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God is far more evil than the Devil?


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  • FactfinderFactfinder 948 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; No, God does not "author" evil...the god you serve is the author of evil from the beginning. 

    And god created it. Biblically. 
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -   edited February 7
    RickeyHoltsclaw said:

    @MayCaesar ;   Again, don't understand why you are here, what has transpired that our Creator opted to create an alternate repository for an unfathomable war initiated by a rebellious cherub and the one-third of the angelic creation that followed in the rebellion. 

    I do understand that it's difficult for you, an intellectual, to wrap your head around these things...I understand...I was there as well though I've never considered myself an intellectual :) ...but I must admit, the difference being, I could never deny the reality of a Creator...even as a child the night sky baffled me in my innocence...I knew there was something or someone unfathomable "out there" was not until many years later that I, by happen-chance...or at least I thought, met a 90+ year old Messianic Priest and his entourage on my trip to Chicago. 

    We sat and discussed "Yeshua"...all I knew is what I had been told that Jesus is Lord...his questions challenged me...I'm a Type-A personality...or at least I was then...I was upset that I could not answer his theological questions so out of pride, I visited a nearby bookstore and purchased a copy of the "Living Bible"...a paraphrased version of the Scriptures. I sat down on a couch in a small Chicago suburb apartment and began reading the New Testament...halfway through my first read my life has never been the same....that was approximately 35-years ago. 

    A beautiful wife, three-beautiful children and one-grandson later...I am so glad that Jesus is my Lord and the Holy Spirit resides within me...I might not be the most loving Christian and my old Marine and Law Enforcement ways are a bit is my temper from time to time...but Jesus has been incredibly faithful through all and the Holy Spirit has never left me or forsaken me, even in my worst times.

    You would be wise to sit quietly, uninterrupted, and carefully-prayerfully read through the 21-chapters of the Gospel of John in the New least know what you're rejecting. 
    You did not even address my argument. You just keep talking about how great serving your lord is, never wrestling with any objections. It is like someone who gets dead drunk every evening, saying, "You have no idea how good I feel when drunk!", in response to me pointing out the obvious issues with this lifestyle.
    It is not difficult for me to see how one might go down this rabbit hole. I just know that I hope that I never do. Maybe I will when I am 90 years old, have 20 mental illnesses and aches all over my body... That would be quite sad.

    The god you portray appears extremely evil, and your defense of it is evil. Serving anyone, let alone a twisted creature like this, is something a decent human being will never do willingly. But, as someone said, "Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." Fools are characterized not by their low intellectual capacity, but by their extremely low resistance to, for the lack of better term, on a silver platter. A fool can be convinced that drinking ethanol is good for him by mere charisma, bypassing logic.

    And fools can absolutely believe that they are happy living in their delusion. They may even be genuinely happy... But this is not the kind of happiness someone on the outside would ever want. Someone who leaves Plato's cave even for a moment will never be satisfied should he go back to it: no matter how comfy, how warm, how familiar it is, he now knows how pathetic his existence is relative to what is available out there. And would he want to forget the outside world? Only if he is a doubly fool.

    Because when you experience the highs provided by living in tune with reality, the highs given by living in delusion look very pale in comparison. Solving an extremely complicated intellectual problem gives you the level of satisfaction that superficial religious nonsense never will. It is like eating a well-cooked steak versus eating stale cabbage: stale cabbage will satisfy your stomach, but that is about it.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -   edited February 7
    Well, tbh I was responding on the fly as of little time. I am usually a bit more patient. Nonetheless, later I will detail more the examination of why the argument regarding free will being a justification for evil in the sense of the aforementioned argument/s does not hold up under closer scrutiny. 

    @ZeusAres42 ; @Factfinder ;     Righteousness exists; Evil exists; free will exists. If evil does not exist as a default to righteousness there is no free will because only righteousness exists but we see evil existing all around us; therefore, the one who engages in evil has made an affirmative choice to reject righteousness, yes? 

    Righteousness and Evil, one's participation in same, is regulated by the human conscience as the free will choice of choosing what is good is regulated by the conscience while the free will choice to reject what is good is regulated by the conscience and humanity, a free moral agent, is free to choose good, evil; in some scenarios, neutrality and neutrality can be defined as good or evil contingent upon context, yes?

    When one rejects what is good and good is defined by the conscience, that rejection of what is good can default to neutrality as the individual makes the free will choice to remain neutral on a particular subject by not engaging in the behavior...a free will choice of neutrality has manifest - or - if a free will choice is made to reject what is good and they make the free will choice to not remain neutral (or neutrality is not an option) their free will choice to reject what is good defaults to engaging in what is evil; hence, a free will choice to engage in evil called mens rea (the guilty mind). 

    Mens Rea is often times an element of criminal law that must be proved by the prosecution beyond a reasonable doubt; that is, the prosecution is tasked with proving that the defendant knowingly and willingly engaged in a particular conduct; this, by free will...not coercion, not by accident, but with intent; otherwise, if intent cannot be established; that is, the defendant did not engage in the conduct via a free will "choice," there are lesser degrees of culpability that must be entertained by the Charging Instrument.  
    Your reasoning falls apart because first you assert a god exist, then claim it to be good, then claim that's where good comes from and resistance to this good defaults to evil. Well none of that has been proven.

    Then you use the legal system as an analogy for your argument. But the proof the prosecution has to satisfy is under the written established rule of law, not any criteria for freewill; or notions of inherent righteousness determining good and evil by its mere presence. Furthermore your analogy if anything points to freewill being suppressed, that conduct not allowed. Don't do it or else. Your god says believe or else. Neither one suggest freewill. And it's not even concerned about bad deeds, you profess on your death bed and you're in. All that matters is believe or else. No freewill involved.
    Nah, this guy's reasoning falls apart as soon as he starts thinking. 

    "Thinking"? Now that, I can agree, would be a true miracle. >:)

    ZeusAres42 said:
    just_sayin said:
    MayCaesar said:
    Curious how it works. On one hand, god created the world and everything in it. On the other, he is not responsible for the evil in the world. Hmm...

    Kind of like someone dropping a thermonuclear bomb on a city which kills a million people, then saying, "Hey, I did not explode the bomb, I only dropped it - it exploded on its own!"

    I wonder if the Bible should be nominated for the book with the largest number of contradictions in human history? What would even other contestants be? Quran and Torah... Maybe Das Capital... Possibly a couple of Mao's, Lenin's or Kim Il Sung's books... That is about it.
    Actually, no, forget I said anything... God Emperor of Dune exists. :s
    Why is this curious to you?  Do you think parents are responsible for the actions of their adult children?  God created man with free will.  How is this equivalent to dropping a bomb?  What a leap to the illogical.  Without free will there is no true love.  Compelled love is not true love.  Any world without free will would be a world without love.  Would you prefer that?  I know that I'd rather be in a world with love than one without.  Would you rather be an automaton where your every action must be pre-approved or would you rather be able to make your own decisions?  It seems to me that you are condemning God for making a world with free will, while personally benefiting from the free will he created and personally preferring it.  Kinda hypocritical in my opinion. Are you now going to exercise your free will and tell me how bad it is?  LOL.  Go ahead.
    Okay, this was the argument I was examining. As stated, if God is omnipotent, He has the power to create a world in which free will exists without the presence of evil. If God is omnibenevolent, it would be within His nature to want to prevent suffering. The existence of evil in a world created by an omnipotent and omnibenevolent God appears contradictory. Again, this has nothing to do with desiring a world where free will is never exercised. In case you missed it, MayCaesar actually grasped this concept and was able to elaborate on it. What's going on here is a deeper exploration regarding the compatibility of God's omnipotence and omnibenevolence with the existence of evil, and thus God's accountability. There indeed appear to be issues here. An omnipotent and omnibenevolent God, by definition, would possess both the power to create a world where free will does not lead to evil and the desire to prevent unnecessary suffering.

    Furthermore, parental responsibility is not analogous to divine responsibility; far from it. Unlike humans, God is omniscient (all-knowing) and capable of foreseeing the outcomes of His creations' actions. Moreover, God's omnipotence means he has the power to intervene or guide His creations in a way that parents of adult children can't.

    You also fail to address natural evil (which you later conflate with moral evil). It seems like you are under the notion that evil is solely a byproduct of human agency. In addition to that, you have overlooked other philosophical and theological aspects. For instance, some doctrines present arguments for a compatibilist view of free will, where free will can coexist with a certain degree of divine or natural determinism.

    Lastly, much like societies establish laws to limit harmful actions while preserving individual freedoms, it is thus conceivable that a world could theoretically exist where beings are free to make choices within a framework that limits the capacity for causing harm. The question then becomes why an omnipotent and omnibenevolent God would not create a world that maximizes love and minimizes suffering more effectively.

    Now, I look forward to your response. Hopefully, you can address the challenges put forward here this time without resorting to definitional fallacies, false dilemmas, begging the question, arguments from ignorance, or straw men. :)

    Now this is an argument with substance. :+1: I just want to expand on the central point with a hypothetical example (addressing @just_sayin).

    Imagine an alternative Universe (also allegedly created by god) which is very similar to ours, but with a difference: humans have much more destructive potential. Specifically, every human can press his or her belly button, causing an explosion of the 1 mile radius obliterating everything and killing all life forms within the 1 mile sphere. Humans can also press each other's belly buttons to the same effect.

    I will assume here that you see our Universe as more benevolent than that one (if not, I am happy to consider the alternative viewpoint). If you were given a choice which of the two Universes to inhabit, you would prefer ours - and you believe that in our Universe god granted us all free will.
    Yet if you were to suggest to one of the residents of that "explosive Universe" that the god could have had a better design by not giving them the ability to cause explosions by pressing belly buttons, the residents could use exactly the same argument as yours: "But that would take away our free will! There is no freedom without me being able to kill all life forms within the radius of 1 mile any time I want to!"

    Please explain, if you disagree with the explosive Universe residents' argument, how it is principally different from yours. Why would making humans less potentially destructive take away from their free will in an undesirable way?
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -   edited February 8
    MayCaesar said:
    RickeyHoltsclaw said:

    @MayCaesar ;   Again, don't understand why you are here, what has transpired that our Creator opted to create an alternate repository for an unfathomable war initiated by a rebellious cherub and the one-third of the angelic creation that followed in the rebellion. 

    I do understand that it's difficult for you, an intellectual, to wrap your head around these things...I understand...I was there as well though I've never considered myself an intellectual :) ...but I must admit, the difference being, I could never deny the reality of a Creator...even as a child the night sky baffled me in my innocence...I knew there was something or someone unfathomable "out there" was not until many years later that I, by happen-chance...or at least I thought, met a 90+ year old Messianic Priest and his entourage on my trip to Chicago. 

    We sat and discussed "Yeshua"...all I knew is what I had been told that Jesus is Lord...his questions challenged me...I'm a Type-A personality...or at least I was then...I was upset that I could not answer his theological questions so out of pride, I visited a nearby bookstore and purchased a copy of the "Living Bible"...a paraphrased version of the Scriptures. I sat down on a couch in a small Chicago suburb apartment and began reading the New Testament...halfway through my first read my life has never been the same....that was approximately 35-years ago. 

    A beautiful wife, three-beautiful children and one-grandson later...I am so glad that Jesus is my Lord and the Holy Spirit resides within me...I might not be the most loving Christian and my old Marine and Law Enforcement ways are a bit is my temper from time to time...but Jesus has been incredibly faithful through all and the Holy Spirit has never left me or forsaken me, even in my worst times.

    You would be wise to sit quietly, uninterrupted, and carefully-prayerfully read through the 21-chapters of the Gospel of John in the New least know what you're rejecting. 
    You did not even address my argument. You just keep talking about how great serving your lord is, never wrestling with any objections. It is like someone who gets dead drunk every evening, saying, "You have no idea how good I feel when drunk!", in response to me pointing out the obvious issues with this lifestyle.
    It is not difficult for me to see how one might go down this rabbit hole. I just know that I hope that I never do. Maybe I will when I am 90 years old, have 20 mental illnesses and aches all over my body... That would be quite sad.

    The god you portray appears extremely evil, and your defense of it is evil. Serving anyone, let alone a twisted creature like this, is something a decent human being will never do willingly. But, as someone said, "Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." Fools are characterized not by their low intellectual capacity, but by their extremely low resistance to, for the lack of better term, on a silver platter. A fool can be convinced that drinking ethanol is good for him by mere charisma, bypassing logic.

    And fools can absolutely believe that they are happy living in their delusion. They may even be genuinely happy... But this is not the kind of happiness someone on the outside would ever want. Someone who leaves Plato's cave even for a moment will never be satisfied should he go back to it: no matter how comfy, how warm, how familiar it is, he now knows how pathetic his existence is relative to what is available out there. And would he want to forget the outside world? Only if he is a doubly fool.

    Because when you experience the highs provided by living in tune with reality, the highs given by living in delusion look very pale in comparison. Solving an extremely complicated intellectual problem gives you the level of satisfaction that superficial religious nonsense never will. It is like eating a well-cooked steak versus eating stale cabbage: stale cabbage will satisfy your stomach, but that is about it.

    @MayCaesar ;'ve offered nothing of substance, sorry.

    Can you articulate, locate, bring forth, one "evil" thing my Lord has done, an action that is not a reaction to evil and blasphemy?

    I love Elohim, I love my Father, I love Jesus, I love the Holy Spirit...they are my is my honor to serve them and I do not want a day or even a second to pass without them intimately involved in my every decision.

    It is you May that exists in a that's completely illogical as you look around you daily and nightly and behold the supernatural that inundates your sense 24/7 and you see the "design" and unfathomable intricacy and beauty yet you cannot explain its origin yet our Creator has explained the who, what, where, when, why, how...but you don't see because you're're a coward who is afraid to think outside the comfort of atheism where your sin is accepted and your conscience appeased. 

    I'll ask you and @Factfinder again...are you homosexual/lesbian - trans? What personal addiction or sin or aberrant passion elicits the hatred for our Holy Creator?

    I'll ask you again,

    1) Can you explain the origin of matter?
    2) Can you explain the origin of the complex human genome?

    I lived in the World apart from my Creator for 30+years...I know that the World has NOTHING to offer but hopelessness and nihilism. When I trusted in Jesus as my Messiah, the World took on a different meaning...when I studied my Lord's words, I understood life and why and how and when and Who...I now have complete peace with my Creator (Romans 5:1) and an assurance that passes understanding...this is not "out of touch" with reality...I now know what "reality" truly is because I know the who, what, where, when, why, how of my existence in this very temporary Realm of Time. 

    You and @Factfinder and @ZeusAres42 are dying in your sin by the second and you're headed to the "second death" in Hell in your unbelief...this is why I plead with you to repent and trust-believe in Jesus as your Messiah and LIVE.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; No, God did not create evil, Biblically....Evil is the default of Righteousness....Elohim allows was not necessary to create evil as evil exists only as a default to righteousness. Evil is a resultant of choosing to reject righteousness.

    Excerpt: At first it might seem that if God created all things, then evil must have been created by God. However, evil is not a “thing” like a rock or electricity. You cannot have a jar of evil. Evil has no existence of its own; it is really the absence of good. For example, holes are real but they only exist in something else. We call the absence of dirt a hole, but it cannot be separated from the dirt. So when God created, it is true that all He created was good. One of the good things God made was creatures who had the freedom to choose good. In order to have a real choice, God had to allow there to be something besides good to choose. So, God allowed these free angels and humans to choose good or reject good (evil). When a bad relationship exists between two good things we call that evil, but it does not become a “thing” that required God to create it.  GotQuestions  Did God create evil?

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  

    These evils is what we have been talking about in this thread all this time... You can read about them in the previous comments. You can feed them to ChatGPT and ask it to list them for you in case you are not seeing them.

    The rest of what you said is not even worth responding to. You have, once again, made no argument whatsoever. You are free to love whoever you want, but do not be surprised when someone from the outside sees your love as an aberration. There are people who are into BDSM and other deviations, and that is perfectly fine: everyone should do themselves. But there is a difference between pain inflicted painfully and upon mutual consent, and servitude to a monster of mythical proportions.

    And expecting others to love the same thing as you do is just weird. If I love my girlfriend, should I expect everyone else to love her too - and get aggressive when they do not? :D "Hey, Rickey does not love my girlfriend. What a sinful creature! He should burn in hell for eternity!"
  • FactfinderFactfinder 948 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:
    RickeyHoltsclaw said:

    @MayCaesar ;   Again, don't understand why you are here, what has transpired that our Creator opted to create an alternate repository for an unfathomable war initiated by a rebellious cherub and the one-third of the angelic creation that followed in the rebellion. 

    I do understand that it's difficult for you, an intellectual, to wrap your head around these things...I understand...I was there as well though I've never considered myself an intellectual :) ...but I must admit, the difference being, I could never deny the reality of a Creator...even as a child the night sky baffled me in my innocence...I knew there was something or someone unfathomable "out there" was not until many years later that I, by happen-chance...or at least I thought, met a 90+ year old Messianic Priest and his entourage on my trip to Chicago. 

    We sat and discussed "Yeshua"...all I knew is what I had been told that Jesus is Lord...his questions challenged me...I'm a Type-A personality...or at least I was then...I was upset that I could not answer his theological questions so out of pride, I visited a nearby bookstore and purchased a copy of the "Living Bible"...a paraphrased version of the Scriptures. I sat down on a couch in a small Chicago suburb apartment and began reading the New Testament...halfway through my first read my life has never been the same....that was approximately 35-years ago. 

    A beautiful wife, three-beautiful children and one-grandson later...I am so glad that Jesus is my Lord and the Holy Spirit resides within me...I might not be the most loving Christian and my old Marine and Law Enforcement ways are a bit is my temper from time to time...but Jesus has been incredibly faithful through all and the Holy Spirit has never left me or forsaken me, even in my worst times.

    You would be wise to sit quietly, uninterrupted, and carefully-prayerfully read through the 21-chapters of the Gospel of John in the New least know what you're rejecting. 
    You did not even address my argument. You just keep talking about how great serving your lord is, never wrestling with any objections. It is like someone who gets dead drunk every evening, saying, "You have no idea how good I feel when drunk!", in response to me pointing out the obvious issues with this lifestyle.
    It is not difficult for me to see how one might go down this rabbit hole. I just know that I hope that I never do. Maybe I will when I am 90 years old, have 20 mental illnesses and aches all over my body... That would be quite sad.

    The god you portray appears extremely evil, and your defense of it is evil. Serving anyone, let alone a twisted creature like this, is something a decent human being will never do willingly. But, as someone said, "Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." Fools are characterized not by their low intellectual capacity, but by their extremely low resistance to, for the lack of better term, on a silver platter. A fool can be convinced that drinking ethanol is good for him by mere charisma, bypassing logic.

    And fools can absolutely believe that they are happy living in their delusion. They may even be genuinely happy... But this is not the kind of happiness someone on the outside would ever want. Someone who leaves Plato's cave even for a moment will never be satisfied should he go back to it: no matter how comfy, how warm, how familiar it is, he now knows how pathetic his existence is relative to what is available out there. And would he want to forget the outside world? Only if he is a doubly fool.

    Because when you experience the highs provided by living in tune with reality, the highs given by living in delusion look very pale in comparison. Solving an extremely complicated intellectual problem gives you the level of satisfaction that superficial religious nonsense never will. It is like eating a well-cooked steak versus eating stale cabbage: stale cabbage will satisfy your stomach, but that is about it.

    @MayCaesar ;'ve offered nothing of substance, sorry.

    Can you articulate, locate, bring forth, one "evil" thing my Lord has done, an action that is not a reaction to evil and blasphemy?

    I love Elohim, I love my Father, I love Jesus, I love the Holy Spirit...they are my is my honor to serve them and I do not want a day or even a second to pass without them intimately involved in my every decision.

    It is you May that exists in a that's completely illogical as you look around you daily and nightly and behold the supernatural that inundates your sense 24/7 and you see the "design" and unfathomable intricacy and beauty yet you cannot explain its origin yet our Creator has explained the who, what, where, when, why, how...but you don't see because you're're a coward who is afraid to think outside the comfort of atheism where your sin is accepted and your conscience appeased. 

    I'll ask you and @Factfinder again...are you homosexual/lesbian - trans? What personal addiction or sin or aberrant passion elicits the hatred for our Holy Creator?

    I'll ask you again,

    1) Can you explain the origin of matter?
    2) Can you explain the origin of the complex human genome?

    I lived in the World apart from my Creator for 30+years...I know that the World has NOTHING to offer but hopelessness and nihilism. When I trusted in Jesus as my Messiah, the World took on a different meaning...when I studied my Lord's words, I understood life and why and how and when and Who...I now have complete peace with my Creator (Romans 5:1) and an assurance that passes understanding...this is not "out of touch" with reality...I now know what "reality" truly is because I know the who, what, where, when, why, how of my existence in this very temporary Realm of Time. 

    You and @Factfinder and @ZeusAres42 are dying in your sin by the second and you're headed to the "second death" in Hell in your unbelief...this is why I plead with you to repent and trust-believe in Jesus as your Messiah and LIVE.


    I lived in the World apart from my Creator for 30+years...I know that the World has NOTHING to offer but hopelessness and nihilism. When I trusted in Jesus as my Messiah, the World took on a different meaning...when I studied my Lord's words, I understood life and why and how and when and Who...I now have complete peace with my Creator (Romans 5:1) and an assurance that passes understanding...this is not "out of touch" with reality...I now know what "reality" truly is because I know the who, what, where, when, why, how of my existence in this very temporary Realm of Time. 

    You and @Factfinder and @ZeusAres42 are dying in your sin by the second and you're headed to the "second death" in Hell in your unbelief...this is why I plead with you to repent and trust-believe in Jesus as your Messiah and LIVE.

    Are you serious? I'm sorry your life seemed so empty, really. But that gives you no cause to insult those who do not conform to your religion. People navigate their lives as they see fit, it's not up to you to judge. Do you get that?
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:

    These evils is what we have been talking about in this thread all this time... You can read about them in the previous comments. You can feed them to ChatGPT and ask it to list them for you in case you are not seeing them.

    The rest of what you said is not even worth responding to. You have, once again, made no argument whatsoever. You are free to love whoever you want, but do not be surprised when someone from the outside sees your love as an aberration. There are people who are into BDSM and other deviations, and that is perfectly fine: everyone should do themselves. But there is a difference between pain inflicted painfully and upon mutual consent, and servitude to a monster of mythical proportions.

    And expecting others to love the same thing as you do is just weird. If I love my girlfriend, should I expect everyone else to love her too - and get aggressive when they do not? :D "Hey, Rickey does not love my girlfriend. What a sinful creature! He should burn in hell for eternity!"

    1) Just "feed" me one evil my Lord has committed ... I don't require ChatGPT....I can think for myself...please, bring forth just "one" evil my Lord has allegedly committed that was not a response to evil toward Him and His holiness and His eschatological plan going forward?

    2) I'll ask you and @Factfinder again...what is the root of your hate for our Creator and the Scriptures and Christianity? Is it sexual defilement/sin that you're ashamed of? Is it some obsession or secretive sin that your demon will not allow you to expose? Practically every atheist I've debated over many years is either homosexual, lesbian, trans, had an abortion, advocates for abortion, is a pedophile, suffered an untimely death of a loved one...there is something that their demon does not want exposed.

    3) It is unnatural to hate your Creator...It is unnatural to live in denial of what you see around you and cannot explain yet froth over hatred for the Creator who has clearly explained all things for you...that is simply not logical, May.

    4) Please explain the origin of matter using atheistic, secular humanist, evolutionist, naturalistic, means?

    5) Please explain the origin of the complex human genome using naturalistic means?

    Thank you...Rick

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -   edited February 8
    MayCaesar said:
    RickeyHoltsclaw said:

    @MayCaesar ;   Again, don't understand why you are here, what has transpired that our Creator opted to create an alternate repository for an unfathomable war initiated by a rebellious cherub and the one-third of the angelic creation that followed in the rebellion. 

    I do understand that it's difficult for you, an intellectual, to wrap your head around these things...I understand...I was there as well though I've never considered myself an intellectual :) ...but I must admit, the difference being, I could never deny the reality of a Creator...even as a child the night sky baffled me in my innocence...I knew there was something or someone unfathomable "out there" was not until many years later that I, by happen-chance...or at least I thought, met a 90+ year old Messianic Priest and his entourage on my trip to Chicago. 

    We sat and discussed "Yeshua"...all I knew is what I had been told that Jesus is Lord...his questions challenged me...I'm a Type-A personality...or at least I was then...I was upset that I could not answer his theological questions so out of pride, I visited a nearby bookstore and purchased a copy of the "Living Bible"...a paraphrased version of the Scriptures. I sat down on a couch in a small Chicago suburb apartment and began reading the New Testament...halfway through my first read my life has never been the same....that was approximately 35-years ago. 

    A beautiful wife, three-beautiful children and one-grandson later...I am so glad that Jesus is my Lord and the Holy Spirit resides within me...I might not be the most loving Christian and my old Marine and Law Enforcement ways are a bit is my temper from time to time...but Jesus has been incredibly faithful through all and the Holy Spirit has never left me or forsaken me, even in my worst times.

    You would be wise to sit quietly, uninterrupted, and carefully-prayerfully read through the 21-chapters of the Gospel of John in the New least know what you're rejecting. 
    You did not even address my argument. You just keep talking about how great serving your lord is, never wrestling with any objections. It is like someone who gets dead drunk every evening, saying, "You have no idea how good I feel when drunk!", in response to me pointing out the obvious issues with this lifestyle.
    It is not difficult for me to see how one might go down this rabbit hole. I just know that I hope that I never do. Maybe I will when I am 90 years old, have 20 mental illnesses and aches all over my body... That would be quite sad.

    The god you portray appears extremely evil, and your defense of it is evil. Serving anyone, let alone a twisted creature like this, is something a decent human being will never do willingly. But, as someone said, "Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." Fools are characterized not by their low intellectual capacity, but by their extremely low resistance to, for the lack of better term, on a silver platter. A fool can be convinced that drinking ethanol is good for him by mere charisma, bypassing logic.

    And fools can absolutely believe that they are happy living in their delusion. They may even be genuinely happy... But this is not the kind of happiness someone on the outside would ever want. Someone who leaves Plato's cave even for a moment will never be satisfied should he go back to it: no matter how comfy, how warm, how familiar it is, he now knows how pathetic his existence is relative to what is available out there. And would he want to forget the outside world? Only if he is a doubly fool.

    Because when you experience the highs provided by living in tune with reality, the highs given by living in delusion look very pale in comparison. Solving an extremely complicated intellectual problem gives you the level of satisfaction that superficial religious nonsense never will. It is like eating a well-cooked steak versus eating stale cabbage: stale cabbage will satisfy your stomach, but that is about it.

    @MayCaesar ;'ve offered nothing of substance, sorry.

    Can you articulate, locate, bring forth, one "evil" thing my Lord has done, an action that is not a reaction to evil and blasphemy?

    I love Elohim, I love my Father, I love Jesus, I love the Holy Spirit...they are my is my honor to serve them and I do not want a day or even a second to pass without them intimately involved in my every decision.

    It is you May that exists in a that's completely illogical as you look around you daily and nightly and behold the supernatural that inundates your sense 24/7 and you see the "design" and unfathomable intricacy and beauty yet you cannot explain its origin yet our Creator has explained the who, what, where, when, why, how...but you don't see because you're're a coward who is afraid to think outside the comfort of atheism where your sin is accepted and your conscience appeased. 

    I'll ask you and @Factfinder again...are you homosexual/lesbian - trans? What personal addiction or sin or aberrant passion elicits the hatred for our Holy Creator?

    I'll ask you again,

    1) Can you explain the origin of matter?
    2) Can you explain the origin of the complex human genome?

    I lived in the World apart from my Creator for 30+years...I know that the World has NOTHING to offer but hopelessness and nihilism. When I trusted in Jesus as my Messiah, the World took on a different meaning...when I studied my Lord's words, I understood life and why and how and when and Who...I now have complete peace with my Creator (Romans 5:1) and an assurance that passes understanding...this is not "out of touch" with reality...I now know what "reality" truly is because I know the who, what, where, when, why, how of my existence in this very temporary Realm of Time. 

    You and @Factfinder and @ZeusAres42 are dying in your sin by the second and you're headed to the "second death" in Hell in your unbelief...this is why I plead with you to repent and trust-believe in Jesus as your Messiah and LIVE.


    I lived in the World apart from my Creator for 30+years...I know that the World has NOTHING to offer but hopelessness and nihilism. When I trusted in Jesus as my Messiah, the World took on a different meaning...when I studied my Lord's words, I understood life and why and how and when and Who...I now have complete peace with my Creator (Romans 5:1) and an assurance that passes understanding...this is not "out of touch" with reality...I now know what "reality" truly is because I know the who, what, where, when, why, how of my existence in this very temporary Realm of Time. 

    You and @Factfinder and @ZeusAres42 are dying in your sin by the second and you're headed to the "second death" in Hell in your unbelief...this is why I plead with you to repent and trust-believe in Jesus as your Messiah and LIVE.

    Are you serious? I'm sorry your life seemed so empty, really. But that gives you no cause to insult those who do not conform to your religion. People navigate their lives as they see fit, it's not up to you to judge. Do you get that?

    @Factfinder ;  You're not sorry...and my life is replete with the joy of my Lord...I'm not an atheist. Who is truth asking a question insulting...are you so sensitive now...where is the atheist bravado...where is your demon who boasts so proudly of your arrogance and spiritual ignorance as you insult my Lord and my faith? Hypocrite much? 

    You're free to navigate your life straight into Hell as you're well on your way...but here you are...bantering with a Christian because you know your know you're headed to Hell and you're fearful...your demon is providing no affirmation or're're lost without a're dying in your sin and you know it....why give me grief for your own lack of wisdom and discernment?

  • FactfinderFactfinder 948 Pts   -  

    1) Just "feed" me one evil my Lord has committed ... I don't require ChatGPT....I can think for myself...please, bring forth just "one" evil my Lord has allegedly committed that was not a response to evil toward Him and His holiness and His eschatological plan going forward?

    2) I'll ask you and @Factfinder again...what is the root of your hate for our Creator and the Scriptures and Christianity? Is it sexual defilement/sin that you're ashamed of? Is it some obsession or secretive sin that your demon will not allow you to expose? Practically every atheist I've debated over many years is either homosexual, lesbian, trans, had an abortion, advocates for abortion, is a pedophile, suffered an untimely death of a loved one...there is something that their demon does not want exposed.

    1. Mass genocide. Don't care about any eschatological plan.

    2. Not so much scripture or the creator as is its followers. It doesn't exist but the followers are hateful, petty, petulant, and irrationally insulative when people logically reject their cult.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  

    1) Just "feed" me one evil my Lord has committed ... I don't require ChatGPT....I can think for myself...please, bring forth just "one" evil my Lord has allegedly committed that was not a response to evil toward Him and His holiness and His eschatological plan going forward?

    2) I'll ask you and @Factfinder again...what is the root of your hate for our Creator and the Scriptures and Christianity? Is it sexual defilement/sin that you're ashamed of? Is it some obsession or secretive sin that your demon will not allow you to expose? Practically every atheist I've debated over many years is either homosexual, lesbian, trans, had an abortion, advocates for abortion, is a pedophile, suffered an untimely death of a loved one...there is something that their demon does not want exposed.

    1. Mass genocide. Don't care about any eschatological plan.

    2. Not so much scripture or the creator as is its followers. It doesn't exist but the followers are hateful, petty, petulant, and irrationally insulative when people logically reject their cult.

    1) Mass genocide? Is this your evil you charge my Lord with? Do you understand the defilement of the Adamic and Noahic generation and their compromise with the demonic and the Nephilim seed that transferred through these generations? Do you know the horror and filth of these generations and what they did to children, to women, to you understand that Elohim could NOT bring forth His Messiah through this seed as it was irreparably polluted, defiled, and had those generations been allowed to procreate, they would have imploded in unrestrained narcissism/extinction and there would be no Messiah who would destroy the works of the Devil and place evil in its proper place as Elohim endeavors to restore order and peace to His eternal Kingdom. 

    Elohim found righteousness in Noah and Noah's family and began anew as His eschatological plan mandated it as Elohim endeavored to set-forth and sanctify a people group through whom He would introduce His Messiah who would destroy the works of the Devil via selfless love and thereby defeat death, Hell, the grave for you and for me while simultaneously maintaining volitional love with His cherished angelic creation that Elohim loves more than our cognitive capabilities can internalize and understand. Elohim took care to provide this people group with His codified Law at Sinai and He directed Moses to scratch upon parchment 603 civil/ceremonial laws...these were given Israel's children in order to thwart a repeat of the horror of the Adamic/Noahic generations and to thwart Israel's compromise with Baal and Molech.

    Elohim, as a result of The Flood, made an everlasting, unconditional covenant with Human Kind via the Rainbow...which atheists have defiled with the demonically rooted LGBTQ perversion. Elohim was sorry and broken hearted over the defilement of the Adamic and Noahic generations...a win for your god, Satan...but Elohim endeavored on...and found victory at Mount Golgotha.

    2) You're hateful toward my faith and my Lord...I'm not your lackey atheist and I'll gladly go toe-to-toe with you and your atheistic foolishness.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 948 Pts   -  

    1) Just "feed" me one evil my Lord has committed ... I don't require ChatGPT....I can think for myself...please, bring forth just "one" evil my Lord has allegedly committed that was not a response to evil toward Him and His holiness and His eschatological plan going forward?

    2) I'll ask you and @Factfinder again...what is the root of your hate for our Creator and the Scriptures and Christianity? Is it sexual defilement/sin that you're ashamed of? Is it some obsession or secretive sin that your demon will not allow you to expose? Practically every atheist I've debated over many years is either homosexual, lesbian, trans, had an abortion, advocates for abortion, is a pedophile, suffered an untimely death of a loved one...there is something that their demon does not want exposed.

    1. Mass genocide. Don't care about any eschatological plan.

    2. Not so much scripture or the creator as is its followers. It doesn't exist but the followers are hateful, petty, petulant, and irrationally insulative when people logically reject their cult.

    1) Mass genocide? Is this your evil you charge my Lord with? Do you understand the defilement of the Adamic and Noahic generation and their compromise with the demonic and the Nephilim seed that transferred through these generations? Do you know the horror and filth of these generations and what they did to children, to women, to you understand that Elohim could NOT bring forth His Messiah through this seed as it was irreparably polluted, defiled, and had those generations been allowed to procreate, they would have imploded in unrestrained narcissism/extinction and there would be no Messiah who would destroy the works of the Devil and place evil in its proper place as Elohim endeavors to restore order and peace to His eternal Kingdom. 

    Elohim found righteousness in Noah and Noah's family and began anew as His eschatological plan mandated it as Elohim endeavored to set-forth and sanctify a people group through whom He would introduce His Messiah who would destroy the works of the Devil via selfless love and thereby defeat death, Hell, the grave for you and for me while simultaneously maintaining volitional love with His cherished angelic creation that Elohim loves more than our cognitive capabilities can internalize and understand. Elohim took care to provide this people group with His codified Law at Sinai and He directed Moses to scratch upon parchment 603 civil/ceremonial laws...these were given Israel's children in order to thwart a repeat of the horror of the Adamic/Noahic generations and to thwart Israel's compromise with Baal and Molech.

    Elohim, as a result of The Flood, made an everlasting, unconditional covenant with Human Kind via the Rainbow...which atheists have defiled with the demonically rooted LGBTQ perversion. Elohim was sorry and broken hearted over the defilement of the Adamic and Noahic generations...a win for your god, Satan...but Elohim endeavored on...and found victory at Mount Golgotha.

    2) You're hateful toward my faith and my Lord...I'm not your lackey atheist and I'll gladly go toe-to-toe with you and your atheistic foolishness.

    Yes yes, but mass genocidal behavior is a drag, you know what I mean? Do you love hitler too? 

    Your faith and your lord bother me not. Your irrational, obnoxious behavior when challenged on a debate on the other hand...
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  

    1) Just "feed" me one evil my Lord has committed ... I don't require ChatGPT....I can think for myself...please, bring forth just "one" evil my Lord has allegedly committed that was not a response to evil toward Him and His holiness and His eschatological plan going forward?

    2) I'll ask you and @Factfinder again...what is the root of your hate for our Creator and the Scriptures and Christianity? Is it sexual defilement/sin that you're ashamed of? Is it some obsession or secretive sin that your demon will not allow you to expose? Practically every atheist I've debated over many years is either homosexual, lesbian, trans, had an abortion, advocates for abortion, is a pedophile, suffered an untimely death of a loved one...there is something that their demon does not want exposed.

    1. Mass genocide. Don't care about any eschatological plan.

    2. Not so much scripture or the creator as is its followers. It doesn't exist but the followers are hateful, petty, petulant, and irrationally insulative when people logically reject their cult.

    1) Mass genocide? Is this your evil you charge my Lord with? Do you understand the defilement of the Adamic and Noahic generation and their compromise with the demonic and the Nephilim seed that transferred through these generations? Do you know the horror and filth of these generations and what they did to children, to women, to you understand that Elohim could NOT bring forth His Messiah through this seed as it was irreparably polluted, defiled, and had those generations been allowed to procreate, they would have imploded in unrestrained narcissism/extinction and there would be no Messiah who would destroy the works of the Devil and place evil in its proper place as Elohim endeavors to restore order and peace to His eternal Kingdom. 

    Elohim found righteousness in Noah and Noah's family and began anew as His eschatological plan mandated it as Elohim endeavored to set-forth and sanctify a people group through whom He would introduce His Messiah who would destroy the works of the Devil via selfless love and thereby defeat death, Hell, the grave for you and for me while simultaneously maintaining volitional love with His cherished angelic creation that Elohim loves more than our cognitive capabilities can internalize and understand. Elohim took care to provide this people group with His codified Law at Sinai and He directed Moses to scratch upon parchment 603 civil/ceremonial laws...these were given Israel's children in order to thwart a repeat of the horror of the Adamic/Noahic generations and to thwart Israel's compromise with Baal and Molech.

    Elohim, as a result of The Flood, made an everlasting, unconditional covenant with Human Kind via the Rainbow...which atheists have defiled with the demonically rooted LGBTQ perversion. Elohim was sorry and broken hearted over the defilement of the Adamic and Noahic generations...a win for your god, Satan...but Elohim endeavored on...and found victory at Mount Golgotha.

    2) You're hateful toward my faith and my Lord...I'm not your lackey atheist and I'll gladly go toe-to-toe with you and your atheistic foolishness.

    Yes yes, but mass genocidal behavior is a drag, you know what I mean? Do you love hitler too? 

    Your faith and your lord bother me not. Your irrational, obnoxious behavior when challenged on a debate on the other hand...

    @Factfinder ; comeback're weak, your demon is faltering.  You serve the same god as Hitler.

    My faith disturbs your are the irrational coward, not the Christian. You serve Hitler's god,'ll see Hitler in Hades-torments subsequent your last'll see.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -   edited February 8

    1) Just "feed" me one evil my Lord has committed ... I don't require ChatGPT....I can think for myself...please, bring forth just "one" evil my Lord has allegedly committed that was not a response to evil toward Him and His holiness and His eschatological plan going forward?

    2) I'll ask you and @Factfinder again...what is the root of your hate for our Creator and the Scriptures and Christianity? Is it sexual defilement/sin that you're ashamed of? Is it some obsession or secretive sin that your demon will not allow you to expose? Practically every atheist I've debated over many years is either homosexual, lesbian, trans, had an abortion, advocates for abortion, is a pedophile, suffered an untimely death of a loved one...there is something that their demon does not want exposed.

    3) It is unnatural to hate your Creator...It is unnatural to live in denial of what you see around you and cannot explain yet froth over hatred for the Creator who has clearly explained all things for you...that is simply not logical, May.

    4) Please explain the origin of matter using atheistic, secular humanist, evolutionist, naturalistic, means?

    5) Please explain the origin of the complex human genome using naturalistic means?

    Thank you...Rick
    1) Creation of hell.

    2) I do not "hate" your "creator".

    3) This is complete nonsense.

    4) This is complete nonsense.

    5) Chemistry.

    RickeyHoltsclaw said:

    My faith disturbs your are the irrational coward, not the Christian. You serve Hitler's god,'ll see Hitler in Hades-torments subsequent your last'll see.
    "You'll see" is a moronic argument.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:

    1) Just "feed" me one evil my Lord has committed ... I don't require ChatGPT....I can think for myself...please, bring forth just "one" evil my Lord has allegedly committed that was not a response to evil toward Him and His holiness and His eschatological plan going forward?

    2) I'll ask you and @Factfinder again...what is the root of your hate for our Creator and the Scriptures and Christianity? Is it sexual defilement/sin that you're ashamed of? Is it some obsession or secretive sin that your demon will not allow you to expose? Practically every atheist I've debated over many years is either homosexual, lesbian, trans, had an abortion, advocates for abortion, is a pedophile, suffered an untimely death of a loved one...there is something that their demon does not want exposed.

    3) It is unnatural to hate your Creator...It is unnatural to live in denial of what you see around you and cannot explain yet froth over hatred for the Creator who has clearly explained all things for you...that is simply not logical, May.

    4) Please explain the origin of matter using atheistic, secular humanist, evolutionist, naturalistic, means?

    5) Please explain the origin of the complex human genome using naturalistic means?

    Thank you...Rick
    1) Creation of hell.

    2) I do not "hate" your "creator".

    3) This is complete nonsense.

    4) This is complete nonsense.

    5) Chemistry.

    RickeyHoltsclaw said:

    My faith disturbs your are the irrational coward, not the Christian. You serve Hitler's god,'ll see Hitler in Hades-torments subsequent your last'll see.
    "You'll see" is a moronic argument.

    1) Hell was created for Satan and his demonic hoard (Matthew 25:41) that followed him in the great rebellion...Hell was not created for human kind...Jesus died for us to provide us an escape from Hell and humanity will ONLY enter Hell by choice; that is, rejecting the love and sacrifice of Jesus as one's Messiah (Matthew 25:41) as Elohim desires that all men be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth (1 Timothy 2:4). 

    So Hell is NOT evil but is a repository for Satan and the demonic angels as they do not die (Matthew 22:30) but will require eternal separation from humanity to thwart a repeat of the horrors they have inspired over the previous 6000-years (Revelation 20:10). Those who die the "second death" in Hell from humanity (Revelation 20:11-15) will do so as their unrepentant sin will NOT be permitted to enter the Kingdom as "nothing impure" (Revelation 21:27) will ever enter therein; again, as a bulwark against a repeat of the Adamic and Noahic generations and their defilement.

    2) You hate "our" deny faith in Him foolish.

    3) Atheism is "nonsense."

    4) Atheism is "complete nonsense."

    5) Use Chemistry to define the origin of matter and the complex human genome.

    6) "You see" is a promise...not an argument.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -   edited February 8
    RickeyHoltsclaw said:

    1) Hell was created for Satan and his demonic hoard (Matthew 25:41) that followed him in the great rebellion...Hell was not created for human kind...Jesus died for us to provide us an escape from Hell and humanity will ONLY enter Hell by choice; that is, rejecting the love and sacrifice of Jesus as one's Messiah (Matthew 25:41) as Elohim desires that all men be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth (1 Timothy 2:4). 

    So Hell is NOT evil but is a repository for Satan and the demonic angels as they do not die (Matthew 22:30) but will require eternal separation from humanity to thwart a repeat of the horrors they have inspired over the previous 6000-years (Revelation 20:10). Those who die the "second death" in Hell from humanity (Revelation 20:11-15) will do so as their unrepentant sin will NOT be permitted to enter the Kingdom as "nothing impure" (Revelation 21:27) will ever enter therein; again, as a bulwark against a repeat of the Adamic and Noahic generations and their defilement.

    2) You hate "our" deny faith in Him foolish.

    3) Atheism is "nonsense."

    4) Atheism is "complete nonsense."

    5) Use Chemistry to define the origin of matter and the complex human genome.

    6) "You see" is a promise...not an argument.
    1. If god did not want hell created, then, given his omnipotence, he could destroy it the moment it was created.

    2. Denying that something exists does not imply "hating" it. Unicorns do not exist; I do not hate unicorns.

    3. Okay...

    4. Okay...

    5. Do you want me to write you a paper?

    6. This is a debate website, not a church.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 948 Pts   -  

    1) Just "feed" me one evil my Lord has committed ... I don't require ChatGPT....I can think for myself...please, bring forth just "one" evil my Lord has allegedly committed that was not a response to evil toward Him and His holiness and His eschatological plan going forward?

    2) I'll ask you and @Factfinder again...what is the root of your hate for our Creator and the Scriptures and Christianity? Is it sexual defilement/sin that you're ashamed of? Is it some obsession or secretive sin that your demon will not allow you to expose? Practically every atheist I've debated over many years is either homosexual, lesbian, trans, had an abortion, advocates for abortion, is a pedophile, suffered an untimely death of a loved one...there is something that their demon does not want exposed.

    1. Mass genocide. Don't care about any eschatological plan.

    2. Not so much scripture or the creator as is its followers. It doesn't exist but the followers are hateful, petty, petulant, and irrationally insulative when people logically reject their cult.

    1) Mass genocide? Is this your evil you charge my Lord with? Do you understand the defilement of the Adamic and Noahic generation and their compromise with the demonic and the Nephilim seed that transferred through these generations? Do you know the horror and filth of these generations and what they did to children, to women, to you understand that Elohim could NOT bring forth His Messiah through this seed as it was irreparably polluted, defiled, and had those generations been allowed to procreate, they would have imploded in unrestrained narcissism/extinction and there would be no Messiah who would destroy the works of the Devil and place evil in its proper place as Elohim endeavors to restore order and peace to His eternal Kingdom. 

    Elohim found righteousness in Noah and Noah's family and began anew as His eschatological plan mandated it as Elohim endeavored to set-forth and sanctify a people group through whom He would introduce His Messiah who would destroy the works of the Devil via selfless love and thereby defeat death, Hell, the grave for you and for me while simultaneously maintaining volitional love with His cherished angelic creation that Elohim loves more than our cognitive capabilities can internalize and understand. Elohim took care to provide this people group with His codified Law at Sinai and He directed Moses to scratch upon parchment 603 civil/ceremonial laws...these were given Israel's children in order to thwart a repeat of the horror of the Adamic/Noahic generations and to thwart Israel's compromise with Baal and Molech.

    Elohim, as a result of The Flood, made an everlasting, unconditional covenant with Human Kind via the Rainbow...which atheists have defiled with the demonically rooted LGBTQ perversion. Elohim was sorry and broken hearted over the defilement of the Adamic and Noahic generations...a win for your god, Satan...but Elohim endeavored on...and found victory at Mount Golgotha.

    2) You're hateful toward my faith and my Lord...I'm not your lackey atheist and I'll gladly go toe-to-toe with you and your atheistic foolishness.

    Yes yes, but mass genocidal behavior is a drag, you know what I mean? Do you love hitler too? 

    Your faith and your lord bother me not. Your irrational, obnoxious behavior when challenged on a debate on the other hand...

    @Factfinder ; comeback're weak, your demon is faltering.  You serve the same god as Hitler.

    My faith disturbs your are the irrational coward, not the Christian. You serve Hitler's god,'ll see Hitler in Hades-torments subsequent your last'll see.

    Your faith has nothing at all to do with anything. It is insignificant, though try as you might, you pretend it means something. @MayCaesar is correct you know; "you'll see" is the bottom of the barrel. Not to worry though, you take the prize in blind faith. Lot's of people prefer that over intelligence and wisdom. 
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:
    RickeyHoltsclaw said:

    1) Hell was created for Satan and his demonic hoard (Matthew 25:41) that followed him in the great rebellion...Hell was not created for human kind...Jesus died for us to provide us an escape from Hell and humanity will ONLY enter Hell by choice; that is, rejecting the love and sacrifice of Jesus as one's Messiah (Matthew 25:41) as Elohim desires that all men be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth (1 Timothy 2:4). 

    So Hell is NOT evil but is a repository for Satan and the demonic angels as they do not die (Matthew 22:30) but will require eternal separation from humanity to thwart a repeat of the horrors they have inspired over the previous 6000-years (Revelation 20:10). Those who die the "second death" in Hell from humanity (Revelation 20:11-15) will do so as their unrepentant sin will NOT be permitted to enter the Kingdom as "nothing impure" (Revelation 21:27) will ever enter therein; again, as a bulwark against a repeat of the Adamic and Noahic generations and their defilement.

    2) You hate "our" deny faith in Him foolish.

    3) Atheism is "nonsense."

    4) Atheism is "complete nonsense."

    5) Use Chemistry to define the origin of matter and the complex human genome.

    6) "You see" is a promise...not an argument.
    1. If god did not want hell created, then, given his omnipotence, he could destroy it the moment it was created.

    2. Denying that something exists does not imply "hating" it. Unicorns do not exist; I do not hate unicorns.

    3. Okay...

    4. Okay...

    5. Do you want me to write you a paper?

    6. This is a debate website, not a church.

    1) Elohim DID want Hell created, that's why its relevant...Elohim created Hell specifically for the rebellious angels who initiated the Kingdom War...Hell is their eternal repository as angels do not die (Matthew 25:41).

    2) Your vitriol for our Creator and the Scriptures is well hate that which you don't know nor can you explain. What is your secretive sin that under girds your hatred for Scriptural Truth and Christianity?

    6) These pages are a church for hoard of demons freely express your secular humanist doctrine within them...don't be a hypocrite as well.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -   edited February 8
    RickeyHoltsclaw said:

    1) Elohim DID want Hell created, that's why its relevant...Elohim created Hell specifically for the rebellious angels who initiated the Kingdom War...Hell is their eternal repository as angels do not die (Matthew 25:41).

    2) Your vitriol for our Creator and the Scriptures is well hate that which you don't know nor can you explain. What is your secretive sin that under girds your hatred for Scriptural Truth and Christianity?

    6) These pages are a church for hoard of demons freely express your secular humanist doctrine within them...don't be a hypocrite as well.

    1) My point precisely.

    2) I do not "hate" anything. You do.

    6) There is no such thing as "a church for atheists".
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:
    RickeyHoltsclaw said:

    1) Elohim DID want Hell created, that's why its relevant...Elohim created Hell specifically for the rebellious angels who initiated the Kingdom War...Hell is their eternal repository as angels do not die (Matthew 25:41).

    2) Your vitriol for our Creator and the Scriptures is well hate that which you don't know nor can you explain. What is your secretive sin that under girds your hatred for Scriptural Truth and Christianity?

    6) These pages are a church for hoard of demons freely express your secular humanist doctrine within them...don't be a hypocrite as well.

    1) My point precisely.

    2) I do not "hate" anything. You do.

    6) There is no such thing as "a church for atheists".

    @MayCaesar ;  please type in @rickeyholtsclaw ; so I receive notification that you commented to me and not just a general comment on a forum topic?

    Atheism IS a religion for fools (Psalm 14:1).

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -   edited February 8
    Atheism is lack of belief in "god". Just like there is no church for people who do not believe in unicorns, there is no church for people who do not believe in "god".
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  

    1) Atheism is a work of the Devil among humanity...a path for the fool (Psalm 14:1) who seeks to rationalize and justify their sin as they love their edification of their flesh more than the love of our Creator and His righteous sovereignty. These are those fitted for the "second death" in Hell due their rejection of our Creator's love and sacrifice for their Path to eternal life with Him.

    2) A Church is a gathering place for those who love Jesus and honor the Holy Spirit's command to not forsake the assembly of ourselves together...but to gather in encouragement and Truth as we see the Day approaching.

    3) Church's are replete with imperfect people who desire to honor our Creator and love Him through faith in Jesus as our Messiah and honor Him with obedience to His will for our life and the lives our children, our family our Nation.
    MayCaesar said:
    Atheism is lack of belief in "god". Just like there is no church for people who do not believe in unicorns, there is no church for people who do not believe in "god".

    A church is kind of like a mental asylum: a place for people who believe in something the evidence of which is nil. People do not need church for holding the belief that 2+2=4: it is obvious. Nor do they need church for studying physics: they have a rigorous methodology. Churches are only needed for people who cannot tell fantasy from reality, and in the extreme case they are put in a mental asylum.
    I think that this is how religiosity is going to be viewed a couple of centuries from now: as a mental disorder.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  

    Have you ever produced a single original statement? You are just quoting one fantasy book over and over again. I have not seen anything from you that would constitute a, well, thought.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:

    Have you ever produced a single original statement? You are just quoting one fantasy book over and over again. I have not seen anything from you that would constitute a, well, thought.

    @MayCaesar ;  My words concerning my faith are those of the Holy words concerning your arrogance and I-d-i-o-c-y of atheism are from the heart.

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:
    Atheism is lack of belief in "god". Just like there is no church for people who do not believe in unicorns, there is no church for people who do not believe in "god".
    Interesting enough the Supreme Court ruled Secular Humanism a religion.  In Torcaso v. Watkins, see Blacks footnote 11.  Secular Humanism is identified as fitting the definition of a religion.  Belief in God was deemed not a condition of being a religion.

    Further, in 2014 a Federal court ruled:

    “[t]he court finds that Secular Humanism is a religion for Establishment Clause purposes.”

    As a system of beliefs, Secular Humanism qualifies.  Its not exactly the same thing as athiesm, but its close.  Atheism's key tenet is that no God exists.  As such it would fall into the category of religions.  
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  

    I was talking about neither "Secular Humanism" nor the belief that "god" does not exist. I was talking about the mere lack of belief in "god". If that is religion, then lack of belief in unicorns should also be called religion - where is the ruling on that?

    Also strange to use Supreme Court's ruling as authoritative whenever convenient, and condemn it otherwise. Definitions of words are determined by natural evolution of language, not by a central committee.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;  Why do you use "unicorns" as your reasoning for atheistic nonsense? Atheism is a secular religion...this is established by precedent.
    MayCaesar said:

    I was talking about neither "Secular Humanism" nor the belief that "god" does not exist. I was talking about the mere lack of belief in "god". If that is religion, then lack of belief in unicorns should also be called religion - where is the ruling on that?

    Also strange to use Supreme Court's ruling as authoritative whenever convenient, and condemn it otherwise. Definitions of words are determined by natural evolution of language, not by a central committee.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;

    KAUFMAN v. McCAUGHTRY (2005)

  • FactfinderFactfinder 948 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;  Why do you use "unicorns" as your reasoning for atheistic nonsense? Atheism is a secular religion...this is established by precedent.
    MayCaesar said:

    I was talking about neither "Secular Humanism" nor the belief that "god" does not exist. I was talking about the mere lack of belief in "god". If that is religion, then lack of belief in unicorns should also be called religion - where is the ruling on that?

    Also strange to use Supreme Court's ruling as authoritative whenever convenient, and condemn it otherwise. Definitions of words are determined by natural evolution of language, not by a central committee.

    Why do you use ignorance as 'reasoning' for your lying malicious god fairy nonsense? Christianity is bloody, misogynistic, bigoted religion... this is established by precedent. 
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;  Why do you use "unicorns" as your reasoning for atheistic nonsense? Atheism is a secular religion...this is established by precedent.
    MayCaesar said:

    I was talking about neither "Secular Humanism" nor the belief that "god" does not exist. I was talking about the mere lack of belief in "god". If that is religion, then lack of belief in unicorns should also be called religion - where is the ruling on that?

    Also strange to use Supreme Court's ruling as authoritative whenever convenient, and condemn it otherwise. Definitions of words are determined by natural evolution of language, not by a central committee.

    Why do you use ignorance as 'reasoning' for your lying malicious god fairy nonsense? Christianity is bloody, misogynistic, bigoted religion... this is established by precedent. 

    @Factfinder ; Please use my @rickeyholtsclaw when replying directly to me so I can know you've commented; otherwise, your comment appears as a general contribution to the forum. Thank you as your input is very important to me.

    1) Use of the Scriptures to rebut atheistic demonism is not "malicious god fairy nonsense" nor is Christianity "blo-ody, misogynistic, big-oted religion."

    I use Scripture in my rebuttal to your demon because it irritates him and arouses his ire...I learn much from how demons respond to my Lord's's very interesting, informative and useful.

    2) Christianity is not blo-ody...I will admit that Israel's Law Covenant was blo-ody due the mandates of animal sacrifices for sin-offerings which were a foreshadowing of the Messiah's blood atonement at Golgotha, but Christianity offers only one-blood source for the atonement of sin, the precious blood of Jesus Christ poured out for you in order that you can find forgiveness of sin and New Covenant relationship with the Father by faith in Jesus as your Messiah (1 Peter 1:18-19).

    3) When I hear the demon within an atheist cry-out "misogynistic, bigoted" I know and am alerted that I'm dealing with a demon who is possessed with blood-lust for the mur-der of babies in the womb and a facade of "women's rights" hypocrisy as the dem-onic LEFT-Democrats are feminist hypo-crites who cry-out for women's rights to mur-der their baby in the womb while protesting for trans-queers in women's sports.

    4) When I'm confronted with a demon who cries out "bigoted" it is, more times than not, a demon involved in aberrant sexual behavior; generally, homo-sexuality-lesbianism and/or trans-sex-ualism and that particularly per-verse demon loathes my Lord's words concerning sexual per-version.

    BTW - How is your demon doing?

  • FactfinderFactfinder 948 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;  Why do you use "unicorns" as your reasoning for atheistic nonsense? Atheism is a secular religion...this is established by precedent.
    MayCaesar said:

    I was talking about neither "Secular Humanism" nor the belief that "god" does not exist. I was talking about the mere lack of belief in "god". If that is religion, then lack of belief in unicorns should also be called religion - where is the ruling on that?

    Also strange to use Supreme Court's ruling as authoritative whenever convenient, and condemn it otherwise. Definitions of words are determined by natural evolution of language, not by a central committee.

    Why do you use ignorance as 'reasoning' for your lying malicious god fairy nonsense? Christianity is bloody, misogynistic, bigoted religion... this is established by precedent. 

    @Factfinder ; Please use my @rickeyholtsclaw when replying directly to me so I can know you've commented; otherwise, your comment appears as a general contribution to the forum. Thank you as your input is very important to me.

    1) Use of the Scriptures to rebut atheistic demonism is not "malicious god fairy nonsense" nor is Christianity "blo-ody, misogynistic, big-oted religion."

    I use Scripture in my rebuttal to your demon because it irritates him and arouses his ire...I learn much from how demons respond to my Lord's's very interesting, informative and useful.

    2) Christianity is not blo-ody...I will admit that Israel's Law Covenant was blo-ody due the mandates of animal sacrifices for sin-offerings which were a foreshadowing of the Messiah's blood atonement at Golgotha, but Christianity offers only one-blood source for the atonement of sin, the precious blood of Jesus Christ poured out for you in order that you can find forgiveness of sin and New Covenant relationship with the Father by faith in Jesus as your Messiah (1 Peter 1:18-19).

    3) When I hear the demon within an atheist cry-out "misogynistic, bigoted" I know and am alerted that I'm dealing with a demon who is possessed with blood-lust for the mur-der of babies in the womb and a facade of "women's rights" hypocrisy as the dem-onic LEFT-Democrats are feminist hypo-crites who cry-out for women's rights to mur-der their baby in the womb while protesting for trans-queers in women's sports.

    4) When I'm confronted with a demon who cries out "bigoted" it is, more times than not, a demon involved in aberrant sexual behavior; generally, homo-sexuality-lesbianism and/or trans-sex-ualism and that particularly per-verse demon loathes my Lord's words concerning sexual per-version.

    BTW - How is your demon doing?

    It's been my experience when dealing with christians they have something to hide. They want to confess pedophilia and perverted acts with animals so they lash out at smart people and accuse them of having perverse demons in them. It's the demon in you ricky, that unholy spirit that drives you to do such things. Turn yourself in and get psychiatric help. 
  • @Factfinder
    @MayCaesar ;  Why do you use "unicorns" as your reasoning for atheistic nonsense? Atheism is a secular religion...this is established by precedent.
    MayCaesar said:

    I was talking about neither "Secular Humanism" nor the belief that "god" does not exist. I was talking about the mere lack of belief in "god". If that is religion, then lack of belief in unicorns should also be called religion - where is the ruling on that?

    Also strange to use Supreme Court's ruling as authoritative whenever convenient, and condemn it otherwise. Definitions of words are determined by natural evolution of language, not by a central committee.

    Why do you use ignorance as 'reasoning' for your lying malicious god fairy nonsense? Christianity is bloody, misogynistic, bigoted religion... this is established by precedent. 

    @Factfinder ; Please use my @rickeyholtsclaw when replying directly to me so I can know you've 
    You sure you just don't want to be called RICKEY DALE HOLTSCLAW ? Now, that may be your real name or could be a name and a person you are impersonating. Either, shouldn't take too long to find out now eh. ;)

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;  Why do you use "unicorns" as your reasoning for atheistic nonsense? Atheism is a secular religion...this is established by precedent.
    MayCaesar said:

    I was talking about neither "Secular Humanism" nor the belief that "god" does not exist. I was talking about the mere lack of belief in "god". If that is religion, then lack of belief in unicorns should also be called religion - where is the ruling on that?

    Also strange to use Supreme Court's ruling as authoritative whenever convenient, and condemn it otherwise. Definitions of words are determined by natural evolution of language, not by a central committee.

    Why do you use ignorance as 'reasoning' for your lying malicious god fairy nonsense? Christianity is bloody, misogynistic, bigoted religion... this is established by precedent. 

    @Factfinder ; Please use my @rickeyholtsclaw when replying directly to me so I can know you've commented; otherwise, your comment appears as a general contribution to the forum. Thank you as your input is very important to me.

    1) Use of the Scriptures to rebut atheistic demonism is not "malicious god fairy nonsense" nor is Christianity "blo-ody, misogynistic, big-oted religion."

    I use Scripture in my rebuttal to your demon because it irritates him and arouses his ire...I learn much from how demons respond to my Lord's's very interesting, informative and useful.

    2) Christianity is not blo-ody...I will admit that Israel's Law Covenant was blo-ody due the mandates of animal sacrifices for sin-offerings which were a foreshadowing of the Messiah's blood atonement at Golgotha, but Christianity offers only one-blood source for the atonement of sin, the precious blood of Jesus Christ poured out for you in order that you can find forgiveness of sin and New Covenant relationship with the Father by faith in Jesus as your Messiah (1 Peter 1:18-19).

    3) When I hear the demon within an atheist cry-out "misogynistic, bigoted" I know and am alerted that I'm dealing with a demon who is possessed with blood-lust for the mur-der of babies in the womb and a facade of "women's rights" hypocrisy as the dem-onic LEFT-Democrats are feminist hypo-crites who cry-out for women's rights to mur-der their baby in the womb while protesting for trans-queers in women's sports.

    4) When I'm confronted with a demon who cries out "bigoted" it is, more times than not, a demon involved in aberrant sexual behavior; generally, homo-sexuality-lesbianism and/or trans-sex-ualism and that particularly per-verse demon loathes my Lord's words concerning sexual per-version. Don't allow Satan to have the can do it...

    BTW - How is your demon doing?

    It's been my experience when dealing with christians they have something to hide. They want to confess pedophilia and perverted acts with animals so they lash out at smart people and accuse them of having perverse demons in them. It's the demon in you ricky, that unholy spirit that drives you to do such things. Turn yourself in and get psychiatric help. 

    1) If I had "something to hide," your demon would be the last to know.

    2) Of all the sexual per-verts I incarcerated during my long law enforcement career and my four-shifts in one of the largest homosexual communities in the United States, I don't remember ever having arrested a professing, practicing, Christian but I will testify that your demon, the atheist demon, was over represented in sexually per-verse segments as reflected on my arrests blotters.

    3) You require spiritual intervention...your demon is powerful...obviously more powerful than you as your conscience is seared and your mind trashed by the unholy presence of per-version and hatred for what is holy and good and're in a bad way and only Jesus can make intercession for you and heal you, today!

    4) Atheism is mental and spiritual the Scriptures, read the beautiful "Gospel of John" and find life and freedom and exorcise that demon that controls your mind, body, soul. Don't allow Satan to rule your life...overcome evil with good.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;  Why do you use "unicorns" as your reasoning for atheistic nonsense? Atheism is a secular religion...this is established by precedent.
    MayCaesar said:

    I was talking about neither "Secular Humanism" nor the belief that "god" does not exist. I was talking about the mere lack of belief in "god". If that is religion, then lack of belief in unicorns should also be called religion - where is the ruling on that?

    Also strange to use Supreme Court's ruling as authoritative whenever convenient, and condemn it otherwise. Definitions of words are determined by natural evolution of language, not by a central committee.

    Why do you use ignorance as 'reasoning' for your lying malicious god fairy nonsense? Christianity is bloody, misogynistic, bigoted religion... this is established by precedent. 

    @Factfinder ; Please use my @rickeyholtsclaw when replying directly to me so I can know you've 
    You sure you just don't want to be called RICKEY DALE HOLTSCLAW ? Now, that may be your real name or could be a name and a person you are impersonating. Either, shouldn't take too long to find out now eh. ;)

    @ZeusAres42 ;

    1) That's my full can read about me at  -  enjoy.

    2) I'm on FB at Rick Holtsclaw...

    Enjoy your treasure hunt ....

  • @RickeyHoltsclaw

    So, if I contact that person on those sites they will confirm it is indeed you? 

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  

    So, if I contact that person on those sites they will confirm it is indeed you? 

    I am the person on those sites...comment to this and I'll respond:
  • @RickeyHoltsclaw

    I sent an email. 

  • @RickeyHoltsclaw

    The guy on that site sounds very passionate about religion and also a somewhat decent guy. It seems very inconsistant with what you do here. 

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  

    I sent an email. 

    @ZeusAres42 ; You sent an Email where and to whom? Just make a comment on the article I sent you..I'll respond. Not an Email...that goes through Wordpress...I don't access that.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 948 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;  Why do you use "unicorns" as your reasoning for atheistic nonsense? Atheism is a secular religion...this is established by precedent.
    MayCaesar said:

    I was talking about neither "Secular Humanism" nor the belief that "god" does not exist. I was talking about the mere lack of belief in "god". If that is religion, then lack of belief in unicorns should also be called religion - where is the ruling on that?

    Also strange to use Supreme Court's ruling as authoritative whenever convenient, and condemn it otherwise. Definitions of words are determined by natural evolution of language, not by a central committee.

    Why do you use ignorance as 'reasoning' for your lying malicious god fairy nonsense? Christianity is bloody, misogynistic, bigoted religion... this is established by precedent. 

    @Factfinder ; Please use my @rickeyholtsclaw when replying directly to me so I can know you've commented; otherwise, your comment appears as a general contribution to the forum. Thank you as your input is very important to me.

    1) Use of the Scriptures to rebut atheistic demonism is not "malicious god fairy nonsense" nor is Christianity "blo-ody, misogynistic, big-oted religion."

    I use Scripture in my rebuttal to your demon because it irritates him and arouses his ire...I learn much from how demons respond to my Lord's's very interesting, informative and useful.

    2) Christianity is not blo-ody...I will admit that Israel's Law Covenant was blo-ody due the mandates of animal sacrifices for sin-offerings which were a foreshadowing of the Messiah's blood atonement at Golgotha, but Christianity offers only one-blood source for the atonement of sin, the precious blood of Jesus Christ poured out for you in order that you can find forgiveness of sin and New Covenant relationship with the Father by faith in Jesus as your Messiah (1 Peter 1:18-19).

    3) When I hear the demon within an atheist cry-out "misogynistic, bigoted" I know and am alerted that I'm dealing with a demon who is possessed with blood-lust for the mur-der of babies in the womb and a facade of "women's rights" hypocrisy as the dem-onic LEFT-Democrats are feminist hypo-crites who cry-out for women's rights to mur-der their baby in the womb while protesting for trans-queers in women's sports.

    4) When I'm confronted with a demon who cries out "bigoted" it is, more times than not, a demon involved in aberrant sexual behavior; generally, homo-sexuality-lesbianism and/or trans-sex-ualism and that particularly per-verse demon loathes my Lord's words concerning sexual per-version. Don't allow Satan to have the can do it...

    BTW - How is your demon doing?

    It's been my experience when dealing with christians they have something to hide. They want to confess pedophilia and perverted acts with animals so they lash out at smart people and accuse them of having perverse demons in them. It's the demon in you ricky, that unholy spirit that drives you to do such things. Turn yourself in and get psychiatric help. 

    1) If I had "something to hide," your demon would be the last to know.

    2) Of all the sexual per-verts I incarcerated during my long law enforcement career and my four-shifts in one of the largest homosexual communities in the United States, I don't remember ever having arrested a professing, practicing, Christian but I will testify that your demon, the atheist demon, was over represented in sexually per-verse segments as reflected on my arrests blotters.

    3) You require spiritual intervention...your demon is powerful...obviously more powerful than you as your conscience is seared and your mind trashed by the unholy presence of per-version and hatred for what is holy and good and're in a bad way and only Jesus can make intercession for you and heal you, today!

    4) Atheism is mental and spiritual the Scriptures, read the beautiful "Gospel of John" and find life and freedom and exorcise that demon that controls your mind, body, soul. Don't allow Satan to rule your life...overcome evil with good.

    How many choir and alter boys did you do?
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; ZERO...
  • @RickeyHoltsclaw

    I made a comment on one of the articles. 

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -   edited February 8

    I'm a Christian...I do my very best to love others and treat them the way they want to be treated but in the arena of guys are a hoard of're arrogant, narcissistic, perverse, abortionists...I deal with you they way you deal with my Lord.

  • @Factfinder
    @MayCaesar ;  Why do you use "unicorns" as your reasoning for atheistic nonsense? Atheism is a secular religion...this is established by precedent.
    MayCaesar said:

    I was talking about neither "Secular Humanism" nor the belief that "god" does not exist. I was talking about the mere lack of belief in "god". If that is religion, then lack of belief in unicorns should also be called religion - where is the ruling on that?

    Also strange to use Supreme Court's ruling as authoritative whenever convenient, and condemn it otherwise. Definitions of words are determined by natural evolution of language, not by a central committee.

    Why do you use ignorance as 'reasoning' for your lying malicious god fairy nonsense? Christianity is bloody, misogynistic, bigoted religion... this is established by precedent. 

    @Factfinder ; Please use my @rickeyholtsclaw when replying directly to me so I can know you've commented; otherwise, your comment appears as a general contribution to the forum. Thank you as your input is very important to me.

    1) Use of the Scriptures to rebut atheistic demonism is not "malicious god fairy nonsense" nor is Christianity "blo-ody, misogynistic, big-oted religion."

    I use Scripture in my rebuttal to your demon because it irritates him and arouses his ire...I learn much from how demons respond to my Lord's's very interesting, informative and useful.

    2) Christianity is not blo-ody...I will admit that Israel's Law Covenant was blo-ody due the mandates of animal sacrifices for sin-offerings which were a foreshadowing of the Messiah's blood atonement at Golgotha, but Christianity offers only one-blood source for the atonement of sin, the precious blood of Jesus Christ poured out for you in order that you can find forgiveness of sin and New Covenant relationship with the Father by faith in Jesus as your Messiah (1 Peter 1:18-19).

    3) When I hear the demon within an atheist cry-out "misogynistic, bigoted" I know and am alerted that I'm dealing with a demon who is possessed with blood-lust for the mur-der of babies in the womb and a facade of "women's rights" hypocrisy as the dem-onic LEFT-Democrats are feminist hypo-crites who cry-out for women's rights to mur-der their baby in the womb while protesting for trans-queers in women's sports.

    4) When I'm confronted with a demon who cries out "bigoted" it is, more times than not, a demon involved in aberrant sexual behavior; generally, homo-sexuality-lesbianism and/or trans-sex-ualism and that particularly per-verse demon loathes my Lord's words concerning sexual per-version. Don't allow Satan to have the can do it...

    BTW - How is your demon doing?

    It's been my experience when dealing with christians they have something to hide. They want to confess pedophilia and perverted acts with animals so they lash out at smart people and accuse them of having perverse demons in them. It's the demon in you ricky, that unholy spirit that drives you to do such things. Turn yourself in and get psychiatric help. 

    1) If I had "something to hide," your demon would be the last to know.

    2) Of all the sexual per-verts I incarcerated during my long law enforcement career and my four-shifts in one of the largest homosexual communities in the United States, I don't remember ever having arrested a professing, practicing, Christian but I will testify that your demon, the atheist demon, was over represented in sexually per-verse segments as reflected on my arrests blotters.

    3) You require spiritual intervention...your demon is powerful...obviously more powerful than you as your conscience is seared and your mind trashed by the unholy presence of per-version and hatred for what is holy and good and're in a bad way and only Jesus can make intercession for you and heal you, today!

    4) Atheism is mental and spiritual the Scriptures, read the beautiful "Gospel of John" and find life and freedom and exorcise that demon that controls your mind, body, soul. Don't allow Satan to rule your life...overcome evil with good.

    How many choir and alter boys did you do?

    Catholic Church = one of the biggest pedophilia institutions in history! 

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -   edited February 8
    You know, ever since I realized that Santa was not real around the age of 4, I could never fully accept that people could genuinely believe in "god" and other fantastic things. A part of me has always given them an extreme benefit of doubt, where they believed all this in some metaphorical sense, and everything they said was not supposed to not be taken quite literally...

    But then I meet yet another nutcase on this website, or on Youtube, or screaming at people near the Lincoln Memorial (that guy has been at it for years now) - and wonder... Maybe some people are actually fully 100% serious about it. That those people also engage in very atypical for humans behaviors such as yelling at crowds, threatening everyone, walking around in ragged clothes and mumbling something - suggests that I have been underestimating all this time the depth human madness can potentially reach.
  • ZeusAres42ZeusAres42 Emerald Premium Member 2773 Pts   -   edited February 8

    I just posted on one of the articles and I yet have no response. Until that person confirms it's you, you are a fraud. 

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  

    I made a comment on one of the articles. 

    I answered: "Zeus was a god."
  • @RickeyHoltsclaw

    Thanks for confirming. 

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    @ZeusAres42 ;  Sure thing...enjoy.
  • ZeusAres42ZeusAres42 Emerald Premium Member 2773 Pts   -   edited February 8

    I'm a Christian...I do my very best to love others and treat them the way they want to be treated but in the arena of guys are a hoard of're arrogant, narcissistic, perverse, abortionists...I deal with you they way you deal with my Lord.

    I'm sorry, what Atheist has come to you and/or your site and shoved nothing but hate for you and your religion down your throat like almost every hour for the last few weeks? 

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