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A new Gallup poll shows that 76% of Democrats would vote for a Socialist!

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The results of a new Gallup poll confirms what I already knew. The Democrat Party is on the slippery slope of becoming Socialist no matter how many try to suggest otherwise. Sen. Bernie Sanders, an avowed Socialist, is now leading the Democrat Presidential primaries.

The Gallup poll showed Democrats are most willing to support a socialist, with 76 percent saying they would vote for a candidate with that political ideology. Only 45 percent of Independents and 17 percent of Republicans said they would do the same.

This is how the Democrat Party operates. They will tell everyone they are not extreme, not closet Socialists, all while creating never ending Social programs, vowing to wipe away College debt, gviing you free Government run Healthcare, Medicare for all no matter if you never paid a dime into the system.
Then when more and more people get hooked on free stuff, these Politicians come out of the Socialist closet and embrace who they have been all along.

If it is true that you are not a Socialist, I hope you stand by your word and refuse to vote for any politician pushing us in that direction.

You might not like Trump's lack of humility and brash personality, but you can't tell me he is not a thousand times better than any Socialist or extreme Liberal Politician. He is accomlishing most everything he said he would do. He's a work horse and has tackled so many of the issues kicked down the road by all these other past Presidents.

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  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  
    IF, he is the nominee, you can be sure of it. IF someone else is, that is NOT a socialist but a capitalist, you can be sure of THAT also. Democrats are not so one way as today's conservatives. At this point, if Mitt Romney or anyone else recognizing Agent Orange for what he is somehow became the nominee we'd likely vote for him/her! The object is to bring down the KING! You know, the one with the $3M price on his head?
  • All you ever do is spew insults and haetred for Trump, and never give us one good reason not to elect him. You say he is a lair! Welcome to every Politician since time began.... SO WHAT!

    If he does what he said he would do, he can be trsuted. The truth of the matter is that you don't like what Conservatives stand for. You would prefer a Socialist and that says everything about who you are.@AlofRI
  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  
    No. I would NOT prefer a socialist. I would prefer a person who would not concentrate on the "rights" of capitalists … OVER the rights of the people. If you want to call that "socialism", knock yourself out ……… hopefully. I want our government OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people to have a chance to make this a "more perfect union". I do NOT want a government that favors capitalists OVER the people …. as it was intended to be …. before people like you (and Trump) came along. I'm sure that tells everything about who I am. ;-)
  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    What are the "rights" of capitslists and how does that differ from the people.

    FOR the people doesnt mean redistribute wealth in order to appease the most people.

    Income inequality is a statistic.  Who cares if theirs wealthy people as long as the economy as a whole is betters everyone.  The income in Venezuela is pretty equal.
  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  

    What are the "rights" of capitslists and how does that differ from the people.

    FOR the people doesnt mean redistribute wealth in order to appease the most people.

    Income inequality is a statistic.  Who cares if theirs wealthy people as long as the economy as a whole is betters everyone.  The income in Venezuela is pretty equal.
    The rights of capitalists are the same as the rights of ordinary Americans. The RIGHT to do whatever they wish …. within the law! Many of the laws they work under are called "regulations". They are there, not to prevent them from making money, they are there to see that WE, the PEOPLE, (and the country / environment), are protected from capitalists that sidestep or ignore those laws and regulations. 

    Yes. FOR the people does not mean redistribution of wealth, it DOES mean that capitalists MUST NOT use that wealth AGAINST "WE the people."  Purchasing laws and regulations that allow them to take a larger share of the nations money so that there is little left for "WE the People" to share! Money is power! That is unarguable. The people are supposed to have the power, when a huge majority of it is taken by a few, and they refuse to share any of it (by paying fair taxes, paying to improve the country that allowed them to gather that money), they are abusing those rights we ALL are supposed to have!

    Yep. Income inequality IS a statistic. So is the death rate. Without the taxes wealthy people are supposed to pay, the rest of us have to make up for it out of our NON-wealthy pockets! Please, don't tell me about Venezuelan income. I've spent a lot of time in Venezuela. The only income that was "pretty equal" was the income ALLOWED by their dictator! The old one, and even more with the new one! Venezuela has MORE OIL than the middle east! MANY of the people should be, at least, well off! But who is?? A handful of capitalists that suck up to whomever is "the Boss" at the time! In the last four years we are beginning to "catch up" with Venezuela! Soon WE will be "pretty equal" if we continue with THIS Boss! Won't that be special??  :rage:
  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -  
    @AlofRI. Who is wealthy in Venezuela isnt a bunch of capitalists.  Their leader is a socialist dictator.

    Also is you want fewer rules and regulatiins why do you support socialism/ socialist ideas...that makes more rules a regulations.  Most free market capitalists want as few as possible.
  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -  
    @AlofRI. Who is wealthy in Venezuela isnt a bunch of capitalists.  Their leader is a socialist dictator.

    Also is you want fewer rules and regulatiins why do you support socialism/ socialist ideas...that makes more rules a regulations.  Most free market capitalists want as few as possible.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6142 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    Most people do not see further than their nose when it comes to politics. They care about short-term alleged gains, not seeing the bigger picture and the long-term effects. "Sanders promised to pay off my $200,000 college debt? I win if he wins!" 5 years later, the economy is in shambles and this person cannot find a job despite outstanding credentials, whilst in a healthy economy they would already have paid off the debt and have a 6-figure net income.

    So many people want someone else to take care of all their problems, while with just a little bit of effort and responsibility they would be killing it in life. Reliance on others clouds their vision and makes them blind to millions opportunities at every step.

    It is a tragedy of human life: we tend to be driven by our emotions and insecurities, choosing the easiest way out that backfires, despite countless just a bit harder ways available with much better outcomes. The difference between the average welfare consumer and the average millionaire is not that big, if you look at it closely; the millionaire has just been systematically making slightly more responsible choices, and over time they snowballed into massive success.
  • In best Jee shou june interpretation:

    Politics is like the finger that points to the nose, would is only a pick. 
  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  
    @AlofRI. Who is wealthy in Venezuela isnt a bunch of capitalists.  Their leader is a socialist dictator.

    Also is you want fewer rules and regulatiins why do you support socialism/ socialist ideas...that makes more rules a regulations.  Most free market capitalists want as few as possible.
    I support DEMOCRATIC IDEAS. Democratic ideas come with a mixture of capitalistic and socialistic ideas. I agree, most capitalists want as few regulations as possible. They WANT to charge even more than their product is worth. They WANT to make it as cheap as possible … without too much worry about its safety. They WANT to get rich (or richer) as fast as possible! Where did you get the idea I want as few rules and regulations as possible?? I want as MANY as necessary to keep people from being ripped off, to keep people safe from shoddy, dangerous products, to keep the environment safe. But then, YOU don't give the south end of a north bound rat about that!

    As I have said before, ANYONE can place the word socialist in front of their name, Stalin called HIS country "socialist", Hitler called his reign NATIONAL socialist. Socialism is supposed to be ALL for the people. Nationalism and communism can say they are "socialistic", but, Hitler threw every "socialist" he could find into the camps with the Jews, and then came up with HIS version of "socialist". If the Venezuelan dictator wants to create his type of socialism, it will be no more dangerous that his type of capitalism. Without  democracy, any kind of socialism OR capitalism is dangerous …. to the "little people"!

    The "Capitalist" in an authoritarian country IS the authoritarian leader. HE (or she), can't manage all the capitalistic businesses, so he has a few "loyal oligarchs" to help. That's what Trump demands, LOYAL OLIGARCHS to go along with his disillusioned followers.  Just like the Venezuelan dictator is working toward. THAT is NOT democratic socialism, that is just like Stalin's and Hitler's "socialism". NO DEMOCRAT wants THAT.

    If you got a larger phone … or smaller thumbs, you likely would be able to be understood a bit better. :smirk:
  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -  
    @AlofRI. Thats why i said as few regulations as possible.  Free markets do a good job of regulating themselves.  If you overcharge for a product someone will make one cheaper, if you make a bad or unsafe product people will buy the alternative.

    I think its funny how socialism can be tried over and over again fail, and the excuse is they didnt do it right.  Maybe socialism just breeds that type of behavior; it often ends democracy.
  • piloteerpiloteer 1577 Pts   -  

    The United States already is a socialist country, and it has been since the 30s, and you support a political party that does nothing to reverse those socialist ideals and piles more debt on the American taxpayers. You are just as a communist as the rest. You support a political party that believes the government should be allowed to tell businesses who they can and can't do business with, and the government should be allowed to steal land from people for the purpose of "the common good". Stop pretending. We know you're a communist inside agitator.    
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6142 Pts   -  
    One immigrant from Soviet Union put it in a funny way: "People living under socialism flee it; people not living under socialism run towards it". People escape Cuba on rusty boats and arrive to the US, where they are told how awesome the system they escaped really is. I was born in Soviet Union; people in that region still constantly talk about how glorious that system was, while shopping at large capitalist malls with 100 different brands of bread, as opposed to 1 brand of spoiled bread - that was also in constant shortage - in USSR.

    Perhaps Bernie will be the American Hollande, who will wreck the economy and make socialists unelectable for another several decades? Place your bets!
  • Exactly correct. You obviously know what you are talking about because you lived it. Most spoiled Democrats have no clue what true hardship is, and they are ignorant enough to go down that dissasterous path, thinking their lives can get even better.@MayCaesar
  • @piloteer

    Congratulation, you just made it to my mute list for spewing worthless lies.
  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  
    @AlofRI. Thats why i said as few regulations as possible.  Free markets do a good job of regulating themselves.  If you overcharge for a product someone will make one cheaper, if you make a bad or unsafe product people will buy the alternative.

    I think its funny how socialism can be tried over and over again fail, and the excuse is they didnt do it right.  Maybe socialism just breeds that type of behavior; it often ends democracy.
    "It often ends democracy." When? Authoritarianism ends it every time! 
    When capitalism gets out of control, the "big guys" buy out anyone who undersells them, or even comes up with a better product. China's capitalism actually bought out this country! Capitalists like Romney sold our companies AND technology for big profits! (He's just ONE).

    When we had to put people back to work under Reagan he just had to start up their old jobs. When Obama had to put people back to work NEW jobs with NEW equipment had to be created, because most of them had been sold to China, India, etc. by our unregulated capitalists who didn't give a crap about "our democracy", just THEIR capitalistic ability to make money FAST! Capitalism is necessary! Necessarily regulated! It would be nice if those capitalists would consider the consequences of their actions on the society that made them. That's the socialism we need to push, and the capitalism we need to regulate …. FOR ALL. Conservatives aren't playing that game … they'd rather END democracy!
  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -  
    @AlofRI. Socialism often leads to authoritarianism.

    Chinas capitalism bought out this country...wouldnt that be an endorsement for capitalism; China is doing well because of their switch to capitalistic tendencies.  If the U.S. made their policies more business friendly, they wouldnt leave. Change to socialism and watch them go.

    Consequences on the society that made them...society didnt make them, people create their own successful businesses.

    Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty quicker than any system in the world ever has. Socialism unfortunately generally does the opposite.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6142 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    The unemployment rate in this country is at its historical low over the last 60 years, and you are unhappy that "jobs have been sold"? They have been sold to developed countries exactly because there are far more jobs here than there are job seekers, hence companies hire people to do more high-level jobs, and outsource lower-level jobs to less developed countries with less qualified workforce and poorer infrastructure.

    Would you rather Americans do unproductive manual jobs requiring no skills? Do you want people maintaining automatised equipment producing 100 shoes a minute to instead put shoes together with their hands, producing 100 shoes a month? Why? Who does it benefit?

    Socialism is a retrograde system that attempts to defy the natural human progress. While the world is moving towards complete individual self-sufficiency and unbelievable prosperity, socialists want people instead to be poor and depend on the collective for survival. Socialists are like Amish people: "World is becoming a great place to live? That is too boring! Let us artificially make our lives as hard as possible, so we could find meaning in the struggle."

    Even traditionally extremely collectivist societies, such as those in China, India or Vietnam, have foregone socialism and, as a result, are today enjoying unprecedented levels of economical growth, with dozens millions people leaving poverty every year. The world has said its word: socialism is a failure that has no place here. That some people still want to go back there, despite an outstandingly horrific record of the system and an outstandingly amazing record of capitalism, makes no logical sense. It would be like Germans weeping over the Third Reich times, "Remember when the Fuhrer ruled us and everything was awesome? Those days are gone now... How sad!"
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