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  • Are Republicans America's Main Problem?

     I'd say republicans are Americas solution, when we think of the two sides as contrast we find most, not all but certainly a majority of democrat's are acting in a willfully ignorant way towards the policy making of their supposedly freely elected government, headed up by a clearly demented old man. think about that for a second, if old joe wakes up in the middle of the night in a demented state phones the general in charge of nukes and say go then the world ends, the whole world, for everybody. now we look to the republican front man The Don a rich kid delinquent with enough money and power to take on the entire auratus of deep state and enough bad blood to dish out quite a justified revenge in his policy making, Trump shows little sign of aging difficulty likely down to his Mormon like diet of no smoking or alcohol with a side of McDonalds being called donald him self, what a rare name 'Donald' last guy called Donald in government gave the stand-down order to f16 jets reedy to intercept 9/11.

    The Don is a man who has had so much mud flung at him and made so little of it stick he would remind you of a young John Gotti the way he swaggers around beating trial after trial, only thing they've got him on being womanizing's which incase you didn't know is the primal urge in all men, women are less 'intolerant' of less attractive men with lots of money at hand to buy them things, thus these court cases center around 'victims' seeking substantial payouts rather than simple justice, not exactly what feminism was founded on. Democrats are left to wonder what it is that attracts people in their millions to the republican party and world view, they miss the cultural aspect of republicanism, the ideal being: "The power of government is held by the people. The people give power to leaders they elect to represent them and serve their interests. The representatives are responsible for helping all the people in the country, not just a few people." ( this is seen right through republican culture, at face value the headlines paint a slack jawed yokel in reality the republican culture is vibrant and alive, from mommas country kitchen table with matching wooden cabinets and a pantry full of local produce, in to the halls of the Christian church where gossip is shared business deals are cut, dinners arranged, evenings filed with in-person interaction and entertainment  out on to the decks of lively towns and smaller cities, in the bars, on the campus playing fields all the way up to the republican party level where we find opposing views argued and debated publicly, love interest scandal's frequent and closeted homosexuals feeling free to come out republican in the face of the tearing apart of their own culture by the rest of the alphabet of mental illness, its here we find trump unironically dancing to YMCA.

    Speakers are voted in, then out then in, members rising and falling as they are felt up at a play or outted cause their whole life is a has been a lie (looking at you Santos) all is as it should be in republican land, the free land, the homeland.

    now lets take a look out to the arid wasteland that is democrat run America, oh carful not to step in the human feces, oh needle there, duck bullets'? I thought we where against guns? oh is a street take over cultural thing oh ok, ah and Joe has invited 3rd world migrants in without an ID check? wow what a hive of cultural activity we are shal we check out the homeless markets I was hoping to by an apple but Walmart pulled out of the city and I cant buy in bulk at the Costco cause I haven't got a farms worth of intergenerational wealth cause nobody taught me to be a real man, wow this homeless market is like a tech hub, that pitch got a jacuzzi and a sultans tent? look over here they've got the entire target aisle shelves, carts and all. No check and balances have allowed democrat's to effectively ruin large swathes of once free, liberal and even democratic enclaves in the country such as Cali and San Fran in to the ground, New York has went to the dogs too and these are large population centers with millions of Americans in them, some parts could be described as open air prison camps.

    The only way to question the logic behind the madness is to go through  Karine Jean-Pierre whos lies are so painfully unevidenced even she is starting to look dejected by it all, she's a long way from her smiley happy first day each new crevice on her forehead like a scar that has cut in to her soul and removed the very essence of life itself from her bones, she I believe would be a lot happier if she where to arrive home after a hard days lying to a home cooked meal by her loving 'whom ever is playing her husbands role in their relationship', even if it where just acting out the republican life for the comfort of it, the way in which republicans view the world is complemented by the way they choose to live their lives, this simple easy going life style is attractive to young people seeking logic and reason in the society they chose to dwell in.

    In closing Republicans are the solution at this time in Americas history however it is important for those who are not republican to have a sense of identity also, a place they can put their energy in that is not screwing them over at every turn, Democrats need to go permanently, their replacements should try to represent  more of the positive qualities of being left leaning such as mixed socialist and capitalist's policies social safety nets, healthcare and workers rights designed to help all rather than only some as democrats do when they select the most afflicted smallest minority to offer assistance and help to over the vast majority. running on a policy of 'we will abort more babies than they will' is not a winning plan in any civilized or normal society, its something you would expect from ancient Incan cultures before the Europeans attempted to civilize them. The left should set to recovering their knowledge base from European style free thinking and freedoms, revert to Tolstoy and Marx remembering this time around not to take it so far as to leave us on the edge of ww3 because surly we know now full socialism eventually ends in a hand full of greedy aristocratic elites having everything the rest having the scraps from their table, this is where we are exactly now. For those on the left of a thinking persuasion take a good hard look at republican life and think to yourself what's better The Roseanne Barr show Life? or Modern Family Life if your a that 70's show fan instead Wisconsin isn't want is was back then, and spoiler hide turned out to be a crazy rapist scientologist in the end, Kunis was very under age for Kutcher, and by all accounts Eric is not that nice to work with, who was the real star? Red Forman the most republican man surrounded by what are clearly democrats taking over his way of life, lot of lessons in that show, I like to think Red would have actually stormed the capitol if given the chance, and to protect his ungrateful democrat family no-less, Mrs. Forman wouldn't be caught up in some gas station brawl over a dollar, she'd be at home, backing cookies for her ungrateful democrat family I've veered off this is a whole other debate for another time
  • Where are we before we are conceived?

    Joeseph said:

    ***God teaches us with the experience, ***

    Really? He watches parents experience babies die of cancer whats that " teaching" the parents?
    It is I'm god and you're ants na na na na.
  • America's impending death is the resultant of atheism-secular humanism - mental, spiritual illness?

    @Factfinder ; No, I reject atheism and the spiritual insanity that under girds are the enemy of sustainability and honorable norms, mores, are wicked and evil and shameful in your demonic ideology.

    And yet you're the one going to hell for what you did to those little girls while not using discernment as a cop in Houston. 
  • Can We Safely Rule Out God?

    @Factfinder ; I DON'T RECEIVE NOTIFICATION FROM YOUR QUOTES LEST YOU USE   @RickeyHoltsclaw ;  Why are you so slow of learning?  Prove creation void my Lord? Use your evilution or naturalism....I'm waiting anxiously.
    Why do you think I care? You're a worthless braindead child who has no significance. You believe in santa for christ sake.
  • Is Atheism A Religion of Love and Peace?


    Interesting concept based in reality. When people begin to lose their sight, they actually don't notice at first. We become so familiar with our surroundings even a road sign appears to the brain clear when in reality it is blurry when we look at it. The brain becomes trained on what the sign says and fails to acknowledge the deficiency of the the eyesight used, That in of itself suggest our brains are not being used at optimal efficiency and contain blind spots.
  • Would You Vote For A Convicted Felon?


    With all the worlds problems all anyone had to do is consult us. :D
  • Does Praying Work?

    The existence of these testimonies is real indeed. To make your interpretation of them real too thought would take a bit more... work. Miracles are not going to be prescribed to patients with lost limbs any time soon. Medicine, after all, deals with real patients with real issues, not with fairy tales about speaking snakes and turning water into wine via spellcasting.

    That, I suppose, is why your father is at a hospital and not at a church. When push comes to shove, people make rational decisions.
    Wishing him a speedy recovery.
  • Would You Vote For A Convicted Felon?

    This is a very good point. Evolutionarily humans are conditioned to constantly push themselves beyond their limits. We do not need to do that any more to survive or even live comfortably, yet the drive is still there. Now, this drive can be channeled in many different ways - and, unfortunately, one of those ways happens to be external manipulation. This is why politicians constantly talk about dramatic things like "clash of civilizations", "existential threat", "the most important election in our history"... People want to feel that something important is happening and they can play a role in it, and where there is demand, there will be a market.

    One of the reasons to be an individualist is the need to quiet this external pressure. One can challenge himself in many non-destructive ways. For me it is endurance sports and intellectual work, for someone else it could be mastering some art or a spiritual pursuit. I firmly believe that if people focused more on bettering themselves and less on solving global problems (the latter can still be done, just as a secondary objective), the world would be a much-much better place.
  • Would You Vote For A Convicted Felon?


    Another observation could be that as we develop technology and advanced ways of production, including food and shelter we are loosing the art of survival. Life's too easy and distractions are plentiful without the dire consequences ones choices used to entail. Then the next logical step would be as you were talking about, status quo, keep it comfortable, and don't confront anything new.  
  • Would You Vote For A Convicted Felon?

    RexTheDog said:
    @JulesKorngold at the end of the day he's the only revenge option, people need either revenge or progress after covid anything less is unacceptable to most, so who else is offering either revenge or progress? nobody, the smartest people in America and enjoying themselves on podcasts to sickened by it all to take part in over throwing a corruption. the overthrow of a corruption is a perfectly legal and reasonable idea, Corruption is bad it must be stopped, unfortunately while trying to stop it we have been left with a vote for the corrupt or the less corrupt Trump wild card, we are in it now and the only way out is to seize that revenge or continue to take the gut punches, those dealing the blows are weakling leaders and elites resorting to depopulation, culling and enhanced control methods for their human farm. we need a way out, trump is the beat up car we are going have to use to get there but its us vs them now and its truing in to a knife fight, makes you yearn for the home alone era of culture again   
    "Revenge" is not a good reason to vote in my mind. Though at this stage you're right. In order to stop the hemorrhaging the far left has caused under Biden we need to use Trump as a plug.
    To be exact,  Trump is more a douche than a plug.

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