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Do Christians fully accept that children deserve to die of cancer?

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Our newest resident @RickyD when asked by me if his god was all loving why do babies die of cancer ?

 Replied .....  ; Again, ad nauseam, my Lord does not find joy in children suffering from disease but this is the reality of man's disobedience and the curse of sin from The Beginning. Every child that dies before attaining the age of reason is secure in their Lord forever in Eternity. 

Apparently children dying of cancer since the time of Christ are paying back a debt for their ancestors “rebellion”!!!!!

I firmly believe to believe this one has to be mentally unhinged, what sort of a god would need revenge against infants for a couple  of 1000 years as “payment “ for their ancestors rebellion?

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  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  
    Is there really any point in poking holes in this guy's logic? No matter what he will have his cake and eat it too, because he doesn't play by the rules of reason and actively fights against rational thought.

    He is just a scared train wreck that needs the almighty lie to stay morally sound and feel emotionally dignified.

    The problem with the position of @RickeyD is that this means that he doesn't think that god is all powerful because he is all loving. If god isn't all powerful, then he couldn't have made all things. Therefore god can't exist.

    If god is all powerful then he can't be all loving, because he would be able to make children suffer.

    His answer is a total cop out that anyone, even other Christians can put to bed so to speak. Him starting the reply with "ad nausaeum" indicates this isn't the first time he has heard this question, yet still he fails to grasp the underlying subtly that would be fatal to his worldview, if thought about with any amount of integrity. 

    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -  
    @RickeyD thinks Trump was elected because of god's will lol. He is two steps away from Westboro types of insanity like "thank god for 9/11 and sandy hook". These types of people do not accept reality at all, and would be glad if their own family died in a house fire if they think god did it.
    why so serious?
  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -   edited November 2019
    Of course they are ok with it, they must if they claim to be Christian...

    Christianity is a death cult glorifying human sacrifices and built upon Worm theology, promoting a low view of self (We're worthless and born broken), where Salvation is offered and Redemption is promised, at the low price of the surrender of your critical faculties.... It's a fundamentally despicable belief in my opinion.
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    I think this specific forum, is in violation of the Debate Island forum rules.

    You're not supposed to create a forum, as a response, in regards to what another Debate Island participant, expressed to you. 
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -   edited November 2019
    @Dee ; Only the mentally and spiritually decrepit and spiritually ignorant servant of Satan could make such a statement...

    "Do Christians fully accept that children deserve to die of cancer?"

    How foolish is the one who conjures such words? Children don't "deserve" to die of cancer but unfortunately cancer is the resultant of genomic mutational malformations that manifest from The Fall of Adam as he rejected God's Covenant of Sustenance. God warned, man rejected that warning, wrath then ensued because God cannot lie (Genesis 2:17; Numbers 23:19). The wages of our sin is death, this is an immutable curse incurred by our first father, Adam, and it is his seed/genomic contribution to human KIND that is culpable for sin and therefore passes the death penalty to all men and women...children (Romans 6:23; 1 Corinthians 15:22).

    Our Omniscient Creator, in His mercy and compassion, did not leave us in our hopeless condition but set-forth a Plan i.e. the Gospel (Good News) before the creation of Time (2 Timothy 1:10) to redeem mankind and provide life in Eternity via an eternal spirit that is infused in every man and woman at conception; an eternal spirit that is created in the spiritual image/likeness of our God on the 6th-Day of Creation (Genesis 1:26-28). This New Covenant of Grace (Matthew 26:28) is available to everyone who is willing to humble them self, repent of their sin (Acts 3:19), believe in their heart, confess with their mouth, that Jesus Christ is God who died to pay their sin-debt and that He was resurrected for their justification leading to Eternal life (Romans 3:23; Romans 10:9-10).

    This Covenant of Grace and the requirement of faith/belief in the Son, Jesus Christ, is immutable (John 14:6) and God the Father has mandated in Time and Eternity that ONLY the innocent, shed blood of Yeshua-Jesus at the Crucifixion will be acceptable as payment for sin thereby permitting the one redeemed by said blood entrance into the Kingdom of God subsequent to death of the body of flesh (John 3:1-21; Revelation 21:27). NOTHING impure will be permitted to enter God's Kingdom; therefore, ONLY redemption via the atonement for sin and the imputation of Christ's righteousness over the life of human KIND will find righteousness (a right standing) garnering the permission of God the Father for life in the Eternal Kingdom of God.

  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -   edited November 2019
    I wonder is @RickeyD Knows that cancer is basically cells that have lost the ability to die?

    Kind of throws a wrench in the whole "The punishment for sin is death" thing.

    If god is omniscient, does that mean that he knows what it is like to want to snort drugs off a strippers @$$?

    If he does, then this means he has committed lust which is a sin. If he doesn't he isn't omnipotent.

    What is the punishment for sin?

    Nietzsche seems to think he has already received his retribution.
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    ***** I think this specific forum, is in violation of the Debate Island forum rules.


    *****You're not supposed to create a forum, as a response

    Am I indeed “not supposed”? I’m not a coward I’m addressing a forum users specific remarks to his face in front of other forum members I am not doing it behind his back. Maybe you could team up with him and support his remarks as a fellow Christian or else do as you always do as in refuse to actually address what a topic asks 

    , *****in regards to what another Debate Island participant, expressed to you. 

    Really? Sue me if you feel so butt hurt about your buddy 
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    ***** I think this specific forum, is in violation of the Debate Island forum rules.


    *****You're not supposed to create a forum, as a response

    Am I indeed “not supposed”? I’m not a coward I’m addressing a forum users specific remarks to his face in front of other forum members I am not doing it behind his back. Maybe you could team up with him and support his remarks as a fellow Christian or else do as you always do as in refuse to actually address what a topic asks 

    , *****in regards to what another Debate Island participant, expressed to you. 

    Really? Sue me if you feel so butt hurt about your buddy 
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    ***** How foolish is the one who conjures such words?

    Translation from Ricky speak to English .......”Try and sound like god speaking from above and he might agree “

    **** Children don't "deserve" to die of cancer

    But they do according to you and your god otherwise why are they paying for the fall of Adam? Why does your god need millions of child deaths to satisfy his need for revenge? 

    *****but unfortunately cancer is the resultant of genomic mutational malformations that manifest from The Fall of Adam as he rejected God's Covenant of Sustenance. 

    So god put these malformations in place to torture children for their ancestors rebellion?

    Do you take joy in these deaths as it pleases your god so why not you? If as you state “children don’t deserve to to die from such “ why not condemn your god is it cowardice on your part?
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Dee ; God did not put these genomic malformations into place anymore so than God put evil and sorrow and suffering into place all of which are the resultant of disobedience. God's primary reason for creating both His angelic and human creation is "relationship." (John 3:16) God is LOVE (1 John 4:7-21), perfect agape LOVE, and for some reason unbeknownst to me, God desires a loving and authentic relationship with His created beings (John 3:17).

    The deadly hurdle/chasm that manifests in the formation of a relationship (between God and mankind and between mankind and his fellowman) is how to establish a relationship that is both truly loving and authentic? Our Creator, Jesus Christ-Yeshua, has infused "free will" in both His angelic and human creation; unfortunately, for love to exist, to manifest, in purity and authenticity in a loving "relationship," the parties involved in said relationship under girded by  true LOVE must possess the free will to choose hate. These entities, in order to pursue righteousness and purity with authenticity must also possess the capability to choose iniquity, rebellion, evil. Unless one possesses the capacity to hate, they can never truly love. Unless one possess the capacity for evil, they can never truly choose righteousness via obedience to God's will for our life.  Void free will, love and relationship become robotic and thus impotent and meaningless. 

    God does not create evil. An aside here: the KJV translators in Isaiah 45:7 incorrectly translate the Hebrew "ra" as "evil" when, in context concerning judgment upon Israel/disobedience, the proper translation is "calamity." God is NOT the Author of moral evil but evil exists as the default of righteousness as hate exists as the default of love and this default positioning is not one of God's "creation" in accordance with His will but the "possibility" for evil and hate exist as a default positioning of free will; which, without free will, love and righteousness could not exist in authenticity and purity; if the angles and mankind were programmed to behave in a certain manner, love would be impotent through roboticism. Love cannot manifest in an atmosphere of coercion, fear, debt, robotics.

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    ****unfortunately cancer is the resultant of genomic mutational malformations that manifest from The Fall 

    God did not put  put these genomic malformations into place 

    Remember a good needs a good memory ....You clearly stated 

    *** unfortunately cancer is the resultant of genomic mutational malformations that manifest from The Fall 

    So god put them into place? That’s  unless you want to make a new cover story 

    ****anymore so than God put evil and sorrow and suffering into place all of 

    Yet you  being a biblical ignoramus do not know that the Bible clearly states ... 

    Isaiah 45:7 King James Version (KJV)

    7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

    So tell me if in his own words he states he creates evil why are you lying .....again?

    ****which are the resultant of disobedience. 

    So tell me you idotic troll how does “disobedience “ create cancer in a child?

    ****God's primary reason for creating both His angelic and human creation is "relationship." 

    Right a relationship with something you cannot see , feel , touch , or hear ....there a name for that 

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -   edited November 2019
    @Dee ; Before you accuse one of ignorance, why not study..again, the KJV translators did not translate the Hebrew "ra" in Isaiah 45:7's not evil but "calamity."  Here is the Hebrew: 

    The One forming light and creating darkness,
    Causing [a]well-being and creating calamity;
    I am the Lord who does all these.  Isaiah 45:7 (NASB)

    Why do you love your aberrant lust to such a degree that you're willing to lose your soul in Hell for that which is passing away in futility? You deny God and the Spiritual and a relationship with Him because you're absorbed by demonic Naturalism via your brainwashing by Darwinism. You love your sexual immorality more than God's Truth and life. This is why you're dying daily in your sins and will die a second death in Hell lest you repent and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord.

  • YeshuaBoughtYeshuaBought 669 Pts   -  
    I have no idea why suffering happens. I don't think it's fair, I don't have an answer, but what I can do is listen to someone who needs a friend. Offer available at any time.
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Ask Aarong, if this forum from you, isn't a violation of the rules for the Debate Island website?

    Or do you want me to ask Aarong? 
  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    **** Ask Aarong, if this forum from you, isn't a violation of the rules for the Debate Island website?

    Why would I ask Aarong when it’s not? Are you annoyed because you’ve recieved more warnings for trolling and here you are at it again I’m going to flag you again 

    ***Or do you want me to ask Aarong?  

    Be my guest it will save you yet again having to contribute something you’ve never done on here 

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    I’m drinking a beer and laughing out loud .....were there tears ha ,ha , ha ......Maybe I should send the Sea Lion a crate of fish to keep it happy ......
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -   edited November 2019
    The Universe does not care who "deserves" what. "Deserve" is a very ambiguous and subjective term. The Universe just does its thing, regardless of how we feel about it. Today you are living a happy life; tomorrow a truck runs you over and makes you disabled and full of pain for the rest of your life. It happens, and the Universe will not weep for you over it.

    This great man said it best:

    Religious people of all kinds like to believe that there is some inherent moral system to the Universe, usually created by "god" or some other supernatural entity - but that is not true in reality. The world has no morals and does not care who gets treated "right" and who gets treated "wrong". Even "god", if existed, would merely be a product of the Universe, or, perhaps, some "super-Universe" of which ours is just a small part, and his/her/its personal morals would not be a result of any "righteousness" inherent to the world.

    We are fundamentally anthropocentric, believing that the Universe is there to cater to our needs. It is not, however; it is just there, and it is up to us to figure out how to fulfil our needs. And if one of us is born with cancer, then it is pointless to either blame someone for it, or to try to rationalise it through "god's mysterious plan". Cancer is just cancer, and either we find a way to treat it, or the child dies. It is as simple and straight as that.

  • So, why is it that you have a crush on various Atheists?

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