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People elect these radical Democrats & then deny supporting their extreme policies.

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If I had a nickel every time a Left leaning person on this site denied supporting the extreme Liberal poisitions of the Democrat Party, I could afford to fly Greenhouse Gas polluting Jets non stop as do those hypocrites screaming "CLIMATE CHANGE"!

These deniers always tell me how not all Democrats are as extreme, and do not all feel the same way about these political correct issues, and that I can not blame them, or lump them all in with these Progressive extremists.

What world of denial do you live in? The Democrat Party almosts votes in lock step on these very Liberal hot button issues...

Yes I can blame a person for electing those who vow to end the Hyde Amendment! Every Democrat Presidential candidate supports ending it and forcing every tax payer to fund abortions.

I can blame a person for electing politicians pushing laws forcing every public school to allow so called Transgender boys in our daughter's sports!
In the House, EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT but one, voted to pass an LGBTQ Bill forcing schools to allow this!

Yes I can blame a person for electing those who vow to keep late term abortions of viable babies legal for any reason!

How can you possibly deny supporting extreme issues that the politician you elected supports? If you refuse to be honest about what you are culpable for, please get off debate sites. It' wastes all our time.

If I elected some KKK member, how could I deny being responsible for any racist policies he enacted? You would be the first one screaming how I was a racist, and guess what? You would be correct! But then again, I would not be so deceptive to try and deny it.


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  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -  
    Imagine supporting every issue a politician/party you voted for supports. Wouldn't that just be amazing if you agreed entirely with ONE party and ONE politician?

    Take me to that dimension
    why so serious?
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    First, over a quarter of the entire American population identifies as a Democrat. If you truly believe that there is a single position absolutely all of them support, then you likely do not have enough experience interacting with people in the real world.

    Second, there are Democrats openly criticising the recent developments in the party, calling out the people driving it towards socialism. Read about these folks, for example, holding 25 seats in the House of Representatives:

    Third, legalised abortion is not an extreme position; it is the only position consistent with basic human rights, and it is legalised to some extent in the vast majority of nations on Earth. Take a look here:
    On this map, blue parts are those in which abortion is legal per request, and teal ones are those in which abortion is typically allowed, with some exceptions. This includes such large-populous countries as the US, Russia, China, India, Japan and so on. It is not extreme by the definition of the word "extreme".

    The Democratic Party currently is a mess ridden with socialists and people void of any basic understanding of economics. Their front line candidates propose absolutely abysmal policies like full student loan forgiveness or reparations to blacks, yet this is what you are taking an issue with? Come on, buddy...

    One of the reasons they are getting away with this is because, instead of criticising the actual horrible points of their platform, so many people instead focus on minor irrelevant issues such as abortion rights, trans rights, gun rights, etc. and forget everything else. It is not abortions or trans rights that are going to empty your bank account; it is their economical policies. With which you are not taking as much issue, because, perhaps, deep inside you also support them?

    As for your last point, no, you are not responsible for everything your elective has done. It is very rare that someone fully supports absolutely everything a candidate proposed. Me, I would vote for a KKK member if, for example, the only issue I had with their platform was their racist agenda, but they were absolutely stellar with regards to everything else. Voting is always a trade-off between things you like and things you dislike. If you have already decided for yourself that you will never ever vote for a KKK member, no matter what they say, and not even if the KKK party is reformed and turned into the antithesis of its initial platform... Well, you have limited yourself and have created a bias in yourself that will affect the objectivity of your voting negatively.
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  
    I don't think the examples you gave count as very extreme, but when you live at the right pole, every direction points left.

    Hyde amendment? Who cares! abortion can be made irrelevant through technological means. This is as middle of the road as it gets- no one gets pregnant unless they so desire, and there are no abortions because of it. I think you don't understand this position because no major news source will cover it, even thought it's a rather obvious answer.

    Trans kids playing high school sports? I don't see how this is extreme either. Playing sports is fundamentally about fairness, not gender. We just lump "girls" and "boys" together because males are larger and stronger than females, so they have an unfair advantage over females, and physical gender differences have been the standard for so long that people have forgotten this. A trans person who has gone through hormone treatment will be physically smaller and it is therefore more fair for them to play in the division in which they have no advantage.

    You could have pointed to actually extreme positions, such as everything that comes out of AOC's mouth, but that isn't the whole DNC, it's only a very minor fringe portion, which frankly only exists in response to conservative ideas which are becoming increasingly irrelevant in a world where technological progress outpaces social and legal progress.

    You want extremism? look at the green party. Those guys are nuts.
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • You are doing what most people do when voting for Democrats. You treat the killing of viable babies the same as other political issues. This is truly ludicrous! Of course we do not agree on all the issues of our Party, but when an issue is as barbaric as killing even viable babies, then a compassionate people MUST take a stand!

    Imagine if a German supported Hitler's other policies, but did not agree with killing Jews. Are you sitting there telling me that it is ok to ignore the killing of Jews and still voting for Hitler?

    The vast majority of Americans support restrictons on late term abortions. Over 80% are against it, yet many of them still vote for Democrats who support it.

    They are just as phony as any German who supported Hitler. To kill a viable baby for mere convenience is no different then killing Jews. In America, it is legal to kill viables babies for any reason up to birth in approximately nine States, and it was legal in Germant to kill Jews. Legality and humanity are two very different things.

    Now these same radical Pro abortion Democrats are vowing to end the Hyde Amendment! They are so extreme, they would force Pro life people to pay to kill babies! How can any person vote for this arrogant extremism.

    Science has shown that a human life begins at conception. I thought those on the Left were not Science deniers?@MayCaesar
  • Please read my reply to Maycaesar.@smoothie
  • You are showing how well the Political correct Left has influenced your sense of humanity.

    You have no problem with killing viable babies for mere convenience? I don't want to live in a world with people lacking the most basic sense of humanity.

    This type of thinking is what leads to Hitler's and other dictators who actually believe they have a right to kill innocent people for political purposes. Life has become expendable! Convenience outweighs the sanctity of innocent life.@Happy_Killbot
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  

    I do not know if this is directed at me; if you think that I am on the Left and vote Democrat, then you must have hit your head or something. I am not even eligible to vote, as I am not a US citizen. Did you not read my full comment, which clearly states what I think about the Democratic party nowadays?

    Regardless, one single issue does not define who people are going to vote for. If someone is against abortion, but agrees with the Democratic platform on most other issues, then why would they not vote Democrat? Abortion matter is not as big of a deal to most people as it is to you.

    I also do not care where "human life" begins. I care about individual sovereignty. If you think that this position makes me a science denier (interesting, given that I am a professional scientist with peer-reviewed publications), then so be it.
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  
    Michigan and California are prime examples of what Liberal leadership management looks like.

    Taxation so high, people have moved out of those states.

    Some of the voters are radical liberal supporters.

    So, it's not a wonder that the Liberal politicians like Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Jerry Nadler have been enabled to become the radical liberal politicians that they are.

    As well as enable an up and coming liberal politician like Gavin Newsom, to continue his radical liberal policy making ways as well.
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  

    Appealing to science is still a fallacy, and since I stand for neither side of this debate, I can say that both sides commit this fallacy with little regret or realization.

    I will start by showing this fallacy in the pro-choice crowd's stance: "A fetus has an undeveloped brain and therefore can not feel pain. It can also not function outside the womb until a certain point"

    These are true statements, but they are meaningless none the less. The fact that these statements are true doesn't tell us what we ought to do. If we took this as gospel, then anyone who is brain dead or incapacitated, or simply asleep is not a person, 

    You have committed the same fallacy. Just because "life starts at conception" does not meant that abortion is not justified should the mother desire, and it also leads to some very strange consequences if taken to be absolute truth.

    Namely, it means that everyone attempts suicide and murder millions of times a day, because our immune system has natural killer cells that destroy cells that are malfunctioning. We breath in cells (sometimes alive) of other people every day, and our immune system kills them. If a zygote is to be considered a person then each of these cells is a person too.

    Even if you think this is ridiculous (it is) because those cells will not turn into a unique person the way a zygote will, there are still other problems with the "life starts at conception, a fetus is a unique person" view that are insurmountable, for example every miscarriage would be an act of involuntary manslaughter.

    A fetus is not a person unless you define it to be. If it is, then we must add millions of murders every year to expecting mothers who just lost their child.
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    @We_are_accountable You are making extremely weird holocaust comparisons that literally have no place in this conversation. Sorry to break it to you, but you can't force everybody to see through your lens that "the choice of abortion of a fetus and the targeted killings of fully grown adults are the same".

    You think that one abortion issue is "so extreme" that it requires you to vote with one party always. You must be new to American politics. The largest voter base are independents I wonder why?

    You label your position many things with no discernment. Seems you have a power complex. How is the pro-life position the "compassionate" stance when it forces children to be born into impoverished families and then possibly put up for adoption and live their life as an orphan? How is the "humane" stance when it forces a woman to go into labor and give birth which is one of the most painful things in the world and rejects developed technology and option given to free citizens? There are many different definitions of such by many different people on both sides of the issue. As you can see, your broad statements are not factual and you continue to abuse them.

    As an independent, I can see that you are just preaching a political party to me as your debate with no room for contest.
    why so serious?
  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  
    @We_are_accountable ;

    I first clicked on the "funny" avatar, but then, I decided you wasn't so "funny"! You don't seem to understand what is "extreme", or what is just plain SICK. What is extreme is the radical bunch trying to get control of the minds of this country! Those that think they can …. must ,,, control what and how everyone thinks …. like the Nazis did. I don't believe as you do and there are millions more that don't! To us, YOU are the "extreme radical", the one who thinks you can do whatever you want that is destructive to this planet …. and GOD will fix it! OR, if we all die … it's GODS wish! I will NOT march in lockstep to ANY book, the Bible OR Mein Kompf! (Or you or your pastor!)
  • AmpersandAmpersand 858 Pts   -  
    Tax payers should fund abortions, what's the issue?
  • Are you serious? Do you have the least amount of respect for people who understand that killing unborn viable babies is depraved?

    How can you be so arrogant to think you can force others to pay to kill babies?@Ampersand
  • Sorry to break it to you but millions of people DO NOT agree with your belief that life begins with birth.

    We are not such selfish animals willing to sacrifice our most innocent lives for convenience.

    It's truly arrogant and abusive to expect others to pay to support your depravity.@smoothie
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  

    Why not? We sacrifice lives of hundreds billions creatures yearly just so we could have nice tasty meals. We have entire farms where we grow thousands animals in captivity, only to be one day put into a meat processor. Most of these creatures are completely innocent and have never harmed anyone or anything, yet most of us do not ever think about their fates, and we can eat their meat and make naughty jokes in the process without a second thought.
    Yet putting down an unborn child is suddenly too insensitive? Please.

    Also, who gave you an authority over other people's bodies? Do I also have an authority over yours? How far does that authority extends?

    I agree that abortions should not be funded with taxpayers' money, but your argument on this is a weak one.
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    Sorry to break it to you but millions of people DO NOT agree with your belief that life begins with birth.

    We are not such selfish animals willing to sacrifice our most innocent lives for convenience.

    It's truly arrogant and abusive to expect others to pay to support your depravity.@smoothie

    When did I say it did? Are you lumping opposing opinions together per usual and generalizing? I am pointing out the errors in your argument not crusading pro-choice, nor did I ever say I was pro-life or pro-choice. You are full of arrogant hatred. @We_are_accountable
    Millions of people still disagree with your views, and millions will still agree with you. I never disputed that.

    why so serious?
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  

    I have always believed that the extreme anti-abortionists are that way because they would have been aborted themselves... probably for the better.

    What's funny is the sheer number of anti-abortion protesters who end up getting abortions for unwanted pregnancies.

    maybe life begins at conception, but it is not a person, just a mass of cells, no different than a tumor, or a parasite. The baby is violating the mother's body by growing inside her if she doesn't want it to.

    If the state gets to mandate what happens to everyone's body, then we can justify organ harvesting, right? I mean, if you can save a single babies life by subjugating the mother, imagine how many we could save by deliberately killing some to save others! the organs of 1 can save the lives of many more, so by pro-life thinking it ought to be allowed, especially if it is something unnecessary, like a kidney or even a lung.
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • YeshuaBoughtYeshuaBought 669 Pts   -  
    Sorry to break it to you but millions of people DO NOT agree with your belief that life begins with birth.

    We are not such selfish animals willing to sacrifice our most innocent lives for convenience.

    It's truly arrogant and abusive to expect others to pay to support your depravity.@smoothie
    I agree with you. There is no evidence, that life begins at birth.
  • YeshuaBoughtYeshuaBought 669 Pts   -  
    Ampersand said:
    Tax payers should fund abortions, what's the issue?
    No they should not fund abortion. The government does not have the right, to force people of faith, to fund something, they don't believe in. I have the right, to not fund some woman's dead baby, when it is against my religion.
  • AmpersandAmpersand 858 Pts   -  
    Ampersand said:
    Tax payers should fund abortions, what's the issue?
    No they should not fund abortion. The government does not have the right, to force people of faith, to fund something, they don't believe in. I have the right, to not fund some woman's dead baby, when it is against my religion.
    Feel free to point out where this supposed right is listed.

    Also "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's". You religion specifically says to pay your taxes even when they don't meet your religious principles.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  

    How about me funding your healthcare when it is against my religion? I asked you about this in the past, and you said that it would violate your rights. Yet abortion is a subset of healthcare.

    I mean, I agree with you on this, but your position on these matters is very inconsistent and seems to be based on what benefits or does not benefit you personally, rather than some larger principle.
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