July 2020 Private Tournament
-1637 days and -10 hours remaining
07/29/2020 3:25:00
- Status:
- Description:
It's DebateIsland.com's July 2020 private tournament! The tournament will consist of 4 debaters who will debate a range of topics.
Semi-Finals - Traditional Formal Debate (24 hours per round | 3 rounds)
Finals - Traditional Formal Debate (1 hour per round | 3 rounds)
Topics for Debates will be chosen prior to each debate.
Votes will be cast by DebateIsland.com users.
If a tie takes place, then the deciding vote will be cast by @aarong (administrator/founder of DebateIsland.com). If a debate is forfeited, then the user who forfeited the debate will be eliminated from the tournament.
- Participants:
xlJ_dolphin_473, JGXdebatePRO, RS_master, TGMasterX
- Rules:
DebateIsland.com General Rules
- Prize:
200 Points, "Tournament Winner" Badge, 6 Months Free Premium Membership
- Show Bracket