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How Is the Best Way of Helping Disadvantaged Races?

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If we say look at the poor nations of Africa it seems that every time those people get Uber skinny then the WHO comes in with trucks chucking out sacks of milk cookies to the natives running behind it.
Jesus said that if you give a man a fish it will feed him for a day but if you give him a shimano then he can catch fish for ever for the hole village. 
So should we look at say sending in some psychologists to these villages who can help these people change there mind sets?

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  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  
    So should we look at say sending in some psychologists to these villages who can help these people change there mind sets?

    Great plan Barmy give starving people living in deserts fishing rods , I'm seriously wondering why your family didn't encourage you to be a preacher or a priest because normally the id-ot of the family goes into religion ........on the plus side at least you've made plans for the 5 year olds who are starving to death .......give them all a lego set that explains what a drag queen is ....ROFLMAO ......
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    This has worried me ever since I was a child. I was taught that giving too much food to developing countries can backfire.

    Farmers plant cash crops like tobacco instead of food. Don't blame the poor farmers this money can be used for shelter, transportation, and medicine. Making the developing countries more dependent on developed countries.

    Local warlords can seize the food drops and force the residents to "vote" for them if they want food. The best I can come up with is to do no harm. Stop spreading climate change and pandemics to them.

     Next, free trade and globalization are good. Import some goods/services from developing countries to bolster their economy. Educate females, I've heard that if you give equal opportunity the males will simply take everything and exclude the females.

    Mosquito nets and other anti-malaria measures. Vaccines help too. Often, they are starving because they are too weak to farm from vaccine preventable disease.

    After that its trial and error.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    If races were equal, the smarter races would not need to help any other race.     The claim that races were equal was popular in the 1950’s when the “angry young men” (educated elites) of Britain agitated to end British colonialism.    When Britain did just that and gave “independence” to it’s African and Asian colonies, it was expected that the colonies would soon become advanced and wealthy societies like the Europeans and the USA.     These countries were called “developing” countries, which pre supposed that they were on their way to being as developed as their former colonisers.     With the smart Asians, this did in fact happen.   But Africa was another story.

     On the subject of how to help the Africans, there is nothing much that you can do.     Sad as this fact may be, the majority of African people are just not smart enough to survive in the modern world where brains is the most important survival attribute.     Young people today may not know it, but the Asians 50 years ago were just as poor as the Africans (and Muslims) today, but they were smart enough to overcome every disadvantage to become even more wealthy than the Euros. 

     All that 50 years of UN aid has done is to make these people more dependent upon the wealthy to feed them.    African aid is a black hole that will never achieve anything except to beggar the wealthy countries.   It is unsustainable as African and Muslim populations just keep expanding exponentially, while in the western and Asian societies it would be decreasing if not for immigration.      UN efforts to contain population growth in Africa in particular has failed as du-mb Africans consider birth control a plot by Europeans to stop Africans from breeding.   Real smart huh?   

     About the only way you can help Africans is to pay them not to breed.     Which in the western world is feasible since so many Africans are totally welfare dependent anyway.      Another possible solution is to pay smart Africans to breed in much larger numbers order to improve the genome.      Finally, as research into what are the genetic causes high IQ increases knowledge, it may in the future be possible to use genetics to improve the genome of Africans and Arabs.     

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: one race, the human race

    if you mean disadvantage people in other countries, education would be a great start. 
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: On the subject of how to help the Africans, there is nothing much that you can do. Sad as this fact may be, the majority of African people are just not smart enough to survive in the modern world where brains is the most important survival attribute.

    Again, I´m unable to debate with Bogan. His use of derogatory terms like ¨Africans¨ and saying that is fact that the majority of ¨Africans΅ are just not smart enough to survive is ridiculous. Bogan sure has adopted the trumpian way hasn´t he? How´s about I call you the deplorable? 
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Close-minded quote      Again, I´m unable to debate with Bogan.

    Then why did you come onto a debate site where you knew you would be confronted by people with opinions different from yours?       Intelligent people go onto debate sites just to test the validity of their ideas, and to try and convert their opponents using reasoned arguments.      You seem to think that this debate site should be echo chamber for lefties?    Your main problem is, that what I say makes too much sense and you can not think up any credible or convincing reply.


    Close-minded quote   His use of derogatory terms like ¨Africans¨

    Please explain why identifying a group of people by their ethic origins is wrong?     Is calling European descended people “Europeans” or “whites” wrong too?     What about when Chinese descended people in every country in the world call themselves “Chinese”?   Another question you are too frightened to answer. 


    Close-minded quote  …..and saying that is fact that the majority of ¨Africans΅ are just not smart enough to survive is ridiculous.

     Then please explain why African descended people are dysfunctional in every white, western country that they inhabit, without using the equally racist argument that it is “always the white guys fault.”     Another question you do not even want to think about.  You have your fantasy world, where all the ills of the world can be solved, just by everybody sitting around in a circle singing "Kumbaya"


    Close-minded quote      Bogan sure has adopted the trumpian way hasn´t he?

    Almost the entire western world is going “the Trumpian way” because the “loony lefty way” has resulted in once peaceful communities wracked by riots, arson, wholesale shoplifting from even upper class stores, open borders, terrorism, social strife, rape attacks by misogynist minorities, and “no go” areas for white people in their own countries.  .     An intelligent person would look at the senile and corrupt old fool like Biden, and the fact that the USA in particular is coming apart at the seams, to say to themselves “Hmmmm, whatever I believed in is definitely not working.    Maybe the guy with the opposing view was right all along?”


    Close-minded quote      How´s about I call you the deplorable? 

     Call me anything you like.    Unlike the dysfunctional minority’s you champion over your own people, I am not thin skinned.   I do not need a “safe space” or a “trigger warning” like you snowflakes.      It is perfectly normal for all people to identify groups of people that they do not like because of their unacceptable religious or cultural practices, or because of their unacceptable behaviour.     They then give them a pejorative name.     People like your good self think that this is unacceptable when right wing people do it, yet stereotypically, you do it yourselves but are not bright enough to recognise your own hypocrisy.

  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: About the only way you can help Africans is to pay them not to breed.

    Fox News much? hahahahahahaha
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Then why did you come onto a debate site where you knew you would be confronted by people with opinions different from yours?

    I came on this site to have intelligent, mindful and serious discussions. Not to talk about how ¨Africans¨ are not smart enough. Your B S gets more and more sensational. I like to learn from people and I have in many debates on this site with people who don´t abuse this site to spew their hatred. A debate with you is like going into a boxing arena. hahahahaha Listen to yourself. What an angry, ugly person you are. You´ve been radicalized by Trumpism. 
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Close-minded quote   I came on this site to have intelligent, mindful and serious discussions.

    Then good luck with that.       The only people with brains on this site that I can divine at the moment is Just-sayin, Zues, and me.      The rest of them are just hecklers.     So, if you want to “debate” with people who are intellectually impaired, then go for it.  


    Close minded quote      Not to talk about how ¨Africans¨ are not smart enough.

    Of course not.   You have a mental barrier inserted in your brain that prevents you from thinking about anything that your programmers have decided you must not think about.     As a student of history, I am always amazed at how people believe in things which are causing their own destruction.     It is only when things get really, really bad, that they are prepared to think around whatever ideology is sending them to ruin, and start thinking rationally.     The best recent example was the Soviet Union.     No matter how the politburo tried to spin it, the so called “superior” Soviet economy was in the toilet and they could never hope to catch up to the west.    It took a Gorbachev to make them see sense and reality.


    Close minded quote       Your B S gets more and more sensational.

    The truth can be sensational.     I am sorry if the truth hurts your ears.


     Closed-minded quote   I like to learn from people and I have in many debates on this site with people who don´t abuse this site to spew their hatred.

    You mean that there are a lot of loony lefties on this site who agree with you that white people are the most disgusting race on the planet, who are responsible for everything that ever went wrong?  I am opposed to that racism and unlike you,  I have no trouble at all debating it. 


    Closed-minded quote.      A debate with you is like going into a boxing arena.

    Got that right.    You had better be on the ball to cross swords with me.    The problem you have, is that lefties are not renowned for being proficient at being on the ball, nor at speaking, or writing.    Yelling, threatening, “cancelling”, and shouting down speakers is more their style.


    Closed-minded quote        What an angry, ugly person you are.

    I am shocked and truly hurt.


    Closed-minded quote    You´ve been radicalized by Trumpism.

     I was “radicalised” on the 28th of April, 1996, when returning from a rabbit control project with my gun club, I found out that one Martin Bryant had massacred 35 people in Port Arthur, and the fake news press and their educated elite mates were blaming it on people like me.      That was when I stopped being apathetic and turned activist myself.     I wondered just how smart these educated elitists were who were blaming the massacre behaviour that their own mates in the entertainment media had created, on gun owners.      The answer?   Not real smart at all.     Most of them are like you, full of virtue signalling and high falutin principles, but no guts.     Most of them do not want to continue debating with me at all because they know that I will end up painting them into a corner.    So run along, little trendy.     Come back when you grow some balls and can develop the confidence to cross swords with an opponent who can out think you.

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    Whoops, forgot Maxx.    Sorry, Maxx.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    Whoops, and Jules.
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: I was “radicalised” on the 28th of April, 1996,

    More flimflam, hocus pocus, gaslighting, bullying, right wing, B_S.
    You think you´ve got it all figured out, but you are so wrong.
    Fox News, NewsMax and your cartoon hero Trump have groomed you well. 
    People don´t want to interact with a trump toady who think they sound smart, but they just sound like ignorant bullies. But hey, it´s easier to be delusional.

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Closed-minded quote  More flimflam, hocus pocus, gaslighting, bullying, right wing, B_S.

    And more abuse and question dodging from you.     I have now asked you three times “why are you on a debate site if you do not want to debate?”      I have also asked you three times “how do you know that races are equal?”       If you can not answer simple questions, then it is because you are unable to verbalise your own belief system.      You can not justify why you think the way you do.     That looks like brainwashing (behavioral conditioning) to me.    But fear not, I am an expert in deprogramming young trendy lefties.     All I have to do is to point out the contractions in their crazy ideology, and then demand that they justify their beliefs with reasoned arguments.   Works a treat. 


    Closed-minded quote     You think you´ve got it all figured out, but you are so wrong.

    Well, there is one way to put your declaration to the acid test.     But you are too frightened to do that because you can not justify your own bizarre beliefs with a reasoned argument. 


    Closed-minded quote   Fox News, NewsMax and your cartoon hero Trump have groomed you well. 

    So well that I am confident that I can deprogram any brainwashed trendy lefty who is prepared to debate honestly and in good faith.


    Closed-minded quote     People don´t want to interact with a trump toady who think they sound smart, but they just sound like ignorant bullies. But hey, it´s easier to be delusional.

    Then this is why the Left are losing the political debate, and one reason why Right wing governments are in the ascendency, everywhere.    My side is willing to debate, your side is frightened of debate.      One hopes that young people who may be politically aware will pick up on that and figure out which side is thinking straight, and which side is just a bunch of brainwashed automatons who are slaves to an always failing utopian ideology.

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @maxx ;     if you mean disadvantage people in other countries, education would be a great start. 

    Was your post directed at me, Maxx?
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  

    Many have tried to reason with Bogan. Happykillbot before me, I think the comments got deleted in some sort of annual maintenance. I myself have show too much patience with Bogan.  Although there is some use of prebunking for the lurkers in the forum.

    Pseudo-debate as opposed to a legitimate argument is always the case when Bogan is involved. Prebunk for a while and then when it gets old just put Bogan on mute or DNFTT.

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @Dreamer ;    Pseudo-debate as opposed to a legitimate argument is always the case when Bogan is involved. Prebunk for a while and then when it gets old just put Bogan on mute or DNFTT.

    That's funny, coming from a person who is so afraid of debate, that all he can do is to submit links and say "so there!"
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Pseudo-debate as opposed to a legitimate argument is always the case when Bogan is involved. Prebunk for a while and then when it gets old just put Bogan on mute or DNFTT.

    Thanks for the advice. A debate with him is like being thrown into a boxing ring.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 544 Pts   -  
    @Openminded @Bogan ;Thanks for the advice. A debate with him is like being thrown into a boxing ring.

    The thing is that he doesn’t use debating skills at all because being a bully boy and talking down to people is not debating at all. You have to ask yourself if some one is so hate full towards others in such an extreme distorted and ignorant way and is proud of it then how is he possibly going to debate any thing with any amount of sense and reason. Who’s is why he has such a reputation of being a half brain. He’s the one with the sick mind so he has to expect that people are going to complain.

  • jackjack 495 Pts   -  
    Barnardot said:

    How Is the Best Way of Helping Disadvantaged Races?

    Hello B:

    Well, as long as we don't let people starve, or die of a curable disease, we need to get out of the way.

    Lemme give you just one example..  Education is in short supply.   So, we argue about WHO we should help.  Instead of that, we should build more schools and get out of the way.

  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Pseudo-debate as opposed to a legitimate argument is always the case when Bogan is involved. Prebunk for a while and then when it gets old just put Bogan on mute or DNFTT.

    Thank you for this information. I had not heard of prebunking - and I get why it´s necessary and the idea of innoculation theory - staying ahead of the game - can you give me tips on how to prebunk? Is it just pushing back on misinformation aggressively? Also, what do you mean by ¨prebunk for a while and then when it gets old just put Bogan on mute or DNFTT?
  • jackjack 495 Pts   -  

    I came on this site to have intelligent, mindful and serious discussions. Not to talk about how ¨Africans¨ are not smart enough.
    Hello again, O:

    I find it easier to expose Bogan, rather than convince him of anything.  You wouldn't want to wrestle with a pig, would you?  You get dirty, and the pig likes it. 


  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  

    I think you understand mostly what prebunking is, I linked above. With me, I'll take the first easily debunked claim and debunk it. Yet, putting in a language that lurkers will read. Lurkers are people who never/rarely post but read these forums. 

    Another example would be printing out fact sheets and distributing them, as in the book Anti-vaxxers.

    If you click on another user's profile there is a mute button in the upper right. This way you won't see what Bogan writes. 

  • BarnardotBarnardot 544 Pts   -  
    @jack ;we need to get out of the way.

    Let me me the devils avocate here and say its just the same as walking past a begger in the strett and flicking him a coin and moving on or keeping out of the way. That begger is only going to use the money he collects to buy some licker or meth. We know that so it just makes things worse if not the same. So you instaed give him a ticket to an AA meeting where they will give him a feed and then start giving him some thing that is of value. WHO cant do every thing and my one complaint is that they are to busy putting out fires like dropping food off the back of trucks. But not enough is done to help these people help them selves and this is why we shouldnt just make a token jester then bugger off. We each one of us needs to be pro active and do some thing meaningful. And there are so many ways to do this.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 544 Pts   -  
    @Dreamer @Bogan ;If you click on another user's profile there is a mute button in the upper right. This way you won't see what Bogan writes. 

    I was just explaining the principle to @jack. We cannot afford to be complacent when it comes to things that have a negative impact on our society and we can learn from history to like for example a good example would be Hitler got in to power because the government of the day was complacent. Then a bunch of half brain rightist mean minded thugs thought they could run the world and they almost got a way with it.

    So we mustn't let this ever happen again and as soon as we see thugs like Bogun coming out with his condesending hate speech ignoring him doesnt do any thing. It only makes half brians like that get even more angrier and then take there thuggery to the next level. So dont hit the mute button. Tell useless dangerous half brain thugs like that exactly what descent society thinks about them. We can only get rid of those scums by being more pro active and not ignoring them.

  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -   edited December 2023

    "Tell useless dangerous half brain thugs like that exactly what descent society thinks about them."

    How will that help? Can you give me an example of what to say?

  • BarnardotBarnardot 544 Pts   -  
    @Dreamer Like @jack said above 
    I find it easier to expose @Bogan, rather than convince him of anything. 

    And I reckon thats the best thing to do because nothing short of a brain transplant is ever going to change the mind of a half brained extreamist who will stop at nothing to force there sick ways on society. By exposing these insensitive half wits we are making others aware that these dangerous more ons exist and are a threat to society.

    So  all you need to do is speak your heart and speak the truth and if your moral compass is right then the rest will follow. But don't make the misteak of doing the easiest thing and thats sticking your heed in the sand and ignore these half wits hoping they will go away. When descent society speaks all the scum out there have no where to go but dry up like a heap of dog mess that gets washed in to the sewer and no body could give a rats.

  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  

    Interesting, but I disagree. Bogan is a tiny fish. I've given him more than enough chances already. Multi-billionaires and other rich people funnel their dark money to think tanks. Then, they in turn have a massive audience.

    Think of Fox News, Disinformation Dozen, and Toxic Ten. Hate and disinformation want huge platforms.

    I highly recommend Jason Stanley How Fascism works.

    Tiny fish are useful idiots, ignore them.
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Come back when you grow some balls and can develop the confidence to cross swords with an opponent who can out think you.

    Bogan, honestly, I feel sorry for you. You seem to live in a delusion. Time to ground yourself before you become so radicalized they´ll be no turning back.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 544 Pts   -  
    @Dreamer @Bogan is a tiny fish.

    So was Hitler a tiny fish and people ignored him until it was to late.

    Let him know enough times and he will be pushed out and we would prefer a dog fart than have all his ofenceive non sentsical crap plastered over this sight.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 544 Pts   -  
    @Openminded ;Time to ground yourself before you become so radicalized they´ll be no turning back.

    He is all ready radicalised. Just read all the disgustging racial crap that comes out of him. Thats no where near main stream. He proudly admits to being a right wing half brain racist bigot.

  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  

    There are almost 2 billion websites. Plenty with content way worse than anything Bogan says. I'd be much more worried about Bannon, the orange one, Poland's populist ring wing government.

    Bogan is just a useful that will serve as cannon fodder.
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  

    I don't think name calling or whatever you are calling for will help plenty. They just pearl clutch and keep posting. I contend that muting is the best option, certainty the least effort. Same goes for any other user with extreme right points of view.

    Remember that prejudice is a form of social control. There is the target, mark, and the ultra rich. Marks suffer, I feel sorry for racists.

    "In places with black slavery, the whites suffered terribly." Quinn Norton

  • BarnardotBarnardot 544 Pts   -  
    @Dreamer ;I don't think name calling or whatever you are calling for will help plenty. 

    I don't name call him he name calls him self. Do you know what the Ossie name @Bogan means. He's the one who calls him self that and hes proud of it. Hes the one who also calls him self a racist bigot and hes proud of that. Now you have the other 2 psycho paths on this site @Dee and @just_sayin and they are patho logical liers and I have tested them to and found out that they are so totally confused and off the track that they couldn't hurt a flea if they tried.

    But when you get some one standing on a platform declaring his hatred of blacks and that there are to many of them you cannot get complacent. You can stick your heed in the sand and mute him if you like but I'm not going to stand silent and let the likes of that bully half brain fill up this site with all that hatred. So how did those websites get that worse? Because other members ignored the anarchists and soon heaps more anarchists joined in because they new they could get a way with it.

    Is that where you want this site to go? I have seen it happen before. Just look at Debate Art and the other one that had to close down because it got over run by exstreamists.

    The world ignored Hitler years ago and look what happened. So I am going to name call him and catch him out every time he sticks his ugly heed out of his mole hole and let him know that his kind of disgusting filth is not wanted.

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  
  • BarnardotBarnardot 544 Pts   -  
    @Openminded @Bogan ;Thanks for the advice. A debate with him is like being thrown into a boxing ring.

    The thing is that he doesn’t use debating skills at all because being a bully boy and talking down to people is not debating at all. You have to ask yourself if some one is so hate full towards others in such an extreme distorted and ignorant way and is proud of it then how is he possibly going to debate any thing with any amount of sense and reason. Who’s is why he has such a reputation of being a half brain. He’s the one with the sick mind so he has to expect the 

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: ok

    one thing about all of this; first it is a strong logical argument, that racism is genetically inclined. Second, most blacks in america are born here, making them a citizen so you can not tell them to go back where they came from. Now to the basics. In the 1800's most blacks were sold into slavery, forced to work for whoever they were owned by. They had very little clothing, even less food, poor living quarters,, many of the women and children were raped,, the men many time savagely stripped and had their backs torn apart with a bull whip. So to all the people on here who deem back as nothing but trash; is this what you wish for a return of? 
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @Dreamer ;   

    How Fascism Works

     How you can submit a link like that and not be able to understand that it’s logic works both ways, is incredible to me.


         How White People Got Made - Medium

     How you can submit a link which is nothing more than a racist rant against white people as “evidence” of your noble anti racism, is beyond me?       

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @maxx ;   one thing about all of this; first it is a strong logical argument, that racism is genetically inclined.

    You have lost me?    I have no idea what you are trying to say with this sentence?.   Please explain?

    maxx quote       Second, most blacks in america are born here, making them a citizen so you can not tell them to go back where they came from. Now to the basics. In the 1800's most blacks were sold into slavery, forced to work for whoever they were owned by. They had very little clothing, even less food, poor living quarters,, many of the women and children were raped,, the men many time savagely stripped and had their backs torn apart with a bull whip. So to all the people on here who deem back as nothing but trash; is this what you wish for a return of? 

    No.    What on earth ever gave you that idea?       Africans endlessly claiming that they are the victims of white oppression keeps diluting as the decades roll on.   If white and blacks have equal group intelligence, then could somebody please explain why some notoriously dysfunctional ethnicities are not only dysfunctional in every white society they inhabit, but within their own homelands as well?       How is it that 50 years ago, the Asians were just as poor as the Africans today, but they have overcome whatever "white privilege" was supposedly holding them back, to become even more prosperous than the euros?     

    You can never hope to solve any problem if the facts that you rely upon to solve it are false.     We in the west keep dreaming up all sorts of stu-pid proposals to overcome black poverty, based upon the idea of racial equality, which always fail.     The one important factor which we refuse to acknowledge is that some ethnicities have a much lower group IQ than we do.       So, we continue to allow the immigration of dysfunctional ethnic minorities into our increasingly more impoverished counties and wonder why the social problems within our societies  just keeps getting worse?   Meanwhile, the Asians, who's group intelligence is higher than whites, will not have a bar of the immigration of dysfunctional races into their increasingly more successful societies.    
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited February 11
    are you actually saying that immigration is the reason you do not like blacks, or is it really their color?  What about full blooded american indians? we are all immigrants from somewhere else mr. bogan.  I am willing to wager that if you saw a black standing on a corner, dressed in jeans a t shirt, not knowing he was born here, well educated, and engaged in a very nice job; your brain would automatically assume that he was some sort of criminal or something. He would instantly leave a distaste in your mouth, "even" though you know nothing about him. That is just color. Even if you found out what a fine upstanding citizen that he was; you would still not like him and go out of your way to never get to know the individual behind the skin. Immigration and crimes are just mere justifications that you have to justify your dislike. Be honest; am i not correct? @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @maxx ;  

    Maxx quote  are you actually saying that immigration is the reason you do not like blacks, or is it really their color? 

    “Actually” it is neither.      What I am saying is just the facts.     Human races do not have equal group intelligences.   Human IQ is measurable and it is accurate.    80 years of IQ testing by cognitive metricians in the USA proved that the already known suspicion that pure blooded African descended people in the USA had a group IQ 15 points lower than white group IQ.  .   It also found that Hispanic people had a 7 point lower IQ than whites.   It also found that whites had a slightly lower IQ than Asians.     It also found that Jews had the highest group IQ of any racial demographic in the USA.         Whatadaknow?    That just happens to perfectly explain the real life social stratification and social success of races in the USA.      When inconvenient facts conform to a stubborn reality, then an intelligent person takes them seriously.  


    Maxx quote      What about full blooded american indians?

    I have no information on full blooded native Americans, nor on Arabic descended people. 


    Maxx quote       we are all immigrants from somewhere else mr. bogan. 

    Agreed, Mr maxx, but how that fact relates to racial differences in IQ, you did not bother to explain.   Please do not talk in implications.     Just spit it right out.   


    Maxx quote          I am willing to wager that if you saw a black standing on a corner, dressed in jeans a t shirt, not knowing he was born here, well educated, and engaged in a very nice job; your brain would automatically assume that he was some sort of criminal or something?

     No, especially if he was well dressed.    How a person dresses is itself a tell about their personality.        But I would correctly conclude that he is statistically more prone to serious violent criminal behaviour than a white, an Asian, or a Jew, especially if he was dressed like a youth street gang rap member.        As the Reverend Jesse Jackson of the NAACP once famously quipped “When walking through Washington at night, I feel a lot safer knowing that there is a white man behind me, than a black.”       An Australian Police spokesperson from Victoria Police once advised the public about the entirely new phenomena of extremely violent African youth crime gangs.   The spokesman stated that any person walking down the street, who sees a group of African male youths, “…should not make eye contact, and should move rapidly in the opposite direction.”     Only last week in Ipswich, Queensland, four African youths stabbed to death (15 stabs) a 70 year old grandmother in the car park of a popular shopping centre, right in front of her terrified 6 year old granddaughter, in order to steal her car, which they dumped only 15 minutes later.   This behaviour is clearly indicative of people who are extremely violent and who have very low IQ’s. Since such behaviour is completely atypical of even white Australian criminals, would you blame the citizens of Ipswich with treating all young black African males they see in a car park with fear, suspicion, and deep mistrust?    


    Maxx quote           He would instantly leave a distaste in your mouth, "even" though you know nothing about him. That is just color. Even if you found out what a fine upstanding citizen that he was; you would still not like him and go out of your way to never get to know the individual behind the skin. Immigration and crimes are just mere justifications that you have to justify your dislike. Be honest; am i not correct? @Bogan

     No, you are incorrect.   Your premise seems to be, that all races are equal.    Okay, then justify your premise.     How do you know that all races are equal?    Did you come to that conclusion, through objective reasoning?     Or, do you have that opinion only because it has been inculcated into your brain for so long by social conditioning, that you simply accept it without question?     And, is it also because it has been socially conditioned into your brain, that anybody who thinks differently is some sort of low IQ Nazi monster who everybody should despise?      If so, then perhaps you can begin to understand how a mental block got inserted into your brain that forbids you from thinking beyond it?       

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited February 11
    i never claimed that all "races" were equal. Also your statement that it is a fact that the majority of blacks are not as intelligent as whites; makes me ask; so what? Is that you are a racist; just because of that? I know many whites who are dumber than a box of rocks. a low I.Q does not make a person anymore than a high one does. An individuals personality does not reside with ones intelligence. You seem to state you do not like blacks because they have a lower I.Q., however you seem to be lumping them together as a whole. Are you a racist to whites simply because there are dump whites? You are profiling, simple as that. How many blacks do you know? Do you have any black friends? I doubt it. Would you be friends with an intelligent black?  Perhaps invite him over or go out on the town together, sit around and discuss current events? @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Maxx quote    i never claimed that all "races" were equal.

    You have constantly implied it.    Your philosophy appears to be “always imply, but when challenged, deny.”     Either you think that races are equal, or you do not.   Choose sides.


    Maxx quote       Also your statement that it is a fact that the majority of blacks are not as intelligent as whites; makes me ask; so what?

    With Critical Race Theory now being taught in US schools, then the onus is upon white people like myself, and yourself, to defend our race against this false and spurious charge, that the reason why dysfunctional ethnicities are always dysfunctional, is because it is always the white guy’s fault.   Which, if you ever bothered to think about it, is a racist premise.     Racism against your people.     


    Maxx quote      Is that you are a racist; just because of that?

    No, I used to be a left wing anti racist like yourself.      But unlike yourself, I realised that those who claim to be the most staunchly anti racist, were in fact very racist themselves.    They were very racist towards the white race, which just happens to be my race.      This prompted me to see past the mental block in my brain that had been socially implanted, (that all races were equal), and that anybody who thought differently was the most disgusting sort of human being.    Once I accomplished that feat, it was child’s play to think logically and rationally.


    Maxx quote  I know many whites who are dumber than a box of rocks.

    What we are talking about is mean IQ among particular ethnic groups.     All races and ethnicities have people who have very low IQ, low IQ, average IQ, high IQ, and gifted IQ.     This has been called “The Bell Curve” of IQ, since it roughly resembles the shape of a bell.        What cognitive metricians have discovered through IQ tests is that the bell curves of IQ for races is displaced horizontally. 


    Maxx quote     a low I.Q does not make a person anymore than a high one does.

    That premise is completely wrong.        Intelligence, as measured by IQ tests, is the single most effective predictor of success in school and on the job.     It also predicts a person’s chances of divorce, dropping out of high school, being unemployed, proneness to criminal behaviour, or having illegitimate children.       The US military, the world’s most technologically advanced military, will not recruit any candidate with an IQ score lower than 83.     The US armed forces cannot think of any job within the military that they can find, that a person with a lower measured intellect can fulfill.     Around 10% of US recruitment applicants fail this test.   Naturally, nobody states which races are the most prone to such low IQ.      The Left Liberal establishment does not want you to know that.  If you knew, you might be able to overcome your woke mental block and think straight.     


     Maxx quote         An individuals personality does not reside with ones intelligence.

    That is completely wrong too.     People with high intelligence typically are much better behaved than people with low IQ.      Car insurance premiums are usually actuated by the suburb of the insured, where suburbs full of low IQ people pay more than middle class suburbs, where insurers are confident that the insured will drive much more responsibly, and not involve themselves in insurance fraud.   IQ stratifies society, which is why “classes” of people do exist in every human society above 200 people.     Over 200, skill specialization involving different levels of IQ and different types of IQ stratifies every society.     Different classes of people have different tastes in music, sport, entertainment, and consumer products.      Advertisers use that knowledge to engineer advertising campaigns in which they link specific consumer products to the innermost psychological needs of different demographic groups. 


    Maxx quote  You seem to state you do not like blacks because they have a lower I.Q.,

    I do not like black people who defame my race by blaming my people for their own dysfunctions, caused by their own low IQ and genetic proneness to violent criminal behaviour.   I like smart black people like Leo Terrel, Candice Owens, Morgan Freedman, Sidney Poitier, and US Congressman Byron McDonald.     Here in Australia, the socialist Left government tried to divide Australia by race using a referendum to overcome the Australian constitution, to give those claiming to be ‘aboriginal” more political power than for any other race or ethnicity in Australia.    One reason it failed, is because two very prominent part aboriginal people led the movement against the constitutional change, thereby earning the respect and admiration of most of the Australian people.  One of those people, Jacinta Price, (who's mother was born in a bark lean to)  is now so respected by the Right that she has been suggested as possibly the first female aboriginal Prime Minister of Australia.  


    Maxx quote         however you seem to be lumping them together as a whole.

    Everybody makes generalisations (positive or negative) about other groups of people.     It is the normal way that people think.   You can argue that a generalisation is either invalid, or not accurate enough to form an accurate conclusion, but you cannot argue that it is wrong to generalise, since everybody does it. 


    Maxx quote       Are you a racist to whites simply because there are dump whites?

     I am a racist because I advocate that races are not equal, which I think can be very easily proven to any person who has an objective mind.   But one thing I know for certain, it is impossible to prove anything to somebody who just does not want to know. 


    Maxx quote      You are profiling, simple as that.

    You seem to be suggesting that profiling is wrong?     I think that this is just some slogan you heard some lefty say, it sounded good, so you parrot it without even thinking whether it is correct or not?     If profiling is wrong, why does the US FBI have the Behavioural Science Unit who’s staff are even called “profilers?”     Obviously in law enforcement, profiling is routine. 


    Maxx quote     How many blacks do you know? Do you have any black friends? I doubt it. Would you be friends with an intelligent black?  Perhaps invite him over or go out on the town together, sit around and discuss current events? @Bogan

     I have had a “coloured” apprentice from South Africa who was very intelligent, and who eventually became my boss.     I have another workmate friend who is also a coloured South African who’s is also quite intelligent, and who had one daughter who was so intelligent that she unexpectantly received a scholarship from Oxford university, which she had neither sought nor applied for.       Smart African descended people do exist, and because they are smart, they usually find wide acceptance among the smarter races on an individual or even family level.     I did hear of one Los Angeles suburb (I forget its name) which was specifically set up to house the growing number of successful black professionals from the LA area.        Its crime rate was so low that it even began to attract white and Asian homebuyers. 

  • BarnardotBarnardot 544 Pts   -  
    @Bogan @Maxx ;I am a racist because I advocate that races are not equal

    We all know that you advocate that and you have pointed out that point many times for some reason. 

    But the thing is that this topic is about the best way of helping disadvantaged races. 

    So would you like to share your plan for what should be done to make all races equal?

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited February 12
    no i have never claimed all racists are equal. i am also not exactly an anti racist; because racism is inherent in humans.What i am saying is all those reasons you give for not liking blacks are an excuse to justify an Aryan behavior. You do not like blacks because "we whites" are better. That is basically what you are stating.  You are a racist because all races are not equal? What kind of statement is that? So what if all races are not equal. I am sorry but you are a racist because you do not like blacks as a whole and you simply can not see past their color and know the person. It is a mega, white supremacist attitude and nothing more. when i was very young, we were very poor and had to live in a neighborhood of blacks and all i saw was crime, drugs, and how scared i was of what they might do to my family. As i grew, I also could only see the color of the skin and what i thought it represented. It took college and meeting normal blacks and getting to know some, that i realized something you should learn; and that is people are people, no matter what race they may be. There are good and bad among us all, and saying you do not like a race as a whole simply because they do not perform to your level of expectations of a white race, shows a deep seated psychological problem in which not only you are not aware of, but will continue to deny you have one. Blacks may genetically not have the intelligence whites do, but why would that matter to the point where you have such racist attitudes? A lousy ten point difference in average I.Q. and you dislike a whole race? Nothing more than a white supremacist aryan attitude.  I understand you know a lot of psychology;  so i am sure you realize that long standing beliefs such as you have are deeply  rooted in your brain; therefore you not only consider nothing wrong with such beliefs, but such constant repetition of such thoughts tend to enforce them. After time, the actual reasons no longer mater, it simply becomes a habit with an automatic response. We all act in such a way where our long standing thoughts over ride our reasoning; up to the point where no one can tell them that they are wrong. look at ricky on here. he does the same in a different venue. it is called conditioning. You and I both know, that after awhile, this conditioning sets in to the point where one simply can not step outside of the box and look at themselves objectively. That long set in conditioning will keep one from even thinking of other alternatives. Jesus died for my sins and no one will tell me any differently type of behavior. @Bogan
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    i believe i answered that; education and more opportunities, and jobs. @Barnardot
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    @Barnardot ;  In my personal opinion, the best way to help struggling Nations and populations is to offer them the Gospel of Jesus Christ, a pathway to sustainable mores, norms, values, providing the "hope" of a better life and interpersonal relationships by initiating an intimate relationship with our Creator by faith. 

    Once the heart issues have been addressed, demonstrate love and care by offering educational assistance...educational assistance that is immediately relevant and practical to improving standards of living; encourage every individual to discover their personal gifts and talents and encourage them to employ those talents for the betterment of their family, their community and job skills that ultimately develop self confidence, self-worth, personal pride, a work ethic that engenders courage, builds the community, promotes leadership, honors dignity and morality. 

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    i knew you were going to say this, however it is not the "best" way. This will not help them earn food, nor money, nor the ability to get jobs, or better housing, or to rise above their current status. if there is a god, the gospel will not address these factors, not in this life.Most backward underprivileged  people already have a believe in god, and it does not help them aside from a different mental belief. Yes, i know, you will claim that it takes jesus; however that does not appear to work either in helping some poor child in the ghetto who roams the streets stealing for food, afraid to go home because of an abusive alcoholic father. We are not talking about an after life here. If there is one, i doubt then that they would be underprivileged. We are living in a caste system in this world, and be you a believer or not, it takes skills, education, power, and money to rise to a certain level. There are many atheists, as well as believers who are well off, and visa-versa. A belief in jesus, nor the lack of it, will not help the poor and needy.  @RickeyHoltsclaw
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -   edited February 12
    maxx said:
    i knew you were going to say this, however it is not the "best" way. This will not help them earn food, nor money, nor the ability to get jobs, or better housing, or to rise above their current status. if there is a god, the gospel will not address these factors, not in this life.Most backward underprivileged  people already have a believe in god, and it does not help them aside from a different mental belief. Yes, i know, you will claim that it takes jesus; however that does not appear to work either in helping some poor child in the ghetto who roams the streets stealing for food, afraid to go home because of an abusive alcoholic father. We are not talking about an after life here. If there is one, i doubt then that they would be underprivileged. We are living in a caste system in this world, and be you a believer or not, it takes skills, education, power, and money to rise to a certain level. There are many atheists, as well as believers who are well off, and visa-versa. A belief in jesus, nor the lack of it, will not help the poor and needy.  @RickeyHoltsclaw

    @Maxx ; I respectfully disagree Maxx. It is only by confronting and properly addressing the issues of the heart, the morality, the work ethic, that one can properly tackle the issues of a failing society. The Gospel addresses the root of man's debasement i.e., sin and rebellion and narcissism and pride; therefore, until these things are tempered by the indwelling Holy Spirit and the desires of man are oriented toward those norms, values, ethics, that are sustainable, a family - a society - a community - a Nation cannot be grounded and sustainable and profitable for the whole. 

    The poor in the street can be immediately provided-for through assistance from various organizations (Christian, Church, Secular charitable organizations) but sustainability can only come through a change of heart, the heart of those who are of age to make contributions to that society in which the underprivileged exist. The "heart" is the issue and when the heart of man is healed through the Gospel...the potential is limitless. One can give and give and given but unless the recipient is motivated to pursue what is sustainable, there will never be sufficient "giving" from others to compensate a heart that is not willing to endure and persevere via a sustainable work ethic rooted in morality and love. It is the heart that must be healed before the body can produce love and a sustainable work ethic that prospers a community and ensures its sustainability.

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    Our society today is an aberration. What we see today is simply did not exist a couple hundred years ago. If we go back to the mid 1800s and especially the centuries before; then we find that the majority of the world was what we call underprivileged. There was very little money, if any; people lived in conditions that we of today would find intolerable. Poorly constructed houses, ate mainly food they grew or hunted, had no or very little medical care, and so on. What changed was new inventions, better products, new technologies, better food preservations, and so on. It was humans themselves that began pulling himself up from the ground. Being poor and "underprivileged back then was the way things simply were.Now as we jump back ahead to today; when you say underprivileged; we are talking of those who are still locked into the past so to speak, with no way out. They do not have the money to do so, nor the skills to earn enough money. Teaching these people about jesus will not give them these skills. Teaching those who have money, may only server for them to give the poor more food baskets, and low paying jobs. It will not help them in the long run. They will still be poor and simply rely on others. What did jesus say? Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, but "teach" him to fish and he will eat all of his life. Education rick. with it, they can learn the skills needed to help themselves.  @RickeyHoltsclaw
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -   edited February 12
    maxx said:
    Our society today is an aberration. What we see today is simply did not exist a couple hundred years ago. If we go back to the mid 1800s and especially the centuries before; then we find that the majority of the world was what we call underprivileged. There was very little money, if any; people lived in conditions that we of today would find intolerable. Poorly constructed houses, ate mainly food they grew or hunted, had no or very little medical care, and so on. What changed was new inventions, better products, new technologies, better food preservations, and so on. It was humans themselves that began pulling himself up from the ground. Being poor and "underprivileged back then was the way things simply were.Now as we jump back ahead to today; when you say underprivileged; we are talking of those who are still locked into the past so to speak, with no way out. They do not have the money to do so, nor the skills to earn enough money. Teaching these people about jesus will not give them these skills. Teaching those who have money, may only server for them to give the poor more food baskets, and low paying jobs. It will not help them in the long run. They will still be poor and simply rely on others. What did jesus say? Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, but "teach" him to fish and he will eat all of his life. Education rick. with it, they can learn the skills needed to help themselves.  @RickeyHoltsclaw

    @maxx ; America did not necessarily "pull itself up by the boot straps" but the sovereignty of Elohim through the Son, Jesus Christ, prospered this Nation as we honored Him through our worship, our obedience, our desire to honor the Great Commission (Matthew 28). America was founded via basic Christian principles adhering to the natural law that is written upon the heart and arbitrated by the indwelling Holy Spirit...America is, today, an aberration as we've "progressively" rejected those Christian values, norms, mores, that are sustainable and have proceeded to honor those things that are not sustainable and consequently our Creator has walked away from our Nation and left us to our own devices...we are today a godless and miserable people headed to destruction because the "heart" issues are no longer controlled by the Holy Spirit but by Satan. We've gone the way of the Adamic/Noahic generations and Rome which is succinctly documented in the following Scripture,

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