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Senator Schumer's threat to Constitutional Originalism - the truth concerning Progressive Socialism

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In response to Senator Schumer’s threat directed at the conservative originalist's seated on the Supreme Court; a threat relevant to restricting abortion access in Louisiana…

As one who loves Jesus Christ-Yeshua and is sensitive to the will and direction provided by the Holy Spirit, I must testify to the truism that a very vivid and stark spiritual differentiation exists in today’s America, a Nation and a people that have lost their way in demonic deception. This deception has been in-play for a Century beginning with the defilement of Progressive advocate John Dewey (1900) and the godless advocates of progressive socialism-Leninism-Marxism that followed him; A systematic brainwashing of America’s youth via socialistic ideological thought infused into the American classroom along with the destruction of faith in God via Darwin’s idiocy i.e. Evolutionary Theory.

Today, this demonically inspired Leninist-Marxist strategy has come to fruition in the Progressive-Socialist-Democrat Party of the United States and its power and influence grows daily with the exponential influx of brain-dead, morally defunct, ethically crippled, atheists-nihilists-moral relativists, flooding through the doors of higher-education with useless degrees and a mindset of hate and loathing for anything/everything American, Godly, decent, lovely, sustainable. These are Satan’s hoard of destructive, godless, radicals who are the resultant of God’s wrath upon America for our shedding of innocent blood via unconstitutional Roe v. Wade (1973)…61,000,000 mutilated deaths thus far of America’s babies whose right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness has been ripped from them at the hands of a demonic abortionist. This is the demonic defined and demonstrated openly as Satan revels in victory.

The cosmic struggle between Yeshua v. Satan is also observable in the stark differentiation between the two-major political parties in today’s America. There is no doubt that the Progressive-Socialist-Democrat Party is the Party of Satan in Time as this bastion of defilement fanatically endorses…

1) The unrestricted mutilation of babies in the womb…an unconscionable act of murdering America’s most innocent void due process; this is Satan’s prized achievement and God’s wrath on the American people is the resultant.

2) The promotion and radical demands for unrestricted, unconscionable, sexual perversion; homosexuality-lesbianism i.e. personal and national defilement in sexual debauchery that rivals Sodom and Gomorrah and spits in the face of our Holy God and His Covenant of Marriage established from The Beginning of Time.

3) The promotion and demands of Leninism-Marxism to replace Capitalism; Capitalism which has lifted more people out of poverty and hopelessness than any other socioeconomic format in the history of mankind. Socialism – a demonic ideology responsible for the death of 100-million people in the previous 100-years; Socialism – an ideology of greed and power and deception and suffering and death!

4) Open-borders via the ruse of “compassion” when the true motive of the Progressive-Socialist is total POWER and CONTROL over the masses in order to infuse a radical demonic agenda and destroy America’s Constitutional Republic forever. Open-borders is nothing more than the Progressive-Socialist’s desire to import a Democrat voting base that will ensure Satan’s rule over America in perpetuity.

Make no mistake about this…Progressive Socialism finds its origin in the demonic and those who worship at the throne of the Democrat Party also worship Satan and will suffer a similar fate as he lest they repent and turn to Jesus Christ as Lord for the mediation of sin.


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  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  
    There are "Progressive Socialists" and then there are Democrats … progressive and otherwise. There used to be something called "Republicans" too, but that's irrelevant now.
    To your list of falsehoods about Democrats:
    We are NOT pro-abortion, we are pro-choice.
    We are NOT socialists (as the recent rise of Biden should have shown) We ARE anti-Trump, but democratic socialism is one of the many things better than authoritarian Trumpism!
    We are not all atheists. There are just as many, or more, Christians and other religions (They DO exist), with rights most atheists respect, on the left.
    We are NOT for big government, we are FOR a government that can handle a BIG COUNTRY (and its responsibilities) efficiently. Not one so small as to allow it to self destruct, or, to be controlled by our enemies!
    We ARE for people to love whomever they love, not only those allowed to by ancient decree.
    We are NOT anti-gun, OR NRA we are FOR reasonable regulation … MANY of us own guns, we want to keep them. We ARE anti-NRA President!
    We are NOT for higher taxes, we are for FAIR taxes. Profits from Trumps middle class cut were used against him by two billionaires! :-)
    We are NOT for illegal immigration, we are FOR legal immigration and a chance for citizenship. Obama exported immigrants by the thousands, as fairly as the law allowed. THAT is what we are FOR.
    Yes. anyone can vote … that is a legal citizen. I would not WANT to vote where an ID wasn't required, but we shouldn't make it hard for ANYONE to prove their citizenship …. cause they might vote for the other party!
    We are NOT anti-police/ICE, we ARE NOT for a police state wher the government controls justice, and ignores or twists the Constitution!
    We are NOT for "open borders", we are NOT for imminent domain, crimes against humanity or destruction of "holy sites" of indigenous cultures to keep a ridiculous, unnecessary promise to a political base!
    We ARE for thee most popular health plan in America that we CAN improve on … Vs the non-existent promise of the greatest, cheapest health plan anyone could imagine … The Trump Health Care Plan! He could have garnished FAR more votes with THAT, than he could with his " BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL"! Some would have even overlooked his constant lies … some! But, alas, he would have had to "reduce" the profits of the Med/Pharma Cartel. :'( 

    Did I miss anything?? Oh, yes, your OTHER list. 
    O.K., It's impractical, un-Constitutional, and ridiculous. :unamused: 

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6142 Pts   -  
    Constitution does not mention anything about border control, marriage, abortion or capitalism. I find the idea of "Constitutional originalism" fairly terrible, since times change and cultures evolve, and using a document written by cavemen forever makes little sense - however, Constitutional originalism does not even support your argument, hence you are wrong on both accounts.

    If you were truly originalist, you would advocate for the system the Founding Fathers issued. Which... had no border control, had no governmental involvement in marriage, abortion was legal in most states, and the word "capitalism" did not exist then.

    Yet another example of religious fundamentalists trying to give their awful ideas credence by falsely attributing them to truly great individuals of the past. You do the same with Jesus, do you not? A guy who preached unconditional love and forgiveness you use to justify hatred and cast threats about the suffering in the afterlife... Poor guy.
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  
    Schumer is a sad walking individual.

    The man loves to Liberally preach his Liberal mindset from behind a microphone, and when he said what he said, in front of the SCOTUS, it makes you wonder, if he'll still be around his time in office is over?

    I think he'll be on his way out the Political Representative door, just like Nancy Pelosi is after the 2020 Election cycle is over.
  • We_are_accountableWe_are_accountable 1147 Pts   -  

    The reason that the Constitution did not give details to marriage and many other issues is obvious. Never in their wildest dreams coud our founding fathers imagine that Leftist Politicians would turn humanity and the natural union between a man and woman updside down.

    Do you actually think our founding fathers were writing a document about common sense values? They did not think they had to educate the nation on the basic science of Biology.
    Our founding fathers fought a war to protect our nation from others, and you think they did not care about borders?

    Funny how you mention cave men because it is the Left that is taking our world back to a barbaric anything goes time whereby killing viable babies for mere convience is an ok thing to do. Back then they would have used clubs to bash their babies in the head. Today's modern brutality does not wait til they are born, and dismembers them in the womb. That's what the Left calls Progress.
    I'll bet even cave men understood the Biological science of a man and woman. Today's modern man has digressed to before cave man time.

    Stop deing a devil's advocate unless you have relevant things to say.
  • We_are_accountableWe_are_accountable 1147 Pts   -  

    Well written post on what becomes of mankind when rejecting Godly values. What we see going on today truly does confirm how low men can fall when left to their own desires. It gives us an understanding of what God was speaking to when explaining how evil man had become before the great flood.

    The only possible explanation of the Left's outspoken support for LGBT activism is rebellion against God.

    You will notice the most fervent hatred towards Christianity comes from LGBT groups. Their Big Brother thirst to indoctrinate our children only goes to show their arrogance and outright contempt for Christian families. They have no problem openly conditioning our children to embrace these unnatural abnormal sexual orientations as being normal. If Christians were trying to indoctrinate non believer's children, they would be outraged as proven with all the lies of Separation of Church and State.

    These hypocrites can not even stand their children seeing a nativity scene on public land, but have no problem allowing Transgenders to be talking to our impressionable kindergartners in public schools. UNBELIEVABLE ARROGANCE! UNBELIEVABLE DISDAIN FOR CHRISTIAN PARENTS!
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