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Member, joined August 2018

694 Points    17 Badges     76 Debates     3644 Arguments    

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O.D.S.L.: 1310 points | Formal And Formalish Debate Wins: 0/1 | Formal And Formalish Debate Losses: 1/1


Last Active
  • Who exactly were the Founding Fathers in terms of religion and secularism etc?


    I like this new perspective for the website:

    ("Debra AI Civility." Now, comments are checked for civility before being posted. If an argument is found to be uncivil, it's not posted. This revolutionary feature will improve civility on DebateIsland. )
  • Who is the most Divisive? Round 4

    The Premier Divisive individual is you @Happy_Killbot.

  • Who is the most Divisive? Round 2


    Can you explain your internet divisiveness with this quotation from you?

    "Black lives Matter F***s"
    "the FBI, CIA, NSA, and police."

    Do you have an issue with Black Lives Matters?

    Do you maybe have a divisive issue with the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Police also?

  • Should a majority religion force the entire country to follow their rules?


    Where is your Real World evidence, to support your claims?

    Do you have any evidence, where any citizen, has filed a Restraining Order against any Religion for it forcing anyone to do anything according to any Religion?

    Maybe for Religion stalking any citizen?

    Or for any Religion to tell any citizen, to commit any crimes? 

    Do you have any evidence, where any Religious building has been protested, because the Religion was forcing citizens, to do this or that?

    "I believe in a secular government when it comes to religion. I don't think it is fair that everyone should be forced to follow rules of one religion when it is first and foremost, a belief.

    People should be allowed to follow any religion they want, but I think logic, facts, and evidence from the real world make more reasonable and fair laws.

    For example, murder being illegal, should be viewed as punishment for the unlawful killing of a citizen, and not because god said it was wrong. Is this fair?" 
  • Is it irrational to hate President Trump?

    For the current household named Liberals, it's easy for them to dislike Trump.

    Because disliking is easier for them to do, instead of doing their Political jobs, for the American Public as a whole, instead of doing their jobs to self suit their bigoted Liberal opinions, towards the President.

    They're again, Liberally preaching to their follower choirs, and or constituent fan bases.

    If these Trump Impeachment Liberals authentically cared about the country, they would have presented Legitimately Sound evidence, that would have prompted, a bunch of the Conservatives lawmakers, to join their Liberal ranks, to Impeach Trump as a collective group?

    So where is that Legitimately Sound evidence at, I guess that the Trump Impeachment Liberals, still haven't managed to indoctrinate enough of the Conservative lawmakers, to get those Conservatives to think, and view Trump, through the same lens, that the Liberals, are using, along with not getting those same Conservatives, to adopt their Liberal preaching skills, as well?

    Jeffries, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, and the rest of their Liberal collective, are slowly loosing their grasp on how they want the rest of the non Liberal Voters, to view Trump through their Liberal lenses?

    CNN, and MSNBC, have been singing the praises of the Trump Impeachment Liberals, for almost 2 days now.

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