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Ten-Reasons Atheism is Destroying America

Debate Information

1) The Atheist is an enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ and they serve His most prolific adversary, Satan, by default. Atheism is actually a facade, a futile exercise in self-deception, why and how? Every man and every woman, having attained an age of reason, intuitively knows that our Creator exists and they intuitively know by what has been made in Nature e.g. the origin of matter – the Universe down to the complexity of the human genome; it is these supernatural forms of preliminary empirical evidence which clearly testify to the Truth that our Creator has dominion over the Universe, Time, Life, Death and Eternity; therefore, the Atheist is “without excuse.” For all intents and purposes, there is no difference between the loyalty of the Atheist and the Satanist, both serve Satan and both seek death in sin and death in Hell in futility. (Romans 1:18-32)

2) The Atheist is a most ardent enemy of America because as Satan’s emissary in Time, the atheist espouses an ideology that demonically, radically, seeks the mutilation of America’s posterity in the womb. It is the father of Atheism, Satan, that has successfully established dominion in the abortion industry in America via Roe v. Wade (1973) and it is the shedding of innocent blood that has brought the judgment and wrath of our God upon this Nation; therefore, the atheist and their rebellious ideology plays a strategic role in the unconscionable act of abortion on demand resulting in God’s wrath and judgment upon the United States. (Proverbs 6:17; Deuteronomy 28:15-68)

3) The Atheist supports a demonically-based ideology that seeks to destroy the Biblical Family Unit through legitimization of sexual perversion affirmed by Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) “Same Sex Marriage” that is destroying our posterity through LGBTQ confusion, suicide, while this unconscionable immorality directly attacks and undermines middle-and-lower-class-America’s sustainability. Without a dad and a mom at home, raising their children in the knowledge and respect of our Lord Jesus Christ, America’s Constitutional Republic cannot be sustained! The Biblical family unit is the bedrock of America’s sustainability.

4) The Atheist radically espouse the most prolific deception to have ever been thrust upon the mind of mankind i.e. Darwinian Evolutionary Theory which has been forcibly infused into the minds of many millions of American youth subsequent to the early 1960’s. Darwinian Evolutionary Theory, in conjunction with socialistic historical revisionism, has resulted in morphing America’s posterity into radicalized atheistic socialists. Evolution is a most efficient promulgator of Atheism and this demonic hoax has been incredibly successful in destroying the faith, the self-worth, the hope, future and eternity of many millions of American youth, many of whom are now Millennial’s and Gen-Z young adults entering America’s workforce, America’s Government and unfortunately, the voting booth. It is atheistic evolution that has initiated, under girded, supported and continues to promulgate America’s ever-increasing culture of death and hopelessness.

5) It is the Atheist that provides unwavering support for the destructive Progressive-Socialist agenda of “open borders” giving way to unencumbered non-assimilating multiculturalism that will destroy America’s economy, America’s National identity, but more importantly, open borders endanger the lives of the American people and stymies the first duty of Government i.e. protection.

6) It is the Atheist that blindly serves and radically espouses the Globalist-Socialist HOAX of “man-induced climate change.” A socialistic-strategy aimed at subtly acquiring Globalist-Socialist control over every means of production-distribution of goods and services throughout the World. A demonically-based initiative that will destroy the economy of the United States when mindless, power-hungry, Progressive-Socialists capture the Executive-Legislative-Judicial Branches of Government.

7) The Atheist supports the demonic ideology of Leninism-socialism/Marxist-communism that will destroy America’s Constitutional Republic and create an economic-sociological environment directly responsible for the death of 100-million people in the last 100-years.

8) It is the Atheist that represents a mindset, a demonic religion i.e. Atheism; a secularist, naturalist, morally relativistic ideology that is the antithesis of the faith and allegiance to God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, necessary for the sustainability of America’s Constitutional Republic.

9) It is the Atheist who is Satan’s representative within the Realm of Time and they represent that growing segment of America’s population that offends our Creator as they espouse those aberrant behaviors that have distanced Him from America’s protection/provision that only our Creator, Jesus Christ, can provide.

In conclusion…

10) It is the Atheist that is representative of evil in the Land of America and as long as Satan’s emissaries via an atheistic ideology are tolerated in our society and in our Government, the American people will suffer the wrath of our God in our apostasy/unfaithfulness. Most tragically, it is America’s posterity that will suffer horrifically because “men” of the twentieth-and-twenty-first-Century did nothing to stop the demonization of American Culture by radical Atheists, Globalists, Progressive-Socialists, Islamist’.

PlaffelvohfenZeusAres42SkepticalOneZombieguy1987대왕광개토Dr_MaybesmoothieScienceRulesAlofRIJGXdebatePROand 4 others.

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  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  
    Happy_KillbotRickeyDPlaffelvohfenZombieguy1987AlofRIsmoothieScienceRulesWe_are_accountableJGXdebatePROxlJ_dolphin_473and 2 others.
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -   edited November 2019
    @Dee Have you studied the challenge of Abraham's faith concerning Isaac? Are you aware of the prophecies internal relevant to this scenario? Do you know why God tested Abraham? Did you know that Isaac was Abraham's only "promised" son through whom Messiah would enter the World? Did you know that Mt. Moriah is Mt. Golgotha which is the same Mountain that Messiah was crucified on? Did you know that Isaac carried the wood for his potential sacrifice just as Jesus carried His cross (with assistance) to the same point on Mt. Moriah? Did you know that Abraham prophesied that God would provide a "Lamb" (representing the Lamb of God-Jesus Christ) for the sacrifice and that later a "Ram" was found and prepared for the sacrifice as opposed to Isaac? Do you understand the significance of this scenario concerning your life and your destiny in Eternity if you choose to trust in Jesus Christ as Lord as opposed to dying in atheism and dying in Hell in your unrepentant sin?

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -   edited November 2019
    I will just offer a quote by one of the most vocal anti-socialists in the history of America, Ayn Rand:
    Faith is the worst curse of mankind, as the exact antithesis and enemy of thought.
    To rest one's case on faith means to concede that reason is on the side of one's enemies- that one has no rational arguments to offer.
    As I see it, Christianity is not fundamentally different in this regard from Islam, socialism, communism, nationalism, fascism, syndicalism and other collectivist ideologies - in that it postulates a series of statements that have no basis in reality, vilifies everyone who does not abide by those statements, and requires that the abiding majority takes action against the dissenting minority.

    Totalitarian ideologies are the worst enemy of a human being, responsible for the vast majority of atrocities humans have inflicted on each other throughout history, and there is no excuse for anyone who follows them, whatever "greater good" they may have in mind. There is no worse crime against humanity, than taking away people's individual liberties, except for one: conceding one's own individual liberty voluntarily.

    On the other hand, what crimes has atheism induced? Have there been crusades in the name of atheism? Domestic purges in the name of atheism? Wars in the name of atheism? No. Atheists mostly just want to be left alone. You can believe whatever you want, even that atheists are an embodiment of evil - as long as it does not cause you to hurt anyone.
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar Ayn was ignorant of Christianity and she was citing Catholicism not Christianity. If you lack knowledge of the differences between Catholicism and true Christianity, you, like Ayn won't understand as well.

    Catholicism has never been Christian. Catholicism was founded by Constantine in 312-313AD via the Edict of Milan by merging Babylonian Paganism/Roman Paganism with elements of Christian and non-Christian (Apocrypha) doctrine in order to make the pagan cult more palatable to the masses.

    The Mass; The Sacraments; Transubstantiation; Purgatory; The Rosary; Statues in Worship; The Perpetual Virginity of Mary as the Goddess of Heaven; The Idolatry of Mary Worship; calling Catholic Leadership as "Father"; Confessing sin to a Priest; The Magisterium; Indulgences; these are NOT Scriptural and undermine the purity and simplicity of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord; thereby, leading the innocent millions/billions in the way of deception and hopelessness.

    Atheism is a lie and it's death of the body, mind and soul in Hell.

  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  
    How do you know any of this is true?
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @RickeyD ; I policed this society for 31-yrs...I've watched the insanity of atheism-progressive socialism mature into a slithering viper of ignorance, sexual perversion, baby mutilation, socialism. I've handled it, incarcerated it, fought it, chased it.
    ZeusAres42Happy_KillbotPlaffelvohfenTKDBZombieguy1987대왕광개토Dr_MaybesmoothieMonketrunkJeffreyBlankenshipand 2 others.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  

    Her quote I cited is not about Catholicism, nor is it about Christianity; it is about faith in general, faith in anything, as opposed to reason. Whether Catholicism is a subset of Christianity (it is) or not has no bearing on the relevance of the quote.

    I am not deeply interested in what your particular version of Christianity considers a canon, and what it labels as heresy. To me, all of those books belong to the same category of fantasy fiction.

    On the other hand, Ayn Rand's books and other writings make perfect sense to me and describe a lot of things we can observe in the real world around us. We have real examples in countries such as North Korea or Cuba, demonstrating her points perfectly. I do not see any country demonstrating the biblical points, however, and, in fact, those few countries around the world that still have not reformed their political system into a secular one tend to do much worse in terms of quality of life, than those that have.
    So, Ayn Rand's points have real world evidence, while the Biblical ones do not. Which, in light of this, should be taken more seriously, do you think?
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    What is this faith that you object too? Be specific and explain what it is and why you're adverse to it? Explain your belief system/worldview or lack thereof and how it is absent faith?
  • SandSand 307 Pts   -  
    We know you are right, it is not what you say, it is how you say it.

    You may already be applying this, but just something to keep in mind:

    Titus 3:1-3 - "Remind your people to submit to rulers and authorities, to obey them, and to be ready to do good in every way. Tell them not to speak evil of anyone, but to be peaceful and friendly, and always to show a gentle attitude toward everyone. For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, and wrong. We were slaves to passions and pleasures of all kinds. We spent our lives in malice and envy; others hated us and we hated them. "
    1 Peter 3:14,15 - "But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. AND DO NOT FEAR THEIR INTIMIDATION, AND DO NOT BE TROUBLED, but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;"

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -   edited November 2019
    @Sand What is your point? Be the point..
  • SandSand 307 Pts   -  
    Carry on. Just thoughts.
  • SandSand 307 Pts   -  
    I feel you should believe and feel whatever you want to believe and feel.
    Atheism is a way of thought and life, that many have taken in the lack of answers and conduct of Religious people.
    I do not blame them, I only encourage them to keep their minds open.
    As I would do for them.

    >>>>On the other hand, what crimes has atheism induced? Have there been crusades in the name of atheism? Domestic purges in the name of atheism? Wars in the name of atheism? No. Atheists mostly just want to be left alone.

    I would have to disagree.
    How can atheist wash their hands on these crimes of history?

    Unless you feel that Atheist does not vote, or take part in politics.

    Maybe you feel atheists do participate in the military or war.

    I feel it is going too far in calling Atheists evil because it is just a way of thinking.
    Of course, I would never want to judge any group as evil.
    Just because I do not share that viewpoint, doesn't mean it is not right.
    I feel that atheists do not get a pass because they do not have a general guideline they all stick by other than lack of belief in God and the Bible.
    Technically in a sense, we were all Atheists at one time in life.
    Just the majority of people chose religious paths.
    I feel everyone should have the option to choose Atheism as a way of life.
    Plus I enjoy my conversations with Atheists, although harsh at times, I find them very intelligent, practical, and reasonable.

    Because we know it is an individual's bad actions that should be judged.
    Nevertheless, I would like Atheists to give Religious groups the same respect.

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -   edited November 2019

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -   edited November 2019

    1) Atheism via socialism-communism-moral relativism-secularism-naturalism has killed more people than all religious wars combined.

    2) Show me a war, one war, initiated by Christianity for illegitimate reasons...don't cite Catholicism, Islam, cite ONLY Christianity.

    3) Atheism, the ideology of same, is based in the demonic ideology of moral relativism and has thus far murdered 61-million babies in the United States alone. The Guttmacher Institute estimates as of 2010–2014, an estimated 55.9 million abortions occur each year around the World—49.3 million in developing regions and 6.6 million in developed regions. Christians don't murder babes, if they say they're a Christian and murder their baby, they're a bigger than the atheist. Every abortion has as its foundation in the demonic, Satan, and it is Satan who is the god of Atheism.

    4) An overwhelming number of those voting for Progressive-Democrats-Socialists are atheists-secularists-humanists-moral relativists-nihilists-naturalists-sodomites-abortionists and each and everyone of them is directly responsible for abortion, the vileness and destruction of LGBTQ, socialism slithering into our Nation like a satanic snake.

    5) As a former United States Marine NCO Infantryman, if an atheist is in my platoon, I don't won't him anywhere around me in training or in combat. If a man or woman is willing to lie to themselves about the necessity for our Creator in order to pursue their aberrant lust, I don't trust them.

    6) Atheists serve Satan by default, even if unaware, they are the children of Satan and Satan is their spiritual father (John 8:44). Atheists are Satan's representative in Time and as one who loves my Lord and is thankful for all He has done for me, I consider the Atheist a loathsome enemy of my God, my family, my Nation. Atheism via Progressive Socialism will be the death of America's Constitutional Republic and my beautiful Grandson stands to suffer because of the the insanity of atheism and their stupidity and idiocy in unbelief as the atheist forfeits all in narcissism to ingratiate their flesh in rebellion to that which they know to be true, our God.

    7) Even from my childhood, I was aware that my Creator existed subsequent to a glance a clear night sky...though I did not know His Name for many years later, commonsense-logic-reason, from even childhood, mandates design in our Universe and that design mandates a supernatural Designer. The atheist knows this but they love their sodomy, their flesh, their rebellion, more than Truth.

    8) Every atheist is a . They lie to God, to their fellowman and themselves. This accusation is substantiated by the Holy Spirit who confirms that anyone having attained an age of reason and possessing at least a modicum of cognitive acuity intuitively knows our Creator exists and for this reason the atheist will be "without excuse" when they stand in the Judgment before Jesus Christ for adjudication prior to losing both body and soul in Hell (Revelation 20:11-15; Matthew 10:28).

    9) Having policed the atheist for 31-yrs. in the 4th-largest municipality in the United States, I have ZERO respect for the atheist and consider them a metastasizing boil on the butt of America.

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -   edited November 2019

    1) The Satanic ideology of Atheism is responsible for more death in history via socialism-communism-secularism than all religious wars combined, in fact, there are those "religions" such as Islam and Catholicism that are demonic at their core and will be judged for their compromise with Satan just as the Atheist, even if unaware.

    2) Atheism and its demonic cohorts are responsible for 61-million dead babies in America via abortion and Atheism is also responsible for an estimated 55.9-million dead babies Worldwide every year between 2010-1014 as per the Guttmacher institute. Atheism is death to the body, mind, soul, of anyone affiliated with the demonic religion. Anyone who claims Christians murder their babies is a and anyone who murders their baby and claims to be a Christian is a as well.

    3) I challenge you to cite one-illegitimate war initiated by Christianity...please do not cite pagan Catholicism (the Crusades, Inquisition) or demonic Islam (270-million deaths by the Caliphate) as these entities serve the same god as the Atheist.

    4) It is the Atheist, the Socialist, Secularists, Naturalist, Nihilist, Moral Relativist, Satanist, Humanist, that overwhelmingly supports and advocates for the demonically-based political platform of the Progressive-Socialist-Democrat Party. A Political Party that fights for the right to murder babies in the womb, fights for the right to engage without shame in LGBTQ sexual perversion that is being forced upon and is destroying America's posterity; a Political Party that fights for the infusion of Leninism-Marxism in the United States - a political ideology responsible for 100-million deaths in the last 100-years. Atheism is insanity on steroids.

    5) Every Atheist is a and the Holy Spirit confirms this truism by articulating that every man and woman having attained an age of reason/accountability and possessing at least a modicum of cognitive acuity...this person intuitively knows our Creator exists and they will be "without excuse" in the Judgment before Jesus Christ in Eternity.

    It is written in God's word concerning the Atheist,  (Romans 1:18-32)

    For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.

    Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

    For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

    And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.  Romans 1:18-32 (NASB)

  • kakalam777kakalam777 57 Pts   -  
    As I see it, Christianity is not fundamentally different in this regard from Islam.

    As a member of Islamic faith, I disagree that we are enemy of thought. We agree knowledge is power and encourage everyone to acquire it. But knowledge should come with humility not arrogance, superiority complex and selfish desires just by reading some Wikipedia pages. And I see many people when having a conversation with me try to degrade my status as a human being just because I follow faith and especially Muslim faith. And it is obvious they are not here to have a fair discussion but to bash people with their half-baked knowledge about the faith they don't even follow nor learned all aspects of it. Atheist say that we are enemies of thought but we say knowledge comes from God because He is the only All-Knowing, and it is a form of worship to acquire knowledge as well. But we don't place knowledge above God because we understand more than anyone that knowing some principles and laws of this universe does not make us superior to God and His knowledge, nor can we use the principle and laws of this universe to prove God because universe is a creation from theist perspective and you can't use principle and laws that are bound to creation to prove a creator, who is beyond created space and time. 

    I agree with rest of your statements.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -   edited November 2019

    I have absolutely nothing against you for following Islam; you are not a lesser being in my eyes in the slightest, and I respect you as much as I respect anyone else who have not done anything explicit to lose that respect, including any such atheist. I do not hold people's views against them, even when I strongly disagree with them.

    Things that cause me to lose respect for someone have to do with their actions, not words. I think low of people who cannot tolerate differences in opinions and always try to force their views on others. I do not think high of those who walk over other's heads, using them for their own gain and constantly betraying their trust. Those who refuse to think for themselves and mindlessly repeat a mantra they have learned at school, or by watching news - are not among my preferred fellow human beings.

    Views themselves - they are not much of a big deal to me. Obviously, I get along easier with people who think similarly to me, than with those who think 180 degrees apart - but as long as they keep an open mind and accept my views for what they are, just as much I will accept theirs.
    I have had a close friend who believed that women must be property of men; go figure. Whatever his beliefs vocally were, he treated his wife like a queen, and would sacrifice his life in a heartbeat if it could save hers.

    This I think is the right way to live one's life. Do not judge anything, including people, by what you see on the surface; look deeper and study what this surface masks, and only then cast your judgement. You will never be burned this way, you will always have a lot of people who have your back, and you will form deep, genuine relationships with people, as opposed to "Let us talk about the weather for the 100th time" pseudo-relationships. By the same token, you will have a fresh, constantly evolving outlook on your environment, and never let your biases lead you astray.
  • kakalam777kakalam777 57 Pts   -  
    I feel the same, I don't have any such reservations against people with different thoughts.
  • Zombieguy1987Zombieguy1987 471 Pts   -  
    RickeyD said:

    1) The Atheist is an enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ and they serve His most prolific adversary, Satan, by default. Atheism is actually a facade, a futile exercise in self-deception, why and how? Every man and every woman, having attained an age of reason, intuitively knows that our Creator exists and they intuitively know by what has been made in Nature e.g. the origin of matter – the Universe down to the complexity of the human genome; it is these supernatural forms of preliminary empirical evidence which clearly testify to the Truth that our Creator has dominion over the Universe, Time, Life, Death and Eternity; therefore, the Atheist is “without excuse.” For all intents and purposes, there is no difference between the loyalty of the Atheist and the Satanist, both serve Satan and both seek death in sin and death in Hell in futility. (Romans 1:18-32)

    2) The Atheist is a most ardent enemy of America because as Satan’s emissary in Time, the atheist espouses an ideology that demonically, radically, seeks the mutilation of America’s posterity in the womb. It is the father of Atheism, Satan, that has successfully established dominion in the abortion industry in America via Roe v. Wade (1973) and it is the shedding of innocent blood that has brought the judgment and wrath of our God upon this Nation; therefore, the atheist and their rebellious ideology plays a strategic role in the unconscionable act of abortion on demand resulting in God’s wrath and judgment upon the United States. (Proverbs 6:17; Deuteronomy 28:15-68)

    3) The Atheist supports a demonically-based ideology that seeks to destroy the Biblical Family Unit through legitimization of sexual perversion affirmed by Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) “Same Sex Marriage” that is destroying our posterity through LGBTQ confusion, suicide, while this unconscionable immorality directly attacks and undermines middle-and-lower-class-America’s sustainability. Without a dad and a mom at home, raising their children in the knowledge and respect of our Lord Jesus Christ, America’s Constitutional Republic cannot be sustained! The Biblical family unit is the bedrock of America’s sustainability.

    4) The Atheist radically espouse the most prolific deception to have ever been thrust upon the mind of mankind i.e. Darwinian Evolutionary Theory which has been forcibly infused into the minds of many millions of American youth subsequent to the early 1960’s. Darwinian Evolutionary Theory, in conjunction with socialistic historical revisionism, has resulted in morphing America’s posterity into radicalized atheistic socialists. Evolution is a most efficient promulgator of Atheism and this demonic hoax has been incredibly successful in destroying the faith, the self-worth, the hope, future and eternity of many millions of American youth, many of whom are now Millennial’s and Gen-Z young adults entering America’s workforce, America’s Government and unfortunately, the voting booth. It is atheistic evolution that has initiated, under girded, supported and continues to promulgate America’s ever-increasing culture of death and hopelessness.

    5) It is the Atheist that provides unwavering support for the destructive Progressive-Socialist agenda of “open borders” giving way to unencumbered non-assimilating multiculturalism that will destroy America’s economy, America’s National identity, but more importantly, open borders endanger the lives of the American people and stymies the first duty of Government i.e. protection.

    6) It is the Atheist that blindly serves and radically espouses the Globalist-Socialist HOAX of “man-induced climate change.” A socialistic-strategy aimed at subtly acquiring Globalist-Socialist control over every means of production-distribution of goods and services throughout the World. A demonically-based initiative that will destroy the economy of the United States when mindless, power-hungry, Progressive-Socialists capture the Executive-Legislative-Judicial Branches of Government.

    7) The Atheist supports the demonic ideology of Leninism-socialism/Marxist-communism that will destroy America’s Constitutional Republic and create an economic-sociological environment directly responsible for the death of 100-million people in the last 100-years.

    8) It is the Atheist that represents a mindset, a demonic religion i.e. Atheism; a secularist, naturalist, morally relativistic ideology that is the antithesis of the faith and allegiance to God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, necessary for the sustainability of America’s Constitutional Republic.

    9) It is the Atheist who is Satan’s representative within the Realm of Time and they represent that growing segment of America’s population that offends our Creator as they espouse those aberrant behaviors that have distanced Him from America’s protection/provision that only our Creator, Jesus Christ, can provide.

    In conclusion…

    10) It is the Atheist that is representative of evil in the Land of America and as long as Satan’s emissaries via an atheistic ideology are tolerated in our society and in our Government, the American people will suffer the wrath of our God in our apostasy/unfaithfulness. Most tragically, it is America’s posterity that will suffer horrifically because “men” of the twentieth-and-twenty-first-Century did nothing to stop the demonization of American Culture by radical Atheists, Globalists, Progressive-Socialists, Islamist’.

    Sounds like fear mongering 

  • SandSand 307 Pts   -  
    Some Christians feel so strongly about someone's beliefs that they violate other scriptures in order to get their point across.
    When you have two persons with this same disposition on contrasting beliefs, this is what fosters disagreement, conflict, fights, and war.
    In an effort to understand the issues between the two opposing sides, questions are developed.
    Not just on the issue, but on the basis for belief.

    It is heavy viewpoints like these that cause Atheistic conclusions.

    Religion is the creator of Atheism.

    This will continue until the majority of the paths chosen will be Atheism.
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Thank you for the unwanted sermon from the mount , yes you carry on kissing the of your god who's slaughtered 25 million of his creations and who totally approves of slavery .....

    Stalin was more moral than your god 
  • Dr_MaybeDr_Maybe 138 Pts   -  

    Religion is destroying America because it’s dumb, your argument demonstrates that fact. Believing in things instead of understanding them is what is destroying America.

  • In order to be an enemy or oppose something, you have to believe it exists in the first place. Since Atheists have no belief in a God then they cannot oppose God, nor can they believe in the Devil either if they don't believe in God.

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Dr_Maybe Every atheist is a and knows that our Creator exists. Atheism is a ruse for the sodomite, the abortion advocate, the socialist, the narcissist, seeking to justify their sin by denying what they intuitively know exists. Every atheist is "without excuse" when they stand in the Judgment before Jesus Christ.

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Dee The only religion(s) destroying America are Atheism - Islam - Catholicism - Evolution.

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Sand ; Atheism is Satanic and is responsible for the behavior that incurred God's Judgment throughout history. Instead of mocking God for His justice, you should take heed and know that this same Judgment will come upon you as well lest you repent and turn to Jesus Christ as Lord for the mediation of your sin.

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Zombieguy1987 Atheism is a "religion" with its origin in the demonic. Atheism is a lie from Hell and a facade, a repository, for the sodomite, those who murder babies and the socialist-communist-narcissist. 
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @kakalam777 Simply Truth spoken about a faction of society, the atheist, that is metastasizing boil destroying the life and goodness of any people. 
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @RickeyD Only the fool, the spiritually ignorant, the demonically deceived fail to differentiate between life in Yeshua and death in Muhammad-Allah.

    Our Creator, the God of the Holy Bible, has identified Himself in Scripture by Name as “I AM” (Exodus 3:14) and we know Him as Jesus Christ-Yeshua who is Elohim in Genesis 1 and the Living Word of God in the Gospel of John, Chapter 1.

    Allah is NOT creator but Allah is created. Allah is Lucifer who was God’s chief cherub angel in the Kingdom of Heaven, but Lucifer coveted God’s authority and dominion while one-third of the entire angelic community followed Lucifer in his rebellion to usurp God’s authority.

    As a result of Lucifer’s (Allah) attempted Coup and because the destructive presence of sin is NOT permitted in God’s Kingdom, our Creator, Jesus Christ-Yeshua, spoke into existence the realm of Time, the Universe, Earth, mankind, at which time our Creator removed Lucifer and the rebellious angles from the Kingdom and placed them within the constraints of Time. It is here that we see the advent of Allah in the Garden of Eden who eventually manifests himself publicly via a religion initiated through Abraham, Hagar, Ishmael i.e. Islam. In close proximity in Time, we see the origin of Judaism/Christianity manifesting from the seed of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob AKA Israel.

    It is important to note that Ishmael (the genealogical genesis of Islam), the son of Abraham through Hagar, is NOT the son of promise but only Isaac born to Abraham and his wife, Sarah, did our Creator bring forth Messiah-Yeshua who died to provide mankind a pardon from death in sin and Hell. (Genesis 17:20-21)

    Why did our Creator choose to not simply destroy Lucifer and the angles for their Coup de taut?

    Lucifer-Allah is the adversary of our Creator, Jesus Christ-Yeshua, and God is dealing with Allah-Lucifer within the constraints of Time apart from the Kingdom of God where no sin is permitted. Our God is defined as LOVE and He desires relationship with both His angelic and human creation. In order for love and relationship to manifest in purity and authenticity, one must be free to choose to love or hate; otherwise love is robotic and impotent. Understand that our Creator did not destroy Lucifer (Allah) subsequent to his rebellion in the Kingdom because had our Creator arbitrarily destroyed Lucifer and the angels that followed Lucifer in the rebellion, the remaining two-thirds of the faithful angelic creation would no longer love our Creator out of free will/volition but out of fear. True love and relationship cannot manifest in fear; therefore, our Creator spoke into existence the realm of Time, this Universe and the Earth and placed Lucifer-Allah within the constraints of Time apart from the Heavenly Realm. The spiritual struggle between our Creator, Jesus Christ-Yeshua, and Allah-Satan is currently being played-out before our eyes constrained by the realm of Time. This cosmic struggle initiated by Lucifer-Allah can be seen in the Realm of Time as the struggle that exists today between Islam v. Israel and Allah’s hatred for the Jewish people and Islam’s hatred for the State of Israel.

    The faithful Angles in God’s Kingdom are watching the events unfold as Allah-Satan steals, kills, destroys, with impunity on this Earth and the faithful Angels will, in the summation of all things following the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ, these faithful Angles will agree with God that Allah-Lucifer/Satan must be destroyed. Satan-Allah will be confined and tormented in the Lake of Fire forever and the faithful Angles of God will agree that this punishment is just and righteous.

    All who have been deceived by Allah serve Satan unaware and they are seeking death in sin and death in Hell for their servitude of our Creator’s most prolific adversary, Allah, who is the demonic god of Islam!

    Everyone who has believed in Jesus Christ-Yeshua as Lord and entered into a relationship with God the Father by grace through faith in the Son, Jesus Christ, will spend Eternity with God in His Kingdom as servants. These faithful will be permitted to enter God’s Kingdom subsequent to death of the body because they have been redeemed and forgiven of all sin as a result of their faith in and love for Jesus Christ, the Son of God.


  • Some Christians feel so strongly about someone's beliefs that they violate other scriptures in order to get their point across.
    When you have two persons with this same disposition on contrasting beliefs, this is what fosters disagreement, conflict, fights, and war.
    In an effort to understand the issues between the two opposing sides, questions are developed.
    Not just on the issue, but on the basis for belief.

    It is heavy viewpoints like these that cause Atheistic conclusions.

    Religion is the creator of Atheism.

    This will continue until the majority of the paths chosen will be Atheism.

    And this also leads to others hating and detesting religion even further. A lot of the stuff that the OP is saying in this thread is what was believed in medieval Europe. While most of us have actually matured out of this stage I guess some still haven't. In short, the OP is not advocating Christianity but for some kind of Medieval sect based on the Old Testament.


  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  

    Seems like you need one of those, you can get out of the closet, it's nearly 2020, be free!!!

    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Atheism is a religion like baldness is a hairstyle , you really are offensively  
  • Basing your claims on the Bible, a heavily biased book that is known to contain words of an alleged all-powerful and all-knowing entity(God) who proclaims that he is always right, only makes you lose credibility. 
     RickeyD said:
    @RickeyD ; I policed this society for 31-yrs...I've watched the insanity of atheism-progressive socialism mature into a slithering viper of ignorance, sexual perversion, baby mutilation, socialism. I've handled it, incarcerated it, fought it, chased it.

    If you look at the source I posted above, you will realized that Christians and other religious people too support Democrats just like atheists do.

  • RickeyD said:
    @Zombieguy1987 Atheism is a "religion" with its origin in the demonic. Atheism is a lie from Hell and a facade, a repository, for the sodomite, those who murder babies and the socialist-communist-narcissist. 
    Is that picture describing people like you?
  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  
    I'm an atheist. I can say confidently that NO ONE who knows me considers me "evil". :smiley:  I certainly don't consider any atheists "gods" because I don't believe in them. I have nothing against anyone's! religion, as long as they don't hurt anyone, try to make everyone live by THEIR rules, or kill people "in the name of" their "god". I guess that makes me some kind of nasty being. 

    The evangelical movement in the U.S. is OBVIOUSLY trying to take over this country and move from freedom of religion to a "Christian country" with a Constitution  completely in line with THEIR BIBLE. That would open U.S. up to more religious wars, since the millions of Muslims "ain't gonna change" THEIR god, and the evangelicals would be feeling their power, and go from there to wanting a Christian world! What's that about "remembering history so we won't have to repeat it?"!
    I'm not a fan of Ayn Rand, but, there is one quote I really like: "You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality."

    Reality is, religions cause wars, and Christianity, historically, is one of the biggest offenders. Reality is, there is NO proof of ANY "god". Reality is, being Christian is NOT "freedom of religion". It is the "freedom" to believe what some tell you you MUST believe, whether you do or not! I choose NOT to avoid reality.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  
    RickeyD said:
    What is this faith that you object too? Be specific and explain what it is and why you're adverse to it? Explain your belief system/worldview or lack thereof and how it is absent faith?
    Faith is accepting some conclusion without due evidence. It is obvious what is wrong with this: it allows you to accept any conclusion you can possibly come up with, hence making you unable to distinguish plausible hypotheses from unlikely ones. How are you going to navigate life, when you accept conclusions not based on their merit, but based on what you want them to be?

    As for me, I have never said that my world view is absent faith. I actually have faith on a lot of topics: for example, I believe that all humans are fundamentally good, and it is the hardships of our lives that make us behave in irrational and destructive ways - but we can always reconnect with our internal goodness by making a conscious choice.

    However, this faith is a result of a conscious intelligent choice: I do not believe in this as if it was a physical reality, but I believe in this fully knowing that it is a product of my imagination. I just know that holding this belief makes me happier in life, and I have no illusions here.
    I certainly will not write a "holy book" claiming that this belief describes the fundamental structure of reality.
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Plaffelvohfen Just another vulgar, nasty, ignorant, demonic, atheistic post. You should be ashamed of yourself but you don't possess the discernment or the moral ability.
  • SandSand 307 Pts   -  
    >>>Atheism is Satanic and is responsible for the behavior that incurred God's Judgment throughout history. Instead of mocking God for His justice, you should take heed and know that this same Judgment will come upon you as well lest you repent and turn to Jesus Christ as Lord for the mediation of your sin.

    God cannot be mocked, whatever a man sows he will also reap.
    I am sowing love, which is fruitage of the spirit.
    What are you sowing?

    I look forward to that Judgement because by sowing to the spirit, I shall reap eternal life.
    Your assumption is that I haven't repented or turned to Jesus Christ.
    You say "your sin", have you taken God's place to judge me?

    I know you mean well, but your process needs to be in line with the scriptures.

    Titus 3:1-3 - "Remind your people to submit to rulers and authorities, to obey them, and to be ready to do good in every way. Tell them not to speak evil of anyone, but to be peaceful and friendly, and always to show a gentle attitude toward everyone. For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, and wrong. We were slaves to passions and pleasures of all kinds. We spent our lives in malice and envy; others hated us and we hated them. "

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Sand ; As long as you don't die in spiritual ignorance. Unless you repent of your sin and believe in your heart, confess with your mouth, that Jesus Christ is God who died to pay your sin-debt and that He was resurrected for your justification leading to eternal life in the Kingdom of God, you will die in your sin and die a second death in Hell because God the Father is NOT going to permit your unrepentant sin to enter His Kingdom subsequent to the death of your body Revelation (Revelation 21:27). You are rejecting the greatest love and life known to mankind.

  • SandSand 307 Pts   -  

    You are preaching to the Choir.

  • I am beginning to think this sounds nothing short of some jehovah's witness .


  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @ZeusAres42 No Jehovah's Witness here just one who loves Jesus Christ and the simplicity, purity, of His Gospel. If you study the word of God, the Holy Spirit will provide you wisdom and discernment so that you can differentiate between the Truth of Christ and the words of men and find eternal life in Name of Jesus Christ.

  • Do you not realize that you're creating a self-fulfilling prophecy? By going around preaching all sorts of things you're driving people away from what you're trying to advocate, assuming you're advocating for anything at all that is.

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -   edited November 2019
    @ZeusAres42 ; It's better they die with knowledge having had the opportunity to know and to choose as opposed to dying in spiritual ignorance. Comparatively speaking, Jesus said that "many" will die in Hell and only a "few" will find life; my Lord has commanded that you be told...unless you humble yourself and repent of your sin, believe in your heart, confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is God who died to pay your sin-debt and that He was resurrected for your justification leading to Eternal life, unless you sincerely believe and confess, you have no hope of life in God's Kingdom (Romans 10:9-10). I would rather throw a drowning man a life jacket and allow him to reject it than to watch him drown without having interceded.
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  
    fox.png 254.3K
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @대왕광개토 Only the wicked, perverse, support Democrats. No one can love Jesus Christ and possess the Holy Spirit and vote for the Party of Satan!

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Yes indeed vote Republican if you care about your children’s welfare  as approved by the Bible .......

  • @RickeyD
    How is the Big Bang theory any more than the theory of god? Don’t say that the Big Bang didn’t happen because something can come from nothing if we don’t even know how your god came into being
    Not every quote you read on the internet is true- Abraham Lincoln
  • RickeyD said:
    @RickeyD Only the fool, the spiritually ignorant, the demonically deceived fail to differentiate between life in Yeshua and death in Muhammad-Allah.

    Our Creator, the God of the Holy Bible, has identified Himself in Scripture by Name as “I AM” (Exodus 3:14) and we know Him as Jesus Christ-Yeshua who is Elohim in Genesis 1 and the Living Word of God in the Gospel of John, Chapter 1.

    Allah is NOT creator but Allah is created. Allah is Lucifer who was God’s chief cherub angel in the Kingdom of Heaven, but Lucifer coveted God’s authority and dominion while one-third of the entire angelic community followed Lucifer in his rebellion to usurp God’s authority.

    As a result of Lucifer’s (Allah) attempted Coup and because the destructive presence of sin is NOT permitted in God’s Kingdom, our Creator, Jesus Christ-Yeshua, spoke into existence the realm of Time, the Universe, Earth, mankind, at which time our Creator removed Lucifer and the rebellious angles from the Kingdom and placed them within the constraints of Time. It is here that we see the advent of Allah in the Garden of Eden who eventually manifests himself publicly via a religion initiated through Abraham, Hagar, Ishmael i.e. Islam. In close proximity in Time, we see the origin of Judaism/Christianity manifesting from the seed of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob AKA Israel.

    It is important to note that Ishmael (the genealogical genesis of Islam), the son of Abraham through Hagar, is NOT the son of promise but only Isaac born to Abraham and his wife, Sarah, did our Creator bring forth Messiah-Yeshua who died to provide mankind a pardon from death in sin and Hell. (Genesis 17:20-21)

    Why did our Creator choose to not simply destroy Lucifer and the angles for their Coup de taut?

    Lucifer-Allah is the adversary of our Creator, Jesus Christ-Yeshua, and God is dealing with Allah-Lucifer within the constraints of Time apart from the Kingdom of God where no sin is permitted. Our God is defined as LOVE and He desires relationship with both His angelic and human creation. In order for love and relationship to manifest in purity and authenticity, one must be free to choose to love or hate; otherwise love is robotic and impotent. Understand that our Creator did not destroy Lucifer (Allah) subsequent to his rebellion in the Kingdom because had our Creator arbitrarily destroyed Lucifer and the angels that followed Lucifer in the rebellion, the remaining two-thirds of the faithful angelic creation would no longer love our Creator out of free will/volition but out of fear. True love and relationship cannot manifest in fear; therefore, our Creator spoke into existence the realm of Time, this Universe and the Earth and placed Lucifer-Allah within the constraints of Time apart from the Heavenly Realm. The spiritual struggle between our Creator, Jesus Christ-Yeshua, and Allah-Satan is currently being played-out before our eyes constrained by the realm of Time. This cosmic struggle initiated by Lucifer-Allah can be seen in the Realm of Time as the struggle that exists today between Islam v. Israel and Allah’s hatred for the Jewish people and Islam’s hatred for the State of Israel.

    The faithful Angles in God’s Kingdom are watching the events unfold as Allah-Satan steals, kills, destroys, with impunity on this Earth and the faithful Angels will, in the summation of all things following the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ, these faithful Angles will agree with God that Allah-Lucifer/Satan must be destroyed. Satan-Allah will be confined and tormented in the Lake of Fire forever and the faithful Angles of God will agree that this punishment is just and righteous.

    All who have been deceived by Allah serve Satan unaware and they are seeking death in sin and death in Hell for their servitude of our Creator’s most prolific adversary, Allah, who is the demonic god of Islam!

    Everyone who has believed in Jesus Christ-Yeshua as Lord and entered into a relationship with God the Father by grace through faith in the Son, Jesus Christ, will spend Eternity with God in His Kingdom as servants. These faithful will be permitted to enter God’s Kingdom subsequent to death of the body because they have been redeemed and forgiven of all sin as a result of their faith in and love for Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

    Bruvh, this is the exact same thing that you’re essentially saying that Christians should rise up and do
    Not every quote you read on the internet is true- Abraham Lincoln
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