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Member, joined August 2018

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O.D.S.L.: 1310 points | Formal And Formalish Debate Wins: 0/1 | Formal And Formalish Debate Losses: 1/1


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  • "Abortion or Adoption - Know the Facts Before Making a Decision""CostAbortion costs range from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on your provider and your st…
  • @Plaffelvohfen @Dee The below realities, are more sobering than your sad pro Abortion counter arguments are. The Truth behind Abortion, there are more contraceptives available to both males and females, than the act of committing an Abortion gets…
  • @Plaffelvohfen @Dee The below realities, are more sobering than your sad pro Abortion counter arguments are. The Truth behind Abortion, there are more contraceptives available to both males and females, than the act of committing an Abortion ge…
  • The Truth behind Abortion, there are more contraceptives available to both males and females, than the act of committing an Abortion gets utilized. There are females, who are for the most part, are placed on birth control pills after experiencing t…
  • @Dee Oh my god lady, you are harming your own argument, with how you're using your own mind to reduce a word, or word's down to your inexcusable way of thinking? You can view mass shooters gun violence and abortion however you want to? And @Plaf…
  • @ZeusAres42 Either one is humane according to your own subjective sense of morality. Show me, based on your individual rationale, how a human killing another human via gun violence is humane? Abortion isn't humane, its inhumane. And I challenge…
  • @Dee When humans kill humans with a mass shooter gun violence, the word Abort, is a part of the word Abortion, hence when a shooter, kills another individual in cold blood, that is an Aborted life. Because when a shooter took another individuals …
  • @ZeusAres42 What individual principals are you basing your pro Abortion debate on? My individual principals are these: Pro Adoption, pro Fetus, pro Family, pro Community, pro Humanity, and Adoptive parents, pro Foster parents, and pro Fetus Right…
  • @Dee  Your pettiness with how you debate, is a byproduct of how you've become a victim of your own rationalizations, thus harming how you debate others in an unfair, and unequal manner? "I actually think you’re mentally insane , you said.…
  • @Plaffelvohfen You've demonstrated that you're you, when it comes to your unequal and unfair debate practices. "You've demonstrated many times that you are ineducable... It's not like we haven't tried you know..." You mean those lazy males and f…
  • @Dee Here, you forgot this pro Adoption response to your pro Abortion teachings: ***** Do you all know what one human being killing another human being, in a sense amounts to? "Self defence? Murder? Accident? War? Mercy killing?" Do Mercy kill…
  • @Dee ***** Do you all know what one human being killing another human being, in a sense amounts to? "Self defence? Murder? Accident? War? Mercy killing?" Do Mercy killings perform Abortions on females? Does WAR perform Abortions on females? Do…
  • @Dee @piloteer @Plaffelvohfen @MayCaesar Do you all know what one human being killing another human being, in a sense amounts to? Post birth abortion, or Adult abortion.  Those gun violence mass shooter crimes, that's an example of Adult a…
  • @Dee You love having your way with another person's words, don't you? In the real world, away from your keyboard, how's that way of yours working? Adoption is pro Mom, pro Dad, pro Family, pro Community, and pro Humanity. While all an Abortioni…
  • @MayCaesar May, or ma'am: Two simple word's for the lazy lady in your fictional hypothetical: Birth control. She and her partner, can use it before being intimate, can't they?
  • @Dee "@piloteer Hi Piloteer thanks a lot , @TKDB is a knob and deserves everything he gets " @MayCaesar @piloteer What are you all, anti Adoption? Adoption, is an act of human beings acting in a responsible manner, or a way of life. Adoption…
  • @Plaffelvohfen Explaining myself to you again. "LIFE is a sarcastic joke, and then you die... Why should I care about this whole subjective notion of "laziness"? It's irrelevant, it's clutching at straws... " Abortion is the act of clutching at …
  • @Plaffelvohfen "LIFE is a sarcastic joke, and then you die... Why should I care about this whole subjective notion of "laziness"? It's irrelevant, it's clutching at straws... " Abortion is the act of clutching at straws. Adoption, gives the fet…
  • @piloteer Let me answer the questions you're about to ask me now. "Yes, I do believe my personal view can be supported with literature." Where's your literature? "Yes, I do think my self serving opinion fits in with social morality." Where is…
  • @piloteer What website, has the published information that you're mentioning? "Did you have an argument to counter the claim that it is inhumane to disallow abortion because it helps with curbing overpopulation?" @piloteer People die from Alzhe…
  • @piloteer But it's not inhumane for a criminal with a rifle to walk up to a Wal-Mart in Texas and slaughter 20 plus people with inhumane gun violence? @Plaffelvohfen I get your stance, but giving a lazy male and female the benefit of the doubt …
  • @Dee I knew you wouldn't have any PUBLISHED evidence. "You’re guilty of...... False equivalence is a logical fallacy in which an equivalence is drawn between two subjects based on flawed or false reasoning. This fallacy is categorized as a fall…
  • @Dee @Plaffelvohfen @MayCaesar If you any of you can show any PUBLISHED evidence stating that any person who has been hypothetically killed by a criminal or an offender via Murder, is "The definition of a Humane action?  Then I will agree, th…
  • @Plaffelvohfen @Dee @MayCaesar I Googled, Is Abortion humane? "Introduction to the abortion debateDefinitionAbortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy.Arguments…
  • @Dee You can make any Self Serving proclamation that you may wish to pass off as your own Truth, because you say so? You cannot state that any Abortion procedure done outside of Rape or Incest is humane, can you? Why don't you reach out to one o…
  • @MayCaesar Abortion, kills a fetus, therefore it's inhumane. (And I challenge you, @Dee, or @Plaffelvohfen, to present a definition, that the killing of a fetus isn't inhumane?) Adoption is 1000% Humane. "Abortion and adoption are different thi…
  • @Happy_Killbot Where's your elaborate visual reference material located at in the Bible?  I've looked through the Bible, hundreds of times, and your colorful representation wasn't there? Or maybe your visual meme is from the Atheist Revolution w…
    in oh jesus? Argument by TKDB March 2020
  • @maxx You might want to troubleshoot your linking information.
    in oh jesus? Argument by TKDB March 2020
  • @ZeusAres42 How does insulting anyone create a learning, or educational moment, from any debate? "If you cannot take being insulted then perhaps you should not dish them out." And what does your above statement, have to do with the theme of this…
  • @maxx What part of the Bible, are you using to base your question on? "Oh Jesus, was jesus gay?"
    in oh jesus? Argument by TKDB March 2020

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