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If you want LGBT indoctrination in our Public schools, then you must allow ALL groups access.

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You can't have it all your way no matter how arrogant the Left has become.

If you want these LGBT activist groups conditioning our children to deny the Science of Biology, then you must allow religious groups, and others, the same access. Are you willing to turn our schools into a political war zone?

If not, keep your Political correct LGBT hysteria where it belongs, which is far away from our impressionable children.

Schools are a place for our children to learn the basics.... PERIOD!

Please vote this Political correct hysteria out of our Government! We the people have the last word. Don't let the Left's LGBT base transform our nation. They have attained the anti discrimination laws they wanted, but this was not good enough for them. They want your child's mind! They are so insecure, they will not stop until every knee bows to their disorder.

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  • piloteerpiloteer 1577 Pts   -  
    I agree. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and all the other major religions should be taught just as much as LGTBQ history, and black history.         
  • @piloteer

    Then you don't want your kids learning the basics of Math, English, Science?

    You want your kids learning about unnatural sex and people with Gender disorders in schools? You can't teach your kids about these issues in your own home? You want to force every parent's child to believe what you believe about sex?

    I thought that was what you wanted for religion? I thought people on the Left wanted parents to teach our children about our religion at home or in private schools?

    No? So you are happy with our nation falling behind the world in Math, Science and English scores?

    It is truly nauseating how mindlessly political the Left has become. They would sacfifice our children's education, just so they can condition them to deny Science.
    They would embrace the most unnatural of things just to thumb their noses at a God they say they do not believe in. Talk about insecurity.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  
    I am all for giving all groups access to public schools. It is better if public schools are free markets of ideas, than echo-chambers in which only the "right" people, approved by the government, are allowed to say anything - the latter is how you get governmental propaganda forced on children, which should not be a thing in a civilised society.

    General public schools are largely a waste of time anyway. I would not be as concerned with the details of their programs and, instead, do everything I can to get my children into quality private schools, or elite public schools specialising on STEM subjects. I myself got into an elite engineering-focused high school for the last year of my studies, and that was the best decision I could have made: even though it took me 2.5 hours every day to get there and back, I would not be where I am now without the intellectual challenge that school put on me.

    Make sure your kids get into a very strong high school for the last several years of their studies, or, at least, take a lot of advanced AP courses. They are not going to get much from the basic program.
  • @MayCaesar

    I am all about our public schools keeping politics or religion out of the corriculum. America is falling behind the world in Math and Science scores, and here we have the Left forcing every public school to teach about unnatural sexual orientations, wasting our children's valuable education with politics, all because these groups give big money and votes to the Democrat Party.

    I agree with what you said about schools becoming echo-chambers in which only the "right" people, approved by the government, are allowed to say anything - the latter is how you get governmental propaganda forced on children, which should not be a thing in a civilised society.

    The problem with giving up on public schools, and sending your child to a private school? Not all Americans can afford the high cost of private education, especially when they are forced to pay local school taxes to their public schools as well. Trump is trying to get school choice passed so that parents can deduct part of their school taxes to help afford better schools of choice!.

    If we want to live in a nation keeping pace with the world, we must improve our public schools by keeping politics OUT, and the basics in! 
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  

    That depends on the metric one uses. American Mathematics Olympiad teams still regularly take the first place in the international competitions, and the Math and Physics programs at US universities are by far the strongest in the world. The claim that the US is falling behind the world is not really supported by solid evidence, and while there is something to be said about the quality of the mainstream education, it is bad everywhere, and it is not the people attending regular public schools with average results that move humanity forward.

    It is enough to just send your kids to a private school for the last 1-2 years; almost everyone can afford it, or, at least, get a loan for it. In fact, kids themselves can take a loan (signed by their parents) for it. It is an investment that cannot go wrong.
    In order to get extraordinary results in life, you have to do extraordinary things, including receiving extraordinary education. That is just how life works, and regardless of where you live, you do have to go out of your way to receive elite education to get a great chance at succeeding in life.

    I still think that university is where real education takes place; everything prior to that is just games. Granted, to get into a strong university, you need to perform well at school - public schools are only really good as gateways to more serious education, in my opinion.
  • SkepticalOneSkepticalOne Gold Premium Member 1638 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    I'm not sure what you mean by "LGBT indoctrination". If you mean schools should avoid talking about sexuality in general (which would include homosexuality), then I'm going to disagree. I personally think we should be talking about reproduction and sex more in schools - age appropriate of course - and homosexuality would be a natural part of that discussion. Teaching kids how their bodies work and how to avoid pregnancy and STDs is much better for society than not. We need to stop clutching our pearls anytime the subject of human sexuality comes up and educate our kids completely.

    Also, homosexuality is not an ideology like religion. Being gay is an aspect of humanity. You may not like, but, in spite of what you might ignorantly think, it is not chosen. Religion is an ideology and certainly doesn't get to stick its foot (further) in the door of our education system because we accept homosexuality for what it is: a natural part of humanity. In short, your interpretation of the mind of god isn't sufficient reason to deny someone else's humanity. 

    That being said, I'm not opposed to comparative religions being taught - if it could be objectively done. Religion has done much to our world - some good and some bad - and that is part of reality as well. None of it should be denied, embellished, or misrepresented.
    A supreme being is just like a normal being...but with sour cream and black olives.
  • @MayCaesar

    You did n@MayCaesar how corrupt it is for a Government to force people to pay for public schools that their children will not attend. If a parents wants to send his child to a better school, he should be able to spend his school taxes towards that school's tuition. What kind of sick Government would force us to fund failing schools? Competition is always the best form of bringing out the best in us.

    Failing schools should not be subsidised and allowed to continue hurting our children. People should have school choice and thereby insuring a better quality of education for everyone. It will improve the public schools. The good ones will thrive and the bad ones will go out of business. That's how it should be.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  

    Well, I agree that people should get their money's worth, full school choice, etc., but the reality of the world is that this is not going to be the case just because we wish for it. The best we can do is adapt to the system we already have and make the best out of it for our children and ourselves.
  • @SkepticalOne

    NO! Hosexuality would not be a natural part of that discussion. This is what is sick about all this Political correct hysteria. These Progreesives and Liberals are completely wrong about teaching our impressinalbe children that homosexuality is a natural normal sexual orientation. IT IS NOT AND NEVER WILL BE!

    Biology teaches our children how our bodeis are designed! PERIOD!

    If some person says he is born witn attractions for animals, we do not add Beastiality to the school corriculum. GIVE ME A BREAK! Homosexuality OBVIOUSLY goes against our natural design, and just because some person says they were born with unnatural attractions, does not make it ok to teach our children.
    There are such things as disorders in life, and just because LGBT activists took doctors to court, and threatened them for calling Homosexuality a disorder, does  not change the facts.
  • SkepticalOneSkepticalOne Gold Premium Member 1638 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    When someone says 'homosexuality is unnatural' I wonder what nature they've been observing because we see homosexuality in nature beyond our own species. If someone wants to deny this, that's fine, but they will be demonstrating they haven't the foggiest of what the words they are using mean.

    Also, biology doesn't teach us the 'design of our bodies' - it teaches us how out bodies work. There is no (scientifically) known designer unless we consider evolution to be a 'Blind Watchmaker', but I doubt that's what you meant.

    There is no comparison between homosexuality and bestiality, pedophilia, or whatever else you want to drag in. Homosexuality is between consenting adults. 

    I used to be concerned ignorant people were harmful to the gay community, and they are (suicide is not the answer). However, the more I talk to those who spew hate against homosexuality, the more I realize they motivate people to defend fellow humans who happen to be of a different persuasion. Perhaps people such as yourself deserve a pat on the back for all the help you've generated for the gay community. *slow clap*

    A supreme being is just like a normal being...but with sour cream and black olives.
  • @SkepticalOne

    Do people like you ever get tired of deistorting the words of people you do not agree with?

    It's truly pathetic how you constantly deceive and distort my positions. I NEVER spew hate towards Homosexuals you complete joke! I speak out against political activist groups trying to indoctrinate our children in public schools! I've repeated this fact many times, and STILL we have deceptive people like you spewing distorted lies about parents trying to protect their children from adult subject matter.

    I love all people, especially our impressionable children being forced to listen to LGBT propaganda in captive public schools! When these activist Gays stop trying to indoctrinate our children, you will never hear one word out of my mouth about Homosexuality. I don't care how people live their lives, as long as they do not try to condition my children to believe that unnatural sexual orientations are normal and something to experiment with if they like.

    As always you spew complete lies about Homosexuality being in Nature. I have shown the distortion from those trying to claim there are Gay animals, but people like you keep repeating those lies.


    If it naturally occurs in nature, why not in animals we observe every single day?
    Yes, many animals will hump your leg, or anythng that moves, when aroused. THAT'S NOT GAY!

  • I go to a public high school in Minnesota, we are taught Maths and Sciences, as well as the history of all the major religions. It is only health class where we have “LGBT” indoctrination. Essentially, we learn about sexuality and gender fluidity in a unit that’s about two-three days long. We ARE NOT being indoctinated
    Not every quote you read on the internet is true- Abraham Lincoln
  • @AmericanFurryBoy

    Did I say every school has been forced to embrace LGBT agendas, and indoctrinate our children? NO!

    I said it is happening in public schools and we now have four States that have forced all their public schools to change the history books, adding  historical figures who were Gay or Transgender.

    It's happening before our eyes and as with Gay marriage we will soon see EVERY State being forced to change their history books, as well as having LGBT groups talking to the children! There are already Transgenders talking to our kindergartners about "Safe Places"!

    WAKE UP! Our chidren deserve to learn the basics of Math, Science, English, without being indoctrinated from activist groups!
  • SkepticalOneSkepticalOne Gold Premium Member 1638 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    I'm very sorry if my words are hurtful to you, but it is not a misrepresentation of your position to state it rejects the humanity of  the LGBT community and that this is ignorant and/or hateful.

    I don't know what informs your views, but it is not biology or nature - you should stop appealing to these things if you hope to sway an informed audience. I find it ironic and sad you are labeling something as "indoctrination" for no reason other than your own apparent indoctrination. 

    You're challenge of "one gay pet/farm animal" shows the limits of your 'natural observations' as much as "only with the same sex" establishes your understanding of LGBT as a subject. Below I will provide a glimpse into the world outside the echo chamber you've created for yourself. I don't expect you to change your mind, but I do hope you will at least read the information.

    "Same-sex behaviour ranging from co-parenting to sex has been observed in over 1,000 species with likely many more as researchers begin to look for the behaviour explicitly. Homosexuality is widespread, with bisexuality even more prevalent across species." [Link]

    "More than 30 years of work on the biological mechanisms of sexual differentiation and the contact with many scientists working in this field mainly in the United States convinced me that sexual orientation is largely one aspect of sexual differentiation controlled by the early action of gonadal hormones (testosterone and estradiol) or more directly by genetic influences. This is clearly demonstrated in animal models and correlative evidence strongly suggests that mechanisms identified in rodents and other mammals are active in humans. As a biologist, I also have a very hard time understanding how evolution could have left the control of sexual orientation to mechanisms as highly variable as the interactions with parents and peers when this feature has such a crucial role in reproductive success and this transmission of genes to the next generation. Control of this feature must be « hard-wired »!" [Link]

    If homosexuality is "hard-wired" then it is not an ideology nor can it be indoctrination. Furthermore, if homosexuality is 'built-in', then it can not ever be 'contagious' and gay people talking to our children isn't going to turn them gay. 

    A supreme being is just like a normal being...but with sour cream and black olives.
  • piloteerpiloteer 1577 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    Looks like we have a pro-censorship agent who will run and tell Aarong if we make “mean” arguments. I’m gonna remember that you my argument and had it removed. @We_are_accountable hates free speech!!!!!

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    How many times are you going to utilize offensive or vulgar language as the icing for you argument cakes?

    You cussed the first time with your F bomb.
    (You got for the F bomb.)

    Now you're flexing your icing skills again with this fresh set of words?

    "you elitist   c u m   s o c k"

    Now you've been again for your fresh words.

    What is this diatribe from you about?

    "Looks like we have a pro-censorship agent who will run and tell Aarong if we make “mean” arguments.
    I’m gonna remember that you my argument and had it removed. @We_are_accountable hates free speech!!!!! "


    So your DEFINITION of free speech, is dropping F bombs, and using language like this?

    "you elitist   c u m   s o c k"

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