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Member, joined August 2018

694 Points    17 Badges     76 Debates     3644 Arguments    

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O.D.S.L.: 1310 points | Formal And Formalish Debate Wins: 0/1 | Formal And Formalish Debate Losses: 1/1


Last Active
  • Is being GOOD good enough to earn God's gift of eternal Life?


    And the Internet is a tool used by some as a false attitudinal device, because some are of the false attitude, that the artificiality of the internet gives any non religious talking head, any sort of an advantage because they're using the internet as their own non religious pulpit device.

    Preaching is still preaching, whether by a Religious individual, or a non Religious individual.

    "Looking back at my path out of the oppression and madness of religion, the thoughts of most religious people are as if they are in grief, but never get out of the "denial" stage. The delusion of everlasting life and the fear of eternal damnation has left them stunned in a state of subservience, a childish inability to grow and develop as humans.

    I am convinced that the purpose of religion has been to gently guide those who can not think into a state of willful subservience at their own hand, so that the elite of society can take advantage of them without a revolution.

    The religious live their lives in a dream of fantasy, one from which they are afraid to wake up."
  • Deputy tases woman, 70, while trying to make arrest at her home


    If you have an issue, take it up with Aarong? 
  • Should humans genetically engineer themselves?


    Dude, I'm not playing your Happy Killbot self pandering game.

    I prefer that you keep your brain matter to yourself. 

    So you can apply, your "Internet Brain Matter" game with someone else, who's less fortunate enough to let you play with how they should view things from YOUR way of thinking?

    "1). What help was received by Dr He Jiankui to perform this experiment?

    2). What is the purpose of the genetic alteration?

    3). At what stage was the genetic treatment administered to the twin?

    4). How many couples had Dr He Jiankui recruited to perform these experiments on, and who's consent was required?

    5). What was China's initial reaction to the actions of Dr He Jiankui?

    Answer these questions in open format. Most of them you can not get from news articles."

    Have a good day, Dr. He Jiankui supporter? 

  • The word Atheist shouldn't even exist.

    An Atheist to me, equates to a non religious individual.

    Whether they are a Doctor or not.
  • Should humans genetically engineer themselves?


    What Real World evidence can you use to explain your statement?

    "@TKDB I think you are just a failed scientific experiment."

    Some and their individual opinion, and perception are easy to experiment with, on the Internet. 

    Are you trying to use my word's, as part of an experiment from the individual confines of your own mind? 

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