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Do you know why the Democrat Party is becoming Socialist?

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50 years ago when the Democrat Party started buying votes with our hard earned income, they never realized how successful they would be in creating Government dependents.

Human nature will gladly take the easy way out when given the chance. Corrupt politicians quickly learned that pandering to our most selfish base desires, will lead to votes.

Never in their wildest dreams did they contemplate how easy it would be to destroy America's work ethic, creating Socialist voters.

The problem this radical Democrat Party has created for itself, is that millions of Americans still possess the intellect to see the damage caused by Socialist ideology.
Thanks to Trump, people are fighting back against corrupt Politicians using the working middle class for their Scialist piggy bank.

The few moderate Democrats left in this new Progressive Socialist Party no longer have a voice. They are watching their Party implode before their very eyes.

The Democrat Party of John Kennedy... "ask not what your Goverment can do for you"... has turned into Bernie Sander's ... DEMAND WHAT GOVERNMENT MUST GIVE YOU"!

We are over 20 TRILLION in debt and this sick party is promising to cancel your College debt, cancel your Healthcare debt, etc. on the backs of tax payers!
They are trying to buy your vote by promising you free College, free Healthcare, free everything... and the only thing you have to do is vote Democrat!

This next election should be a landslide for Trump. If it is not, the American dream is truly on the brink of collapse.

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  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  

    I've got one word for you:


    Hope your kids don't want a career, because in about 20 years there will be none.
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    The Socialist Liberal Voters, and the Liberal Voters in the United States, have made it a nationwide lifestyle choice, to rely on the Socialist Liberals politicians, and the Liberal politicians themselves to feed their followers with their handouts, paid for by your tax dollars, my tax dollars, and the rest of the non Liberal Voters taxpayer dollars.

    That is the ultimate display of Liberal and Socialist Liberal Voter laziness.

    That's why Sanders, Biden, Warren, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, and Buttigieg, are working as hard as they are to sell the Public, on their Liberal, and Socialist Liberal handout opportunities.

    And going after the Rich, to make them pay up as well, taxation wise, to those same Liberal, and Socialist Liberal voters.

    This is why New York, and California, are in trouble financially like they are.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -  
    It is a known effect of governmental expansion: since the government has all incentives to expand and take more and more power, and since parties comprise the government, it is reasonable to assume that parties are going to become more and more statist, and socialism is one of the most common statist pathways.

    Your mistake is that you think that only the Democratic party is prone to be affected by this, while in reality the Republican party, or any other party in any country on Earth, is no different. Just think of the Pirate Party in Sweden which I at some point had hopes for, which started as a libertarian anti-IP party, but quickly descended into a typical socialist party.

    Democrats hook people up on welfare; Republicans hook people up on subsidies. The difference is only in that Democrats pander to the urban crowd, while Republicans pander to the rural crowd; they both ultimately use the same method of making people dependent on them. That is just how politics works, and if you have not figured it out yet, you likely will soon.
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Socialism is anti American.

    And the non Liberal oriented US citizens deserve better, than how any of the current Liberals, and Socialist Liberals want to treat the legal US citizens as a whole.

    The 300 Sanctuary Cities in the U.S. are anti American.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -  

    Considering that for the majority of the US history the borders were wide open, I would not say that cities accepting undocumented immigrants are "anti-American"; rather, the cities not accepting them are.

    Granted, the US has changed over time, so it is not clear what should be considered "pro-American" or "anti-American", as it is not clear which version of America we are talking about.
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    Those businesses who use those illegal immigrants for their cheap labor, are anti American.

    If they were truly American, they wouldn't be breaking the Law, in regards to illegal immigrants and how they use them under the table.

    "Considering that for the majority of the US history the borders were wide open,"

    "I would not say that cities accepting undocumented immigrants are "anti- American";

    "rather, the cities not accepting them are."

    You're wrong, those cities are Anti American, because the Legal U.S. citizens who live in those same Sanctuary Cities, are having those same illegal immigrants shoved down their pro "America" throats.

    And those cities not pandering to the illegal immigrants by giving them Sanctuary, are placing their Legal U.S. citizens, first when it comes to being Law abiding citizens.
    (@MayCaesar this is the definition of being pro American citizen.)
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -  

    And you living in the same country as me are shoved down my throat. So what? This is how life is: you get to live alongside those you dislike / disagree with. Has nothing to do with socialism; if you do not want to live alongside people you disapprove of, then you should move into the woods.

    The law you are referring to has not existed for the majority of the US history; the law itself can be hence called anti-American.
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    "And you living in the same country as me are shoved down my throat."

    @MayCaesar Say the above, with some more clarity?

    "So what? This is how life is: you get to live alongside those you dislike / disagree with.

    So what, nothing.

    So you pro illegal immigrant self has no problem with the illegal immigrants being in the United States, right?

    Do you have the same loyalty for those illegal immigrants who have killed and sexually assaulted legal U.S. citizens?

    "Has nothing to do with socialism; if you do not want to live alongside people you disapprove of, then you should move into the woods." 

    @MayCaesar And your pro illegal immigrant loyal self, isn't going to tell me how to life MY life, to suit your illegal immigrant loyal self, or the illegal immigrants who you're advocating for.

    "The law you are referring to has not existed for the majority of the US history; the law itself can be hence called anti-American."

    @MayCaesar Do you mean this Law?

    Because the below Law isn't anti American, it's pro United States of America.

    "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

    The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA or the Simpson–Mazzoli Act) was passed by the 99th United States Congress and signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on November 6, 1986."

  • AmpersandAmpersand 858 Pts   -  
    Yes, it's truly terrible that a democratic process should involve representing the people and looking our for their interests. Truly horrible. You're right, let's go back to the 50's instead (with their 91% top tax rate that puts todays to shame!)

    Also Reagan was the key mover being increasing the US deficit and was a Republican. Much of the problem could be solved by ensuring you actually collect tax revenue from the rich and businesses rather than allowing rampant tax evasion and regressive taxation policies.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -  

    You are telling illegal immigrants, residents of sanctuary cities and other people how to live their lives all the time. I am not telling you how to live your life though; I am merely giving you advice.

    I have a problem with people who commit acts of violence against other people. I have no problem with people peacefully crossing a wild desert in search of a better life. I have some problem with those who try to forcefully prevent them from doing so, although not as much of a problem as you might think.
  • I agree with some of what you are saying. As Democrats force higher minimum wage increases, businesses like Mcdonald's and many others are replacing minimum wage jobs with computers.
    Did you notice all the stores going to self check outs? How many minimum wage jobs will be lost thanks to the Left's socialistic ideology. They are forcing businesses to automate, or go out of business.

    The future jobs will be automation and tech jobs, and if our schools do not start training our kids in these fields, there will not be enough workers for the required jobs.@Happy_Killbot
  • You are of course correct. Liberal Leftwing policies will bankrupt this nation. The slippery slope of who can give away the most free stuff slowly forces all politcians to capitulate, ignoring our huge debt to get elected.@TKDB
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -  
    As Democrats force higher minimum wage increases, businesses like Mcdonald's and many others are replacing minimum wage jobs with computers.
    @We_are_accountable They would switch to automation regardless of the minimum wage. Cutting out labor costs entirely is simply too good of a deal for business.

    The future jobs will be automation and tech jobs, and if our schools do not start training our kids in these fields, there will not be enough workers for the required jobs.@Happy_Killbot
    You are correct. Many jobs will be wiped out with automation and many candidates fail to acknowledge this. The only jobs left will be the ones behind the machines, but there won't be enough for everyone.

    The economy will be extremely different in a few decades.
    why so serious?
  • Politicians should be looking out for the interests of the working Americans who pay for their jobs in Congress, not the interests of able bodied free loaders.

    As always, you have no problem with able bodied lazy people living off the hard workers, and never required to pay back the money taken from those hard workers. You see the hard working successful Americans as the bad guys, never saying word one against the lazy career dead beats.

    Welfare should be a contract between the able bodied person wanting free stuff, and his willingness to pay it back when he gets back on his feet.
    Why is it when workers need a loan to buy something, they are exptected to pay it back, but when the Government gets involved with OUR money, it is not expected to be paid back.

    Oh that's right, they are buying votes with our money.@Ampersand
  • The automation scare is a fallacy. We are extremely automated today compared to 100 years ago and  we are all living better lives. Why? Because automating one job frees up people to find something more valuable to society. It may require more training or education, but it allows for more efficient business which keeps the relative price of goods and services in check. This means more for your money.
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    And the 22 million illegal immigrants in the United States can Man up, or Woman up, and can act in a law abiding manner, and follow the proper Legal Channels to become LEGAL U.S. residents.

    It's not hard, if they truly care about the LAWS of the United States.

    NO, the same illegal immigrants that you're blatantly ADVOCATING for, are telling me, and the rest of the law abiding citizens, how to LIVE with their illegal immigrant criminal selves, because they're being illegally enabled by those farce laws, IE the  Sanctuary Cities laws, being perpetrated against the LEGAL U.S. citizens who live in those same cities.

    "You are telling illegal immigrants, residents of sanctuary cities and other people how to live their lives all the time. I am not telling you how to live your life though; I am merely giving you advice.

    You can keep your illegal immigrant supporting advice.

    The United States, means more to me, than you pro illegal immigrant advocating advice does.

    "I have a problem with people who commit acts of violence against other people."

    "I have no problem with people peacefully crossing a wild desert in search of a better life."

    "I have some problem with those who try to forcefully prevent them from doing so, although not as much of a problem as you might think"

    @MayCaesar The same illegal immigrants that you're advocating for, DO NOT deserve to be become law abiding citizens, if they unlawfully choose to come into the United States illegally, thus CRIMINALIZING themselves.

    I hope that one day, that some U.S. citizens, get the bright idea to file a Lawsuit against the legitimacy of the false Sanctuary City laws, and takes the lawmakers of those Sanctuary Cities to court, to fight to give those Sanctuary Cities, lawfully back to the LEGAL U.S. citizens, and send those illegal immigrants back to their home countries, all 50 of those countries, that have seen their country people, come into the United States illegally.

  • I agree that automation is a great thing. It has greatly improved our quality of life.

    That being said, it might be possible to go too far with automation. When the new tech jobs created, supporting automation, are fewer than the jobs lost to it, we have a problem.

    You are saying there will be new more valuable jobs created for all these displaced workers. Where? As more tasks are being performed by automation, at some point there will no longer be a need for low level jobs creating value for others. Not all workers can perform higher technical jobs. The truth is, we all have limits to our capabilities, and as the lower level jobs are eliminated, there will be a problem.

    I hope you are correct about your theory?@TruthSearcher

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    We are not talking about them becoming citizens; we are talking about them being able to be present on the US territory. With regards to naturalisation, it is a very long and tough process: I have lived in the US since 2014, for example, and the ETA of me getting a Green Card is year 2028, after which, at least, 5 more years must pass for me to become eligible for naturalisation. That is 19 adult years... Does any American-born individual have to go through such a process? I am not complaining - I am okay with that - but do not misinterpret the situation by saying, "Oh, they should just come here legally and that is it, their life problems are solved".

    You complained about the sanctuary cities as anti-American. What is anti-American in a city deciding via democratic vote to harbor undocumented immigrants? Demanding that immigrants have any documentation whatsoever in itself anti-American from the historical perspective, and self-governed cities are as American as it can get.

    It all comes down, as usual, to you thinking that you can impose your views on everyone else. It is not about something being pro-American or anti-American; it is about something being pro-TKDB or anti-TKDB. You do not speak for ~317 million Americans; you speak for yourself, and dozens millions Americans do not share your view on the subject.
  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  
    This "un-accountable" individual (of female gender, I believe), is only accountable to propaganda. She leaves the "ic" off the Democrat_i_c Party to take away its prime objective … democracy. That and to childishly have the word "rat" at the end. Would your mommy approve?? Maybe. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. (Unless its headed downhill, that is ;-). 

    I'm a Democrat. I used to be an Independent … until the GOP disintegrated and left me NO choice. I'm NOT a "socialist", never will be …. as with most any Democrat. We ALL know capitalism HAS to be a part of democracy, and, as has been shown since the Republican Roosevelt AND the Democrat-ic Roosevelt, socialism has an important "part", also! 

    Don't take a bite of THIS apple … it has a WORM in it! :smirk:
  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  
    Unless someone actually propose in their platform to actually nationalize all means of production, it's not Socialism... Does anyone propose that? No...
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • Do you actually think that any Democrat Presidential candidate would suggest such a thing as that? That would be the death sentence to their political careers. Democrats are masters at deception. They stay in the Socialist closet until the right timing.

    They will never tell you how extreme their ultimate goals are until the slippry slope of the electorate has been condition to vote for it.

    I remember how Democrats told us they supported the Hyde Amendment, were pro life, were pro gun, anti Gay marriage, against having transgender boys playng in our daughter's sports, etc. etc. etc., and flip flpopping when they thought they could win the election.@Plaffelvohfen
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    The United States is a country based on Law's.

    If those 22 million illegal immigrants can't handle abiding by those same Law's, then they've wasted their time, by playing a life and death game with themselves, and they're playing games by being in the United States illegally, and those same 300 Sanctuary Cities, are playing games with the Infrastructure of this country, and they are playing game's, by infringing on the Rights of the lawful citizens who have been living in the country legally for decades.

    "It all comes down, as usual, to you thinking that you can impose your views on everyone else. It is not about something being pro-American or anti-American; it is about something being pro-TKDB or anti-TKDB. You do not speak for ~317 million Americans; you speak for yourself, and dozens millions Americans do not share your view on the subject."

    "To you thinking that you can impose your views on everyone else."
    Look at the below realities carefully:

    The Illegal immigrants for the below, AND THEY have been IMPOSING THEMSELVES, and THEIR CRIMINAL VIEWS, on the United States for decades.

    Now those same Criminal illegal immigrants are IMPOSING THEMSELVES, again unto the U.S. public, via the illegal use of those 300 Sanctuary Cities laws.

    How many illegal immigrants have raped, sexually assaulted, gunned down, or been kidnapped by some of those illegal immigrants that you're an advocate for apparently?


    I hope that one day, that some U.S. citizens, get the bright idea to file a Lawsuit against the legitimacy of the false Sanctuary City laws, and takes the lawmakers of those Sanctuary Cities to court, to fight to give those Sanctuary Cities, lawfully back to the LEGAL U.S. citizens, and send those illegal immigrants back to their home countries, all 50 of those countries, that have seen their country people, come into the United States illegally. 
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    The Progressive Democrat Party has become Socialist because the Millennial and Gen-Z generations have been morphed into mindless, godless, historically ignorant, Darwinist' is Darwinism that is the most profound progenitor of atheism ever known to mankind. Once our youth are brainwashed in the demonic lies of evolution, the filling of soft-gray matter with the death of socialism-marxism is no challenge for teachers, professors, with a captive audience and seductive lies combined with historical revisionism. There has never been a more brainwashed, historically deceived and ignorant, naive, perverse, godless, generation of American's than the Millennial and Gen-Z generations of today. These socialistic-evolutionistic engineered robots will destroy the United States' Constitutional Republic as they avidly support a democrat-sodomite and an insane-socialist for the Presidency of the United States. This is insanity on steroids and Satan laughs and mocks.

    Subsequent to policing this morally sick and lost society for 31-years, I have written on why America's youth have become socialist puppets, here:

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