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Member, joined August 2018

694 Points    17 Badges     76 Debates     3644 Arguments    

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O.D.S.L.: 1310 points | Formal And Formalish Debate Wins: 0/1 | Formal And Formalish Debate Losses: 1/1


Last Active
  • Atheism is awesome

    Oh boy, the Athiest conversation, blooms again, like algea blooming in a body of water. 
  • An exploration of the Second Amendment


    From Veteran to Veteran, I feel sad, and sorry for you.

    Not one single life lost to any unlawful Gun Violence in the United States is acceptable.

    And, it's a very sickening fact, that some in the United States, are dragging their feet, on people getting killed by a Mass shooters one sided firefight, against any US citizen, is showing the mentality that some have adopted for their individually owned guns.

    The NRA is wrong.

    And those Civilian Veterans, deserve better, than how they get treated by some, because some people seem to value their individual guns, over the lives of those around them, that they could care less about?

    The pro gun extremists mentality?

    Hey, US citizens, purchase a GUN, to avoid being victimized by a Mass shooter, or a criminal, or an offender, with their illegally owned GUNS,  because, if you don't buy a gun, YOU'RE allowing yourself to become a victim.

    Oh, and leave the Second Amendment alone, because it's precious, with it's 18th century wording, and works perfectly in the 21st century, with the grotesque amounts of gun violence that it happening in the United States, every day.

    Police Officers, and civilians alike have been murdered, by gun violence for how many decades now? 

    Please, use the NRA, to defend your pro gun ownership, and for the pro gun extremists to defend, their gun ownership, as well.

    Because apparently, the NRA, some of the pro gun owners, and the pro gun extremists, are the gate keepers of the Second Amendment, as it's written.

    And what a failure, of an Amendment it is. 

    @ZeusAres42 ;

    Have any comments to make? 

  • An exploration of the Second Amendment


    I'm not a Whole Truth disciple of yours John.

    I have nothing to add to your individual Whole Truth conversation. 
  • An exploration of the Second Amendment


    Because it is wrong.

    And its sad, that some of the pro gun crowd, are in a sense pushing their gun ownership on the rest of the country?

    I don't care if a citizen owns a gun.

    But don't, in a sense, act like the rest of the public, who doesn't own a gun, should mindfully cater, to their opinions about their gun ownership, because of how they view the Second Amendment?

    The Second Amendment, as it's currently written, isn't fair, and equal to the rest of the country, who doesn't own a gun.

    It's fair to the gun owners, and it's fair to the NRA, and I guess, it's fair to those companies that manufacture guns, in the United States?

    And because of how it's currently written, there's millions of guns both legal, and illegal, that have been created through the wake, of how the Second Amendment, is being abused, by the criminals, offenders, and the first time offenders, who have used their guns to kill Police Officers, and citizens alike?

    That's the kind of unequal, and unfair treatment that the Second Amendment, as it's written, isn't providing for. 

    That's wrong, for the victims of the gun violence crimes.
  • Is Donald Trump REALLY that bad?


    The country deserves a Border Wall, not more Sanctuary Cities, that have been pandering to the 22 million illegal immigrants, who are already here illegally.

    It doesn't deserve, to see more recreational marijuana legalized in the rest of the U.S., just to pander to those marijuana user's, marijuana use?

    Because the above examples are what Socialist Liberal, and Liberal thinking looks like.

    And the United States as a whole, deserves better Leadership, than the below list of individuals, could provide to the country as a whole, because Socialist Liberal, and Liberal thinking, only addresses, the Socialist Liberal, and Liberal followers, who identify with the below list of individuals right?

    So how would they being President, make the country better, being that their constituents needs, and their political needs, would undermine the country, as a whole? 


    "the worst"

    Below are the worst:

    Joe Biden.

    Hillary Clinton.

    (Nancy Pelosi.
    Chuck Schumer.
    They are on the list as honorable mentions.)

    Kamala Harris.

    Beto O'Rourke.

    Cory Booker.


    Bernie Sanders.

    Elizabeth Warren.


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