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Is ANTIFA more Fascist or more terrorist?

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Okay. So I was recently looking back and what the "friendly neighborhood" ANTIFA folks were doing these past 6 months or so. So far, their actions have led them to be recognized as Fascists and have gotten them officially declared a terrorist organization. So I was wondering which group they belong in more. In other words. Are they the new Fascist regime? Or are the terrorists like their ISIS buddies? 

Now, before I go into what I think, allow me to define what each of these are. Let's start with Fascist. If you can't already guess, a Fascist is one who follows the political philosophy of Fascism. This philosophy can be simply defined as such:
           "Fascism- a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and race above the individual and that stand for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible oppression of opposition."
First off, they don't care about their country at all, so why would they be considered Fascist in the first place? While that is a good question, one that I have an answer to, it's not the one I want to approach first. A very common belief is that all Fascists are far right wingers. That isn't the case. Yes, there have been a few right wingers who were Fascists such as Hitler and one of the Bush's, however, history show there were more Fascists on the left wing rather than the right. This is simply because Fascism falls under authoritarianism, which can be found in the middle of a political chart. People like Gandhi, Castro, Stalin and Hussein were left wing Fascists. So, keep in mind, it can be on either side. For more information, check out this video: 
Now on to the first question that I mentioned. It's true, ANTIFA doesn't exalt America at all, in fact I'd say they despise it with a burning passion. Their hatred of America is so hot, that Satan himself is probably impressed at this point. Anyway. I want you to look at the last line of the definition of Fascism. Notice how it says, "forcible oppression of opposition". In laments terms, Fascists deal with people who disagree with them, by using force. Hitler had anyone who disagreed with his ideals sent to concentration camps and killed. Stalin also had the tendency to kill the people who disagreed with him. Though is hasn't been confirmed that ANTIFA has killed anyone as far as I'm aware, they have used violence against the people they disagree with. There is no shortage of footage of ANTIFA attacking people at free speech rallies, public speaking events of people who are right winged and politically neutral, just because they don't like what the speaker has to say. The down side to this point, is that ANTIFA also has the habit of attacking people who are just there and for some reason, they've even attacked the other well known terrorist organization, Black Lives Matter, or BLM. It's unclear if BLM and those random people who got attacked have views that go against the beliefs of ANTIFA, but I'm sure we can all speculate on the matter. Following below will be two links. One link will contain footage of a brawl between BLM and ANTIFA, the second will be the link to my youtube search of footage of ANTIFA attacks.

Okay, so now let's talk about terrorism.
   "Terrorism- a systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion"
Now, it seems to me that Fascism go hand in hand when it comes to the use of violence to get people to agree with you and as I said in the last segment, there is no shortage of violence from ANTIFA. There have been multiple people, including New Jersey and the FBI, who have officially labeled them terrorist organizations. And yes, attacking people at random or people who disagree with you for the sole purpose of them disagreeing with you, isn't necessarily terrorism. But throwing bombs into crowds is. In the video below, you'll see ANTIFA throw an M80 in to a small crowd who appears to just be spectating. I know it's not the best example, but I'm sure you guys get the idea. There are quite a few videos of them throwing bombs at people, including one of a member who got arrested for trying to throw a feces/urine bomb.

Personally, I believe they fall under both categories. They show signs of being Fascist and they have committed several terrorist attacks. Either way, they are a huge threat to this country. But that's not the point of this debate, or rather, this discussion. I want to see if you guys think they are more like Hitler (Fascist) or more like ISIS (terrorists). If you think they're both or if you don't think they're either or, that's just fine. Because at the end of the day I'm sure we can all agree that they've broken enough laws to put them in prison for a life time.

Image result for ANTIFA supporting swastika

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    Is ANTIFA more Fascist or more terrorist?

    7 votes
    1. Fascist
    2. Terrorist

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  • CYDdhartaCYDdharta 1833 Pts   -  
    Fascism is a form of government, terrorism is an activity.  Why do you assume they are not fascistic terrorists; that is, using terrorist tactics to further their aims of a fascist government?
  • northsouthkoreanorthsouthkorea 221 Pts   -  
    @cydharta , good argument!

    I believe that ANTIFA have very radical beliefs and decide to spread them through the use of terrorism and rallies. 
  • FascismFascism 379 Pts   -  
    "First off, they don't care about their country at all, so why would they be considered Fascist in the first place? While that is a good question, one that I have an answer to, it's not the one I want to approach first. A very common belief is that all Fascists are far right wingers. That isn't the case. Yes, there have been a few right wingers who were Fascists such as Hitler and one of the Bush's, however, history show there were more Fascists on the left wing rather than the right. This is simply because Fascism falls under authoritarianism, which can be found in the middle of a political chart. People like Gandhi, Castro, Stalin and Hussein were left wing Fascists. So, keep in mind, it can be on either side. For more information, check out this video:" 

    Fascism falls under authoritarianism, but it isn't authoritarianism itself. All fascism is authoritarian, but not all authoritarian is fascism. I agree that it includes people from the left and the right, but antifa isn't fascist. 

    "Fascism- a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and race above the individual and that stand for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible oppression of opposition" 

    This definition mostly accurate, but doesn't include all fascist movements, some of which were democratic. A better definition:

    An authoritarian and nationalistic system of government and social organization, which combines both capitalism and socialism. 

    Antifa is terrorist. 
  • WakeWake 124 Pts   -  
    "Antifa" was supposed to mean "anti-facist" meaning they opposed the Fascist government of Mussolini in Italy. But the fact is that they never did any such thing. It was the Catholics who were risking their lives daily to smuggle Jews out of Italy or to hide them within the country.

    What do the Antifa have to brag about? AFTER Italy was freed by the Allies and Mussolini was imprisoned they broke him out and hung him in the town square square without a trial. A trial that might have demonstrated that the so-called Antifa were really themselves fascists that were committing crimes against humanity.

    These in the US are nothing more than the usual uneducated terrorists who believe that they have some sort of heroic deeds to do. Hanging themselves at the end of a rope would be the most heroic thing that they could do. 
  • Fascism is a political grouping, not an activity.
    I am no longer active on DebateIsland or any debate website. Many things I have posted here and on other sites (Such as believing in the flat Earth theory or other conspiracy theories such as those that are about the Las Vegas Shooting or 9/11) do not reflect on my current views. (Me officially stating that I am no longer a flat-Earther)
  • PotterWatchPotterWatch 41 Pts   -  
    I do think that, but terrorism is also a grouping these days. Take ISIS and formerly the Al-Qaeda for example. They are terrorist groups. To put my question in laments terms. Is ANTIFA more of a Fascist group than a terrorist group?@CYDdharta
  • CYDdhartaCYDdharta 1833 Pts   -  
    I do think that, but terrorism is also a grouping these days. Take ISIS and formerly the Al-Qaeda for example. They are terrorist groups. To put my question in laments terms. Is ANTIFA more of a Fascist group than a terrorist group?@CYDdharta
    I still don't see why Antifa wouldn't be both.  Perhaps you can tell me what you think is separates the two kinds of groups, what you think makes it an either/or proposition, and we can go from there.
  • PotterWatchPotterWatch 41 Pts   -  
    I look at how each type of group operates. Fascists tend to be more organized and selective when it comes to running things and targeting people. While terrorists are chaotic, attacking people for no rhyme or reason just to get people to accept their ideals. 

    In the case of the Fascists, I'll look the Nazis. They're attacks were planned, coordinated and executed perfectly. They knew exactly who they wanted to kill and they made sure they didn't kill any of there own or anyone they may have needed.

    Terrorists on the other hand, do plan things, but they're attacks are sloppy. There are no direct targets, they don't care who they kill as long as someone dies. In the case of ANTIFA, if they can see you, they'll attack you as long as they're in a group.
  • WakeWake 124 Pts   -  
    @SilverishGoldNova - I have come to expect nothing more from you than ignorance on ignorance.
  • SilverishGoldNovaSilverishGoldNova 1201 Pts   -   edited October 2017
    @Wake You know that anyone is trolling on a debate website is sad. You just join threads and insult literally everyone, and otherwise tend to resort to anecdotal, appeal to the stone or red herring fallacies.
    I am no longer active on DebateIsland or any debate website. Many things I have posted here and on other sites (Such as believing in the flat Earth theory or other conspiracy theories such as those that are about the Las Vegas Shooting or 9/11) do not reflect on my current views. (Me officially stating that I am no longer a flat-Earther)
  • FascismFascism 379 Pts   -   edited October 2017
    @Wake There is nothing ignorant about what he( @SilverishGoldNova ) said. Fascism is political grouping. Just because I go cause a bunch of riots doesn't mean I'm fascist. Even the end goal of anti-fa isn't a fascist government, so it can't be classified as a fascist movement either. 

    Fascism said:
    "First off, they don't care about their country at all, so why would they be considered Fascist in the first place? While that is a good question, one that I have an answer to, it's not the one I want to approach first. A very common belief is that all Fascists are far right wingers. That isn't the case. Yes, there have been a few right wingers who were Fascists such as Hitler and one of the Bush's, however, history show there were more Fascists on the left wing rather than the right. This is simply because Fascism falls under authoritarianism, which can be found in the middle of a political chart. People like Gandhi, Castro, Stalin and Hussein were left wing Fascists. So, keep in mind, it can be on either side. For more information, check out this video:" 

    Fascism falls under authoritarianism, but it isn't authoritarianism itself. All fascism is authoritarian, but not all authoritarian is fascism. I agree that it includes people from the left and the right, but antifa isn't fascist. 

    "Fascism- a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and race above the individual and that stand for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible oppression of opposition" 

    This definition mostly accurate, but doesn't include all fascist movements, some of which were democratic. A better definition:

    An authoritarian and nationalistic system of government and social organization, which combines both capitalism and socialism. 

    Antifa is terrorist. 

  • SilverishGoldNovaSilverishGoldNova 1201 Pts   -   edited October 2017
    @Fascism Wake is a t roll. He joins threads just to attack literally every position with ad hominems, sometimes using anecdotal, red herring or appeal to the stone fallacies. 
    I am no longer active on DebateIsland or any debate website. Many things I have posted here and on other sites (Such as believing in the flat Earth theory or other conspiracy theories such as those that are about the Las Vegas Shooting or 9/11) do not reflect on my current views. (Me officially stating that I am no longer a flat-Earther)
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -   edited August 2018
    They are just anarchists with no particular ideology, and the general mentality close to "Make lives of people we dislike more difficult". They are much like the Hippie movement of 60-s in that are not really organized; rather, they assemble chaotically, as a result of temporary cooperation of loose interest groups, and disassemble at a whim.

    They are neither fascist nor terrorist. Fascism implies a strong unity under a single individual; terrorism implies systematic planned actions in order to destabilize the social order. 
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