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Being an Atheist doesn't mean you're more intelligent, logical, or rational etc.

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I am an Atheist but I also acknowledge that just because one is an Atheist does not make them any more intelligent, logical or rational than religious people. Before we go any further, I'd just like to point out that Atheism is being defined here as one or all of the following:
  • The psychological state of having no beliefs about something which also includes the lack of theistic beliefs
  • A person that doesn't deny the existence of a creator but just doesn't possess the belief that there is one
  • Someone that does deny the existence of a Creator
I am an Atheist in the sense that while I do not deny the existence of a Creator; I just do not possess the belief that there is one. I am, however, more open to the idea of Deism which is kind of like scientific divine that sets in motion everything. It could be possible that a Theos (A theistic God) is actually a Deistic God instead and that humans have just confused over the years, but I doubt that is the case. But I even more strongly doubt the existence of a God described in anthropomorphic terms; this is basically like an immortal human being but with superhuman powers (often how a Theistic God is described.

With all that being said, this is not a debate about language and if your intention is to have a debate about that instead then I suggest using this link to make another debate: And nor is about me being an Atheist.

Now, if I started this debate by saying that I am a religious person ( I am not by the way) I am willing to bet that someone people that identify themselves as Atheists would have immediately gone on the defensive and start coming out with all kinds of contemptuous things. This contempt for all Theistic religions and beliefs is not only unreasonable but also seems to either be or bordering on Antitheism. Furthermore, just as there are religious fanatics that drive more and more people away from those religions there are those extreme Antitheists that drive more and more religious people to be ever more defensive; there is no equilibrium; both attitudes create a self-fulfill prophecy.

Moreover, intelligence is not defined or measured by one's faith or lack thereof. There are many religious people out there that are very intelligent, some even more so than those that identify themselves as Atheists. And just as there are religious people that have some beliefs not founded on reason there are Atheists that have some silly ideas about religious people not founded on reason such as "Oh, he cannot be that intelligent because he believes in God." Furthermore, it's important to note that we're not robots; we are merely human beings that are creatures more of emotion and other things than what we are of logic. All of us will do things oftentimes not rested on logic (more often than not) such as deciding what cake to eat, what T.V show to watch, what sport to play, who we fall in love with, who we marry, and much more. And just because we do things not rested on logic doesn't say squat about our intelligence. Likewise, while Theistic beliefs may also not be founded on reason they too don't say anything about Theists' intelligence.

Lastly, while there are some individuals who also identify themselves as religious that appear to be just plain dumb it would foolish for us to assume that has anything to do with their religion; it's more about their individuality. So, in summary, and as stated before a person's faith or lack thereof is not a definition or measurement of their intelligence.

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  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  
    Human beings are very complex creatures. We rarely can accurately judge one's intelligence even after knowing them intimately for 5 years and learning everything down to very specific aspects of them, such as their sock color preference - and even people with whom we spend decades sometimes, such as parents or siblings, tend to surprise us with their ideas, both in a positive and negative way.
    For that matter, we do not even know our own intelligence. So often we believe that we should be able to understand something, yet we cannot - and vice versa.

    Judging one's intelligence based on whether they are an atheist or not? Futile. I have met a lot of atheists with whom I could not converse for more than a few seconds without wanting to scream, "Do you ever use your brain?!", and I have met a lot of atheists who made me feel like a mentally challenged individual in comparison - and I can say the same about religious people.

    I do believe that, in general, religious people tend to be a bit weaker at critical thinking than non-religious people - but by the same token, non-religious people often overestimate how good they are at critical thinking, and their elitist attitude makes them blind to their own consistent logical errors.

    I also want to pay special attention to "brainwashed" people, by which I mean people who have lived in a very oppressive (in one way or another) environment for a long time, and sheer quantity of specific type of information they have been exposed to has made them into unconscious believers into something. You see it often in people living in North Korea, or in Iran/Saudi Arabia.
    I do not think such people possess inferior intelligence. Rather, certain parts of their brain have been corrupted by sheer amount of propaganda thrown at them. It does not make them less intelligent, but it does make them less critical of certain things, and it is something that is fairly hard to fix. Some North Korean refugees say that even after 20 years of living in South Korea, they still hear voices in their heads urging them to love the Great Leader and give their life up for North Korea. It is not an intelligence-related effect, but, rather, an instinct related one. In order to eliminate it, a lot of hard mental effort is required.
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @ZeusAres42 ; The Holy Spirit defines the Atheist as the fool of Time and Eternity.

  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  

    Agreed, Propaganda acts like a Pavlov's bell on large groups of people... Living in manufactured echo chambers doesn't help either and it's a real problem...
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Dee ; Our Creator did not create the first man and woman with sin; the first man and woman were created in perfection and their genome was created to exist forever with God in relationship. Mankind opted to compromise with evil and thereby rejected God's Covenant of Provision-Sustenance and this why you have given your life over to the servitude of Satan as your god - you have a sin-nature that naturally wars against God's Truth and this is why you are currently headed to death in your sin and a second death in Hell in your rejection of Jesus Christ as Lord for the mediation of your sin.

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  
  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Dee Cancer is not God's will...cancer is the resultant of genomic mutational malformations resulting from man's will in rebellion to God's will for obedience and God's edict to refrain from compromise with evil. Man was created in perfection by God, man "chose" compromise and rejected God; God is faithful and does not lie; therefore, man's disobedience resulted in sin and death...the human genome fell under the Curse and cancer is a natural response to this curse.
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -   edited November 2019
    @Plaffelvohfen ; You don't understand my Love for God and His Truth because you are spiritually dead in your atheism-naturalism and your mind is blinded by your alliance with Satan, unaware. Understanding comes only through the indwelling Holy Spirit who is ONLY available subsequent to repenting of sin and sincerely believing that Jesus Christ is God who died to pay your sin-debt (Romans 10:9-10).
  • RickeyD said:
    @Plaffelvohfen ; You don't understand my Love for God and His Truth because you are spiritually dead in your atheism-naturalism and your mind is blinded by your alliance with Satan, unaware. Understanding comes only through the indwelling Holy Spirit who is ONLY available subsequent to repenting of sin and sincerely believing that Jesus Christ is God who died to pay your sin-debt (Romans 10:9-10).

    Spiritual Fallacy

    (also known as: spiritual excuse)

    Description: Insisting that something meant to be literal is actually “spiritual” as an explanation or justification for something that otherwise would not fit in an explanation.


  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -   edited November 2019
    ******* cancer is the resultant of genomic mutational malformations resulting from man's will in rebellion to God's will for obedience and God's edict to refrain from compromise with evil

    So children born with cancer fully deserve from your Christian perspective bet you would whistle a different tune if it was your kids?

    I wonder being the good Christian you are do you not go down to cancer wards and tell parents their kids deserve it for their ancestors rebellion?

    This is why I say religion is dangerous because lunatics like you actually are allowed to have children people like you should be forcibly sterilized 
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -   edited November 2019
    @Dee ; It's not one deserves but what life delves-out. We will all die, some die young, some die old. We are God's creation and He has dominion over our lives. In my 31-yrs in law enforcement I handled more death than anyone should in a lifetime...I have watched, held my family members as they died, my daughter from a medical accident, my mother from lung disease. My dad died of cancer and I assisted him with his disease while serving as a US sister died of lung cancer and never smoked in her life. I have handled more dead bodies, the blood, the elements of death flowing on my hands and arms - the unforgettable odor of death - broken bodies, brains, liver, heart...feces-urine-blood...I have been in the midst of great suffering but through it all I know my God has everything under control.

    That's one of the major differences between you and trust in your dying flesh and nihilism, I trust in the Creator of the Universe and His promises. He as been faithful to me.
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Dee ; Jesus is God who entered Time some 2019-yrs ago and walked among us for 33.5-yrs and defined God to all who would receive His Gospel of Peace (Good News of the Kingdom). Jesus then walked to the horrors of a Roman Crucifixion and suffered and died to pay the price for your sin, my sin, and anyone who will humble them self and acknowledge that they are a sinner, repent of their sin, believe in their heart, confess with their mouth, that Jesus Christ is God who died to pay for their sin and that He was resurrected for their justification, that person will receive forgiveness of sin, they will receive a new life, they will receive the indwelling Holy Spirit as the Guarantor of relationship with God the Father (Romans 10:9-10; Ephesians 1:13; John 3:16).  

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Why you are quoting from a contradictory book of horse manure is beyond me ......By the way I see you still cannot defend biblical slavery why’s that?
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Dee ; The only contradiction existing in your life is the chasm between who you think you are and what you actually are in reality. Without the Scriptures and without Jesus as Lord, you are existing in meaninglessness and your life will culminate in same in Eternity lest you repent. There are no Biblical "contradictions" for the one who studies and seeks Truth.
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    You’re full of and still cannot offer a defence as to why god and Jesus fully support slavery 

    Also you cannot offer a defence as to why your loving god enjoys watching kids die of cancer , you probably do a high five every time a child dies of cancer because your god has had his revenge for their ancestors “rebellion”’re a sick f—‘k 
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -   edited November 2019
    @Dee ; God does not take pleasure in the death of His children but everyone of those children are secure in Him for Eternity. The Holy Spirit has told us that where there is no law there is no culpability for sin (Romans 4:14-15; 5:13); therefore, every child that dies before the age of reason/accountability is secure and instantaneously translated into the loving care of our Creator forever where there is no pain, suffering, sorrow, loss, tears. Your hatred for God is off-the-chart and you are seeking a horrific judgment; therefore, I urge you to repent and trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord before the Age of Grace is finalized for you.

    Do you support abortion, the murder of the innocent in the womb?

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    ***God does not take pleasure in the death of His children but everyone of those children are secure in Him for Eternity.

    Sure he does as he’s getting revenge for their ancestors rebellion so you said , so why do you worship a petty tyrant that has to get revenge on infants? 

    Still no answer to biblical slavery I note 

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -   edited November 2019
    @Dee ; The death of children are the resultant of disease and tragedy in Time...this is not God's will but man's choice in The Beginning...God warned, man did not listen; therefore, we reap what we sow.

    How many times and in how many formats must I entertain your obsession with slavery...something you know nothing about?

    Although God liberated the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt, slavery is not universally prohibited in the Bible. Slavery was permissible in certain situations, so long as slaves were regarded as full members of the community (Gen. 17:12), received the same rest periods and holidays as non-slaves (Exod. 23:12; Deut. 5:14-15, 12:12), and were treated humanely (Exod. 21:7, 26-27). Most importantly, slavery among Hebrews was not intended as a permanent condition, but a voluntary, temporary refuge for people suffering what would otherwise be desperate poverty. “When you buy a male Hebrew slave, he shall serve six years, but in the seventh he shall go out a free person, without debt” (Exod. 21:2). Cruelty on the part of the owner resulted in immediate freedom for the slave (Exod. 21:26-27). This made male Hebrew slavery more like a kind of long-term labor contract among individuals, and less like the kind of permanent exploitation that has characterized slavery in modern times.

    Female Hebrew slavery was in one sense even more protective. The chief purpose contemplated for buying a female slave was so that she could become the wife of either the buyer or the buyer’s son (Exod. 21:8-9). As wife, she became the social equal of the slaveholder, and the purchase functioned much like the giving of a dowry. Indeed, she is even called a “wife” by the regulation (Exod. 21:10). Moreover, if the buyer failed to treat the female slave with all the rights due an ordinary wife, he was required to set her free. “She shall go out without debt, without payment of money” (Exod. 21:11). Yet in another sense, women had far less protection than men. Potentially, every unmarried woman faced the possibility of being sold into a marriage against her will. Although this made her a "wife" rather than a "slave," would forced marriage be any less objectionable than forced labor?

    In addition, an obvious loophole is that a girl or woman could be bought as a wife for a male slave, rather than for the slave owner or a son, and this resulted in permanent enslavement to the owner (Exod. 21:4), even when the husband's term of enslavement ended. The woman became a permanent slave to an owner who did not become her husband and who owed her none of the protections due a wife.

    The protection against permanent enslavement also did not apply to foreigners (Lev. 25:44-46). Men taken in war were considered plunder and became the perpetual property of their owners. Women and girls captured in war, who were apparently the vast majority of captives (Num. 31:9-11, 32-35; Deut 20:11-14), faced the same situation as female slaves of Hebrew origin (Deut. 21:10-14), including permanent enslavement. Slaves could also be purchased from surrounding nations (Eccl. 2:7), and nothing protected them against perpetual slavery. The other protections afforded Hebrew slaves did apply to foreigners, but this must have been small comfort to those who faced a lifetime of forced labor.

    In contrast to slavery in the United States, which generally forbade marriage among slaves, the regulations in Exodus aim to preserve families intact. “If he comes in single, he shall go out single; if he comes in married, then his wife shall go out with him” (Exod. 21:3). Yet often, as we have seen, the actual result of the regulations was forced marriage.

    Regardless of any protections afforded in the Law, slavery was by no means an agreeable way of life. Slaves were, for whatever duration of their enslavement, property. Whatever the regulations, in practice there was probably little protection against maltreatment, and abuses occurred. As in much of the Bible, God’s word in Exodus did not abolish the existing social and economic order, but instructed God’s people how to live with justice and compassion in their present circumstances. To our eyes, the results do--and should--appear very disquieting.

    In any case, before we become too smug, we should take a look at the working conditions that prevail today among poor people in every corner of the world, including the developed nations. Ceaseless labor for those working two or three jobs to support families, abuse and arbitrary exercise of power by those in power, and misappropriation of the fruits of labor by illicit business operators, corrupt officials, and politically connected bosses. Millions work today without so much as the regulations provided by the Law of Moses. If it was God’s will to protect Israel from exploitation even in slavery, what does God expect followers of Christ to do for those who suffer the same oppression, and worse, today?

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    So man made a choice that future generations of children should die of cancer because the Christian god wants his petty revenge , you’re mentally unstable 

    Stop your pathetic defence of biblical slavery you sound exactly like Hitler defending the gassing of Jews .

    Here you go Moses on biblical slavery ....

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Dee ; Our first father, Adam, introduced sin into mankind that corrupted the human genome and resulted in the moral debauchery and hatred for God that you espouse...this is the key to cancer...a corrupted genome. God warned, man did not listen and we, as a people from Adam's seed, are under that curse. You might disagree but God is not concerned about your rebuttal, you are a created being and you owe your next breath to God's mercy.

    I have explained and answered your concerns about slavery in the Bible. If you believe that your opposition to slavery will find you mercy and grace in the Judgment, you are sorely mistaken. I would guess you support the Party of Slavery with your vote and you vote to mutilate babies in the womb as well. So please, the hypocrisy is rich.

  • RS_masterRS_master 400 Pts   -  
    I have a question for the whole name of this title. Why and how will one belief (being an atheist in this case) affect your intelligence?
  • RS_master said:
    I have a question for the whole name of this title. Why and how will one belief (being an atheist in this case) affect your intelligence?
    it doesn't.

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    Being an atheist identifies same as a ; one who advocates for the murder of babies in the womb; one who participates in or celebrates the mental illness of sodomy via LGBTQ perversion; one who advocates for Socialism in America - a demonic ideology responsible for the death of 100-million people in the last 100-years; the atheist is the refuse of Darwin's idiocy. Atheism, the atheist, is the antithesis of intelligence and wisdom; the atheist is the "fool" of Time and Eternity.

  • Psalm 14:1

    The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  

    Did you just call the god a fool? Because, as far as I know, the god is an atheist, meaning it does not believe that it has been created by a higher power.

    Tread carefully, my friend, lest you end up stuck in the afterlife with the raging Flying Saucepan Alligator!
  • RS_masterRS_master 400 Pts   -  
    RickeyD said:
    Being an atheist identifies same as a ; one who advocates for the murder of babies in the womb; one who participates in or celebrates the mental illness of sodomy via LGBTQ perversion; one who advocates for Socialism in America - a demonic ideology responsible for the death of 100-million people in the last 100-years; the atheist is the refuse of Darwin's idiocy. Atheism, the atheist, is the antithesis of intelligence and wisdom; the atheist is the "fool" of Time and Eternity.

    @RickeyD ;  
  • RS_masterRS_master 400 Pts   -  
    Psalm 14:1

    The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

    @JesusisGod777888 I will say the same thing as I said to @RickeyD Why are you using evidence from the bible? Of course, 12 people can think they have seen god and write a book about it and everyone will believe it. If that scenario happened what you believe is wrong. One may state in the bible it says the bible is correct but the 12 people want you to believe in their book so obviously they will say it is correct.
    Even I can make up my own god and story and then write about it hoping the world would believe it. Use evidence from outside the bible or use evidence not from the bible to prove the bible and then I will trust and believe all your evidence from the bible afterwards.
  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  
    Of course being an atheist doesn't mean one is more intelligent, logical or rational...

    But being intelligent, logical and rational naturally leads to atheism so...
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Plaffelvohfen ; There is nothing intelligent about atheism...nothing but foolishness and hopeless and denial of what one knows to be truth.

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @RS_master ; Our Creator has given you three-forms of evidence, you simply reject them; therefore, you're "without excuse."

    1) The supernatural creation including Time - Matter - the Universe - Moon - Sun - Stars - Earth - human genome.

    2) The Incarnation of God in Jesus Christ-Yeshua who walked among us for 33.5-yrs some 2019-yrs and divided history by defining and displaying God the Father through works and words that are also supernatural.

    3) The written word, the written Covenant of Grace, the Gospel, between God and human KIND as articulated by the Holy Spirit in the Holy Bible...a work spanning 1400-yrs - three continents - 40-writer explaining origin - meaning of life - morality - destiny of Time and Eternity.

    The evidence for our Creator is have simply closed your mind and your senses to the Truth; therefore, you exist without hope lest you repent and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord.

  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -  
    @RickeyD Fixed your christian mom facebook post again

    why so serious?
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  

    This is like a guy from a primal tribe, seeing the shaman dancing and the rain starting afterwards, and proclaiming, "Is it not obvious that our shaman can control the weather?! You are all blind if you cannot see the obvious connection!"

    Same here. "The evidence is undeniable. There is the Sun and the Moon! Only god could have created them!" Yes, sure... if you leave out a few trillions other possibilities, and if you throw scientific method out in the garbage can.
  • xlJ_dolphin_473xlJ_dolphin_473 1718 Pts   -  
    One study showed that atheists have a higher IQ on average than theists, but a later study showed that the average intelligence was equal. So I am of the position that atheists are no more rational, logical, etc. than theists.
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @xlJ_dolphin_473 ; There is nothing rational about denying that which has manifest before your eyes. Atheism is a lie and an untenable psychosis and those who claim to be atheists are "fools."

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