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  • Was Jesus a communist?


    Your shared link is an OPINION piece.
    A speculative OPINION piece.


    "OPINION: Jesus is a communist"



    "Jesus of Nazareth is a figure who is often emulated for his emphasis on kindness, mercy and love, but many of his disciples seem to miss a very large part of his teachings in their attempts to mimic his virtues."



    "Many of Jesus’ ideas would be considered controversial in the modern world, but his attitudes regarding economics would be especially radical, aligning less with the conservative views of many of his followers and more with the far-left views we now call communist."


    "However, the mainstream interpretations of Jesus’ philosophy seem to ignore or undermine his economic ideals, most often in the interest of preserving capitalism. American history has given us many examples of Biblical interpretations being used to excuse harmful institutions such as slavery and attempt to de-radicalize the image of popular figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. It is only responsible that we separate Jesus’ relationship with money from that of any churches who stand to profit financially from more capitalist interpretations of his words."



    "We can read stories about Jesus’ emphasis on communal practices, like sharing meals and labor and starting the tradition now referred to as “communion.” We can also see that he has a particular interest in the needs of people who his society would rather abandon such as women who had committed adultery and those with leprosy or physical disabilities."

    "He tells his followers to forgive their debtors, that they should not store up treasures on earth and that they cannot serve both God and money. In Matthew 21, he becomes so enraged by people using a temple for economic exchange, he starts flipping tables."

    "In Matthew 19, a rich man approaches him for instruction and Jesus tells him to give up all his possessions and give the money to the poor.


    “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God,” Jesus said in Matthew 19:24 NIV.



    This notion that a rich person would have to stop being rich in order to follow him is explicitly incompatible with capitalist thinking. Why make people choose between following him and pursuing wealth unless he dislikes the effects of wealth and hopes to counteract them in some way by encouraging an alternative lifestyle among his followers?



    Despite the context and direct nature of his statement, it seems to be interpreted quite differently by many wealthy and influential Christians who have yet to give up their possessions.



    Under capitalism, interpretations favored by rich people are given more of a platform. This has created the exact type of hierarchy among Jesus’ fans that he devoted so much time to warning against. His attempts to redistribute power are often downplayed, and this is interpreted instead as a story about how nobody is perfect.



    "SIUE is home to a large Christian population, including 20 Christian organizations, whose members I sincerely hope will avoid such a convenient dismissal of this issue. All of us at SIUE, Christian or otherwise, should question the motivations of our sources. Information is never presented without an agenda, and it is alarmingly common for information to be presented in deceitful ways."



    "An idea as simple as “love your neighbors” can be used to promote the exact opposite message. I hope that any readers seeking to understand Jesus’ words will think critically about their own ideologies as well and whether they align more closely with the whitewashed commercial version that grants wishes or the radical political figure portrayed in the Bible."



    What published book of Science, are you talking about that can be used by you or any Atheist, to cooberate your below statements?

    "The advocation you are making applies to christians, not atheists." 

    "The proof is on our side. We have centuries of science on our side and you have one dusty old book."

    Maybe Einstein wrote a Science book?

    Maybe Richard Dawkins wrote a Science book?

    Maybe the Atheist Revolution website, has written a book on Science?

    And all of these probable written Science books, could be used by you to help you cooberate your statement?

    "Interesting fact: God commands the old and weak and disabled to be slaughtered. Ezekiel 9:6."

  • I am Pro-Life Change my Mind...


    "Do you support the Death Penalty, Euthanasia, etc? Or are you actually really pro-life at all?"

    Are you here to bully people with your own spin on how you look at the pro Life conversation?


    Are trying to tell me, others how to think?

    "@TKDB it really is quite simple. If you are against abortion because you support life then you cannot say that you support the death penalty as that is the very act of taking away a life also.  If you say you are pro life except in cases of the death penalty this is nothing more than a fallacy of special pleading. You're either pro Life which means support for all life or you're not."

    Because an abortion, is no different from the Death Penalty, is it?

    But here you are, trying to tell people, that their thinking is a fallacy, because they're not seeing things according to the words coming out of your own mouth right?

    How does a fetus deserve to be aborted because two consensual adults were too lazy to use contraceptives, before being intimate?

    Is an incarcerated prisoners life, more important than an unborn babies life is, ZeusAres42, because that question should be easy to answer right?

    @ZeusAres42 ;
    Rape is a fallacy, isn't it?
    Sexual assault is a fallacy, isn't it?
    Abortion is a fallacy, isn't it?

    @ZeusAres42 ;
    Are you pro incarcerated prisoner?

    Are you pro Abortion?

    Are you pro family, or are you pro criminal, and pro offender? 
    (Because if you're pro criminal, and offender, then how can you be pro family at the same time?)


    Because if you're pro incarcerated prisoner, and pro criminal, and pro offender, while being pro Abortion at the same time, then the rhetoric that you've been shoveling in my direction, makes sense. 







    Darwin, Wallace, Evolution, and Atheism

    Originally posted at From Starts to Stalagmites

    "Peter Hitchens, younger brother of the late Christopher, says in the notorious London Daily Mail that the implication of evolution “is plainly atheistical, and if its truth could be proved, then the truth of atheism could be proved. I believe that is its purpose, and that it is silly to pretend otherwise.” Pat Robertson claims that “the evolutionists worship atheism.” Richard Dawkins tells us that he lost his faith in God when he learned about evolution, the claim that evolution is intrinsically atheistical is used repeatedly by advocates of creationism, including that bizarre oxymoron, “scientific creationism”, and the Discovery Institute’s Wedge Document describes it as part of a malignant materialism that debunks traditional views of both God and man. Discovery Institute fellows also coached Ann Coulter, who went on to tell us that evolution is itself a discredited religion, related to the mental disorders of liberalism and godlessness."

    The article is both enlightening and educational.

    It entails the conversations in regards to Evolution and Atheism.



    Where is your said evidence at, to support you claim? 

    (Maybe from YouTube, MSNBC, FOX, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, OAN, WHRO, PBS, and so on?)

    "We have mountains of evidence for Evolution and we are all still waiting on even one peer approved paper disputing such and as yet, Nada , ZIP , Zilch , Zero......."

    I Googled "Evolution," and these Scientists were mentioned:

    Charles Darwin
    Alfred Russel Wallace
    Richard Dawkins
    Stephen Jay Gould
    Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
    Theodosius Dobzhansky
    Gregor Mendel
    Ernst Mayr
    Charles Lyell
    Thomas Henry Huxley
    Erasmus Darwin
    Georges Cuvier

    Can you derive any Evolution supporting evidence from those Scientists, and link or share your findings with this forum? 

    Or maybe the below could be of some assistance to you, as well?


    What is evolution?

    In biology, evolution is the change in the characteristics of a species over several generations and relies on the process of natural selection.

    • The theory of evolution is based on the idea that all species? are related and gradually change over time.
    • Evolution relies on there being genetic variation? in a population which affects the physical characteristics (phenotype) of an organism.
    • Some of these characteristics may give the individual an advantage over other individuals which they can then pass on to their offspring. 

    What is natural selection?

    • Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution states that evolution happens by natural selection.
    • Individuals in a species show variation in physical characteristics. This variation is because of differences in their genes?.
    • Individuals with characteristics best suited to their environment are more likely to survive, finding food, avoiding predators and resisting disease. These individuals are more likely to reproduce and pass their genes on to their children.
    • Individuals that are poorly adapted to their environment are less likely to survive and reproduce. Therefore their genes are less likely to be passed on to the next generation.
    • As a consequence those individuals most suited to their environment survive and, given enough time, the species will gradually evolve. 

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