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  • Is Religion a Mental Illness?


    Not trickery - that's a definitive lie.  He said 'sorcery'.  That means he believed Jesus demonstrated magical powers.  He even listed healing the lame, and healing the blind.  

    You lied and got called out on it.
    No, you're called out again...

    On Christ’s miracles, Celsus argues that he worked his miracles by “sorcery” and that they were no more superior to the deeds of the Egyptians and others in the magic arts (6). The miracles are just fables invented by the disciples. Further, Christ’s prediction of his own death was invented by the disciples and his purported resurrection is nothing unique in comparison to the likes of Zamolxis, Pythagoras, and Rhampsinit (7). In fact, the resurrection has its origin in a hysterical female as well as in the wishful thinking of Christ’s followers (8). This is why Celsus ridicules Christians for their use of blind faith instead of reason: “For just as among them scoundrels frequently take advantage of the lack of education of gullible people and lead them wherever they wish, so also this happens among the Christians… some do not even want to give or to receive a reason for what they believe”

    He may not of used the specific word 'trickery' but intelligent people not driven to lie for a false god know for a fact his description inferred trickery. As 'magic' relies on deception as in making up stories and creating illusions. "Sorcery" was considered part of the magic arts and you knew that. So you were 'tricked' by the sorcery or you're simply lying again Just_sayin, which is it? 
    It was by means of sorcery that He [Jesus] was able to accomplish the wonders which He performed;  - Origen book 1:6

    48 [Celsus' Jewish critic]: the Christians deemed Jesus to be the Son of God, because he healed the lame and the blindand moreover, because, as they assert, he raised the dead49. O light and truth! he distinctly declares, with his own voice, as ye yourselves have recorded, that there will come to you even others, employing miracles of a similar kind, who are wicked men, and sorcerers; and he calls him who makes use of such devices, one Satan. - Origen book 2:48-49

  • Gay at birth?


    One thing I am confused by what you said is that orientation may very well be purely environmental. Surely you can't be suggesting that biology plays no part in physical attraction?  I'm not saying you are saying this. I am just asking for clarification. 

    I mean there might be some outlier cases where sexual orientation seems to be very much environmentally influenced but that doesn't negate any biological influence here and wouldn't make any sense to suggest that since you need biological underpinnings in the first place for biological organisms to be influenced by their environmental factors.
    ZuesAres42, Just a question of clarification.  The half a million participant study found no gay genetic markers in over 60% of self-identified non-heterosexuals.  What evidence of biological factors are you claiming there is evidence for, for this group?  
  • "Unfair universe" paradox

    Max quote   You are disregarding science.

    I disregard pseudo science, and I think I have the maturity to differentiate one from the other.      Bit worried about you, though. 

     Max quote      Did you not read the link?

    As a matter of fact, I did.      The reason being, because you are doing such a lousy job of presenting any argument at all that races do not exist, that I got bored again and I thought I would go to your source.      As expected, your link was laughable.       It was nothing but diseased English, which was probably written by Sir Humphry Appleby himself.          You probably tried to read it too, but the reason why you could not use it as a source to write a reasoned argument supporting your position, is that not did not make any sense to you, either?      Diseased English is the art of writing blithering nonsense in an authoritative way in order to fool the gullible who want to be impressed.     It did not fool me one whit.     I suppose that I could go through your link, paragraph by paragraph, pointing out the waffle and the meandering logic?     But I have been down that track before, only to have my opponent swamp me with even more stu-pid links.    So, I end up being the one who does all the work while my opponent just submits ever more links, “Dreamer” style.    I challenge you to read your link and if it makes any sense to you, use it to form your own argument.      But that will never happen, because it is just a series of spurious declarations written in an authoritative way, which is impossible to use to form a cohesive argument.  


    Max quote        Or the many other high quality science links, showing why and how humans are all one race because we are to similar to be classified as sub races except by sociology concepts?

    Then you had better find one which is a lot more credible than the one which you submitted in your last post.      Unlike your link, my position is simple to understand and is supported by evidence which most informed people already know is true.     Most informed people know that science does recognise race because they know that the reason why so called “anti racists” claim that “white men invented racism” is because in the 19th century, science itself was very interested in race.   And in those days, science was almost solely the preserve of white European men.       But even today, it is an easily provable premise that science recognises race, regardless of how many woke “scientists” there are who are consider their ideological beliefs to be more important than science.    They know that the people who use their “scientific reports” will never look at them with a critical eye, or verify if they are true.    So, they can misuse the great respect which most people have for science to push that government mandated ideological agenda.


    Max quote  These links clearly back up my statement.

    Your link was supposed to prove that races do not exist.      There was no cohesive argument on that topic at all.       It basically said “I am a scientist and I say that race does not exist.    So there!”      That hardly impresses any person who has any capacity to think, any more than a woke biologist claiming that it is impossible for science to differentiate between a male and female skeleton.     Or, the once respected medical journal Lancet claiming that the Wuhan virus did not originate in a Chinese bio weapons lab in China.       Or, climate scientists claiming that the north pole will be ice free by 2013, and the London and New York subways will both be drowned. 


    Max quote     You on the other hand, give me a botanist who lived in the 1800s

    So did Charles Darwin.     I suppose that his advocacy for evolution should be dismissed entirely because he was just an old white guy who lived 150 years ago?      I sure hope your woke “scientists” don’t decide that evolution is not politically correct, so Darwin should be air brushed out of science too?   All they would need to do to impress you, would be to write some pseudo scientific reports in diseased English claiming that evolution was fake, and you would lap it up without even bothering to turn on your critical analysis circuit to really read the nonsense they were writing? 


    Max quote   and one you tube video of dubious quality.

    Then here is another one which proves that geneticists, who are scientists, recognise race. 

      The problem for woke ”scientists” today is that smart people are just too informed with lots of media sources that they can use to keep up with what is going on in politics and science.      They can fool the gullible and the misinformed, but they can’t fool people who like to be aware of what is happening in the world around them, and who can think straight.   


    Max quote      Give me a few high quality science links that back up your statements.

    That would be like the Catholic Church during the Inquisition demanding to know the names of any scientist who supported the idea that the earth was not the centre of the universe.      We live in an age where universities have been taken over by government supported, crazy cultural revolutionaries who shout down, sack from their jobs, destroy the careers, and “cancel” any academic who dares to oppose their government sanctioned worldview.      So, just like in the days of Galileo, if you want to understand the world around you, you have to pick up unbiased bits of information from wherever you can, and link them together to form a picture.    Naturally, you won’t do that, because that would require a sceptical mind and some effort.      Easier to just toe the woke party line, confident that the people who are destroying western civilisation, suburb by suburb, city by city, and country by country, really know what they are talking about. 

     Could I also add that in many western countries today, it is illegal to claim that races are not equal.  This topic is so super sensitive in Canada, that the Trudeau government is legislating that anybody who “offends” their new imported electors should be jailed for life.     Scotland’s new “Hate Laws” mandate seven years jail for saying something racist in your own home.      I live in Australia, and if I lived in the state of Victoria, I could be prosecuted for writing this reply to you.      If you really do have the capacity to think, then you should be able to figure out that when the authorities demand that you not think or write about something, they definitely have got something to hide.        The only reason for political censorship is to protect those at the top with their power, prestige, perks, and privileges.     They have a state ideology which was invented to keep the proles on the bottom and themselves at the top, and they don’t want the proles thinking.     They seem to have succeeded in that nefarious aim with you.


    Max quote      Yes, conceptually there are sub races; biologically in humans; no.

    Your premise is illogical.      If every mammalian life form excepting polar bears (and that for good reason) exists solely as sub species, then it stands to reason that your premise does not make sense.        If not, then I challenge you to write a reasoned argument explaining how it is that human beings are exempt from the same evolutionary forces which have created sub species in every other mammalian species.      It is no good looking up your “authoritative scientific reports” to help you, because the evil little bastards who wrote that cr-ap already know that I am right.        And there will be nothing in their waffling links that will help you.       So, c’mon Max, show us all how you can think.     Show us all how informative and logical your links are.    Since you claim to be just telling the scientific truth, then it should be easy for you to use your “scientific” links that you have such faith in, to prove that whatever evolutionary forces affect the creation of sub species in every other vertebrate creature, can not apply to human beings. 

     London to a brick that you will not answer.    You can’t answer because your premise is illogical.      Which is why your whole idea that races do not exist is logically bankrupt.

  • "Unfair universe" paradox

    Given the number of stu-pid “debates” on Debate Island that nobody is even bothering to contribute to, it looks like it is up to me again to get things moving?      Although, since I have categorised MayCaesar and Factfinder as trolls who have no intention of debating honestly, and who’s are only interest is in stifling debate on the topic of “Are Races Equal”, it like it is over to you, Maxx?    

     The premise for this debate is that intelligent people, like MayCaesar, Factfinder, and Maxx believe that 2+2 equals 4, and religious people like “just- sayin” think that 2+2 equals 3?

     Okay, let’s look at that.     By any application of reasoned logic, it is screamingly obvious that races are not equal.      Yet MayCaesar, Factfinder, and Max refuse to discus this subject on it’s merits.      They think up every dirty tactic that they can think of to prevaricate, muddy the water, refuse to acknowledge the simplest of connections, and worse still, refuse to to even submit any argument supporting their religious belief that all races are equal.        So, I find it amusing that they are attacking poor old “just-sayin” for his religious convictions, when they have exactly the same religious conviction on a topic which they themselves so desperately want to believe is true.     I think that this way of thinking is essential to religious belief.   You so desperately want to believe in a fantasy, be it a religious fantasy, or a social fantasy, that you simply stop thinking rationally about it.    And when somebody like me comes along and makes you think rationally about it, you stick you fingers in your ears and shout NANANANANANA!

     I will give the devil “just-sayin” his due.       At least he debates honestly and admits that his beliefs are the result of his religious convictions.     Maxx, MayCaesar, and factfinder, on the other hand, display exactly the same religious beliefs as “just-sayin” of the subject of whether races are equal, yet they act superior to “just-sayin” and pretend that they are his intellectual superiors because they pretend to think differently. 

  • Reasons for your siding regarding the Israely and Palestine/Hamas Conflict?

  • Reasons for your siding regarding the Israely and Palestine/Hamas Conflict?


     Hi Zeus.     Since you are continuing your personal attacks on me, I have decided to not let you off the hook.     When maxx stated that everybody is racist, you in effect said that he was wrong.   So, I set you are question that would prove that maxx is right, and that you are wrong.     The question is, that there are only two racist explanations for why the same notorious ethnicities are always crime prone and welfare dependent in every advanced and competitive western society in which they inhabit.    These are,   

    1.    It is all the white guys fault.

    2.    Races are different with different strengths or weaknesses caused by their genetic differences which came about from adapting to the environments which they evolved in.

    If your premise, that not everybody is racist is correct, then I would love to know which racist explanation do you support?     And if you claim that you are not racist, then the onus is upon you submit another credible non racist explanation to explain away this self evident reality.      You are in a pickle.   If you can not think up a credible non racist explanation to explain away minority dysfunction, then your only option would be to pick one of the two racist explanations.    or the other.   Which makes you a racist.    So, to get out of the corner which you have painted yourself in, all you have to do is admit that maxx was right.

    Continuing to dodge reasonable questions is not a good look, Zeus.   It kinda makes you look sly and  dishonest. 

  • Is Religion a Mental Illness?

    @Factfinder ; I don't possess sufficient faith to be an atheist.

    You said "Religion is a sickness of the soul and mental, spiritual, illness." Don't blame me if I thought you were being honest with yourself for a change.

    But I see you're not. Still have to create a strawman to reinforce your waning  faith I see. You don't know how the universe got here and no one believes there was nothing and it exploded. But I get it, if your god elf did know your faith was fleeting you'd burn in hell. 

    Actually, there is a very popular zero energy universe theory popularized by Stephen Hawking and later Lawrence Krauss.  Krauss wrote a book on it 'A Universe from Nothing' about it.  It is a theory that is pretty close to 'nothing'.  And the 'exploding' would be the big bang.  Of course the math is way off for it, but hey, faith claims aren't worried about math and science anyway.  And it takes great faith to believe a universe came from 'nothing'.
    Yes and if you read that book you'd know what Krauss means by 'nothing' as it's more complicated than the laymen's use of the word. For example physics has learned that what was thought to be nothing in space has weight to it, therefore something. Heck who knows? If you listen to Krauss we could be on the verge of discovering god dna LOL. Well, I thought of that but I like how he explains zero energy...
    Not really.  Krauss and Hawking proposed that gravity, or something like it, was like negative energy that cancels out matter/energy.  Space may have 'gravity' in it though.  Dark matter and dark energy are said to make up 96% of the universe, but no one has found any of it yet.  
  • How can we tell if news is true or fake?

  • How can we tell if news is true or fake?

  • A Far Leftist Extremist Manual

    @ZeusAres42 ; Leftism is Progressivism is Mental and Spiritual Illness.


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