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Member, joined August 2018

694 Points    17 Badges     76 Debates     3644 Arguments    

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O.D.S.L.: 1310 points | Formal And Formalish Debate Wins: 0/1 | Formal And Formalish Debate Losses: 1/1


Last Active
  • Is Donald Trump REALLY that bad?


    And when it came to the ACA, did Obama tell the entire truth, or did he tell enough of a story, to make the ACA appealing, or seem like it was a fair and equal act? 

    Where is your supporting information to support your below claims?

    "T-Rump, on the other hand, lies every day (11,000 and counting), He not only whittled away at the ACA, he TOOK IT AWAY from many children (one of his very first moves), He intentionally separated children (child abuse), from their parents and LOST them. He admitted (even bragged about) sexually abusing women. He passed a tax bill selling it as "for the middle class", while telling his rich friends "I just made you a LOT richer!". He said he was going to be TOO BUSY to play as much golf as Obama did, then proceeded to cost taxpayers $millions playing FAR MORE, and at his own courses (where he charged the Secret Service obnoxious prices to do their job)! He put his non-security vetted son-in-law (666) in high security jobs where he is a danger to the country. He has secret meetings with the now Russian President that can't be trusted, but, that's better than the recorded meetings of Obama … somehow. He insults war heroes in Normandy, insults our allies constantly, insults Congress persons constantly, demands loyalty from government offices that are supposed to be loyal to THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. He's castrated our National Security Departments AND the State Department. He's destroying our National Parks, allowing polluters to function without much control at all. Pouring tax money  into a few farmers to slow their destruction. Taking in $millions from foreign countries at his hotels and resorts (and Trump Tower). He's deregulating Wall Street and mega banks so they can screw the people as they did in the last conservative administration. He's allowing the drug cartel to filch Americans of $billions. He's STILL trying to take away our health insurance. 
    Let's see, have I forgotten anything?? yes, many things, but, I don't like to make myself angry."
  • Are liberals the true bigots?


    Read the below:

    So in other words, you don't have any individual evidence to support your expressed statement? 

    And no links, to support your counter argument?
    "Why don't you ask YeshuaRedeemed for evidence that liberals are the true bigots? 
    So much for a person who claims he is an honest, equal, and fair conversationalist eh TKDB?"

    Do you know me, to make this claim? 

    "So much for a person who claims he is an honest, equal, and fair conversationalist eh TKDB?"

    I'm an equal and fair debate individual, I'm about equality when it comes to debating. 

    I like to be educated on both sides of any debate, this way, I'm being educated, in an equal, and fair manner.

    Wouldn't you maybe view that, as a fair and equal premise, to be educated on, by any debate?  

    Are CNN, and MSNBC educating the viewing public, in a fair, and equal manner?

    No, that wouldn't appear to be the situation, being that their viewership, are primarily liberal oriented?

    The proof is in their own programming, so you can turn your TV on, and tune in to either channel, and be educated, by their mindset? 

    Listen to the choice narratives on either channel? 

    @ZeusAres42 ;

    "So in other words you admit that you are not an honest, impartial and Equal conversationalist as you have claimed in other debates. And you also admit that all liberals are biggots. Your above response answers those questions."

    I haven't admitted a thing to you, ZeusAres42, have I?

    Being that my Independent, and educated clarity is sound.

    I'm pro unborn baby, pro children, pro family, pro law abiding, pro public, and pro "Old School Journalism."

  • Are liberals the true bigots?


    Where's your individual evidence to support this statement, from you, towards "YeshuaRedeemed?"

    "No, you're the true bigot. (said sarcastically btw)."

    And what does your individual statement, have to do with the theme of the forum? 
  • Is Religion Ever Child Abuse?


    Have a good day John. 
  • Are Cops Held To A Lower Standard Than Civilians?


    Sure you didn't.

    "Yea... Ummm... I clearly won this debate and have no intention in continuing with this childish charade above me.

    I also don't care about the algorithm claiming the debate is a "tie" as the algorithm obviously goes by the number of responses one gives, as opposed to the quality of such answers.

    If the algorithm were anything useful, I would be "winning" this with a slam dunk success."



    Are you frightened of standards outside of your own?

    Let me ask you a real world question, are you maybe pro criminal, and offender oriented?

    And the police, and the citizens of even your own country, who deal with the illegal offenses committed against the innocent citizens of your country?

    Are you even pro criminal, or offender oriented, when it comes to those same offenders committing crimes, against your own countrymen?

    And some of the police, are maybe viewed by you as having lower standards, then the criminals, and offenders, of your own country? 

    The above is an international question, in regards to how you maybe you view the criminals, and offenders, verses how you view law enforcement? 


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