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How do you know the one true faith? It's the one that most on the Left despise!

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Have you ever wondered why non believers and those on the Left most times single out Christianity for their insults and judgmental tirades?

It's very good evidence that Christianity is the one true faith. God told us how the world would hate him and his believers.

These anti Christain bigots say they do not like Islam and other religions as well, but hardly EVER do they insult Muslims. I wonder why?

There is an evil in this world, that we call Satan, and guess what? He already knows that all the other religions are man made fakes. He was part of creating these fakes. Why would he insult the fake religions when they are helping him lead people astray?

He will only demonize the one true Christian faith.

The judgmental bigots on this site are so brainwashed, they can't even see the truth of what I just said. They despise Christians and don't even understand why.

Muslims create terrorist groups that use their Islamic Holy book to justify killing innocent women and children ON PURPOSE! The Left says nothing about the terror ushered in by the Islamic Koran.

Christianity teaches us to turn the other cheek, love and forgive even our enemies, and the world hates it. Start questioning your knee jerk reasons for despising Christians, and start seeing the truth written in the New Testament Bible.

Ask yourself why any person who does not believe in God, would spend so much time demonizing those that do. Why would he care what others believe?

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  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    The "left" also strongly despise Fascism and Nazism. I guess we found the two true political systems!

    I do not believe in god and I do not demonise anyone, so, once again, you are wrong. I do make fun of uptight authoritarians of all kinds though; the faces you guys make when facing someone who does not care about your sensibilities are truly priceless.
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  
    @We_are_accountable Did you know that there are atheist republicans?

    Did you know that there are Christian democrats?

    Did you know that Muslims and Christians have a lot in common?

    Did you know that there are Christian terrorist groups?

    Did you know that there is no one true faith?

    Did you know I'm not a "leftist"?
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    You rail against Muslims yet say nothing about Trumps arms deals with the Saudis how does that work?

    Look at Trump bowing to this dog and you say nothing like the appalling  hypocrite you are 

    Incidentally your own president when he met the king of Saudi practically feel to his knees in his praise of the tyrant 

    You’re wrong yet again believe I’m married to a Catholic and not surprisingly a fair proportion of American Christians call the pope the “Antichrist “ demonstrating yet again that American fundies are on a different scale of lunacy , the biggest threat to the world is not Muslims , Commies , North Koreans etc ,etc, the biggest threat are people like you and other “American Christians” on here who perceive everyone who is not like them as an “evil socialist” and hilariously a supporter of Islam.

    American Christians like you when not attacking non Americans turn on your own people such is your paranoia and hate of anyone who dares to be  different and have this cherry pie view of the US going back to the 50’’s and before when everyone knew their place and even those blacks got put in their place if they got “uppitty “ with their white Christian betters.

    Your lot hate , gays , lesbians , Muslims , socialists , Democrats , pro choice women , climate change advocates , atheists , single mothers , pacifists etc, etc , have you anyone else left to hate?

    The two party system in the U S has pitched a battle in the U S between a nation of totally opposing viewpoints  about time you guys had a new civil war winner takes all 

  • @Happy_Killbot

    Why do make totally irrelevant remarks? Is it because you can not refute the truth of what I am saying and therefore twist the subject?

    When have I ever tried to imply that there are no atheist republicans? The difference? Atheist Repubicans do not constantly paint Christians in a bad light. They are not insecure people who must demonize the Christian faith for it's voice on important moral values in society.

    Yes, I know there are some Christian Democrats, and I know their numbers are dwindling because of the extreme Left's take over of the Party.

    People of all persuasions have some things in common. The core doctrine between Islam and Christianity are light yearts apart. Islam teaches to kill their enemies while Christianity teaches to love and forgive our enemies.

    There are no true Christian terrorists. God said you will know a Christian by their love. Show me one Christian terroist group in America supporting the killing of innocent people. We live in America and can see the truth of what Christians stand for. Do we care what some fringe group in third world nations does in the name of God? It's sick you try to demonize a faith of love and forgiveness by the actions of a few false Christians.

    There is one true faith to anyone who believes in God. How could all the different religions be correct when they have totally different doctrine?
    Of course Atheists refuse to believe there is one true faith. They believe that some single cell magically popped to life, from nothing. They believed this single cell randomly mutated to our unbelievably complex DNA.
    It takes more faith to swallow that, then faith in God.

    One thing I truly know from the short time I've been in this site, is that you side most of the time with those on the Left. You will know a person by what they support
    When I hear you siding with the Right on issues such as abortion, gun control, LGBT activism, climate change, freedom of religious expression, school choice, etc., then I might change my opinion about you.
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  
    @We_are_accountable ;

    First off, your second statement is objectively false, because you are talking to me.

    Second off, the US is shifted right, not the other way around. Look at this graph of the 2020 political candidates based on their past policies and current ones:
    Bernie Sanders, who is often painted as being far left, is only slightly left of center.

    You are very ignorant of the Quran, you misunderstand what it means when it says
    “And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” 
    This is a justification of war, which unless you are a complete pacifist and hate our troops you probably already accept as true anyways.
    There are no true Christian terrorists. God said you will know a Christian by their love. Show me one Christian terroist group in America supporting the killing of innocent people. We live in America and can see the truth of what Christians stand for. Do we care what some fringe group in third world nations does in the name of God? It's sick you try to demonize a faith of love and forgiveness by the actions of a few false Christians.
    Oh, please. This is a no true Scotsman fallacy logic 101. A lot of these groups advocate for much of what you advocate for. The difference between you and them is they have the balls to take action, you just complain on the internet. Please don't prove me wrong on that last statement.

    How do you know that one of the others isn't correct and you have been lead astray?

    Nothing you have said requires faith, but it is all very useful. What you don't seem to realize is that science has nothing to do with belief, if someone can demonstrate that it is impossible for life to form naturally, I will accept that as truth, because I don't believe that without evidence. However, if an experiment shows that life can arise naturally, then I will accept that as truth. At the moment, there is a lot of evidence pointing in that direction but we still have yet to witness it occurring in the lab.

    One thing I truly know from the short time I've been in this site, is that you side most of the time with those on the Left. You will know a person by what they support
    When I hear you siding with the Right on issues such as abortion, gun control, LGBT activism, climate change, freedom of religious expression, school choice, etc., then I might change my opinion about you.
    • Abortion - pro-freedom (libertarian/technocratic philosophy)
    • gun control - pro gun conservative (seriously, did you see my profile pic?)
    • LGBTQ activism - marriage rights
    • Climate change - it's real and we need to build up industry to do something about it, at a profit of course (libertarian)
    • freedom of religion - constitutional secularism, freedom of religion and freedom of speech (including my right to say your religion is dumb)
    • school choice - no stance.
    As you can see, my views are mostly libertarian, slightly conservative. The only left leaning policy I have is LGBTQ activism, which is mainstream and I still fail to see any problem with it, there is nothing wrong with homosexuals being themselves.

    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • @Happy_Killbot

    To continue to say Christians are terrorist, makes it time to IGNORE!
  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  
    Have you ever wondered why non believers and those on the Left most times single out Christianity for their insults and judgmental tirades?

    It's very good evidence that Christianity is the one true faith. God told us how the world would hate him and his believers.

    These anti Christain bigots say they do not like Islam and other religions as well, but hardly EVER do they insult Muslims. I wonder why?

    There is an evil in this world, that we call Satan, and guess what? He already knows that all the other religions are man made fakes. He was part of creating these fakes. Why would he insult the fake religions when they are helping him lead people astray?

    He will only demonize the one true Christian faith.

    The judgmental bigots on this site are so brainwashed, they can't even see the truth of what I just said. They despise Christians and don't even understand why.

    Muslims create terrorist groups that use their Islamic Holy book to justify killing innocent women and children ON PURPOSE! The Left says nothing about the terror ushered in by the Islamic Koran.

    Christianity teaches us to turn the other cheek, love and forgive even our enemies, and the world hates it. Start questioning your knee jerk reasons for despising Christians, and start seeing the truth written in the New Testament Bible.

    Ask yourself why any person who does not believe in God, would spend so much time demonizing those that do. Why would he care what others believe?
    At the same time, ask yourself why a person who DOES believe in God, would spend so much time demonizing those who don't. Why would s/he care what others believe?? I'm "on the left" and I don't single out Christianity for insults or tirades. Certain "Christians" seem to single ME out for "insults and judgmental tirades"! I would not say a WORD against ANY religion if not pressed into defense! That defense can come as an insult … as in this case. It could also come in defense of our democracy when a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew or a flying spaghetti monster worshipper tries to tell me what I MUST believe, or who's religious rules I must follow! 

    I can't think of any religion that DOESN'T think THEY are the "one true faith"! Whatever name you choose to call evil you cannot just ignore Christianity, which, as James Madison has said: ".... has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries." Abrahamic religions can NOT call religions (or non), "Satan" without including their own disgusting record of slaughter "in the name of God"! YOU, Madame, have no halo! o:)
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    I do not really pay any more attention to Christianity than to other thousands religions. It just so happens that discussions on this website keep going in that direction: whenever we talk about any controversial topic like abortion or LGBT rights, immediately some guy/girl will appeal to what Christian philosophy has to say about it. Should I talk about Islam in response to arguments appealing to Christianity? Would not make a lot of sense.

    I also do not demonise anyone; I do not think Christians as being in any way less worthy than me. Some particular Christians, just like some particular Muslims, atheists or anyone else, have very wacky positions and poor relationship with logic, however, and those folks are going to enjoy being criticised. Has nothing to do with them being Christians; there is plenty of non-Christians who have the same flaws, and I criticise them just the same.

    OP, you should stop playing a victim all the time; nobody around here cares about your religious views, as long as you do not make a clown of yourself by defending them in a particularly illogical manner.
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  
    @We_are_accountable Did I say Christians were terrorists?

    No, I said:
    Did you know that there are Christian terrorist groups?
    lot of these [Christian] groups advocate for much of what you advocate for. The difference between you and them is they have the balls to take action, you just complain on the internet. Please don't prove me wrong on that last statement.
    This does not mean that all Christians are terrorists, it just means that some terrorists are Christian.

    Your continued indifference to logic is hurting me.
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
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