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Member, joined August 2018

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  • Proposals on how to tackle the issue of gun related crime


    How could you ban the illegal guns, that the illegal gun dealer, sold to the illegal gun owners?

    The criminals, and offenders it would seem apparently, have the advantage, via in how they are getting their guns to commit their crimes with, right?

    393 million guns in the United States exists, outnumbering the 325 million US citizens altogether, is a bizarre fact.

    A way to equal the illegal gun debacle that has slowly been evolving in the US for years now, destroy the guns by melting them down, and give the illegal gun owner, a mandatory death sentence, Nationwide?

    "Banning most guns won't stop people from getting guns illegally and killing people."

  • Proposals on how to tackle the issue of gun related crime



    You're a pro gun enthusiast individual, who apparently wants to relable, the 393 million guns that exist in the United States, along with the illegal guns that have been sold by the illegal gun dealers, to the career criminals, offenders, who have used their illegal guns to kill people with, as inanimate objects?

    Your argument, failed, because your "ignorance" word, failed your counter argument, for you.

    "tell ya what why don't you pull up the most recent interview of Mr. Pollock who's daughter was shot 9 times at the school in Florida, see what he thinks about arming teachers, then get back to me.  Perhaps learn more about the topic so you don't come off so ignorant about it?"

  • Does Marijuana legalization,

    "The following are facts and statistics on substance use in the United States in 2013, the most recent year for NSDUH survey results. Approximately 67,800 people responded to the survey in 2013."

    "Illicit Drug Use*

    Illicit drug use in the United States has been increasing. In 2013, an estimated 24.6 million Americans aged 12 or older—9.4 percent of the population—had used an illicit drug in the past month. This number is up from 8.3 percent in 2002. The increase mostly reflects a recent rise in use of marijuana, the most commonly used illicit drug.

    Graph of past-month illicit drug use in 2013 Numbers in Millions Illicit drugs 246 marijuana 198 Prescription drugs 65 cocaine 15 hallucinogens 13 inhalants 05 heroin 03

    Marijuana use has increased since 2007. In 2013, there were 19.8 million current users—about 7.5 percent of people aged 12 or older—up from 14.5 million (5.8 percent) in 2007.

    Use of most drugs other than marijuana has stabilized over the past decade or has declined. In 2013, 6.5 million Americans aged 12 or older (or 2.5 percent) had used prescription drugs nonmedically in the past month. Prescription drugs include pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants, and sedatives. And 1.3 million Americans (0.5 percent) had used hallucinogens (a category that includes ecstasy and LSD) in the past month.

    Cocaine use has gone down in the last few years. In 2013, the number of current users aged 12 or older was 1.5 million. This number is lower than in 2002 to 2007 (ranging from 2.0 million to 2.4 million).

    Methamphetamine use was higher in 2013, with 595,000 current users, compared with 353,000 users in 2010.

    Graph of past-month use of selected illicit drugs From 2002 to 2013 trends for hallucinogens cocaine and prescription drugs have steadied or declined Marijuana trend has increased

    Most people use drugs for the first time when they are teenagers. There were just over 2.8 million new users of illicit drugs in 2013, or about 7,800 new users per day. Over half (54.1 percent) were under 18 years of age.

    More than half of new illicit drug users begin with marijuana. Next most common are prescription pain relievers, followed by inhalants (which is most common among younger teens).

    Pie chart of first specific drug associated with initiation of drug use in 2013 Of 28 million initiate users Marijuana 703 pain relievers 125 inhalants 63 tranquilizers 52 stimulants 27 hallucinogens 26  sedatives 02 cocaine 01

    Drug use is highest among people in their late teens and twenties. In 2013, 22.6 percent of 18- to 20-year-olds reported using an illicit drug in the past month.

    Graph of past-month illicit drug use by age in 2012 and 2013 Eighteen to 20 year-olds 239 in 2012 and 226 in 2013 Twenty-one to 25 year-olds 197 in 2012 and 209 in 2013

    Drug use is increasing among people in their fifties and early sixties. This increase is, in part, due to the aging of the baby boomers, whose rates of illicit drug use have historically been higher than those of previous generations."

    Graph of past-month use among adults 50 to 64 years old In 2013 50 to 54 year-olds 79 55 to 59 year-olds 57 60 to 64 year-olds 39

    "After alcohol, marijuana has the highest rate of dependence or abuse among all drugs. In 2013, 4.2 million Americans met clinical criteria for dependence or abuse of marijuana in the past year—more than twice the number for dependence/abuse of prescription pain relievers (1.9 million) and nearly five times the number for dependence/abuse of cocaine (855,000).
    Graph of specific illicit drug dependence or abuse in the past year 2013 Number in thousands Marijuana 4206 pain relievers 1897 cocaine 855 heroin 517 stimulants 469 tranquilizers 423 hallucinogens 277 inhalants 132 sedatives 99

    There continues to be a large "treatment gap" in this country. In 2013, an estimated 22.7 million Americans (8.6 percent) needed treatment for a problem related to drugs or alcohol, but only about 2.5 million people (0.9 percent) received treatment at a specialty facility."

    "Addiction Statistics

    Knowing the statistics of addiction can provide an understanding of the risks as well as reassurance that you are not alone, as addiction affects millions of people.

    Statistics of Addiction in America"

    "Addiction is more common than many realize. There were approximately 20.6 million people in the United States over the age of 12 with an addiction in 2011.

    Although most people don’t get the treatment they need, over 3 million people in 2011 received treatment for their addiction. Learn more about your treatment options today.

    • Over 20 million Americans over the age of 12 have an addiction (excluding tobacco).
    • 100 people die every day from drug overdoses. This rate has tripled in the past 20 years.
    • Over 5 million emergency room visits in 2011 were drug related.
    • 2.6 million people with addictions have a dependence on both alcohol and illicit drugs.
    • 9.4 million people in 2011 reported driving under the influence of illicit drugs.
    • 6.8 million people with an addiction have a mental illness.
    • Rates of illicit drug use is highest among those aged 18 to 25.
    • Over 90% of those with an addiction began drinking, smoking or using illicit drugs before the age of 18."

    "Alcohol Statistics

    Alcoholism is one of the most common addictions affecting Americans. It is also an addiction that goes untreated in many cases because of the legality of the substance. However, the recorded rates of alcoholism are decreasing (18.1 million people in 2002 to 16.7 million in 2011), but the addiction is still a cause for concern. Find out more about your alcohol treatment and recovery options.

    • Binge drinking is more common in men; 9.1% of men 12 and older reported heavy drinking 5 or more days in a month, while 2.6% of women reported this.
    • Over 11% of Americans have driven under the influence.
    • Out of 16.6 million people with alcoholism, 2.6 million were also dependent on an illicit substance.
    • It is estimated that over 95% of those who need treatment for alcoholism do not feel they need treatment.
    • More people receive treatment for alcohol than any other substance.
    • Over 30% of those who received treatment in 2011 reported using public or private health insurance to pay for treatment."
    More information on the illegal drug statistics.
  • Does Marijuana legalization,


    Cowardly huh?

    A doctor high on weed, and practicing medicine isnt cowardly? 

    A parent getting high on weed, isn't cowardly?

    A drugged driver, driving a car, while high on weed, isn't cowardly?

    Do you maybe view the above individuals as anti societal hero's, maybe according to your pro illegal drug philosophies? 

    "Joe is smoking weed alone in his living room."

    If Joe, is smoking weed, in a state, where weed use is illegal, then he is being detrimental to himself, and to the law making weed illegal as well. 
  • Who was the smartest person in the world

    Two people, Albert Einsten, and Jesus.

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