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To create fear, the Left must always distort the positions of Conservatives.

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With most of the Left leaning people I debate, they must always twist a Consevative's position on issues, making him look extreme. They can never debate the actual words of Conservatives, because to do so would give them no excuses or arguments when defending their Leftwing policies.

One example, out of many, has to do with displaying religious symbols on public land. The first thing they always do is try to imply that Conservatives and Christians want to "FORCE" every community to display Christian symbols during holidays.
This is a complete lie, but without this type of deception, they could not have forced the lie of Separation of Church and State (no where in the Constitution) on every community, denying them their freedom of religious expression.

When ever I give my position on this issue, I make it clear that no community should ever be forced by a Federal Government to display anything against the  community's will. This is called freedom! If a community does not want to display symbols during Holidays, it is their right not to do so!

So what do those on the Left do? They start spewing total deception, saying we want to force every community to have Christian symbols on public land, saying we will only allow Christian symbols and denying other's symbols, saying we want to force all public schools to have a prayer at beginning of day, saying the children will be forced to recite the Prayer!

We have never had a Theocracy in America whereby a Big Federal Government forces everyone to support the Christian faith. What we are seeing today is a Secular Government forcing it's secular beliefs on all Americans!

These people on the Left are FAKE NEWS! Without their distortions, they could never make people fear Bible believing Christians, fear those who do not agree with all the claims of man made Global Cooling, I mean Global warming, I mean Climate change.
They want you to fear those speaking out against forcing every State to change their marriage laws, fear those who want to keep so called Transgender boys out of our daughter's sports, fear those who do not want LGBT groups indoctrinating our children in schools, etc.

They tell you that Christians and Conservativrs hate Gays, hate Black people, hate women, hate immigrants, etc. etc.
They want you to believe that those on the Right want to deny life of mother abortions.

All they have is deception, because without distorting the facts, they could never win an election for dog catcher. They live in a world of identity politics, pitting one group against the next, creating fear, telling the people to vote Democrat to protect them from these evil Conservatives. This is how they operate. Please don't be fooled by these deceivers.

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  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  
    Oh NO! Todays conservative positions create fear in me without ANY distortion! :fearful:
  • Yes, the Democrat Party fears Conservative policies that work, because it shows their Socialistic policies to be complete failures.

    Trump is the first Republican with the back bone to push his Conservative policies no matter how much fake news demonized him. He is no weak kneed Romney, or Bush, or other RINO's. He is his own man and is doing what he knows to be right no matter how much the Left calls him a racist, a nazi, a hater of women, a hater of immigrants. All their lies bounce off him and he continues accomplishing hs promises to Americans.@AlofRI
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  

    Trump is the real socialist...
    Image result for trump is a socialist meme

    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • I must have missed where Trump is trying to raise taxes on Americans in order to pay for never ending Social programs.

    Oh, that's right, he cut taxes on Americans. That must be some radical new kind of Socialism. I like it!@Happy_Killbot
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  
    @We_are_accountable Yes it is a radical new kind of socialism- The kind that absolutely doesn't work!
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    Trump definitely has some trade policies shared by democrats and socialists alike. He loves tariffs and attacks free trade. This is an area where Trump shines against the Republican party because he supports democrat and socialist trade policies. Funny enough, current democrat candidates want to differentiate themselves from Trump so they advocate for even more tariffs because many secretly agree with him because he is utilizing democrat policies. This is your dreaded "Big Brother government" at its work. He wants to keep as many manufacturers in the U.S as he can, as well as making sure the U.S gains the highest profit through manipulating trade, but unlucky for you its a very democrat/socialist tactic as it utilizes big government.

    So is this socialist policy of Trump a complete failure? You be the judge.
    why so serious?
  • NopeNope 397 Pts   -  
    The use of fear and distortion is a tactic used by many in politics. It is a tactic use by people from both party's. I think the irony here is your portrayal of the left is distorted as it generalized a group to one extreme. Also I am curious to no how "LGBT" groups are indoctrinating children.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  
    If you find any political movement, organisation, spectrum part, etc. in which distorting the opponents' views is not the norm in the political discourse, then please let me know. Because, according to my world view, it is virtually impossible to exist.

    You yourself partake in it all the time, prescribing positions to your opponents that they do not hold. You called me a member of the left at some point, for example, despite me supporting anarcho-capitalism, pretty much the most despised ideology among socialists.

    Before criticising someone, it is a good idea to do some self-reflection, to make sure that you should not include yourself in the list of objects of criticism.
  • So you are saying what Conservatives have been saying all along. Democrats understand how well Trump's Conservative policies have been working and are simply demonizing and Impeaching him for political purposes. They know they can't beat him in a legal election so they tried a coup. Thanks for agreeing with us.

    If Democrats are so in favor of tariffs, why did Obama do nothing with China? I guess Trump is the only politician who knows how to get things done.@smoothie
  • You must be another denier. To say Trump's policies have not worked suggests that you live in this constant Progressive state of hate, whereby obvious reality plays no part in your observance of the facts.

    Just as Pelosi tore up the State of Union speech, saying it was all lies and distortion, you are buying into it as well. Try looking at your tax returns and tell us you did not get a tax cut. Try looking at the absence of ISIS atroscities every week on the news. Try looking at the booming economy, American independence from foreign oil, Mexico helping us patrol their own borders, China trade deal, Americans no longer forced to pay for abortions, ending of regulations killing jobs, manufacturing moving back to America thanks to lower corporate taxes, etc. etc. etc.

    I'm sure those things are of no worth to you because they do not help usher in bigger Socialistic Government controlling our lives.

  • I agree with your observance that at some point we all engage in similar conduct. My point is that the Democrat Party have made it an art form. Their entire mindset since Trump was elected was to demonize and destroy him.

    When prescribing positions to people such as yourself, as being in line with this extreme Demcrat Party, I admit that I am generalizing. I have not debated you long enough to know all your political positions.

    Having said that, I will explain why I sometimes jump to these conclusions...

    I debate so many people who obviously lean to the Left, but often telling me how they do not personally support aborting viable babies, or other extreme positions of the Democrat Party. Yet STILL they most times vote for them.

    When a person elects politicians who have extreme positions on abortion, ending the Hyde Amendment (which protects tax payers from paying to abort babies), forcing every public school to allow so called Transgender boys into our daughter's sports, allowing Transgenders to condition our kindergartners in public schools, etc. etc., I will lump you in with their positions.

    If I voted for an admitted KKK member (saying I am not a one issue voter), you would have the right to call me a racist for enabling this politician to implement racist policies.

    When is the last time you voted for a Conservative? This is why I generalize with people I debate. They almost always go against the Conservative opinions I express, or the Conservative President in office. I have no problem with your generalizing of my positions on Conservative ideals. I most times agree with them.@MayCaesar
  • Please read my response to Happy_Killbot@Nope
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  

    That does not justify lumping people together into one mass, as if the difference between their positions was only superficial. The fact that my position on abortion somewhat overlaps with the Democratic platform does not mean that I in any way am related to the "left". Especially since I am against taxpayer-funded abortions, or any healthcare services for that matter, while Democrats are mostly for it.
    I also do not remember supporting forcing public schools to employ any sports rules. Where did you find that? In my opinion, each school should be free to have any policies it wants, and parents should be free to send their children to any school their wish.

    There is a lot of nuance in people's positions on a given subject, and there are thousands subjects out there. Finding some similarity between the position on a given subject of one person and that of another does not in any way suggest that these people have anything else in common.

    You voting for a KKK member would not enable me to call you a racist. I am a bit more open-minded than to write people down as racists based on one single data point I have on them.

    I have never voted for a conservative, or a progressive, or a regressive... I have never voted for anyone, and will never vote for anyone. The whole politics stuff is of less and less interest to me with time. At this point I view it as a large country-wide circus mostly, and focus instead on my own life. People waste too much energy following this stuff, while barely making any impact on anything in the process.
  • You are in denial of your accountabiity when electing politicians who control our laws.

    I would be 100% to blame if knowingly electing an admitted KKK member who openly said he would try to implement racist policies.

    For you to deny culpability when electing people who would force others to pay to abort babies, is crazy!

    The Democrat Party in the House of representatives, recently voted along Party lines to FORCE every public school to allow boys, who think they are girls, into our daughter's sports.
    They have climbed in bed with these LGBT activist groups for money and votes.

    As our culture and family units fall apart, you can not sit and deny your responsibility when electing those with policies doing such harm.@MayCaesar
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  

    Maybe if I actually was eligible to vote in this country, you would have a case to make. Instead, first you deny me a vote, and then complain that I do not vote.

    I do not actually care much about preservation of culture and family units, and I certainly do not have responsibility to preserve them. I have my own culture and family unit, and other people have theirs. You are free to take a sword and fight for something, but I have other life plans.

    Your collectivist thinking could allow me to lump you together with socialists and other collectivists, but I will not, as I refuse to make such sweeping generalisations based on a few comments I have read of someone. As you grow up and meet more and more people, you will also hopefully one day realise how complicated human beings are and how illogical it is to judge them based on a few words they have said.
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    @We_are_accountable Many democrats think he hasn't done enough tariffs so they would add more if elected, but Trump started and supported them and many republicans and anti-socialists criticize him for that.

    Obama was a moderate on trade and many other things. Trump is more of a socialist in trade than Obama. You completely missed the point. Trump has "socialist" policies yet you say he is "showing that socialist policies are complete failures" and labeling him anti-socialist. The blanket statements don't add up.

    So do you agree with Trump's socialist policies? It sounded like you did, so you are supporting socialist policies yet fighting socialism somehow at the same time. Confusing.
    why so serious?
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar I am also against lumping people together and putting them in boxes. Shouldn't we allow individual thought instead of partisan collective when we are on a debate site representing our individual selves? I think so.

    @We_are_accountable The reason why your arguments are hard to take seriously is because you utilize generalizing a lot. If you wanted to create propaganda against a party, sure, but you call individuals on this website against you "the left" and then apply positions on topics FOR them. I will say I agree with you on transgender sports and I like capitalism. You think I am against you on everything when everybody on this site has an individual identity with complex beliefs.
    why so serious?
  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  
    Yes, the Democrat Party fears Conservative policies that work, because it shows their Socialistic policies to be complete failures.

    Trump is the first Republican with the back bone to push his Conservative policies no matter how much fake news demonized him. He is no weak kneed Romney, or Bush, or other RINO's. He is his own man and is doing what he knows to be right no matter how much the Left calls him a racist, a nazi, a hater of women, a hater of immigrants. All their lies bounce off him and he continues accomplishing hs promises to Americans.@AlofRI
    Democratic "socialistic policies" have been the MOST successful policies EVER! Social Security and Medicare have kept MILLIONS out of poverty and cared for for years! They have made The U.S. a country with the least poverty per capita for many years. We are losing ground to some more socialistic countries at this time! Capitalism is sucking up the national treasure so fast there is far less to work with on social programs ''' it's all going into yachts and Bentleys! The National Debt is soaking up a lot also, which the Trumpians seek to ignore! 

    Most of us Democrats, FW, want just enough socialism to make a bit of a level playing field FOR THE PEOPLE, some of it paid for by the "treasure suckers", and not enough to cripple capitalism …. which has been allowed to become a black hole from which no money can escape! Trump's affinity for deregulation has caused that black hole to expand exponentially! And, yes. YOU, among others, ARE accountable! :-(
  • I'm speaking to my country so please ignore me since you have no clue what is going on in the Democrat Party here in America.@MayCaesar
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    I have lived here in America for a long time and am every inch American, with the small exception of my legal status. Are you not aware that not all Americans are eligible to vote in the federal elections?

    I have enough clue what is going on here; do not assume things about people you do not know. Yet another generalization pattern in your thinking.
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