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Member, joined August 2018

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  • What has been the most influential book in your life?


    Im sorry that you disagree with the Internet Book.

    But you and others, are amongst some of the best co authors of this book, that I've ever had the Internet supplied opportunity to learn from.

    Your Chapter.

    @ZeusAres42 Chapter.

    All of the above Chapters, can be found, in the still being written in the yet to be published Book, called, "The Internet."

    The Internet is its own special type of Book.

    And nearly every day, it fails to amaze me, with its various co-author's lushly expressing themselves with such Internet provided ideological vigor. 

    The non Religious, and the Religious, among some of the other Chapters that Humanity has written into the Internet Book.
  • Proving the Bible right for the last time.

    God, and Jesus, they are on their own timetables.

    Therefore, some of Humanity, can express what they want, and demand what they will.

    Thus, making it more entertaining to watch any non Religious individual, saying, or expressing, what they wish to, from behind their own closed doors, or via the artificial means on the Internet.

    The non Religious entertainment, is the same either way.

    And is a priceless way to educate the Public of the Internet. 

  • What has been the most influential book in your life?

    The Non Published Book, still in the process of being written, by the millions of participants who add to its artificial pages each day.

    The Book called, "The Internet."

    And it's plethora of Chapter's on:

    The Atheists, The Theists, along with the other Non Religious Organizations.

    Along with every Religion that is being represented by its participants as well.

    Abortion, Adoption, and the billions of opinions, and perceptions that have been written, in regards to Contraceptives, Abortion, and Adoption in the same Abortion conversation light.

    Politics; The Liberal, the Socialist Liberal, the Conservative, and the Independent views on the subject of Politics.

    The Gun Violence Crimes Chapter.

    The Pro Gun Extremists Chapter.

    The NRA Chapter.

    The Religion of the Pro Gun Extremist, in regards to what the Second Amendment says, when it comes to the right to bear arm's.

    But still no where in the Second Amendment, does it say, that any individual, has a Right to bear any illegal arms, now does it?

    There's the subject of Science, that helped to put Humanity on the Moon.

    And then, there's the other subject, of "Science," that can be used to discredit God, Jesus, or the Bible, at the behest of the various individuals, and their individual arguments, or perceptions? 

    The Chapter on War.

    The Chapter on Peace.

    The Chapter on how Humanity came to exist on Earth.

    The Chapter on how some of Humanity views others through the various individual lenses that some use to define others with?

    The Lens of how some view the Rich?

    The Lens of how some view the poor, and the homeless.

    The Lens of how some view Taxation and Revenue.

    The Lens of how some view the Criminals and the Offenders, and the Illegal Immigrants, or illegal aliens.

    Both from a Pro point of view Lens, and from a Negative point of view Lens.

    And these individual Lenses exists, because this is how some have gone about defending their individual platforms.

    That benefit some of the Criminals, the Offenders, and the Illegal Immigrants, or Aliens.

    Or that benefit the Public as a whole, because everyone is has the Right, to live their lives, without their individual lives being infringing on by the Criminal acts, that get committed daily, by those same Criminals, Offenders, and Illegal Immigrants, who commit their crimes daily.

    Thus victimizing their victims, and the families, of those victims as well.

    All of the above Chapters, can be found, in the still being written in the yet to be published Book, called, "The Internet."

  • When your time comes, in what way would you preferred to be remembered?

    1) Maybe, for your life on the internet, and how you expressed yourself via your individual perception or opinion, and how you treated other's?
    In a positive or a negative way?

    2) Or for your life, away from the internet?
    And how you lived your life, and worked at improving your family life, your community life, and at bettering your own life? 

    We all cross paths, with various individuals, whether in real life, or on the internet, which in a sense defines who we are.

    And our words, perceptions, and opinions, combined create a psychological imprint, on how we have affected others, and ourselves. 

    So basically, it comes down to, what any individual views as being endearing to them, individually?

    Your real life based life?

    Or your internet based life? 
  • The Trump Impeachment Liberals, just made fools of themselves before the Public.

    Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi.

    Rep. Adam Schiff

    Rep. Jerry Nadler

    Rep. Chuck Schumer

    And the other Trump Impeachment Liberals, via the Impeachment event this evening in Washington D.C. have embarrassed themselves before the rest of the non Liberal voters, who will most likely vote, some of these Liberal Politicians out of their respective offices with the various upcoming Election cycles.

    They just took their own Liberal Political careers, and forfeited them, because of how they just treated the rest of the country through their Impeachment Vote. 

    They do not speak, or represent me, or for many of the other Conservative, and Independent individuals, who aren't relying on these Liberals for their Liberal handouts, that these Liberals use to pander to their Liberal followers, or fan bases with, day after day.

    The Sanctuary Cities, Sanctuary handouts, via giving the millions of illegal immigrants sanctuary, in a country based on Law's.

    The free this, and the free that handouts.

    The rest of the country deserves better, than how some of the Liberal followers, treat it?

    The legal U.S. citizen followers?

    And the illegal immigrant followers?

    The 2020 Election cycle, is already glowing on the horizon, with Liberal pink slips, ready to be handed out by the non Liberal Voters. 


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