    Apparently some are trying to create a pre election publicity frenzy, to take advantage of the negative conversations, created over the unfounded use, of the term "Racist" in regards to the current President


    An excerpt from the webpage:

    "In June 1974, a few months before Clinton would narrowly lose his congressional bid, he sat down for an interview with an oral history project.[11] Reaching out to the notorious segregationist was just good politics, he told the interviewers.

    “When did you build this friendship with Faubus?” one asked.

    “When I got ready to run for Congress,” Clinton answered.

    “But wouldn’t he be the last guy to go see, represented the old time machine?” the interviewer pressed.

    “No, no. See, that’s why I got elected. Because I don’t do things — I don’t think in terms of that,” Clinton said.

    “But wouldn’t the liberal mind, whatever it is in this district, think that way?”

    “Well, the liberal mind might, but I don’t have a liberal mind, I guess, if that’s the way they think. It’s a matter of politics and how you get votes,” Clinton said of doing his dance with white supremacists. “Faubus has a fine mind and a lot of influence in these hills, these people, and knows things that are worth knowing. The reason that they will vote for me, if they do, the people, even if they think that I’m liberal, whatever that is, is that I’ll sit down with all these people and talk to them.”

    "Obama Accused Of Dividing America With "Racist" Speech About George Zimmerman Verdict"

    "Obama has done more to divide races than anybody else."

  • DylanDylan 61 Pts   -  
    I fail to see how his recent comments towards the four congresswomen are actually racist. He simply said if you hate America and they way we do things here, go back to the country you're from that you praise so highly, fix their problems, then come back and show us how it's done by all means. I see no signs of prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against anyone purely based off of race from this comment. I genuinely believe people are just looking for something to scream "RACIST!" at Trump for considering how many ridiculous excuses  people have found to accuse him of racism for ideas they previously supported, then were suddenly against those same ideas because Trump was the one advocating for it now. 

    Back when Obama said this, it was considered common sense and everyone supported the idea (even liberals):

    However, when Trump says the exact same thing it's apparently racist now. Why? Because Trump is the one saying it and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!! I believe this recent narrative that's surfaced over his tweets is just another smear tactic. 
  • AmpersandAmpersand 858 Pts   -   edited July 2019

    Trump stated:

    ""So interesting to see 'progressive' Democrat congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful nation on earth, how our government is to be run."

    "Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done."

    The comment is based on lies and racism. They didn't originally come from other countries and they are being attacked for not being American due to their skin colour.

    Classic racism.

    Would Trump have made the same comment to a middle aged white American ? Of course not.


    In your post you are literally equating natural born US citizens with illegal immigrants. The only basis for doing so seems to be skin colour. More racism.

    What else would you call discriminating against people due to their race?

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited July 2019


    An add on question for the forum:

    Was President Obama, Clinton, Nixon, or any of the other previous Presidents, besides President Trump, ever labelled a "Racist," for publicly expressing, non racist commentary, and was publicly treated in the same ways that Trump is being treated?

    Just imagine, if this wasn't a pre-election year, leading up to the, upcoming 2020 Election cycle?  

    Apparently some are trying to create a pre election publicity frenzy, to take advantage of the negative conversations, created over the unfounded use, of the term "Racist" in regards to the current President?

    An excerpt from the webpage:

    "In June 1974, a few months before Clinton would narrowly lose his congressional bid, he sat down for an interview with an oral history project.[11] Reaching out to the notorious segregationist was just good politics, he told the interviewers.

    “When did you build this friendship with Faubus?” one asked.

    “When I got ready to run for Congress,” Clinton answered.

    “But wouldn’t he be the last guy to go see, represented the old time machine?” the interviewer pressed.

    “No, no. See, that’s why I got elected. Because I don’t do things — I don’t think in terms of that,” Clinton said.

    “But wouldn’t the liberal mind, whatever it is in this district, think that way?”

    “Well, the liberal mind might, but I don’t have a liberal mind, I guess, if that’s the way they think. It’s a matter of politics and how you get votes,” Clinton said of doing his dance with white supremacists. “Faubus has a fine mind and a lot of influence in these hills, these people, and knows things that are worth knowing. The reason that they will vote for me, if they do, the people, even if they think that I’m liberal, whatever that is, is that I’ll sit down with all these people and talk to them.”

    "Obama Accused Of Dividing America With "Racist" Speech About George Zimmerman Verdict"

    "Obama has done more to divide races than anybody else."

  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  
    Trump: "So interesting to see 'progressive' Democrat congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all)"

    Ironically, he's unaware that he is correct as he is talking about his own administration... 

    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Do you have any legitimate evidence to support your claim?

    A sound bite from an off the record interview maybe?

    "Ironically, he's unaware that he is correct as he is talking about his own administration."

    Or is the above perhaps, just self supported by your individual opinion m 
  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  

    3 of those women are american born so when he said "who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe ", he was talking about America and his inept administration... The fact that he did not realize it demonstrates his ineptitude even more...
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • WinstonCWinstonC 235 Pts   -   edited July 2019
    @Plaffelvohfen Does the context imply that these 4 congresswomen are who he's referring to? I've been looking in good faith for any evidence that the context does imply "the squad" are the tweet's target but I can't find any.

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    What are your thoughts on the below, in regards to former Presidents, Obama, and Clinton?

    An add on question for the forum:

    Was President Obama, Clinton, Nixon, or any of the other previous Presidents, besides President Trump, ever labelled a "Racist," for publicly expressing, non racist commentary, and was publicly treated in the same ways that Trump is being treated?

    Just imagine, if this wasn't a pre-election year, leading up to the, upcoming 2020 Election cycle?  

    Apparently some are trying to create a pre election publicity frenzy, to take advantage of the negative conversations, created over the unfounded use, of the term "Racist" in regards to the current President?

    An excerpt from the webpage:

    "In June 1974, a few months before Clinton would narrowly lose his congressional bid, he sat down for an interview with an oral history project.[11] Reaching out to the notorious segregationist was just good politics, he told the interviewers.

    “When did you build this friendship with Faubus?” one asked.

    “When I got ready to run for Congress,” Clinton answered.

    “But wouldn’t he be the last guy to go see, represented the old time machine?” the interviewer pressed.

    “No, no. See, that’s why I got elected. Because I don’t do things — I don’t think in terms of that,” Clinton said.

    “But wouldn’t the liberal mind, whatever it is in this district, think that way?”

    “Well, the liberal mind might, but I don’t have a liberal mind, I guess, if that’s the way they think. It’s a matter of politics and how you get votes,” Clinton said of doing his dance with white supremacists. “Faubus has a fine mind and a lot of influence in these hills, these people, and knows things that are worth knowing. The reason that they will vote for me, if they do, the people, even if they think that I’m liberal, whatever that is, is that I’ll sit down with all these people and talk to them.”

    "Obama Accused Of Dividing America With "Racist" Speech About George Zimmerman Verdict"

    "Obama has done more to divide races than anybody else." 

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Prove it, where is your sourced evidence, to support your below claim? 

    (I'm sure, that you have a published source, to support your opinion? 

    From CNN, MSNBC, NPR, OAN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WHRO, or maybe even Fox news?

     Or maybe from the New York Times, or the Washington Post? Or maybe from YouTube?)


    "he was talking about America and his inept administration... The fact that he did not realize it demonstrates his ineptitude even more..."

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    I've been asking for some, to provide some sourced material, and thus far, there is none.

    Just millions of apparent anti Trump individuals, expressing self created opinion, with no credible sourced, published, or even video evidence, to self support, the individually created opinions, of those same individuals? 

    And a thought, I wonder how many of those same, millions of anti Trump individuals, are pro President Obama, and Hillary Clinton, and former President Clinton supporters? 
  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  
    WinstonC said:
    @Plaffelvohfen Does the context imply that these 4 congresswomen are who he's referring to? I've been looking in good faith for any evidence that the context does imply "the squad" are the tweet's target but I can't find any.

    Obviously it does... 
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited July 2019

    Prove it, where is your sourced evidence, to support your below claim? 

    (I'm sure, that you have a published source, to support your opinion? 

    From CNN, MSNBC, NPR, OAN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WHRO, or maybe even Fox news?

     Or maybe from the New York Times, or the Washington Post? Or maybe from YouTube?)


    "he was talking about America and his inept administration... The fact that he did not realize it demonstrates his ineptitude even more..."


    An example of how things not said, get expressed as an opinion? %1$s&ampshare= 

    "Trump Disavows ‘Send Her Back’ Chant After Pressure From G.O.P."

    Some excerpts from the article:

    "WASHINGTON — Nervous Republicans, from senior members of Congress to his own daughter Ivanka, urged President Trump on Thursday to repudiate the “send her back” chant directed at a Somali-born congresswoman during his speech the night before at a rally in North Carolina, amid widespread fears that the rally had veered into territory that could hurt their party in 2020.

    In response, Mr. Trump disavowed the behavior of his own supporters in comments to reporters at the White House and claimed that he had tried to contain it, an assertion clearly contradicted by video of the event.

    Mr. Trump said he was “not happy” with the chant directed at Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, a freshman Democrat who is Muslim. At the rally Wednesday evening, he had been in the middle of denouncing her as an anti-American leftist who has spoken in “vicious, anti-Semitic screeds” when the chant was taken up by the crowd.

    Pressed on why he did not stop it, Mr. Trump said, “I think I did — I started speaking very quickly.” In fact, as the crowd roared “send her back,” Mr. Trump paused and looked around silently for more than 10 seconds as the scene unfolded in front of him, doing nothing to halt the chorus. “I didn’t say that,” he added. “They did.” 

    "Ms. Omar responded on Thursday by calling Mr. Trump a “fascist,” but said there was nothing new about his behavior or the response of his supporters. She cited his years of false claims that Barack Obama was not born in the United States."

    "Ms. Ocasio-Cortez told reporters on Thursday she was worried for her safety. Ms. Omar did not express such concern, but worried aloud about fellow Muslim immigrants."

    “What I am scared for is the safety of people who share my identity,” said Ms. Omar, who has stood out in Congress with colorful head coverings. “When you have a president who clearly thinks someone like me should go back, the message that he is sending is not for me, it is for every single person who shares my identity.”

    "The latest criticism of Mr. Trump’s language comes two days after the House took the remarkable step of passing a resolution condemning his tweets and asserting that they were “racist comments that legitimized and increased hatred of new Americans and people of color.” Only four Republicans voted yes. All others, including Mr. Emmer and Mr. Walker, voted no.

    Hours before the president’s rally, the House killed an attempt to impeach Mr. Trump for the statements. But on Thursday morning, his race- and ethnicity-based insults were cited by Representative Peter Welch of Vermont, the latest Democrat to call for impeachment, as one piece of evidence that his presidency has “wrought an unprecedented and unrelenting assault on the pillars and guardrails of our democracy.” 

    There appears to be a fair, and unfair amount of opinions, right Plaffelvohfen?

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    More opinions: %1$s&ampshare= 

    An excerpt from the article:

    "The Trump racism spin cycle

    Trump is forcing conservatives to confront the real reason their base hates Rep. Ilhan Omar."

    "Surely, Trump’s comments regarding Judge Gonzalo Curiel weren’t racist because Curiel was a member of a Latino lawyers association with a similar name to another group that opposed Trump. Surely, the travel ban or Trump’s remarks about (blank countries” ) (and his wish for more immigration from Norway) weren’t racist because that’s just how “forgotten America” talks. Trump’s tweets urging four congresswomen to “go back” where they came from weren’t racist because what does “racist” even mean anymore? And even now, some conservatives are defending the rally chant because Omar’s past remarks are “blatantly anti-American” and thus the chant wasn’t a big deal."

    "Since 2015, many on the right, both conservative and not, have responded not to what Trump says but to what they think he meant by what he said, viewing Trump not as an individual, but a tabula rasa upon which their biggest hopes could be projected.

    So Trump will continue to say racist things, and his biggest defenders will either interpret those racist things in the most positive way possible or embrace his racism wholeheartedly because, as the Bulwark’s Andrew Egger wrote, “For a critical mass of conservatives, it is a sign that a given act is actually praiseworthy and brave if it draws condemnation from the despised left-wing media.” 

    "Mandel told me that the Trump rally puts House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a tough position, caught between the most progressive wing of her party and Trump. But I’d argue that conservatives are caught in an even tougher one: challenge Trump and face the ire of his base, or submit to him, and his racism, with the hope that perhaps this will all just go away."

  • I agree with what the US government and Donald Trumps Advisors stating that it was out of order what he specifically said.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6165 Pts   -  
    Trump's words may have been unfair, but they do not constitute racism in any way. Not a single time did he refer to anyone's race. He referred to people's country of origin, so, I suppose, you could call it an expression of nationalism and xenophobia - but it has nothing to do with racism.

    At this point, people do not even understand what words mean any more. They throw the same overused terms again and again, regardless of the context. Everyone is racist, sexist, fascist and so on and so on, as long as you disagree with them on something. And the double standards are especially noticeable: it is not considered racism to say things like "white privilege" or celebrate that white people are a minority at some school, but it is racism to say "special treatment of blacks" or celebrate that white people are a majority at some school.
    Truly, people who yell "racism" the loudest turn out to be the biggest racists out there, making everything about the race, regardless of the context.

    Never thought I would have to defend someone like Trump from unfair criticism. I guess we are hitting new bottoms here, when even Trump is less biased in his narrative than most of his opponents.
  • AmpersandAmpersand 858 Pts   -  
    TKDB said:

    What are your thoughts on the below, in regards to former Presidents, Obama, and Clinton?

    An add on question for the forum:

    Was President Obama, Clinton, Nixon, or any of the other previous Presidents, besides President Trump, ever labelled a "Racist," for publicly expressing, non racist commentary, and was publicly treated in the same ways that Trump is being treated?

    Just imagine, if this wasn't a pre-election year, leading up to the, upcoming 2020 Election cycle?  

    Apparently some are trying to create a pre election publicity frenzy, to take advantage of the negative conversations, created over the unfounded use, of the term "Racist" in regards to the current President?

    Irrelevant, because it tries to run away from the question of whether Trump is racist by just assuming he isn't.

    TKDB said:

    An excerpt from the webpage:

    "In June 1974, a few months before Clinton would narrowly lose his congressional bid, he sat down for an interview with an oral history project.[11] Reaching out to the notorious segregationist was just good politics, he told the interviewers.

    “When did you build this friendship with Faubus?” one asked.

    “When I got ready to run for Congress,” Clinton answered.

    “But wouldn’t he be the last guy to go see, represented the old time machine?” the interviewer pressed.

    “No, no. See, that’s why I got elected. Because I don’t do things — I don’t think in terms of that,” Clinton said.

    “But wouldn’t the liberal mind, whatever it is in this district, think that way?”

    “Well, the liberal mind might, but I don’t have a liberal mind, I guess, if that’s the way they think. It’s a matter of politics and how you get votes,” Clinton said of doing his dance with white supremacists. “Faubus has a fine mind and a lot of influence in these hills, these people, and knows things that are worth knowing. The reason that they will vote for me, if they do, the people, even if they think that I’m liberal, whatever that is, is that I’ll sit down with all these people and talk to them.” 

    Actually looking up the original interview from ~40 years ago, Clinton says he had a series of sit down conversations with Faubus totalling 8 hours and disagreed with his positions.

    I don't especially like Clinton and think he's fairly racist but you should at least criticise him honestly and by the standards you're now trying to present both you and Trump are racist. 
    TKDB said:

    "Obama Accused Of Dividing America With "Racist" Speech About George Zimmerman Verdict"

    "Obama has done more to divide races than anybody else." 

    This is really scraping the bottom of the battle. Several people on twitter said something. Oh no! By that standard literally every single person of note in human history is a racist, the earth is flat and crystals have magic healing powers.

    You'll also note that if you check what else those people are tweeting, a lot of them are Pro-Trump racists spouting conspiracy theories e.g. and his belief that Obama is a secret Muslim plant who was trying to destroy the USA.

    So some people being mad and talking on twitter about Obama is what you're comparing to Trump who:

    a) Racially discriminates against people regularly.

    b) Has literally has the businesses he runs be found guilty of racial discrimination multiple times.

    c) Has literally tried to have innocent black US citizens killed.
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited July 2019

    How about, maybe, educating yourself on some Presidential History?

    Because each President, has their own legacy of words, that are self defining for each one.?

    And apparently some want to segregate Trump, from the other previous Presidents, as nothing more, than a liberal, scapegoating conversation tactic?



    He didn't say anything racist.

    But some of the various liberal individuals, and some of the Opinion Journalists, in a sense, unjustly get to place words in his mouth?

    And I find it, seriously unfounded, that these various individuals, say what they said, because they apparently want to use the current President, to earn some popularity points, from some of their  liberal minded constituents, or fanbases? 

    He gets called a "fascist, a racist," and this and that, and because we currently have the internet, and some want to treat it, like their own homemade podium, and say what they will, because their opinions matter, more than, living, and breathing facts matter?

    I call Opinion Journalism, a sad version of Polite Fraud. 

    While Old School Journalism, doesn't require, some polite fraud to make it worthy? 

    Because facts, are worthy of credibility.

    And some opinions, are apparently a liberal based concept?

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    If you have an issue, with an individual on Twitter, than have a discussion with the individual? 

    What does the below, have to do with this specific forum?

    Other than you, bringing it to the discussion? 

    "You'll also note that if you check what else those people are tweeting, a lot of them are Pro-Trump racists spouting conspiracy theories e.g. and his belief that Obama is a secret Muslim plant who was trying to destroy the USA.

    So some people being mad and talking on twitter about Obama is what you're comparing to Trump who:

    a) Racially discriminates against people regularly.

    b) Has literally has the businesses he runs be found guilty of racial discrimination multiple times.

    c) Has literally tried to have innocent black US citizens killed. "

    Can you prove any of the above?

    Or are you trying to throw some liberal shade on the conversation? 

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited July 2019


    @Plaffelvohfen %1$s&ampshare= 

    "Diamond and Silk live to say things."

    "As the GOP’s sock puppets of choice and ardent proponents of all things loud and wrong, Shuck and Jive aren’t always there when you call, but they’re always on time to deliver their unique brand of high-decibel absurdity with a side of contrived blather."

    "Feel free to read them yourself."

    "Which brings us to Pelosi addressing Trump’s Twitter fingers herself on Tuesday."

    “Every single member of this institution should join us in condemning the president’s racist tweets,” Pelosi said during a speech on the House floor. “To do anything less would be a shocking rejection of our values and a shameful abdication of our oath of office to protect the American people.”

    “Nancy Pelosi said the WORDS that the President used were racist,” they tweeted. “But those same words are in the Dictionary. Does that mean that the Dictionary is now racist? Should all Dictionaries be banned since Democrats are offended by words?”

    More fair, or unfair opinions? 

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