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Covid19 and The current UK response?

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Well, as usual, there can be seen zionists and zealots of both sides of the CoronaVirus issue. Yes, on the one hand, you do have the panic buying alarmists.

On the other hand, you've got those that deny the seriousness of this virus and they sound like the climate change deniers who continue to deny the 95%+ global scientific consensus on Global warming. And you've got these guys saying ludicrous things such as that the threat must not be very real because it's all over the mainstream media which is nonsensical and the irony is that these people are also sharing posts from Fake News sites. The mainstream media in itself is irrelevant to the validity of all that is being reported.

We've got quite a few threats facing the human population right now but I think the biggest and most prevalent of all has got to human idiocracy.

And on another note what do you think about the UK's response? Some people including some experts (supposedly) have said that we're being too complacent and our response is pathetic. What do you say?

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  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Everything is on shutdown across the water in Ireland my wife’s company closed yesterday ,thousands of events have been cancelled all over the country and schools are closed , police are  outside supermarkets to control the crowds Tescos closed yesterday as they are out of stock.

    It’s a ridiculous total over reaction and the media keep posting pictures from the Sun newspaper of people apparently dying on wards.

    I listened to various doctors worldwide all more or less saying the same thing and that is healthy people get over this just like a flu , it kills the very sick and old.

     I go about my business as normal I’m not in the least bit worried about this virus when it’s all over people will realise how ridiculous their behaviour has been and no doubt claim they were one of those who didn’t panic

    Please fill me in on the UK’s response I hope it’s not as over the top as ours 
  • piloteerpiloteer 1577 Pts   -  

    Tis a bloody bother over nothing. Have meeself a spot of tea and some eel pie and pip pip cheerio. :p  
  • ZeusAres42ZeusAres42 Emerald Premium Member 2773 Pts   -   edited March 2020
    Dee said:

    Everything is on shutdown across the water in Ireland my wife’s company closed yesterday ,thousands of events have been cancelled all over the country and schools are closed , police are  outside supermarkets to control the crowds Tescos closed yesterday as they are out of stock.

    It’s a ridiculous total over reaction and the media keep posting pictures from the Sun newspaper of people apparently dying on wards.

    I listened to various doctors worldwide all more or less saying the same thing and that is healthy people get over this just like a flu , it kills the very sick and old.

     I go about my business as normal I’m not in the least bit worried about this virus when it’s all over people will realise how ridiculous their behaviour has been and no doubt claim they were one of those who didn’t panic

    Please fill me in on the UK’s response I hope it’s not as over the top as ours 

    @Dee as of Yesterday it was declared that we would not have a lockdown at until the peak which wouldn't be about at least 12 weeks. Government's Scientific advisors stated that it would be counterproductive to have a lockdown now sine we might have to do again anyway and that it's unlikely to do much at this stage. We're basically in the Delay Stage. The NHS thinks they will be able to cope better in the warmer months when fewer people are ill with other things. The Scientific Advisor also said that we need to build a herd immunity to the virus as this is likely something that could now happen every year.

    Furthermore, no more tests will be done on anyone except in the most serious cases. However, the WHO has stated that everyone as much as possible needs to be tested.

    Meanwhile, a lot of the public like a lot of educational establishments have decided that they're not happy with the Government's Decisions as they do not think it's stringent enough. So they've decided to take matters into their own hands including some colleges and universities teaching online instead of at the place of study.

    Having said all of this the Government's decision could also change any moment depending on how things go from now. Now, I don't know if this is true but apparently some local council authorities have supposedly decided to shut all schools as of Monday until the 29th of much.

    You can see the Cobra Meeting speech here:


  • This was a rather interesting read:

    A leading public health expert has launched a devastating critique of the government’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak in the UK, saying it is too little too late, lacks transparency and fails to mobilise the public. Prof John Ashton, a former regional director of public health for north-west England, lambasted a lack of preparation and openness from the government and contrasted Britain’s response to that of Hong Kong. “Right at the beginning of February, they [Hong Kong] adopted a total approach to this, which is what we should have done five weeks ago ourselves. They took a decision to work to three principles – of responding promptly, staying alert, working in an open and transparent manner,” he told the Guardian. “Our lot haven’t been working openly and transparently. They’ve been doing it in a (non) smoke-filled room and just dribbling out stuff. The chief medical officer only appeared in public after about two weeks. Then they have had a succession of people bobbing up and disappearing. Public Health England’s been almost invisible. “Boris Johnson should have convened Cobra himself over a month ago and had regular meetings with the chief medical officer with the evidence. The thing should have been fronted up nationally by one person who could be regarded as the trusted voice and who could have been interrogated regularly. That’s not happened.”Ashton was speaking before a Cobra meeting on Thursday afternoon, which was expected to pave the way for new social distancing measures. An increasing number of European countries, including Ireland, have taken steps to close schools, limit gatherings and place restrictions on transportation. He accused the government of failing to understand public health, which has been undermined over the past 10 years by cuts in funding of 30% to local authorities, which were given responsibility for it under policy changes made by Andrew Lansley, the former health secretary. There were no strategies for protecting the vulnerable and there had been a failure to engage the public. “We have a superficial prime minister who has got no grasp of public health,” Ashton said. “Our lot are behaving like 19th-century colonialists playing a five-day game of cricket. “This virus will find the weak points. You can’t just plan this from an office in Whitehall. It’s pathetic. The government doesn’t seem to understand classic public health. You need to be out and about. You need to get your hands dirty – though preferably gloved and using frequent gel,” he said. Can a face mask stop coronavirus? Covid-19 myths busted Read more He warned that the NHS was not in a position to cope with the large numbers of people who could become seriously ill. “It’s a joke when they put up people to say they are really on top of it and if it spreads at a community level the NHS will cope, it’s always coped. The hospitals are full at the moment, A&Es are full, beds are full, intensive care is full.” Current contingency plans assume that up to 80% of people could get infected and 4% of those are likely to have serious illness. “That translates into big numbers and there will not be enough intensive facilities for them and people will have to be home-nursed,” Ashton said. “What the government should have been doing over these last weeks, which they’ve thrown away, is to encourage neighbourhoods, communities, supported by the local public health directors and a joined-up NHS. “They should have been encouraging people to have their own family plans about how they will maintain the family show on the road, who will be taking the kids to school, how do you entertain them in the Easter holidays? They should have been much clearer, sooner, about making it clear that people shouldn’t be travelling so they could cancel their holidays and get their money back on the insurance. “They haven’t done any of that. Who’s going to look after elderly people – stop them having to go out, do their shopping for them? People should have been doing that planning – they should have been pointed in that direction by the government. There’s been no discussion about that at all.”

    I haven't looked too much into this right now but I will look more into what the WHO is saying. It's much harder for me to imagine that 20+ countries are going against the WHO information and advice but it's a lot easier to imagine just one country doing it which could be the UK. I am also very skeptical of any Scientific Advisors for any politician. I think it can be said that the UK does have at least on political agenda here which is to do with the economy. We're already affected economically by Brexit and so it stands to reason as to why our Government might be so complacent here. The economy currently takes precedence over the outbreak at the moment according to the way the Government sees is.


  • piloteerpiloteer 1577 Pts   -   edited March 2020

    Bernie Sanders has called on a special committee to be assembled to deal with the response to the coronavirus in the US, and he asserts it should use scientific fact as its guiding policy. Ue also said our "president" should be absolved of all his authority to make decisions regarding the virus. All it takes is one country to disregard the recommendations of the WHO to make this whole mess last even longer. I'm sure there's more than at least one country that will not follow the recommendations, or will not be able to. What's gonna happen when the virus hits Iraq and Afghanistan, and the African continent? Medical experts have testified before Congress about how the US response to the virus is a dumpster fire. If you're worried about the response in the UK, at least take solace in the fact that your friends across the pond will mess it up even worse.      
  • ZeusAres42ZeusAres42 Emerald Premium Member 2773 Pts   -   edited March 2020

    The thing that I get annoyed about is the youngish and healthy-ish people that are so selfish they only see the end of their noses. Their attitude is basically "I'm ok, I'm young, fairly healthy so I don't care; fuk the rest" What they don't hear is the part about the elderly and vulnerable.

    Anyway, on another funny note, I've noticed if people are going very slow in front of me when I am walking somewhere a quick pretend cough tends to get people moving a lot faster. ;)

  • piloteerpiloteer 1577 Pts   -   edited March 2020

    Focus on your hands. They are the culprits. They will deliver this neo-plague to you faster than any snot nosed millennial. If we are aware of how often we touch our face throughout our daily lives, we can become aware of how easily we can contract a virus. Keep your hands off your face when you're in public places. Don't touch your face unless you've just washed them correctly. Use HOT water and keep them under the hot water for at least 20 seconds and as hot as you can stand it. Soap and water are the preferred method for proper hand washing, so don't worry about the hand sanitizer, it's not as good and nobody can find it anyway. You can also make your own hand sanitizer, it's pretty easy to do, and there's a plethora of videos on the web that can show you. If we maintain proper hygiene edicate, it will be more helpful than we realize. It seems silly to think that is the most important aspect to slowing this virus, but if you actually look at what experts on infectious diseases are saying, that is the most important thing to do.  Neil Degrasse Tyson said "This is an experiment to find out if people are going to actually listen to science" . Then he went on to say that the best thing you can do to protect yourself is wash your hands often. You should also try and keep your distance from others.         
  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  

    Anyway, on another funny note, I've noticed if people are going very slow in front of me when I am walking somewhere a quick pretend cough tends to get people moving a lot faster. ;)
    Yeah, usually around here people cough to hide a fart now I think some people fart to hide a cough...   ;)
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Thanks for that 
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    My take on the whole thing is that governments and media have totally overreacted to admittedly a threat but one that most people got over in a couple of days, the herd mentality kicked in over here on Thursday with the police having to stand outside supermarkets as crowds stated panic buying .Newspapers and media rarely mention that healthy people get over this more quickly than a flu , a friend of mine in Denmark has the virus and the advice she got was self isolate at home and it should pass in a few days .

    I got involved in a piece on FB where the mob attempted to shoot me down one guy called me callous yet the same people do not go into panic mode every year when the flu kills on average 50 to 60’000 people.

    Parents , governments and media are teaching fellow humans the best defence to a threat is to go into a blind panic it’s totally out of all proportion 

  • On another note I found cleaning and sanitizing stuff around my house that this music helped a lot:


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